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browniz30 Wed, Oct-12-05 22:02

2 fat chicks and induction challenge...come join us!!!
my friend greeniz35 and I just started induction this week and we welcome people to join our challenge to stay cheat free week by week!!! everyone is welcome here!!! we can post our cheat free days and lots of encouragement!!! come on....we can do this!!!! :cheer:

greeniz35 Wed, Oct-12-05 22:18

That's right...with the power of frienship and support we can do this!!! Day #2 cheat free here and on my way to a great start into induction!! Thank you God and browniz30, could not have gotten motivated without you!!! ROCK ON PPL!!! On our way to health...and never turning back again. I am already losing my cravings for sweets, that is a miracle!! Here I come skinny...full force with a SERIOUS VENGEANCE!! :clap:

browniz30 Thu, Oct-13-05 13:13

well greeniz...looks like its just me and you for the moment!!! still going strong!!! not very hungry at all today!!! I just know that we can keep this great focus going and reach our goal!!! I am soooo excited!!!! keep up the good are doing awsome!!!! 4 days cheat free!!! :agree:

ozzycrazy3 Thu, Oct-13-05 13:40

Hi girls.....I started induction again on Monday ('cause I was bad bad bad...and kinda went off plan....dang carbs!!!). Soooooo this makes me 4 days cheat free...woohooooooooooo :hyper:

Good luck to both of you!

skylee Thu, Oct-13-05 19:10

Hi ladies, I'd like to join in here if it's ok. I've been doing atkins for almost 4 months, but last week slipped BAD, and I'm back on induction. I find I'm most comfortable doing this. Otherwise my cravings get out of control.

I love your attitudes, your gonna do this!! Great job making it through the first few days, a lot of people say they are the hardest, and I have to agree.

I'll share a little about me. I'm 29, married with two boys (1 & 2). I've struggled with my wieght from little on. Finally lost a bunch and kept it off until I got pregnant and then it was all down hill. Started my first pregnancy at 150 and managed to reach 221 back in June. I started Atkins on my 29 birthday, so it is my ultimate goal to be at my goal wieght by the time I turn 30, I want to be healthier and sexier than ever!!

So good luck to everyone, we are gonna do this!!


browniz30 Fri, Oct-14-05 08:32

ozzycrazy and skylee...WELCOME!!!!! I am soo excited to see new people come here and join us!!!! 5 days cheat free now!!! :agree: lets all keep in contact and keep the encouragement going!!!!

chriskar Fri, Oct-14-05 09:03

Hi girls,
I failed on some days of my induction that I started ot the 4th. So far I have lost 5 pounds though, but this weekend is a test because I am at my parents and they dont prepare low crb meals. I will have to finds ways of politely

greeniz35 Fri, Oct-14-05 09:11

Rock on GIRLS!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!! Yesterday, was yep tempting come nightime, found myself wanting to emotionally eat...Thank God I had just went to the grocery and had plenty of low carb/no carb stuff to eat. Man, for me it's more mental I think than anything else, but I AM CHOOSING and in CONTROL of what I put in my mouth!! I am 4 days now cheat free and steady :thup: .....I hate that time of the month, these are usually my worst days....but I have to say I don't have the crazy cravings right now, probably 'cause I'm in induction...has to be why. I am in ketosis and thrilled, but tempted to want to get on the scale everyday, and know I'm not just going to loose pounds but inches, as a Wise browniz30 teaches me. What would I do without ya browniz30? I'm telling all ppl who join this thread...we will support and uplight each other always!! POWER IN NUMBERS!! :cool:

ozzycrazy3 Fri, Oct-14-05 11:12

Originally Posted by chriskar
Hi girls,
I failed on some days of my induction that I started ot the 4th. So far I have lost 5 pounds though, but this weekend is a test because I am at my parents and they dont prepare low crb meals. I will have to finds ways of politely

Same here Chriskar....I'm going to my inlaws all weekend....and there's always lot's of junk food around....yikes!!! Will try to stay cheat free... :D

browniz30 Fri, Oct-14-05 20:43

greeniz~ me....wise? LOL LOL :blush: thank you!!! I am so proud of you for still going strong!!! I started a journal everyone feel free to stop by and check in with me!!! I know how ya feel about wanting to get on the scale too!!!! I AM NOT getting back on till monday!!! that's my official weight and measurement day!!!

to both of you that are going to junkfood have been doing so well on induction thus far....just try to look at the stuff as poison...cuz really it is!!! best of luck to ya!!!! if they have a computer....log on here and we will help!!!! try to stay strong!!! i know how hard it can be!!!

TTFN :wave:

skylee Sat, Oct-15-05 02:50

chriska, great job on the loss of 5lbs. Good luck at your parents, I know how hard it can be when your away. Maybe pack yourself a few LC snacks in case you get in a pinch. So you slipped up a few a times on induction, try not to look at it as "failing", most of us have done this, just pick up where you left off and continue with what you were doing and the lbs. will continue to melt off. Really, you're doing GREAT!!

Ozzy, good luck at the in-laws also. Stay strong, maybe explain what you are doing. Hopefully they will be happy for you and encourage you with your new WOL.

Greeniz and Browniz, you two are doing great. I love your attitudes!! Very inspiring to read how to determined you both are.

I agree, WE WILL DO THIS!!


greeniz35 Sat, Oct-15-05 22:09

Ladies, I have stumbled.....but not defeated!!! I went out last night with a friend, and tied on a good one!! I had rum with diet coke, then some beer!!!Man, I haven't done that in YRS!! But I got up and still stayed true to my eating right and didn't go all the way and let myself go and eat anything and everything. Hang over's tend you make your body especially crave foods. I did drink tons of water too, which is good. The only thing I did do today was eat a bag of popcorn, which I know is a no no, but hey....I'll be back on top in the morning...I just HAD to have something to chew on!! :yum: . Sorry girls, sorry, Donna...but I AM NOT DOWN!! I'm still in this for LIFE and that's just the way it's GONNA BE!! Keep Rockin' girls!! WE CAN DO THIS, I CAN DO THIS!!! :thup:

browniz30 Sun, Oct-16-05 10:15

greeniz.....I am very proud of you for being so honest!!!! I hope we all can be honest on here!!!! acknowledgement is a great thing!!!! Try to keep some porkrinds around so you'll always have a salty snack on hand!!! I ate some bbq ones this weekend and it did the trick for me!!! I hope everyone had a great weekend!!! We went to a corn maze with my mom and was soo fun!!! they had a scavenger hunt and we ended up walking 2.5 miles!!! also had soccer week is the last game!!! I am kinda relieved but also wondering what I am going to do to keep my kids busy on a budget!~!!
:Party: :Party: 7 DAYS CHEAT FREE!!! :Party: :Party:
I amde it one week!!! I have never been able to make it 2 weeks in a row cheat free so that is my goal!!!
since everyone is on different scheaduals of when we started about we all make a fresh start on Monday? then the weekly challenge would be mon through sun....sound ok with everyone?
see ya tomorrow!!!! :wave:
I also plan to start adding exercise this week!! does anyone else have a workout schedual?

greeniz35 Sun, Oct-16-05 19:28

YOU GO GIRL!! ONE WHOLE WEEK CHEAT THAT'S saying something to me!!Like I said you ARE wise browniz....and I will get those pork rinds tomorrow. I've done well today girls, nothing but fresh made chicken salad I made myself, with onion and mayo and salad for me today. I'm back and I'm staying. I was thinking today, how this really is a change in thinking. Everyone just continue to think positive, I know just because that scale may not be moving, my body is still working on transformation, and most importantly, my mind is. Rock on Ladies!!! We will Succedd!!! :agree:

Ya'll browniz, calls me everyday to check on me, don't know what I would do if I didn't have someone to do this with and be accountable to! Get a buddy ladies, if you don't have one yet, makes a WORLD of difference to know someone else is going through the same thing! Thanks browniz, I luv ya! :daizy:

greeniz35 Tue, Oct-18-05 06:24

Good morning all! I am finally in Ketosis again, after last Friday's night out....and diligentally working at eating right, I'm back on track! I am so excited. Tomorrow is my weigh in day, I'm not going to be dissapointed but I am going to recheck my measurements. Wish me luck all, this is my 4th day (start over since Friday) in induction and cheat free!! WHOO HOO! :wave:

skylee Tue, Oct-18-05 21:29

Browniz, congrats on making it 7 days cheat free!! :cheer: :cheer: Sounds like you had a fun weekend too. Hopefully next weekend we are going to take the kiddies to some kind of Halloween thingy.

Greeniz, congrats on 4 days cheat free, keep going girl!! Good luck with your wiegh in and measurements.

I try to get a hour of scheduled excersise in, but with my schedule it is not always easy. Somedays this merely consists of taking the kids for a walk or dancing around silly with them, but this can really work up a sweat. Other days I get up around 4 so I can get to the gym and sometimes squeeze Curve's in there before the kids get up and DH has to leave for work . Which is why I need to go now and get my butt to bed so I can get up in the morning.


greeniz35 Wed, Oct-19-05 13:47

Hey girls!! I have awesome news!! I lost three inches around my waist and hips this past week!!! I am 5 days cheat free!! YEA!!! I lost 3 lbs, thought it was 2.5 but I forgot my first weigh in last week, so I'm thrilled!! Gotta give the shout out to Browniz30...if ya'll can't tell we are friends and neighbors, she is my true inspiration, you may have very well been responsible for saving my life. I'm telling you I'm so fired up and stoked about this life change I could shout it out loud!! AND I JUST MIGHT DO THAT!! lol lol!! Browniz, I'm SOOOO HAPPY your results from yesterday are turning into something minor, but you still have to take care of yourself, and remember if you spike a temp....straight to the ER, if you need a sitter for the girls...COME GET ME! Or a ride...whatever you need, I'll always be here for you just like you have been there for me!! I love you so much girl, I would have never gotten motivated without'd think I had just dropped 50lbs or something, but I think all of you who are reading this understand the great joy that comes with the small victories! ROCK ON GIRLFRIEND!!!

browniz30 Wed, Oct-19-05 14:49

Greeniz~ I LOVE seeing you this excited about your health!!! it just makes my day to know I had a small part in your new happiness!!! all I did was encourage did all the hard work!!!! I am glad to see you put YOURSELF and your health on the top of your list!!! it is truly a beautiful thing!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: congrats on the great success you achieved this week!!! :cheer: :cheer: and's all about the little victories!!! Thats what gets us there!!!!
thanks for visiting my journal guys!!!! the ultrasound went fine....I was sssoooo nervous!!! the sonographer said it looked to her like a clogged duct...I am waiting to here from my I'll let ya guys know soon as I find out!!! you guys are so caring!!!! thank you!!!!
skylee~~~ OMG!!! 4 am? wow.....thats dedication on the exercise tip!!! have fun with the kiddies this weekend at the "halloween thingy" are so cute!!! I kickbox at home and it is so fun!!! I love it!!! I have tae-bo,denise austin and kathy smith!!! greeniz....whenever you are ready...come join me'll be fun!!!! have any of you ever tried the firm!? WOW...that is NO joke!!! That is one of the best work outs I have gotten in forever!!! it's almost too much for me!!!! I think I still need to work my way up to that one!!! and the Tae bo boot camp....have you tried that?? OMG...I think he's trying to kill people!!! LOL It is hard!!!! I know I am not ready for that yet...I am WAY outta shape!!!! well girls....have a great lowcarb week!!! check back in tomorrow with ya!!!

SoSexie Wed, Oct-19-05 15:43

I am in!! I am in!!
:wave: Hi everybody!! I wanna join!! This is my third cheat free day and I am going strong still. I have an awful headache right now but it will pass. I love ssing the ketostix change color and that is motivation enough for me. You guys are awesome and inspire me to keep it moving!!!! :thup:

greeniz35 Wed, Oct-19-05 15:57

Hey everyone! WELCOME SOSEXY!! I'm 5 days cheat free!! Today was my weigh/measurement day. I lost 3 inches on my hips and waist! YEAH!! So excited! Hope everyone is doing well. OOH I lost 3 pounds total, I'm so happy you think I'd dropped 50 lbs..but it's those small victories that will keep me going!! Thanks for all your support Browniz!! We can all do this girls/boys!! WE CAN DO THIS!! WE WILL DO THIS!!!!! :agree:

losingmich Wed, Oct-19-05 20:33

I'm with you all, divas!
Hey Everyone!

I have been looking around on the web for just what you have going on here! I started induction on the 17th, Monday and am now on my 3rd day cheat free and this time I'm going to keep it up! My husband and I are going away to somewhere hot in March and I not only want to look good, I want to feel good in a bathing suit! In shorts! In little sun dresses with spagetti straps! In nothing! (hee hee)

I'm 32 and have a 1 year old daughter. I'm a teacher currently on strike (what a mess!) and I am feeling great that I am in control of what I'm putting in my mouth.

Cheers, Mich
(I'm working on my ticker...)

losingmich Wed, Oct-19-05 20:39

Is my ticker working?

SoSexie Thu, Oct-20-05 05:43

:clap: Wow Greeniz!!! You go girl!!! WOO HOO!!!! I am doing the happy dance with ya!!! That is alot!!!!! This is the start of a great day I haven't measured or weighed yet but I will soon my TOM just started so I am going to try and wait that out.

:hyper: Losing Much you are doing a fantastic job as well!! I am sure your hubby will have you glued to the bedroom cuz you will look sooo hot and he will want you all to himself!! Let's keep it up guys!! We can do it!!!! :cheer:

browniz30 Thu, Oct-20-05 08:02

yeah!!!! I am ssooo excited to see you guys!!! welcome SOSEXY and LOSINGMICH!!!! keep up the focus girls!!!! it's awsome to see you stay strong while going through a strike!!! wow!!! now thats focus!!!! good job!!!!
we all can do this together!!!! It makes things so much easier when you know you have support and others cheering you on!!! I am 11 days cheat free now!!! longest ever!!!! my weight & measurement day is on MONDAY!!! but I have horrible PMS right,I am not expecting to see much loss!!! I think I am gonna have to cut the one a day diet pepsi :( my ketone strips are still purple but they are getting lighter!!!! it never bothered me before...but thats the only thing I can think of that might be changing the color cuz I am still eating right!!!
so...where are you and hubby going? I LOVE tropical places!!!! you can do it!!! just keep looking at that bathing suit every day!!!!!
talk to ya soon guys!!!!!

oh yeah.....your ticker is working fine!!! ;)

browniz30 Thu, Oct-20-05 08:06



hope you are doing ok!!!!!! we miss you!!! :wave:

greeniz35 Thu, Oct-20-05 09:42

Woo Hoo!!
Mornin' Ladies and any future Gents :wave: !! I'm still Fired up from yesterday!! Hope everyone is doing fantastic and visualizing their future's as healthy, sexy momma's, and daddy's!!! I'm working hard....WE CAN DO THIS!!! Rock on new friends!! :thup:

skylee Thu, Oct-20-05 15:25

greeniz35, congrats on your loss!! :cheer: :cheer: You are doing wonderful!! And gotta love your attitude. Keep it up girl and those inches will continue to melt away, and you'll be celebrating that 50lb loss in no time.

browniz30, good luck on trying to cut that diet pepsi out. It can be difficult, trust me I know. I used to be hooked on the stuff. But, once I overcame it and replaced it with water I know it really helped me take off some wieght. Good luck to you. You are a very inspirational person, glad I joined this challenge.

losingmich, welcome and good luck to you. Great job on 3 days cheat free, as these can be some of the hardest days. Keep it up girl, you're gonna look great in a bathing suit!!

SoSexie, congrats on 3 days cheat free, awesome job!!

Nothing new here really. PMS is hitting me like a ton of bricks too browniz. Ever since I had my IUD put in after my last son was born, I dread this time of month!! My cramps are just about unbearable. I have considered getting it out several times, but as much as I love my kiddies, the thought of having another one anytime soon does not sound so great!!

Until later girls, take care.


skylee Thu, Oct-20-05 15:42

One more thing, my cravings are so HIGH right now. I'm doing all I can to stay away from the goodie cabniet!! I really want to just dig into chocolate and donuts. I know they are only 10feet away!! I feel so bloated, like I gained 20lbs., and just crappy!! My mind is trying to convince me to say just forget it, go ahead and eat, it won't hurt!!

I'm trying hard to resist, stupid stupid TOM!!!

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


greeniz35 Fri, Oct-21-05 12:22

JENNY....QUICK!! TAKE MY HAND.....STEP AWAY FROM THE GOODIE CABINET AND NO ONE WILL GET HURT, ESP. YOU!!!! :nono: lol lol..NO FOR REAL, YOU'VE LOST OVER 50LBS GIRL!!!! Grab a diet pepsi or diet rite....anything, but I won't let you sabbatoge yourself!! Come on room, let's hear it for Jen, let her know how fantastic she is, how strong she is....For Crying out've lost a 1st grader!! That's something to shout about :clap: .....think about how hard it is to loose anything you could possibly regain!!! All I know is.....for me, I CAN NOT UNLEASH THE SUGAR BEAST :devil: THAT LIVES IN ME!! Come on girl, take a walk, get a nap (I'm sure that's possible with kids, but hey, wonderful idea huh?), buy yourself some music and crank the stereo up full blast and sing your heart out (one of my fav. things to do bty :wiggle: ), read a book, watch a good chick flick, anything to pass the craving and keep your mind focused!! YOU CAN DO IT!! I KNOW YOU CAN, I'VE READ SOME OF YOUR JOURNAL HEE HEE!! :agree:

Girls I am 6 days cheat free, and I'm feeling great. I can hardly wait until next Weds. to re-weigh and re-measure myself. I'm drinking enough water to float Noah's kidding, I'm starting to buy toilet paper in bulk now. My body doesn't know what to think I know, all this sugar free, waterlogged, no bread, eating kinda life!! LOL LOL, suprised I'm not in some sort of healthy shock...hee hee!! Anway..ya'll have a blessed LC day!! YOU ROCK!!!! ;)

truckgirl Fri, Oct-21-05 12:43

Room for another?
Hello Everyone!
This is just the buddy group I was looking for!! After 3 days of emotional eating, I went back to induction for 4 1/2 days, then blew it with a bag of Peanut M&M's! :o That was yesterday, so now I'm back to induction, Day 1 Take 2!
What do you folks take to work with you?? That's the hardest part for me, is coming up with ideas for work snacks.

Originally Posted by skylee
PMS is hitting me like a ton of bricks too browniz. Ever since I had my IUD put in after my last son was born, I dread this time of month!! My cramps are just about unbearable. I have considered getting it out several times, but as much as I love my kiddies, the thought of having another one anytime soon does not sound so great!!

Not to be nosey, Skylee, but.... ummm, yeah, I am being nosey! ;) How long has it been in? I have one too, and the first 3 periods after I had it put in were the worst. Though they are still heavy, the cramps aren't bad anymore. It sure beats being on the pill, which made me gain weight like crazy and made we really moddy! :agree: :) I had to laugh when I read the last sentence of your post! :lol:

While I'm here, I'll share what acceptable veggies I like:
Bamboo Shoots, olives, snow peas, broccoli (raw, dipped in ranch! :D )

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