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avnndd Thu, Oct-20-05 07:34

One Day at a Time, October 20 to 25 posts
Hey, all you former PPBB people, I've decided to try this out and see if we can keep up with it here.

For new people, One Day at a Time is just a place to catch up on personal day-to-day happenings, musings and philosophical ramblings...

Hope it works!

BTW, MamaT has her surgery in the morning...she's pretty worried, but has peace about has to be done!

SherryJ Thu, Oct-20-05 11:11

Worried AND peace... is that possible?!?!?!? ;) DO give her my love, and let her know I've been praying for her, Aaron...

Any news on a house for you guys yet? Haven't let that one go yet either! :D

A slow day here... well, if you consider about 10 loads of laundry slow, LOL! I've not felt well the last few weeks, and have been having MAJOR sleep challenges AGAIN... sigh... I do NOT want to go on drugs for this, but the natural stuff leaves me feeling drugged too, so I don't know what to do...

I'm starting day ONE of NEANing... hold me accountable, Gang?

Gotta scoot... I promised the boys we'd watch "Swiss Family Robinson" today, so I'm off.

Hope YOUR day is great!

avnndd Thu, Oct-20-05 12:06

Geez, NEANing, aGAIN??? I have been on a carbocoaster the past week...I was so sick last Wednesday that I couldn't even think about eating...then the next day I started eating everything in's been on and off like that ever since (except the sick part).

MamaT's worries stem from her mom dying at age 51 from a blood clot after surgery...that's her main concern. Plus, of course, the safety of the baby.

SherryJ Thu, Oct-20-05 14:04

Yes, Again! I WILL WIN!!!

I can understand her concerns... I'd have the same, I'm sure...


SherryJ Fri, Oct-21-05 10:39

Aaron, I'm right there with you guys today... prayers, love and hugs!

When you get a chance, let us know how surgery went?


hawk-cry Fri, Oct-21-05 14:03

Aaron, I know about trust and peace, but I'm human and losing something precious to me hurts really bad no matter how God works it for my good in the end.
I lost a child at 4 1/2 months along. I don't know what sex it was. I only know it's in heaven and we will meet one day along with the other child I lost at 8 weeks. It doesn't hurt as bad now but it was 30 years ago.After all they get to be with Jesus always.
I am praying for you and your family all throughout the day. :)

Sherry, :wave: I HAVE to be neaning. I have an ulcer form meds my doc had me on for blood pressure and headaches and I am off the meds now .(my doctor does not know it) I have not yet bought a blood pressure cuff but I need to soon.. I think that it would keep me on track.
I'll sure join you. I don't know why this is so hard to stick to lately. No salt, no bacon,no sausage, the things I love about this diet. Can't do cream on my strawberries or the pain in my stomach soars. I am drinking a litre of freshly made cabbage juice a day along with bits of chicken and fish and a little boneless lean pork. Can't do fruit at all right now. I wake up in the night in so much pain. I am taking meds for the ulcer...prevacid.
Hawthorne berries are supposed to do the same thing the meds he had me on did.. open the ateries. So I've switched to them.
I really do need support too. :wave:
I'm with you on the neaning grill friend!!!!. :agree:

SherryJ Fri, Oct-21-05 14:08

Got 'cher back, Hawk! Day TWO here... :D WE can!


belfrybat Fri, Oct-21-05 17:47

I don't normally post on the One Day thread, but will drop in more often for mutual encouragement. Aaron, would you consider letting this thread go longer than 25 posts? This Board moves so fast, the thread will get lost on the 3rd or 4th page really quickly. I'd like to bookmark it so I can find it easier, but if it only goes to 25 posts, that won't work. I know I'm a newcomer to the thread, so if I'm being too picky, just ignore.

I will keep MamaT and you in my prayers over the next few days as she has the surgery.

Hawk, I've never had ulcers, but my mother did. I feel for you.

Today ended up being a day in town for me. We have decided to carpet the public areas of the Chapel House (except the chapel, which we want to refinish the wood floors eventually). Home Depot is having a sale and I ended up spending over an hour arranging for the measuring, ordering carpet, etc. Then a couple of more stops and the day was gone. Incredible.

avnndd Fri, Oct-21-05 18:11

You know, I was thinking about that...on the old board, 25 posts worked better, but I think on this one, we can just "let 'er ride!"

MamaT did GREAT and she and unborn baby are doing fine. They will stay the night and hopefully come home tomorrow.

Thanks for the prayers, y'all!

SherryJ Fri, Oct-21-05 18:15

Brigit-Carol, since I was the original originator of this thread, I'll say YES... what a great idea! :D Let's do it... and, then one day, someone will say, "Can we PLEASE start a new thread?!?!?" ;)

And, speaking of questions, would YOU have a challenge if I typed you as BC? My fingers seem to flop all over your name, LOL!

What color did you pick for the carpet?

Evening kids have arrived, and I'm off to fix fajitas! The Mom brought homemade brownies, and I'm soooo trying to ignore them. But, I will NOT cave!


Ottawa Fri, Oct-21-05 22:35

I find myself in the same boat as Belfrybat (BC), "I don't normally post on the One Day thread, but will drop in more often for mutual encouragement.".

I'm sorry to hear about your health and the side effects of the meds, Hawk. The "drinking a litre of freshly made cabbage juice a day" almost made me gag :Puke: but I hope that you regain control of your health. You were a great support on the old board and it's great to see you here.

I noticed a few more names on the PP JAVA Room as well, including LarryAJ.

This thread offers a great way to stay in touch and to relate within the group that has been together so long. Sherry, you had wondered about combining this thread and Movers and Shakers. I have not received Lita's reponse yet but I think as Belfry points out ("This Board moves so fast, the thread will get lost on the 3rd or 4th page really quickly"), there should be no problem keeping both active (always on the main page), especially if it grows and the link stays the same (ie:save this page in your favorites).

Anyway, I like to support Billie as well and check the Yahoo site twice daily. I like her daily thought and while she is hoping for some sort of deliverence with a new board that could be tomorrow or in several months. The owner/webmaster here, Wa'il, is very amicable towards our old board, found it a great resource, and has welcomed us in, hoping that our board returns in some format.

I look forward to reading your posts and seeing the old gang. The Monthly Movers and Shakers will change to show each month and possibly some focus on different aspects of the PP program, hopefully common to the other LC followers here since there is at least one in M's & S's.

Hang in Hawk. I miss your Pic.
Remember to drink up your juice. ;)

belfrybat Sat, Oct-22-05 03:01

Brigit-Carol, since I was the original originator of this thread, I'll say YES... what a great idea! :D Let's do it... and, then one day, someone will say, "Can we PLEASE start a new thread?!?!?" ;)

Great! I've bookmarked it and hope to post often. Next week will be a bit of a challenge as I'm preparing for our annual Diocesan Convention. Need to get brochures made up and Prayer Beads completed and priced. This is one of the few times our little community is "visible" to the larger church, but it sure takes a lot of work getting ready for it.

And, speaking of questions, would YOU have a challenge if I typed you as BC? My fingers seem to flop all over your name, LOL!

It is a mouthful, isn't it? BC is fine with me. Folks around here usually truncate it to Brigit as well -- either works. :)

What color did you pick for the carpet?

We are evenly divided between "mushroom" and "desert tan". Actually they are very close, but the mushroom seems a bit warmer to me. At any rate, it will be a medium "dirt colour" to mask all the dust and mud we track in. The carpet is a low pile Stainmaster and supposed to clean up well. I certainly hope so as I'm really tired of sweeping and mopping the floors and still having them look dirty. The planks have dried out so there's 1/4 - 1/3" cracks between them and dirt filters down and is difficult to clean. We thought about sanding and refinishing the floors, but since some of the planks are warped and with the large cracks, we were cautioned by a professional not to do it. Plus the cost would be more than laying carpet.

Evening kids have arrived, and I'm off to fix fajitas! The Mom brought homemade brownies, and I'm soooo trying to ignore them. But, I will NOT cave!

Homemade brownies? I'm sure glad I dont have to fact that temptation! :yum:

hawk-cry Sat, Oct-22-05 08:00

Hi ,
Thank GOd our prayers were answered.MamaT's condition has bugged me ever since you first posted it.I am releaved. Let her know how glas I am and how many of us were cheering her on and will continue to do so. :dazzle:

Randy, I can never remember how to put a picture on here. :doah: Last time you helped me with it and sent me a llink to put it on here in an e-mail. We have a new computer and your saved site is gone from my e-mail list.
So far today I am not in intense pain. I slept the whole night for the first time in a month. and you are right cabbage juice is gaggy. :Puke:

Sherry THanks :D

SherryJ Sat, Oct-22-05 12:19

"I don't normally post on the One Day thread, but will drop in more often for mutual encouragement."

YAY!!! :D

Anyway, I like to support Billie as well and check the Yahoo site twice daily.

Me, too, Randy!!!

...there should be no problem keeping both active (always on the main page), especially if it grows...

And, there we have it! :agree:

I noticed a few more names on the PP JAVA Room as well, including LarryAJ.

I miss Larry! And... is that "room" the yahoo site, or have I missed something ELSE?!?!!?!?


Thanks, BC! ;)

Whew! I'm TIRED today... and WISH I could get a handle on this sleep and migraine business! I had 15 hours of kids yesterday, and was grateful the other 15 hours didn't show... they were sick, and I would have handled it somehow, but still...

I've got an extra one today, but all these hours let me drop mine off at another girl's house this afternoon, and not see them until the am. Our church choir is singing the national anthem at the CO Rapids regional playoff game. If you get Comcast Channel 401 at MST, you'll see them. (I hope to be there - head allowing - but won't be singing...)

Gotta scoot! Hope YOUR day is great!

Ottawa Sat, Oct-22-05 13:01

Here is your link ...

This site is changing to a new provider before Christmas but the LastOutpost name is mine and will just move to a local provider for 1/3 the cost and less hassle than

The PP Java Room is a Protein Power themed forum on this board at ..., called The Java Room-Protein Power Daily Hangout, and is much like a combined Day at a Time and a Helpful hint area.

I liked your post on Yahoo concerning this thread and sent an email to the old board moderators to see what they thought of it but I believe that most what to retain the former status of a self directed board. There was a concern raised as well, about the amount of Spam this board generates but I have not noticed the increase, and have used this site intermittently for a few years.
I get about a half dozen Spam a day and none of it seems health related except for those relating to Viagra type drugs. :lol:

On Dr. Mike Eades' Blog site this week he wrote "If and when we ever get out website up, we're planning on making all of the above products available."

It does not sound promising but his Blog is quite interesting and offers great insights and current ideas on everything from fish oil to portion sizes.

Have a great day all.

gitfiddle Sat, Oct-22-05 21:13

Just dropping in to say HI! This is getting more complicated, but it's sort of an adventure, isn't it? :wave:

belfrybat Sun, Oct-23-05 06:05

computer burbed - see next post

belfrybat Sun, Oct-23-05 06:07

Originally Posted by Ottawa

I liked your post on Yahoo concerning this thread and sent an email to the old board moderators to see what they thought of it but I believe that most what to retain the former status of a self directed board. There was a concern raised as well, about the amount of Spam this board generates but I have not noticed the increase, and have used this site intermittently for a few years.

I use a free e-mail address for all lists and E-Bay and get up to 50 spams messages a week, so I can't tell where all the spam comes from, but a whole lot of it is Yahoo based. It's gotten better in recent years, but I still get a lot of Yahoo spam mail, which is why I try not to use their services much. I've been a member of this list for 2 years, very intermittently, but I have not noticed any spam that could be associated with it. I'm no longer even getting many Viagra ads -- perhaps they've finally given up. :lol: The latest is ink refill ones.

On Dr. Mike Eades' Blog site this week he wrote "If and when we ever get out website up, we're planning on making all of the above products available."

It does not sound promising but his Blog is quite interesting and offers great insights and current ideas on everything from fish oil to portion sizes.

I too enjoy his blog, but have been concerned for quite some time that the Drs. Eades' focus is elsewhere. It's a shame as a website would generate more business and certainly reach more folks than their TV program or books. This is the only main-line low carb "diet" that doesn't have a website, so it's receding to a nitch audience. (Does that make sense?) I tell folks about it, but then have no place to send them for easy information except Levi's articles on it. It's disappointing as I really feel this plan is so beneficial I wish it were wider known.

belfrybat Sun, Oct-23-05 06:16

I can't believe it's Sunday again!!! The weeks are flying by and I'm not ready for winter -- haven't insulated the outside pipes, and need to rebuild the door on the well house. The ducks strip the wrapping off the pipes, so have to do it every year. I used to be concerned that they were ingesting the foam plastic, but then noticed little bits all around where they were "working". I guess they just see it as entertainment. :rolleyes:

I am teaching a series on Christian Mysticism, so need to do some last minute prep this morning. It seems lately that everything I do is last minute! But such life right now. Need to start practicing what I preach about always being centered no matter the external circumstances.

Aaron -- hope MamaT is recuperating well.
Hawk - hope you find out what foods you do well on and can get your symptoms allieviated some. It must be difficult having to limit youself so much.

Have a good day, all.

avnndd Sun, Oct-23-05 12:46

MamaT is doing great...even went to church this morning. She had invited the surgeon (!) and just wanted to make sure she was there in case he came...what a trooper.

We are enjoying a quiet Sunday afternoon...girls are all asleep...3 boys are back in the bedroom playing, one in here reading Bible stories, and I'm reading messages from my friends right here!

Have a blessed day!

SherryJ Sun, Oct-23-05 15:19

Oh, Aaron! What fabulous news you've just given me... DO give MamaT a gentle hug for me? :)

Having a decent day here... wasn't able to sing at church due to lack of sleep and pain, but DID get to go to the second service, as well as to lunch with a friend.

The sun is peeking through, and all in all, it's a great day... Not only is the sun shining, but I've reached the 29 pound mark, and am psyched! I'm four pounds away from my current pic, and think I need to update that! I'm getting my hair colored on Tuesday, and then will see if Mr. Wonderful can help you see me... :D

Off for now...

avnndd Sun, Oct-23-05 20:01

I've set up a new PP board that I'm trying to make to look and act simiilar to the old one...give it a look see and maybe we can all move in there, at least til our NEW, REAL board is up and going.

Thanks for indulging me...

hawk-cry Mon, Oct-24-05 13:29

Thank you Randy for my face. Thanks for keeping it safe and saving it for me. Donald duck is my alter-ego, but only mentally when frustrated.
Aaron.. MAmaT still OK?
Sherry how are you this week?? If you are able to do more than 15 minutes of the billy blank stuff, you are doing good. It is a good work out if you really put yourself into it.
My cancer friend has hair growing back. We had a huge fall party and hayride this week. She has alot of supportive friends.
She's doing good so far.
I miss Jon. When ever he comes home it's harder for me when he goes back. He patrols the supply lines to keep road bombs from being planted. He says it's the main killer of our troops.
My computer was taken and stuff added and down loaded by a nephew. There was no driver to let us download onto CD's. We have dial up and he has DSL. For some reason I cannot send e-mail though. I don't know if it's me or if it's my server.
I wish I was better at this computer stuff.

SherryJ Mon, Oct-24-05 13:45

Hawk, I'm doing okay, I think... I'm STOKED about getting to a new low, and that keeps one floating, doesn't it? ;)

My head isn't hurting as much, although my sleep isn't where I want it...

And, yes, I put my all into the Taebo... which is why I only got 11 minutes in today! :lol:

I'm thrilled about Pam's hair... I'm heartbroken for you about Jon... the worry must be killer! And, although I know you have FAITH, we are still human... sigh...


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