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sunshine2 Wed, Mar-15-06 15:15

Sunshine's quest to be Fab at Forty
Joined a gym February 25th

Feb 25th workout
evening workout
30 min treadmill - 3.4 mph

Feb 26th
evening workout

Feb. 27

Feb 28
Begin my AM workout routine
Cardio 30 min
Upper body work out (ubwo)

March 1
Cardio 2.0 miles 40 min

March 2
Cardio 1.89 miles 35 min

March 3

March 4

March 5
Cardio 2.21 miles (jogged & walked)

March 6
Cardio 1.94 miles

March 7
Cardio 1.9 miles

March 8
Not a major workout day, met with personal trainer
he changed my entire routine.
He recommended jumping on teadmill 5-10 min to warm up
then do UBWO 2x's per week, LBWO 2x's per week - after warming up on treadmill - start with weight lifting - after I do my weight lifting, then if I want, go back and do cardio.

March 9

March 10
20 min treadmill

March 11

March 12
No W/O

March 13

March 14

March 15
Cardio only 35 min treadmill/1.97 miles

Trying to incorporate the PT suggestions, but having a hard time. Have been exercising in the AM.

sunshine2 Wed, Mar-15-06 15:54

This weeks exercise program has gotten a little messed up - but here are the plans for this week - next week it will change.


No w/o


20 min cardio

LBWO (I will have more time on Friday to devote some serious time to my Lower Body)
20 min cardio

Cardio 45 min

Cardio 20 min

sunshine2 Thu, Mar-16-06 09:46

Am Exercise
6 min on Elliptical - .38 miles (just to warm up)

Triceps - 20 lbs (3 sets of 12 reps)
Biceps - 10 lbs (3 sets of 12 reps)
Shoulders - 27.5 lbs (3 sets of 12 reps)
Chest - Did butterfly - 15 lbs (3 sets of 12 reps)
Back - (Row Machine) 3 sets of 12 reps 30 lbs

Back on Elliptical Machine - 12 min .77 miles

Kept heart rate up, worked intensely today.

After Lunch -
Did 15 min on Elliptal machine - 1.28 miles.
127 calories burn off

sunshine2 Sat, Mar-18-06 15:46

Friday - March 17th - BAD BAD GIRL
No W/O

Saturday - March 18
10 min treadmill 3.5 mph - got heart rate up
LBWO - Had to had some more weights - could tell i'm getting stronger
Worked Abs

sunshine2 Sun, Mar-19-06 21:41

Sunday - March 19th
Cardio -
30 min on Elliptical machine
(2.37 miles - 243 calories -)
Worked abs.

sunshine2 Sun, Mar-19-06 21:46

I didn't accomplish what I had hoped this week with my exercise - I missed 2 days of exercise - worked my upper body twice and my lower body only once - Did do my cardio about 3 times.

Next weeks goals



cardio only




Day off

I want to try out the body pump class they have at the gym. Its one hour long, there is more info on it at - it is supposed to be the fastest way to get into shape, you can burn up to 600 calories in a class. You work with weights -

sunshine2 Mon, Mar-20-06 08:17

Monday March 20
Upper Body Workout
Elliptical machine 10 min

sunshine2 Wed, Mar-22-06 08:36

Tuesday March 21 PM exercise

Didn't get to the gym until the evening time

10 min treadmill - warmup
15 min Elliptal

sunshine2 Wed, Mar-22-06 20:40

Wednesday - March 22
PM Exercise

Cardio only
40 min Elliptal Machine
2.83 miles, 320 cal

Felt good to work this hard. I can tell my body is getting stronger, I went for 40 min. the longest I have been able to go to date. Tomorrow is upper body - lets hope I can get out of bed and do it in the AM.

sunshine2 Fri, Mar-24-06 08:10

Thursday - March 23
Late AFternoon exercise - got the gym around 4:45 - stayed 1 hr

10 min Treadmill - warm up
UBWO - didn't feel like I got a true workout, might have to up the weight
Elliptal Machine - 15 min - I was sweating thru this, worked hard

sunshine2 Sat, Mar-25-06 19:04

Friday - March 24

Took to day off - No W/O

sunshine2 Sat, Mar-25-06 19:12

Saturday - March 25th

Treadmill warm-up .54 miles (10 min) 2% incline 3.3 mph

Leg extensions - 30 lbs 3 set of 12 (Quads)

Leg Press - 100 lbs 1 set of 12 (Quads)

Dumbell Lunges (used 5 lbs dumbells for each arm) - Did 1 set of 12 for each legg (Hamstrings)

Lying Leg Curls 30 lbs - 3 sets of 12 (Hamstrings)

Worked the inner thighs with machine (not sure what machine is called - but upped the weights to 70 lbs) BURN baby BURN 3 sets of 12

Worked outter thighs on machine - 50 lbs - 3 sets of 12 - this also works your butt - and I can really feel my butt shrinking. :agree:

Calves - did standing Calve raises 27.5 lbs 2 sets of 12

Worked calve machine 90 lbs - 1 set of 12

Abs - Worked ab machine - 3 sets of 25

Did Sides with Ab machine 50 lbs - 3 sets of 12 for each side.

Back on Elliptical machine - 20 min and 5 min cool down. 1.72 miles.

All in all - I had a GREAT workout on my Lower Body - I was thinking I didn't have that great of workout at first, it was about 5 hours ago that I worked out, My rear is hurting and my hamstrings. I thing the lunges (even though I could only do one set) really worked. Will start working those in more often. However, I feel that I will be really sore tomorrow.

Also - today is my 1 month anniversary with joining the gym. I never thought I would actually start to like exercise. Actually, I guess I should say I don't like it, however, I like the way I feel when I do exercise and I hate the way I feel if I miss an exercise session. I can't wait until 3 months from now to see the progress. On the 8th, I will get measured again at the gym, and I will post my numbers. I know that I have lost inches - today my sister in law told me "wow, your really losing weight".

Last night at dinner my brother in law told me "Your looking good". Yes, please tell me that some more, I love the compliments, even though I have soooo far to go, I feel that I can do this and I don't care how long it takes me to get there, I know I will get there!

sunshine2 Mon, Mar-27-06 08:50

Sunday - March 26th
SORE - SORE - SORE - can barely walk and sitting on the toilet was pure torture this morning. My Butt and hamstrings are sore - my quads are very sore to the touch. I love this feeling.

Yes, I will say I had a good workout - maybe a bit too much yesterday. Not able to do anything today.

shushu Mon, Mar-27-06 21:32

Hi Sunshine, just dropping by to say hi. Great job on your days of cheat free (wow 83!) You are an inspiration. Keep up the good work. Sara

sunshine2 Tue, Mar-28-06 08:50

Monday March 27th

9 min stationary bike (warmup)
upper body workout
25 min treadmill

I think I need to spend more time on my upper body workouts, it seems I finish in about 20 min. I do my back, my shoulders, my biceps, my triceps. But I do it in a circuit training mode, I jump form machine to machine, keeping my heartrate up, but I always do three sets of 12. But just thinking its going too fast.

sunshine2 Tue, Mar-28-06 08:54

I need to find out if there is a suppliment I should be taking while working out, trying to build muscle, lose fat. Don't know much about suppliments. I guess I will go search the board and see if there is any discussion on it.

Thanks Shushu for swinging by, yes, I'm still cheat free and love it.

sunshine2 Tue, Mar-28-06 23:44

Tuesday March 28th PM

Cardio only
Elliptical machine
35 min
2.51 miles
327 calories

sunshine2 Thu, Mar-30-06 13:37

Wednesday March 29

TOO TIRED - Too stressed
Took the day off
No W/O

sunshine2 Thu, Mar-30-06 13:40

Thursday March 30 Afternoon Exercise

Took a long lunch and went to the gym

10 min treadmill (warm-up)
Leg Ext - 30 lbs 2 x at 12 reps
Squats - 80 lbs 1 x at 12 rep

30 lbs 2 x at 12 reps
35 lbs at 12 reps

Standing Calve raises 27.5 2x at 12
seated calve raises 80 lbs 1x at 12

Inner thighs
70 lbs 3 x at 12 reps - very difficult

outter thighs
50 lbs 3 x at 12 reps
20 min Elliptical machine

Leg presses
1 x at 12 rep

bench - 1 x at 25
machine 2 x at 25
Obliques - 3 x at 50 lbs

Elliptical - 20 min (1.41 miles)

Some days you feel like you have had a great workout - today was not one of them! I just felt like I didn't work my muscles to the high points (or to the fullest). But oh well, I did exercise. Saturday morning will be a full hard core LBWO!

If ANYONE reads this, and knows ANYTHING about suppliments, please give me your input - I need to know some advice on what suppliments I should be taking to build muscle - burn fat! I know there are some out there, but just not sure how much I should take and what I should take. Which ones are good?

I'm pretty new to all this working out stuff, however, I am getting better! I'm on my 5th week - and each week I can see my muscles starting to form, (underneath the fat) I can see the inches disappearing and my strength is increasing.

galatia Thu, Mar-30-06 15:36


I have a question for you, I'm pretty new to the working out and was wondering - what supplements should I be taking to build muscle and burn fat - lots of it.

I'm on my 5th week of working out consistantly, doing 5 days a week, but aiming for 6.

I take a multi-vitamin but thats it. Any suggestions?
Hi there. The only supplements I take with any regularity are my multi-vitamin and creatine. Lately I've been taking DHEA and 5-HTP. I use protein powder for after weight training and mix the creatine 5 gr. with it. As far as fat burners, I have no suggestions for that.

Did someone fix your weight training plan for you? I'm glad you are making some nice progress. :)

sunshine2 Thu, Mar-30-06 16:19

Originally Posted by galatia
Did someone fix your weight training plan for you? I'm glad you are making some nice progress. :)

Kinda/sorta - I met with a personal trainer (my gym allows 2 private visits) - He suggested doing warm-up for 10 min then weight training - he suggest 2 x a week for upper and 2 x for lower - then do cardio for 15 min (if I want) I'm trying to do cardio 5 x's per week, the days off of weight training I do about 30-45 min of cardio. Any suggestions?

I've heard Creatine is the suppliment to take - I drink a protein (Designer's Whey Protein) after my workouts (usually an hour after) so I think I will start mixing some creatine in with it as well.

I am seeing progress, but being impatient, I want it now! But it is coming. I am proably going to do a BFL (Body For Life) challenge 5/1. But in the meantime, I'm just getting used to exercise and making it a WOL.

sunshine2 Mon, Apr-10-06 07:14

Day 1 of 84 - BFL challenge

Weight when I took measurements 202 - dropped 6 lbs in one night - holding a ton of water - but finally released it!
Beginning Weight as of this morning 196
Waist 38 3/4 (OMG)
Hips 45 1/2 (yikes)
chest 40
neck 15
calf 15 1/2
thigh 25 1/2 - this is just plain sick
Body Fat % 42.36 (this can't be right, its totally obese)
Lean Body Mass 114
BMI 32 (not sure what BMI is - but thats my number)

Goals - first and foremost, I gotta lower the body fat % - that is just rediculous and its sick that its that high. I want to be realistic, so I'm hoping to get the body fat % down to 33 % - My ultimate goal is to get it in the 20's, but will be happy for now if I can get it in the 30's - I will then work on getting it lower.

Second goal is to complete this 12 week challenge - I don't want to be a quitter I want to say I did it. No matter how much weight I lose or don't lose, I know that in 12 weeks if I stick to the program, I should see some results.

Begin time 5:23 am
Ending time 6:30 am (53 min - 5 min was warmup time)

Treadmill 5 min (warmup)


Incline Dumbbell Press 12x ~ 3lbs (6 lbs total)
10 x ~ 5 lbs
8x ~ 8 lbs
6x ~ 10 lbs
12x ~ 8 lbs
Duimbbell flyers 12x ~ 8 lbs
*not sure I hit the high point, might want to go up to 10 lbs for the last 12 reps

Side Raises 12x ~ 3lbs (one in each arm in all)
10x ~ 5lbs
8X ~ 5 lbs
6x ~ 8 lbs
12x ~ 5 lbs
Seated dynbbell press 12x ~ 5 lbs

Wide Grip pulldown 12x ~ 12.5 (really easy)
10x ~ 25.0
8x ~ 37.5
6x ~ 50.0
12x ~ 37.5
One arm dumbbell 12x ~ 8 lbs (probably need to go up to 10 lbs next time)

dumbbell extensions 12x ~ 1 lbs (start iwith with 2 lbs next time)
10 x ~ 3 lbs
8x ~ 5 lbs
6x ~ 8 lbs
12x ~ 5 lbs (might do 8 next time)
Machine triceps 12x ~ 30 lbs

Seated dumbbell curls 12x ~ 3 lbs
10x ~ 5 lbs
8x ~ 8 lbs
6x ~ 10 lbs
12x ~ 8 lbs
Hammer curls 12x ~ 8 lbs

It was a pretty good workout, I hit my high point on several of the exercises, will modify my next UBWO which will be on Friday

sunshine2 Tue, Apr-11-06 07:10

Day 2 of 84 (BFL CHALLENGE)
Cardio Day
Begin time 6:00 am - Ending time 6:20 am

Elliptical 20 min - hit my high point! Felt GOOD!

sunshine2 Wed, Apr-12-06 07:32

C1 - DAY 3 of 84 - Wednesday, April 12
Begin time 5:24 am
Ending time 6:31 am


5 min warm up - bike

Leg Extensions
12x ~ 10lbs
10X ~ 20 lbs
8 X ~ 20 lbs
6 X ~ 30 lbs
12x ~ 25 lbs
Squats (machine)
12x ~ 100 lbs

lying leg curls
12 X ~ 10
10 x ~ 20
8 X ~ 25
6 x ~ 30
12x ~ 20
Dumbell lunges
12x ~ 8 lbs (killed me)

CalvesSanding Calf raises
12x ~ 12.5
10x ~ 25
8x ~ 25 lbs
6x ~ 37.5
12x ~ 25 lbs
Angled calf raises
12x ~ 8lbs (might need to move dumbbells to 10lbs next time)

Ab Roller
12,10,8,6,12 (did Oblique machine ~ 50 lbs - 12x each)
decline sit-ups
12 x's (NEVER AGAIN - killed my back) Incline bench was too much -
Felt the ab workout was not all that it could have been - next LBWO will need to revamp my ab workout - not happy with what I did today.

Inner Thighs
Hip Abduction
1 ~ 30lbs
2x ~ 50 lbs (next time last 12, move to 70 lbs)

Outter thighs
Hip Abduction
3 ~ 50 lbs

My legs feel shakey this morning, I know I had a pretty good workout. I can feel my hamstrings burning already - so I know sitting down tomorrow will be a bit painful.

sunshine2 Wed, Apr-12-06 07:50


3/8/06 to 4/9/06

3/8 Waist 41.5 4/9/06 38 3/4 inches lost = 3 3/4" (yay)
3/8 Hips 48 4/9/06 45 1/2 inches lost = 2 3/4 "
3/8 chest 43 4/9/06 40 inches lost = 3"
3/8 calf 17 1/2 4/9/06 15 inches lost = 2 1/2"
3/8 thigh 29 1/4 4/9/06 25 1/2 inches lost = 3 3/4"

In one months time, I lost a total of 15 3/4" - Very happy with that!

sunshine2 Thu, Apr-13-06 13:20

C1 - Day 4 of 84, Thursday April 13th
Neck in horrible pain this morning - slept in, body needed the rest.

Worked out on empty stomach during lunch - 12:15 - 12:40pm

Elliptical Machine 22 min (I think I hit a 9)

Will work harder next time on hitting my high point.

Legs feel tight today.

sunshine2 Fri, Apr-14-06 07:51

C1 - Day 5 of 84, Friday April 14
Bengin time 5:39
Ending time 6:35

5 min treadmill

Incline dumbbell press
12 - 3lbs
10 - 5 lbs
8 - 8 lbs
6 - 10 lbs
12 - 8 lbs
Dumbbell flyes - 12 - 8 lbs

Side raises
12 - 3 lbs
10 - 5 lbs
8 - 5 lbs
6 - 8 lbs
12 - 5 lbs
Seated Dumbbell press 12 - 5 lbs

Wide grip pullovers
12 - 12.5
10 - 25.0
8 - 37.5
6 - 50 lbs
12 - 37.5 lbs
one arm dumbbell 12 - 8 lbs

dumbbell extensions
12 - 3 lbs
10 - 3 lbs
8 - 5 lbs
6 - 8 lbs
12 - 5 lbs
Machine triceps 12 - 35 lbs

incline dumbbell curls
12 - 3 lbs
10 - 5 lbs
8 - 8 lbs
6 - 10 lbs
12 - 8 lbs
Hammer curls - 12 - 8 lbs

Shoulders were worked hard and Biceps, next time will need to work back harder.

sunshine2 Mon, Apr-17-06 07:22

C1 - Week 1 - Day 6 - Saturday, April 15 2006

Elliptical Machine 20-HIIT

Sunday - FREE DAY - No exercise!

sunshine2 Mon, Apr-17-06 07:28

C1, Week 2, DAy 8, Monday, April 17, 2006

5 min warm-up Recumbant Bike

Leg Extensions
12 ~ 10 lbs
10 ~ 30 lbs (did this on accident - meant to be 20)
8 ~ 25 lbs
6 ~ 30 lbs
12 ~ 25 lbs
leg squat machine / 12 ~ 100 lbs

lying leg curls
12 ~ 10 lbs
10 ~ 20 lbs
8 ~ 25 lbs
6 ~ 30 lbs
12 ~ 25 lbs
Dumbbell lunges 12 ~ 8 lbs (definitely hit a 10) burned!

Rotary Calf machine
12 ~ 50 lbs
10 ~ 60 lbs
8 ~ 65 lbs
6 ~ 70 lbs
12 ~ 60 lbs (next time raise all the weights)
angled calf raises - 12 ~ 8 lbs (next time go to a 10 lbs)

Ab roller
Ab machine

Inner & outter Thighs on Hip Abduction
12 ~ 30, 12~ 50, 12 ~ 70

sunshine2 Tue, Apr-18-06 07:51

C1 - WEEK 2, DAY 9 OF 84, TUESDAY APRIL 18th
Tired this morning, but got up and made it happen! I love the new me!

20 min Elliptical Machine - HIIT

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