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JamesBlond Sun, Oct-03-04 19:39

Challenge The FIRM Challenge
So, I've got a collection of exercise videos that could fill a small library (Tae Bo, Buns of Steel, Pilates...:rolleyes: ) and yesterday I was doing an inventory when I came across several by The FIRM. You know the ones I mean...;)

As I was reading the boxes I spotted The FIRM 'guarantee' which reads,
"GUARANTEED: Visable Results within 10 Workouts!" (though what THEY will give ME if I don't get results isn't specified...) and I thought to myself, '...this would be a great Challenge!!!'

So, here it is, the 'Challenge The FIRM Challenge' :D and here are the rules:
1- Pick the area(s) you want to work on
2- Pick your FIRM video(s)
3- Post your starting measurements (for the areas you are working on)
4- Do your selected workout 10x then post your measurements again (easy, huh?)

1- legs and abs (I want them both SMALLER)
2- 5-Day ABs and FIRM parts: Standing Legs
3- waist: 29.5
thigh: 23.5
knee: (pending...can't find the #~%*& tape!)
calf: 14
4- I plan to do the leg workout 2-3x per week (BEFORE with my cardio; thanks DogBone and Built ;) ) and the abs Su-Th (M-F NEVER works out :lol: )

I am doing this in combination with the Sexy Christmas Chick Challenge 'cause I wanna be SEXY! Actually, I'm hoping this will make a difference by Halloween (s/o and I are going as Little SEXY Red Riding Hood [ ;)] and The BIG, BAD Wolf :D)

~Just DO it!!~

JamesBlond Mon, Oct-04-04 11:47

Day 1 of FIRM up
Today is day one of my FIRM challenge. Tonight will be biking and Day 2 of 5 Day Abs. Tomorrow will be the first Standing Legs attempt (UGH) and a short 20 minute run.

I still haven't found the measuring tape, so I guess I'll pick one up on the way home (gotta get that 'knee' measurement in; I'm hoping that will be the first place I lose inches ;) ).

Looks like no one wants to FIRM up with me, so I guess I'll be on my own, posting by my lonesome in my own thread...anyone going to join and prove me wrong? :D

C'mon, c'mon!!!


ljw32 Mon, Oct-04-04 12:37

I would love to join in- I have done the Firm bf and it does get results- I lost 1-1 1/2" everywhere I measured in the first 10 days and had only done it 7 times. Didn't measure my knees. Right now I can only do the ab work bc my exercise buddy has hurt her knee and she can't do the leg presses or squats (kind of hard to get away fromw/the firm). Anyway- I miss it-but I do have this firm everyday abs I am going to do by myself. We are going to try taebo for a while but she does want to get back to the firm. We Have been doing some of the 30 min Firm tapes M-W F. Tues-Thurs we are on our own but I usually end up not doing much bc I have to get up at 5:30 anyway and 5 would just be too much! Anyway- I am up for the abs challenge- Ok- I want to get my waist to 32 and hips to 38 ny when? Right now they are waist-37 1/2, hips 43.


JamesBlond Mon, Oct-04-04 12:56

Welcome Lisa!
I don't have a concrete date as to when we'll finish (it's always a work in progress, right?) but thought we'd do each workout 10x (as they suggest) and then measure and post the difference. Sound good?

~Just DO it~

Magpies Mon, Oct-04-04 15:42

Haven't got any FIRM vids in my assortment. I'm doing a lot of leg work with aerobics, does that count? Sort of a rival challenge, does mine work better than yours! Need to work on my thighs - most inches there and I'm having some sports massage every three weeks to try and sort them out. We've been working from my calves up and it's made an amazing difference in how my legs feel and what they can now do.

JamesBlond Mon, Oct-04-04 16:48

Welcome MagPie!
Originally Posted by Magpies
Haven't got any FIRM vids in my assortment. I'm doing a lot of leg work with aerobics, does that count? Sort of a rival challenge, does mine work better than yours!
You bet! Bring on the rivalry :D

Magpies Tue, Oct-05-04 02:59

Magpies - Leg Challenge
Okay, these are my measurements today.

Key. L= Left Leg. R= Right Leg followed by measurements of upper thigh, lower thigh, knee, calve and ankle

I'm trying to do an aerobic routine every weekday - so 5 times a week, possibly twice a day when I'm feeling really motivated.

L 28.5; 20; 17; 16; 10
R 27; 19; 17; 16; 10

I'm also doing the Sexy Christmas Chicks Challenge and the 175 Challenge.

Blond, feeling much more motivated again. Thanks for the new challenge.


JamesBlond Tue, Oct-05-04 10:29

Day 2
Originally Posted by ME!!!!
Tomorrow will be the first Standing Legs attempt (UGH) and a short 20 minute run.
I decided last night that on my biking days (M,W,F) I would squeeze in some upper body (Built would be so proud :D). Didn't manage it last night, but will begin Wednesday.

Also, small disclaimer here, on Leg days, I will only be doing HALF of the 45 minute Standing Legs program. I have done this in the past and know that I run like a baby learning to walk if I try to do the whole tape prior :rolleyes:. So, we'll start with half (baby steps) and work our way up, precious...

Originally Posted by Magpies
Blond, feeling much more motivated again. Thanks for the new challenge.

You bet girl! Always glad to tourt..umm, I mean HELP a fellow LC'r ;)

Let's DO this thang!!

Edit: PS> BTW knee measurement is 16

chiefeagle Tue, Oct-05-04 12:27

hey Blonde, :wave:
I don't have any FIRM tapes either, but I would like to join the challenge when I get back from Disneyland.
My workout is as follows.
Sun, Tue, Th walk 3 miles
Mon, Wed, Fri 30 minute aerobics
Mon, Wed, Fri 20 minute ab workout
Tue 20 minute thigh workout
Th 20 minute arms, chest workout
This is what I'm doing now. :thup:
Haven't measured since last week I know my legs and waist went up. And my upper body went down.
Blonde says its muscle gain I sure hope she's right.
When I come back from DL I may have to change my routine a little.[QUOTE]

JamesBlond Tue, Oct-05-04 13:37

Welcome Chiefie!!
Another rivalry...BRING IT ON!!! :D

Yep, gotta post those measurements; don't need weight though. Goal here is to get smaller, not necessarily weigh less (though that would be nice too..).

Just DO it!

JamesBlond Wed, Oct-06-04 08:31

I Did It!!
Standing Legs (half-way), Day 3 of abs, AND a short route run (2 miles).
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Tonight is upper body (don't know which video yet), Day 4 of abs and the KILLER bike ride. My legs are going to want to kill me!!!

C'mon Sexy FIRM Chicks, let's do it!

chiefeagle Wed, Oct-06-04 12:12

Didn't walk last night. We're doing that tonight. My friend Carla had something else that she needed to do.
This am did 30 min aerobics :hyper: and 20 min of abs.
I don't have tapes for my abs so I do my own thing.
My biceps are sore today.
I'm taking my measurements tomorrow, I didn't have time this am woke up a little late :yawn: .

JamesBlond Thu, Oct-07-04 08:57

Official Measure Day
waist: 29 (down 0.5)
thigh: 23.25 (down 0.25)

knee: 16 (same)
calf: 13.75 (down 0.25)

Selected Workout #'s:
Standing Legs: 0.5x :blush:
Upper Body: 1x
5 Day Abs: 3x :cheer:

Also, didn't get the bike ride in last night. Probably a good thing (give my legs a rest) but wanted to confess...

Keep up the good work fellow FIRMer-Uppers!!

chiefeagle Thu, Oct-07-04 09:25

Well I measured. Am I just supposed to post my legs? I took the measurements for my whole leg. I have also been keeping track of my bust waist etc. Here are my measurements.
Upper thigh 22 1/4
Lower thigh 18 3/4
Knee 15 3/4
Calf 13 3/4
Ankle 8 3/4
Bust 36
Wasit 31 3/4
Hips 39
My friend and I walked our 3 miles last night. We're getting alot quicker :D I told her maybe we should add another lap: idea:. We finished in 40 minutes, last week it took us 50.
I didn't do to good this a.m, with my workout. I was preoccupied and couldn't focus :daze:. so I only did biceps, triceps and push ups then gave up.
Oh well there's always tomorrow. :)

Magpies Thu, Oct-07-04 11:17

I'm just concentrating on my legs, hence the leg measurements but I think you are meant to concentrate on the area/s of the body you want to work on. Thank right James Blond?

Have done my Aerobics every day this week. Three times since I measured. Thighs definitely sore!

ljw32 Thu, Oct-07-04 16:23

Ok- I have really been slacking this week- didn't start everyday abs as promised. I will start tomorrow for sure- I am also going to do the firm tapes instead of taebo next week when my exercise partner is on vacation. So here are the official measurements:
HIps- 44 1/2
Waist 37 1/2
Upper thigh 25
lower thigh 20
calf 13 1/2
ankle 8
Since I am basically only including myself in the ab challeng I won't include the other measurements.
Good luck all!

Magpies Fri, Oct-08-04 11:37

Two lots of aerobics today, to make up for having the weekend away.

Half way through before I measure my legs again but know I've lost half an inch off my tummy this week. :) (See my gym log.)

ljw32 Mon, Oct-11-04 16:51

Well- I finally made it back on the exercise bandwagon- did the cardio sculpt 55 min tape today. Even after 2 weeks not doing it I can still use the 5,8 & 10 lbs- so I felt pretty good about that. Not much trouble making it through except for a couple interruptions by the 2 year old!
Tomorrow it will be calorie killer.

Magpies Tue, Oct-12-04 06:22

Well done, Lisa.

My routines only last 20 minutes but I did them twice yesterday and I did a different one this morning. Thats 8 out of 10 routines completed.

JamesBlond Tue, Oct-12-04 09:58

I'm back!!
OK, y'all. Back from vacation and ready to work HARD!!!

I did manage to do my Upper Body & Ab workouts Friday before we left, didn't get the run in, but figured it was OK since I'm doing it after the weight workout to try to additionally damage the muscles and don't run with my arms anyway ;)

Didn't train yesterday due to the nasty cold I picked up the end of last week (weak excuse, I know...) but am planning on the entire Standing Legs video today (insert crossed fingers here), 5 Day Abs and at least a 2 mile run this evening.

I think I may need to try a different ab program...don't feel sore afterward like I used to. I like that I'm not sore, but I want to know that it is working!! Might try alternating with Abs of Steel for a week and see how that goes...

Keep up the FIRM work, girls!!!

ljw32 Wed, Oct-13-04 06:25

HI- didn't workout yesterday due to a lovely flat tire- wasted 2 1/2 hours that I could have been working out! So I will work out today when the baby takes a nap. Lost 2.5 lbs- I know we're counting inches but I am excited!! Wil measure friday.

JamesBlond Wed, Oct-13-04 08:57

VERY nice, Lisa! Pounds or inches, let's keep on LOSING!!!!

I didn't exercise yesterday either. No flat for me, just a darn cold. UGH. Planning on picking up where I left off this evening!

Magpies Wed, Oct-13-04 11:27

Exercise going well, now up to 9 routines out of 10. Weight still flat though.

Had my thighs done again today, only .4 of a pound off a back and shoulder massage, reward for getting under 13 stone 7 lbs. Very motivated to keep up my exercising and to stay on Induction as much as possible - I do like my drink though! Hic!

Loads of people say I look like I've lost more weight which is very encouraging, now if only I could convince the scales!

Magpies Thu, Oct-14-04 03:33

Originally Posted by Magpies
Okay, these were my measurements at the start of the challenge:

Key. L= Left Leg. R= Right Leg followed by measurements of upper thigh, lower thigh, knee, calve and ankle

L 28.5; 20; 17; 16; 10
R 27; 19; 17; 16; 10


Did my 10th Sky Aerobics routine this morning, 14th October.

L 29; 18.5; 16; 15.5; 10
R 28; 18; 16; 15; 10

Seems to be doing more for my calves and knees and less for my thighs.

JamesBlond Thu, Oct-14-04 09:54

Weigh in day
Originally Posted by Magpie
Seems to be doing more for my calves and knees and less for my thighs.
Looks to me like you are building muscle which is a GOOD thing!!!! :cheer: Keep up the great work.

Originally Posted by BAD Blond
waist: 29 (down 0.5)
thigh: 23.25 (down 0.25)

knee: 16 (same)
calf: 13.75 (down 0.25)

Selected Workout #'s:
Standing Legs: 0.5x :blush:
Upper Body: 1x
5 Day Abs: 3x

This weeks stats:
waist: 29 (same)
thigh: 23.25 (same)

knee: 15.75 (down 0.25)
calf: 13.75 (same)

Selected Workout Totals:
Standing Legs: 1x :blush:
Upper Body: 3x
5 Day Abs: 5x

Just DO it!

ljw32 Thu, Oct-14-04 14:04

No new loss- but no gain- didn't work out yesterday- but did clean the garage and walked up the stairs to the loft about a hundred times carrying stuff up. Not quite 14" but maybe a short leg press!! Plan to do cardio scuplt tomorrow.

JamesBlond Sat, Oct-16-04 16:30

No work out yesterday, but raked about a million leaves today :D Not the FIRM, but it should count for somethng... Planning on doing SOMEthing Firm-ish tomorrow.

Magpies Sun, Oct-17-04 14:33

Wish watching fencing counted but sadly no exercise this weekend. Have done three routines into my next Sky 10 and hope to add extra exercise next week.

JamesBlond Mon, Oct-18-04 08:57

Originally Posted by Magpie
Wish watching fencing counted but sadly no exercise this weekend.
:lol: Too funny :D How about bowling? We went bowling Friday(one game) does that count? Actually, I think the beer I drank probably cancels out any 'exercise' I might have gotten while bowling...:blush: I DID rake leaves this weekend, though, TWICE!! Damn wind. Got them all raked up Saturday and then it blew, blew, blew! I have blisters to prove it!

No worries, chick! Start a-new. We WILL exercise our butts off THIS week, right??

chiefeagle Mon, Oct-18-04 12:33

I exercised this am (not my full routine) walked my 3 mile walk last pm. Didn't exercise last week due to the vacation. Of course I did walk ALL day on Wednesday and Thursday so I guess thats some exercise. I didn't measure though but will measure this Thursday. I feel like I've gained. Could be because of TOM and I know I didn't drink even close to my required water last week.

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