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rumdum Wed, Jul-28-04 13:11

August Challenge?
First timer here but: AUGUST CHALLENGE anyone?

Just make a few goals and see if you can accomplish them. We can check back and update as we go along.

My goals: *starting on August 1st*

1) Also part of the no stepping on the scale challenge so I can't step on the scale all August

2)Want to lose 10lbs. by the end of August.

3)Drink more than 2.2 liters of water a day.

4)*JUST ADDED! Drink no more than one glass of diet soda a day. Or none at all but the max is one glass.
::rumdum starts drinking all the d. soda she can b4 august 1st!::

These are simple goals! I should be able to accomplish them* :) If I think of any more before August, I'll add on.

Akasha Wed, Jul-28-04 14:34

Hi there. I'd love to jump on into this challenge. My august goals are as follows:

-Walk 15 miles a week.
-Try to get in 8 glasses of water a day (This is hard for me to do)
- Get below 145 lbs for when I return to college Aug. 31st.
- No cheating! No alchohol, etc.
- Do yoga/stretching/pilates through out the week. (4x)

I think that's it, although I may add to or modify as I go along. I'll do an official weigh in August 1st.

cantwait Wed, Jul-28-04 14:51

I'm In....
Hi...I'm a newbie...and I am excited to be a part of this challenge. Here are my goals so far:

1. Do at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week minimum
2. No cheating
3. Drink at least 10 glasses of water a day!!
4. Lose weight!!!! :agree:

How often do we check in???

ouzogirl Wed, Jul-28-04 15:41

Me too!
I'd like to join :)

1. Drop 10 pounds in Aug (Or I'll settle for my smaller jeans staring at me!)
3. Start exercising.

babe Thu, Jul-29-04 02:30

me too
count me in too!

my first challenge..does this mean i've hit the big time. :>

1. loose 10 pounds
2. start an exercise program and do it 3 times a week
3. no wine (whimper)


babe Thu, Jul-29-04 02:31

me too
count me in too!

my first challenge..does this mean i've hit the big time. :>

1. loose 10 pounds
2. start an exercise program and do it 3 times a week
3. no wine (whimper)


babe Thu, Jul-29-04 02:31

me too
count me in too!

my first challenge..does this mean i've hit the big time. :>

1. loose 10 pounds
2. start an exercise program and do it 3 times a week
3. no wine (whimper)


Akasha Thu, Jul-29-04 06:00

Hi everyone and welcome to the challenge. Glad to see lots of people interested it in! I'll be back August first for an official weigh in. :)

rumdum Thu, Jul-29-04 08:51

Yay ::claps hands:: This is great! I thought no one would reply because there are so many other challenges going on that people are already doing that to start a new challenge would be ridiculous!

We can check in every week *or more for those who want to - I know i'll check in more than once a week*

We can check in every SUNDAY *that's the 1st day in August anyway*

But if you cheat or you need encouragement - come into this thread any time and let us know!

We can help each other out.

And instead of a long list of posts... just edit the ones you have above so it's easier for everyone to read*
Good luck all!
I'll be back on August 1st*

twistermom Thu, Jul-29-04 09:04

I'm in!

1) exercise atleast three times per day for 30 mins.:thup:
2) drink my eight glasses or more.
3) fit back into my jeans from last year!:D
4) walk while kay is at cheer practice.
5) lose atleast 10 lbs. (I am stuck right now...ggggrrrrr).
6) try not to eat too many allowed lc snacks (the recipes from here are sooooo good!).:yum:
7) I agree with rumdum with the scale scale just measurements!
8) to not go overboard on vacation!;)

Good luck to all of us!!!:wave:

BadgerGirl Thu, Jul-29-04 09:16

Count me in! My mountain-climbing vacation starts September 6, and I am motivated to make some progress, including weight loss and fitness gains!

My goals:
  1. Lose 10-15 pounds during August. (Since I'm starting at my top weight, I don't know what to expect. This challenge will begin before I enter into my second week of Induction!)
  2. Drink 64 ounces of water every day (real water, not decaffeinated wet stuff)
  3. Continue weight-bearing split (e.g., 4 days; Wednesdays off)
  4. Start something aerobic
  5. No snacking when Induction officially ends (8/10); this means no nuts!
  6. Eat only real food, which means protein, cheese, eggs, oils, and vegetables.

sabrina g Thu, Jul-29-04 13:06

I'm in
Hello everyone,

Count me in on this challenge. I've been really unmotivated for the past month, lot's of drinking and eating whatever I feel like. August is a new start for me. For one I start my marathon training. I am running a marathon in Hawaii on December 12th! Well I've signed up for it, booked the flight and hotel so I better get my (jiggly) bum in gear :agree:

My goals for August are:

1) Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
2) Stop cheating and eating whatever I feel like.
3) Don't miss any of my scheduled running days
4) Lift weights twice a week

Hopefully the results of the above will help me meet my last goal

5) Fit into all the clothes I bought for my trip last Dec. (Since then I have packed on 10 pounds! )

Good luck everyone. I have a good feeling about this challenge! I will check back in on Sunday to post stats. Are we tracking measurements...weight?

nutsnseeds Thu, Jul-29-04 13:16

OK - me too
This is it! I am determined to make this scale move in August.

My goals:

1. first week of August - a clean induction (1 week)
2. weight lifting 2x week
3. aerobics 4x week

LOSE 10 pounds!!!!!

NinaMarie Thu, Jul-29-04 15:10

Thank God someone started an August Challenge...

I was doing the July Challenge, but summertime in Chicago brought about a million festivals and parties, and I admit, I was a bit weak (Okay really weak) and didn't follow atkins at all during the last three weeks !

This month, I am ready to commit to the challenge!
I am determined to

1. Run three miles four times a week
2.Lift weights two days a week.
3.Take at least one dance class a week.
4.Not use the fact that there are no carbs in certain foods to snack on them... and snack on them... and snack some more!
5.Follow a less dirty induction (notice I didn't make it to clean yet? hehe diet soda and vodka get me every time) and not eat any atkins snacks
6.Acheive all of these goals while not being anal and beating myself up over any slight transgression
7. Loose more than ten pounds

Yeah!! I'm so excited, I'm cheating and getting a head start by beggining today (July 29th)

bradshaw Thu, Jul-29-04 15:21

I'm in. I did the July challenge and that really helped keep me on track. Hope to do the same for August.

Walk 3 miles/day for 6 days.
90 oz. of water/day.
Lose at least 10 lbs & one pants size.
Limit carbs to 20g/day
No pop, coffee, or frankenfoods.

iammom Thu, Jul-29-04 16:22

count me in
I'm New Also And Like The Idea Of The Challenge My Goals: Soda
2.start Walking 30 Mins. A Day
3. No Soda
4. Lc Food Only
5. No Caffeine
6. 80 Ounces Of Water A Day
7. Did I Mention No Soda- This Is The Hardest Thing For Me To Do If You Can't Tell
8. 20gr. Carbs Only
Good Luck To All!!! :)

2B-ABLE Thu, Jul-29-04 19:37

HEY im in too

My goal is to lose 10 lbs

200 crunches
at least 6 bottles of water

Pengyou Thu, Jul-29-04 22:48

Let's Do It!!
I'm an actress based in Toronto and I'm new to the forum. I've made a few LC false starts but this August challenge sounds like just the thing I need to keep me motivated. I started induction a few days ago and found that I was hungry all the time and there was just too much temptation in my fridge plus I hadn't bought any books and was just going on what I read on the net re: induction. So I need to clean out my fridge and to get a copy of Atkins tomorrow and then I will be all set to go!!

My goals for August:

*lose a minimum of 10 pounds
*get in an hourly walk daily( should be easy since I have a dog).
*workout at the gym at least three times a week
*follow induction for two weeks without cheating (eek)
*start taking better care of myself

I would love to hear from other ladies in Ontario.

Let's Do it!!!!

rumdum Fri, Jul-30-04 08:38

Wow... Seems like a lot of the goals are to lose 10lbs.

WELCOME and good luck everyone! Two more days!

Beebuzz Sat, Jul-31-04 01:15

Im joinning too!!

1. Loose 8 pounds
2. Do any kind of exercise 2x a week (30 min minimum)
3. Get my a** out of bed on the weekend and go hiking/backpacking

Thats it for now.

caverjen Sat, Jul-31-04 20:36

Ooh... saw this just in time! Count me in as a diet soda/caffeine addict! If anyone has successfully kicked this habit for good please send tips my way. My goals are:

1. No soda (Crystal lite, Ice botanicals and mineral water are ok)
2. 1 cup green tea/day
3. In bed, lights out by 10:00 weekdays, 11:00 weekends

That's all I can think of for now. I'm such a gym rat already that I don't feel the need to add any fitness goals this month.


Athena123 Sun, Aug-01-04 09:33

Count me in, too.
My goals:
1. Take my supplements daily.
2. Drink 4 glasses of water everyday.
3. Exercise at least 4-5 days a week, any kind I can get myself to do! :)
4. Track carb intake more precisely.

rumdum Sun, Aug-01-04 14:17

Hmm ::frowns::
Well I guess I can't edit but no worries!
Today is August 1st and we can check in every Sunday until the end of the month!
Feel free to come in more often if you've cheated or need encouragement! We are here to help!

Weight: 185 (this scale I found was SUPER NICE)
I'll check back again soon!

NinaMarie Sun, Aug-01-04 14:35

Hello Hello Hello!! Everyone excited to do the August Challenge? I sure am! Does anyone want to be my buddy?

PJnVA Sun, Aug-01-04 14:41

Count me in
1. Eat clean 20carbs or less per day the whole month
2. Drink a minimum of 3 L water per day the whole month
3. Excercise evrey other day
4. No soda for the next two weeks after that 12 oz per day only

Thanx for the Challenge.

Good Luck to all challengers

iammom Sun, Aug-01-04 14:56

august challenge weigh-in
155!! hey 5lbs. is 5 lbs.!!

rachelp Sun, Aug-01-04 19:18

i want in please
i am new also my goal for august are: drink more water
stay on a diet for the whole month
no cheating
no deluding myself about my weight
find a weight loss buddy
exercise 5x a week

Charlaine Sun, Aug-01-04 20:17

Hi, I want to join too!
Hey everyone,

Glad I found this thread! :)

My goals for August:

1- 155 on August 15th, and 150 on Sept 1st. So that's 10 lbs for the month of August;
2- Use as often as possible to keep an eye on my calorie and carb intake. Slow down on fake sugars;
3- Attend 3 classes per week (Monday-Sunday) at the Y .:yay: If technical obstacles occurr, do SOMETHING for 1/2 hour (walk dog fairly quickly (dog in question's name is Gandalf! He's the best dog ever :agree: ) , moderate/intense bike-ride, yoga/stretching);
4- Drink my water! 2L/day;
5- Practice being patient in regards to my weight loss.:rolleyes: Find strategies to get rid of more psychological obstacles. Suggestions are welcome!

That's quite a program! :lol:

Good luck and wishes of perseverance to all! We CAN do this!


My beloved Gandalf:

caverjen Sun, Aug-01-04 20:30

How'd everyone else's first day of August go? I survived temptation at the pool and at Dad's house without resorting to diet Coke. I had one glass of iced green tea. Now I just need to get my a$$ in bed and I'll be all set!


Athena123 Sun, Aug-01-04 21:17

My first day was good as well. This morning I woke up and realized it was August 1st, but even as I went to the fridge I was thinking "who cares eat what you want". I decided to weigh myself before I ate anything though and I was pleasantly surprised to see I'd lost 1.5lbs even though I'd screwed up last week. I guess in my mind I figured if I can lose a little weight without trying too hard how much could I lose if I tried? So I decided to make smarter choices on my food and I survived day one. Downside was I only had one bottle of water and didn't exercise, but tomorrow is another day! :)

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