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jamaicaker Sat, Jul-10-04 21:51

Do It To It
Jamaica here. Decided to start my gym log.

Worked on arms - each rep needs to be 6 secinds long = 2 seconds on the way up - 4 on the way down ( reasearch has shown this to be more effective, boy to I feel it)

Bicep curls
Tricep extensions
Chest press
Seated Rows

(also did some crunched on the exercise ball)

warm up - 4 min walk
Jog/run 21 min
5 min fast walk

50 Min Stair climber - level 13 -speed training course
20 min "easy" Eliptical machine

Went into the sauna and streached. So hot in there!

jamaicaker Sun, Jul-11-04 11:52

Worked out legs today
Didn't do the 6 second counting thing. However. I could feel it from last time.

Crunches on the ball
Leg Press with both legs
Single leg press
Seated lege Press (not sure of the name for that one)
Free motion squats
hamstring curls (laying down)
other hamstring curls (sitting position)
leg extensions

50 min stair climber on level14 = speed training
20 min easy eliptical
(don't you hate it when you get on a machine that is noisey and you don't really realize it until your going? I thought this one was going to fall apart on me. Everyone kept staring. I had my head phones on and pretended I couldn't hear it. Hence, I just wanted to "GET HER DONE/DO IT TO IT")

Built Sun, Jul-11-04 13:29

Great job on the workouts!

Do you find the adductor abductor machine really does what you want it to do? I always got hip flexor irritation from it when I tried it. Might just be my hips though.

jamaicaker Mon, Jul-12-04 22:19

What is hip flexor irritation? Not sure. We have two different versions of these machines. One where you are sitting more up right and your knees are bent, the other you add the weights on yourself and your legs are more straight. My trainer likes that second one better. No matter what I do, though, I can't seem to trim down that inside area from my knees up.

Today I did arms - can't remember exactly which machines; but tried to do slower movements
Cardio I walked 4min , ran the 21 (practice for basic training requirement). I ran the whole 21 minutes and just under the 2 miles (1.97 mile) Close enough , then walked for another 5 minutes. Catch my breath

Stair climber on speed training -stepped up tp level 14

Built Mon, Jul-12-04 22:26

Well, you can't spot reduce - you can only build. I don't want to build any width there, so I never do them.

Deep wide squats will thit this area anyway, better than the squeezies, I think.

Are ya gonna be doin' squats?

jamaicaker Tue, Jul-13-04 00:49

i don't think there is one that i don't do. i probably invented at least one of them :lol:

Built Tue, Jul-13-04 08:29

Hee hee hee hee!

Well, my favourite exercise is the king of all exercises, the Ass To Floor, or ATF squat:

Start with NO weight, and do 2 sets of 4. If you can still walk the next day, next time you do 'em, gradually increase until you can do 3 sets of 10-12 before adding in dumbbells gradually.

jamaicaker Tue, Jul-13-04 21:27

Wow, I don;t think i can do that. Did legs today, couldn't tell u exact machines. Did lunges and even one of the trainers/salesman, who, by looking at him, you know he knows what he is doing, anyways he admired the way I was doing my lunges ( I pulse) and my form. THat kind of made me feel good.Did 50 min of eliptical today. I now remember why I have been avoiding it. Wears me out.

Built Tue, Jul-13-04 21:39

Well, don't use any weight at first, of course - I started with just my body for two sets of 4. I did three sets of 6 with 115 pounds tonight. Took me about 2 years to work up to that.

They're GREAT for your body, though! Builds bone density all down your spine and through your hips and legs, boosts metabolic rate, builds flexibility, and also builds up core strength. Really, the king of all exercises.

jamaicaker Tue, Jul-13-04 21:58

I might have to start with the bar that is connected to the poles (slides up and down). What area is this good for? I could see myself right now falling over. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Built Tue, Jul-13-04 22:06

I would NOT suggest using the Smith machine for squats. Some folks find it okay, others find it REALLY hard on the knees.

Start with NO weight at all - just use your body. If there's a broomstick at your gym, use it to hold your form.

Good for quads and glutes primarily.

jamaicaker Tue, Jul-13-04 22:12

Is it because it is easier to cheat and lean on the bar too much? WHy don't you recomened it?

Built Tue, Jul-13-04 22:21

It holds your body in a fixed position, so rather than being able to move your body, you put a shear force on your knees.

jamaicaker Tue, Jul-13-04 22:56

I'm going to try it at home before I go to the gym and fall over :D

jamaicaker Wed, Jul-14-04 20:44

Wendsday - Hump Day
Had to work this morning; what a pain. I couldn't go to the gym. I like to get it done first, not later. Hard for me to want to go later,it's aleays easier to find an excuss> I can go tomorrow morning, but it needs to be no later than 8am, unless I just do cardio; some is better than none. Could always go back later and do weights.

Anyways today did arms. tried to consentrate on the range of motion/speed of the lifts; Run today

Warm up 4 min
21 min run
cool down 5 min

Stair stepper
50 min on level 14- Speed training route

Easy eliptical

20 min :agree:

jamaicaker Thu, Jul-15-04 22:32

Did quite a bit today. WOrked on legs as far as weights go.
Cardio was 50 min on stair climber at 14 on speed training, then I did the harder epliptical for 20 min, then decided to power walk for 30 so i could watch montel. :lol:

jamaicaker Fri, Jul-16-04 20:55

GOt up early to do some cardio before work

walk 4 min, ran 21, walk 5 min
Stair climber 50 min, could feel the burn today

Went to work and later walked inclined treadmil for 55 min at about 4 mph

jamaicaker Sat, Jul-17-04 14:01

Worked on some arms today. THen did some cardio
50 min on stiar climber
20 min easy elipical

Felt a little worn down today. My weight didn't move or maybe it did cause I did drink a lot this morning.

jamaicaker Mon, Jul-19-04 22:03

Did weights with the training cord this morning at my house before hitting the gym. I did a couple of leg exercises with weighs, then 50 min stair climber and 20 min on the eliptical.

jamaicaker Tue, Jul-20-04 21:52

Wasn't wanting to go to the gym this morning. But then I thought about the feeling I get when I guy checks me out or the way my clothes feel looser or the way my stomach is getting cut up; I went and did some arms; today was running day 21 minutes all the way, 50 min stair climber and 20 minutes of easy eliptical. Did sit ups on the ball too. SOre from yesterdays rubberband workout; been noticing bruses on my arms; wonder why I am brusing so easily?

Built Tue, Jul-20-04 21:56

Were you taking vitamin C and suddenly ran out? I've had this happen.

jamaicaker Tue, Jul-20-04 22:00

Nope, don't take vitamin C. I have a multi and I also drink that crystal light with added vitamin C. They almost don't even look like bruses; they aren't dark purple or anything, they look like areas on my skin where someone put self tanning cream on me.

Built Tue, Jul-20-04 22:02

Maybe it's God's way of saying it's time for you to start taking vitamin C.

I take a gram a day, time release, whatever's on sale.

jamaicaker Tue, Jul-20-04 22:16

You mean I have to buy more vitamins? AAAAAAHHHHHH! I think I spend more on supplements than I do food :lol: How much should I take in a day?

Built Tue, Jul-20-04 22:18

Like I said, I take a gram a day, time release. That's 1000 mg. Doesn't have to be natural source, but time release is a good idea, so you piss it out slowly over the day, instead of all at once... :rolleyes:

And welcome to my world. :lol:

jamaicaker Tue, Jul-20-04 22:28

And welcome to my world. :lol:[/QUOTE]


jamaicaker Wed, Jul-21-04 18:46

Yuck. Had to work early today. Tomorrow I am off :agree: :agree: :agree: . However, I have to go see the recruter at 1:30. TOday I did legs with the weights. THen I did FAT BURNER PLUS on level14 on the stair climber. Instead of going to the eliptical like I always so. I hopped back on the stair climber and did SPEED TRAINING on level 15 for 20 minutes. I have to surprise my body every now and then. Then I diid the eliptical for 20 minutes. SOPPING WET :lol: :D

jamaicaker Thu, Jul-22-04 23:13

Ran today and then did the stair cllimber for 50 min. No weights today. Taking it easy for once!

jamaicaker Sat, Jul-24-04 14:25

Wore myself out, DId arms for about 30 minutes, did my 2 mille run for 21 minutes, walked the other 9. Stair climber for 50, upped the level today. Eliptical for 20, easy did that one.

jamaicaker Mon, Jul-26-04 14:23

Did arms today. THen ran my 21 minutes. Felt a little tired. Did 50 min on the stair climber, and then 30 on the eliptical

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