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ANewMe2B Wed, Mar-02-05 11:07

**ANewMe2B's GYM LOG**
I signed up at the local Spa Lady Gym and PAID xtra for a trainer 2x/week 1 hour, for 5 weeks. she took my weight, fat%, all measurements etc. AND BY THEIR SCALE I WEIGHED IN ~ 277 LBS.

i started monday 2/28. she works my a$$ to the bone!!!!! but i think i need it. i need someone to keep pushing me. i meet w/her on mondays & wednesdays 7-8am. I do it on my own for 45-60min on tues, thurs and POSSIBLY fridays.

monday 2/28: i did 20min on the bike, 20min treadmill, 20min efx.

tuesday 3/1: 1 hour shoveling snow - gym closed.

wednesday 3/2: 30min efx(burned 400 calories),30 min treadmill
****boy i sure feel it today****

galatia Wed, Mar-02-05 16:20

Hi. Welcome to the gym logs-- What is efx? :)

ANewMe2B Thu, Mar-03-05 08:17

Well i'm new to the gym thing here, but the machine says efx on it. I think its called an elliptical?? or something?? kinda like your skiing.....

Thursday 3/3: no personal trainer today, but ON MY OWN I did 30 min efx, and 30 min treadmill. It was a good workout. I think I could've pushed myself more on the treadmill though.

ANewMe2B Mon, Mar-07-05 08:52

Monday 3/7: trying to get back on track. its been a few days w/no cardio. did my 30min efx, and 30min treadmill. I added lots of inclines to BOTH machines!

ANewMe2B Tue, Mar-08-05 08:26

Tuesday 3/8: 30min Treadmill Plus An Extra 5 Min Cool Down, 30min Efx

ANewMe2B Thu, Mar-10-05 10:05

Thursday 3/10: 30min Treadmill (got Up To The 3.5) W/ A Min Cooldown. Then 25 Min On The Efx.

ANewMe2B Mon, Mar-14-05 11:44

MONDAY 3/14: WHOA, WHAT A DAY! Went to the gym today w/ my pt. All was fine and normal. We did the bike for 12 min & then the treadmill for 10 min. THen today for the FIRST time we attempted to use some machines. I did some bicep curl things, then some lunges, something where i was laying on a bench a lifting a bar up n down. THEN, we did some weights in my hands and i would put then above my head, then lower them.....WELL all of sudden i got dizzy, then i got naseaus! Omg then a headache! pt said it was normal. that my body was a bit tramatized.

What a scary experience!

ANewMe2B Tue, Mar-15-05 07:50

TUESDAY 3/15: I still managed to do my usual 30min treadmill & 30min elliptical. But just not as good as i know i have done other days. My body just seems SOOOOO sore from yesterdays weights n lunges that this a.m. i could barely walk down the stairs in my apt bldg! but the point is I MADE IT THRU, I DID IT! no matter how i felt!

ANewMe2B Wed, Mar-16-05 08:49

WEDNESDAY 3/16: Im working hard!!!!!!!!! Did a whole lot today w/ my pt. 20min elliptical, then about 35min of weights & lunges and THEN 15 min on the treadmill (at about 3.2). i couldnt push myself any harder i was BEAT!!

ANewMe2B Thu, Mar-17-05 08:18

THURSDAY 3/17: HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well i made it to the gym. 4th day this week! yeah. I got a bad head cold, so i really, really didnt want to go, but i pushed and WENT! I didnt work it too hard today since i dont feel well. I did 30min treadmill at 3.2, 20min elliptical. But definately NOT working as hard as i am able to. I also did 10 squats, lunges, and lifted 8lbs up/n/over my head thing.....

ANewMe2B Fri, Mar-18-05 09:14

FRIDAY 3/18: well i really didnt want to go to the gym today, BUT I DID!!! Its my 5th day THIS WEEK ALONE! I took it a bit easy. did 15 min treadmill ~ 3.0, and 15 min weights, and 15min elliptical.

dane Sun, Mar-20-05 02:15

First, what's your name, woman? Kinda funny having to call you ANew all the time, ;)

I see you are limiting your cardio to an hour or less.....that's wise. And even better to split it up with 2-3 machines, as you work your body a bit differently with each. And it seems you are doing 60min of cardio on some days, and only 20-30 on weights days? I think that's good, too. My only suggestion there would be to just do the 5-10min cardio warmup and then weights, and then maybe 20-30min more cardio. Better to save your strength and stamina for lifting, so you can give it your all, and THEN maybe some cardio after, if you feel up to it.

The resistance exercises she had you do are great......personally, I don't do lunges because they hurt my knees.......I prefer squats. But whatever you like....they'll both work your legs!

Funny, your last workout (Friday's), which you called "taking it a bit easy", is actually what I'd suggest be your norm. 30min cardio, 15min weights, perfect!

On my weights days, I do 45m of lifting, and then later maybe 30min of cardio. That's twice a week. Then 2 more days of cardio, on the off days, 45m per session. (I have a special weights day once a week, that lasts 75-90min....not a great idea cortisol wise, but oh well.)

Anyway, in general, I think your program looks good. It's a bit more than some beginners would start with, but not overly ambitious. You have to see how you feel. If you start feeling chronically sore and tired, then you might be overtraining, which will suppress your immune system and make you feel like crap. If this happens, then I'd suggest reducing down to cardio 3 days, and of those day, 2-3 for weights, and give yourself more rest days.

The most important thing, though, is to keep it "fun" enough so that you go regularly!!

Now that I've got you in my subscribed threads, I'll be sure to come by and bug you, hee hee...lucky you ;)

ANewMe2B Sun, Mar-20-05 19:28

Hey Lisa, thank you for taking the time to read my gym log. I really appreciate it!! Oh, and btw, my name is Lisa too.

Well so far Im kinda trying to get into a 'schedule' of:
Monday: exactly what you said, i have a pt on monday and we do about 10-15m cardio, then some weights, then some cardio and then weights and cardio again. so i guess im doing good right?
Tuesday: is 60m cardio on various machines (plus 10-15m weights)
Wednesday: same routine as monday
Thursday: is 60m cardio on various machines (plus 10-15m weights)
Friday: is 'optional' day. i try my best to go and when i do go i kinda just do the same as my tues & thurs routines, but i try to take it easy. kinda like going to workout but not overly pushing myself to it. just a take it easy time.

Wolfie1 Sun, Mar-20-05 22:48

Hi there,

I think your program looks great. Great idea to get a trainer in the begining to start you off on the right foot. So, pat your self on the back for doing it!


dane Mon, Mar-21-05 08:26

Hi Lisa! (this will be easy to remember, hee hee!)

Agree w/Wolfie.....the schedule looks good! Do it for a few weeks and see how you like it. :agree: I think it's great that you made the exercise commitment..... I don't think you'll regret it!

ANewMe2B Mon, Mar-21-05 09:01

thank you guys. i appreciate it.

Well today my pt called out sick on me, but its ok i still went to the gym anyhow. I did 15m treadmill ~ 3.4, then 15m weights, 15m elliptical, 10m weights and finally 15m elliptical again.

ANewMe2B Tue, Mar-22-05 09:03

TUESDAY 3/22: straight 60m cardio today. 30m treadmill maintaining 3.3mph. 30m elliptical.

dane Wed, Mar-23-05 04:59

Hiya L!
You're doing really well! I was just reading about how it's good to break up your cardio w/different machines. I'm envious that you can do that! Guess I need to break out the mini-tramp and get some cardio variety, too! :agree:

ANewMe2B Thu, Mar-24-05 15:07


Wednesday 3/23: boy oh boy my pt had me working hard & i was luvin' it! i did 10m on treadmill ~ 3.4, then various weight, then 10m treadmill again, THEN (since i was doing so well w/ weights) she UP'D my poundage! bench press was up to 33lb, squats w/10lb'ers, this other machine with a big bar above my head also went up to 33lbs! my bicept curls are still ~ 22lbs and another machines is still ~ 22lbs too, then back to cardio, then back to weights, then back to caridio. TOTAL TIME 1 hr 15m

ANewMe2B Thu, Mar-24-05 15:17

Thursday 3/24: just straight cardio today. no weights. did 3.4 on the treadmill for 30m then 30m on elliptical.

dane Fri, Mar-25-05 01:12

Excellent! How are you feeling? Not too sore?

ANewMe2B Mon, Mar-28-05 09:20

Monday 3/28: I Worked Hard Today W/ My Pt. I Did About 45m Of Various Weights, And About 35m Cardio. I Was Doing Squats W/12lbs, 38lb Overhead Press, Push Ups, 5m On Rowing Machine And So Much More!!!!! My Arms & Legs Are Killing Me Today.

ANewMe2B Tue, Mar-29-05 13:37

TUESDAY 3/29: NO WORK OUT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! I think i was soooooooooooooo drained from yesterday!! I SLEPT from 7pm YESTERDAY to 7:30AM this morning! and mind you im NOT a big sleeper type person. i guess my body needed it. and today i am soooooooooooo sore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dane Wed, Mar-30-05 02:27

Well, some soreness is gooooooood, means you really worked those muscles, BUT if you're sore to the point where you cringe sitting down in the bathroom, heh (been there, done that, ;) ), you should let your trainer know. It's to be expected in the beginning, while you're figuring out the best starting weights, so I'd suggest going just a bit lighter next time. But anyway, soak up all that wonderful rest....... that's when you're getting optimum growth and recovery. :)

ANewMe2B Wed, Mar-30-05 09:04

thanks a bunch lisa. you are always such a big help!!!!

WEDNESDAY 3/30: i was STILL sore this a.m, but had another pt day. we did the same as monday. various weights, same weights no increases.

well i was weighed in & measured. according to her scale im down only 7lbs. her scale says i started at 276 lbs on 2/28/05, and now im 268 on 3/30/05. she says i am down 2% on my body fat. my arms are down 1" each. breasts down 2". my waistline is down 3.5 INCHES!! thats the only good one. all other areas are still about the same though......a bit upsetting.

ANewMe2B Thu, Mar-31-05 08:43

THURSDAY 3/31: i think i was on the money today! I did 30m on the treadmill at 3.6 - 3.7 ! That is sooooooo good for ME! When i started this 4wks ago I could only do 3.0 - 3.3. AND 3.3 had me struggling! I did 3.6 - 3.7 AND FELT GOOD! I wasnt struggling much. TIRED YES, working hard yes, but i did it!!!
I also did 25m on the efx. GO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :)

ANewMe2B Sat, Apr-02-05 19:59

OOOPS I forgot to add in

FRIDAY 4/1: I did 3.7 on the treadmill for 30m then only 20m on the elliptical.

ANewMe2B Fri, Apr-08-05 11:41

FRIDAY 4/8: My first day back to the gym in 7 DAYS! and i am paying for it (emotionally too....). I COULDNT do my 3.7 on the treadmill like i was doing last week. Guess not going in 7 days sure set me back ALOT. I could only 3.3 (struggling) for 30m on the treadmill, and 10m on the efx. I was so upset I left the gym.

ANewMe2B Mon, Apr-11-05 13:07

MONDAY 4/11: BACK TO THE GRIND BABY!!!!!!!! I had my pt today. We did lots of weights and a few NEW ones too!! did 70m in total today. 25m cardio & 45m weights.

ANewMe2B Tue, Apr-12-05 07:50

TUESDAY 4/12: ended up at the gym a little late today. i didnt work as hard as i feel i should have. I did 40m on the efx. that's it....

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