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Logan Fri, May-07-04 20:06

Two weeks (5/10 - 5/23). Re-induction / no alcohol / maybe even excercise..*gasp!*???
Ok I'd really like some buddies to do this with and to give and recieve encouragement and motivation.

I've actually been doing induction level carbs since last Monday but want to keep it going for at least another week and maybe a bit more if necessary. If anyone would like to join me I'll commit to staying in this thread to keep up the support whether I increase my carb limit or not. :)

I've been fine with my eating over the last week but I do like my wine now and then, that said I've managed to abstain without fuss this past week too...I'd REALLY like to keep that up. :cool:

And excercise...UGH! I rarely do it, and this despite just a couple minutes of aerobic bopping to music first thing in the morning really makes a noticable difference to how fast I lose...but I don't even do that generally...hehe, how lazy is that??? :D

So people...Monday is D-day if anyone would like to join me. Anyone already doing it and wanting extra company is also welcome...and feel free to still join me if you don't find this thread till after Monday. :wave:

Logan ~

xcarbqueen Tue, May-11-04 08:24

I'm in
I'm happy to do this with someone else. I started induction (again) yesterday.
I started this whole (supposed) way of life last summer. I lost quite a bit of weight, I was down to 137. I gained it all back when the holidays came around. I know am at a wopping 152 pounds and feel like crap!
I struggle mostly during the weekends as that is when I head to my friends house and we grill out and drink beer. I love beer and it is very hard to turn it down. I have done it before and did very well that is what I have to remember. So yesterday went very well for me. I ate two boiled eggs for breakfast and that stuck with me all day. Eggs have a way of sitting in my stomach and make me feel full all day long. I still made myself eat a lunch and dinner. Kept my carbs below 20 and drank as much water as I could for starting out. No eggs for me today.
I hate, hate, hate, to work out! I dread getting on the treadmill etc..., but I will work on that this week. I'm going to try to get in at least 3 days of something in.
Well, thanks for inviting me into your challenge.
have a powerful day!

EatHealthy Tue, May-11-04 10:07

I restarted induction today.. so count me in. This is great to find a support system-- thanks. I will post more later, but am glad to find the topic.

Logan Tue, May-11-04 15:43

hi excarbqueen and eathealthy

well i'm happy to have a couple of others join me....thought i was on my own. :help:

today is day day 10 for me but monday after four days without the scales budging the slightest i went well over my carb a guesstimate 35 - 50 grams. :bash: so tuesday those scales finally moved....up. :rolleyes: but i was pleasantly surprised this morning to find them down again to 148.5 - half a lb away from my lowest weight (which i didn't change on my stats to reflect a gain).

FYI - being in New Zealand puts me one day ahead in case anyones confused. :D

As for drinking...another surprise...i'm not missing it at all, no cravings or anything...guess i'm just not the alky i thought i was. :lol:

welcome aboard you two!


Logan ~

xcarbqueen Wed, May-12-04 06:47

I hear ya on the not drinking, I'm not missing it either.....yet anyway. lol I have to push through the weekend and that is my biggest challenge. I will have to unplug the phone so I don't get tempted by friends calling. lol
Congrats on the weight Logan! way to go.
I had a surprise on my scales this morning, I lost two pounds. I'm sure it is water, but what the hey! I'm still glad anyway. I go nuts if the scale won't move.
I promised to do some sort of exercise this week, it is not going so well..... I did take the dogs to dog training..maybe that counts as doing something? ha ha.
I guess if I would put down the smokes I would have more energy. It is just something I can't quit right now while trying to eat clean.
Hope you all have a powerful day!

EatHealthy Wed, May-12-04 07:11

Totalled in yesterday at 22 carbs, 2 miles walked and 94 ounces of water.

Logan Wed, May-12-04 15:21

excarbqueen - wtg on that 2 bls! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

and yep weekends were always my danger times for drinking too...guess i just got into a habit and usually caved whenever friends called and lured me out. but i solved that problem...i don't have any friends anymore. :D hehe, kidding, my main drinking buddy moved away and the others learned over time that i'm now a stay at home type. funny the few times i do go out i always run into them a one pub or another...bloody lushes. :lol:

that said i was still drinking at home, get on the puta, start chatting to my online friends and have a few wines...funny how everything seems so hilarious with a couple under the belt yet i go back the next day to make sure i haven't said anything too outrageous and wonder what the hell i was laughing at the nite before??? :cool:

so thursday now and still not missing it, it's also good to wake with a clear head every morning, usually after drinking it knocks me for the rest of the next day and i'm sluggish and get next to nothing done so there are those benefits too. :agree:

now for the bad news - i was back up to 67.9 kgs (149.3lbs) again this morning. :mad: i'm thinking possible causes for this could be:
* not enough sleep
* not enough carbs from vegies
* eating a darryl lea chocolate two nites running (although practically zilch carbs)
* possibly not enough fat in my diet

i'm going to make an effort to get to bed earlier, in fact, i was still up at 1.30 am last nite when you two were posting...hehe :blush: . i'm also going to start posting what i eat in my journal everyday and see if someone can spot any faults and advise me on changes and we'll see how it goes from there.

Eating Healthy - congrats to you on the excercising too! :thup:

Well that's my ramble for the morning - sorry this was so long... :D


Logan ~

xcarbqueen Thu, May-13-04 06:05

Logan you are too funny, we are a lot a like. I too used to drink at home. I am a single mom and when my (now 14 yr old) goes to bed I would grab a beer and hang on the computer and gab also. I did the morning check of sent mail to see if I wrote any stupid e-mails while I was having so much fun. I learned after a while not to send any e-mails while drinking and also printed out any IM messages that I had during my "Corona fest".
I never realized how clouded my morning was until I stopped drinking the last time I went on induction. I guess I just was used to drinking the beer. I always got up early 5:30 am and had a couple of coffee's and was good to go. I feel way better now and I sleep a heck of a lot better too.

I am down to 149 this am. I am weighing myself on this DR.'s scale that I bought last time I was doing this. I'm am sure this is all water and it will all come to a hault fast.

Don't be too bummed about the up and downs of this. I had the same problems the last time I did this. It still does come off eventually.

About putting it down in a do you do this? I have seen other people's journals and still can't figure out how to put one on this site.
I am using fitday and keep a journal there.

I need some clarification on something maybe one of you could help me on this. Okay, here goes. How do you figure net carbs? I have just been adding up all my carbs. Is it the net carbs that you add or the whole thing? Where do you get the net carbs?
Hope you understand what I'm saying.

How many hours ahead of us are you a full 24 hours? My friends in Ireland are I think 6 hours ahead.

Well I will post back later, since this is so damn long.
Stay strong!

xcarbqueen Thu, May-13-04 06:11

Originally Posted by EatHealthy
Totalled in yesterday at 22 carbs, 2 miles walked and 94 ounces of water.

Hey good for you on the walking!
I used to walk 2 miles a day with the dogs. I still need to get out there and get back into the swing of it. I do hate it, but always felt better afterwards and the dogs loved it.

have a great day and walk on!:thup:

Cassinog Thu, May-13-04 06:35

Hi All,

Have just joined this forum and liked the idea of talking to others with an alcohol problem (!) :Party:

I started Atkins a few weeks back and the only thing I couldn't give up was the evil grape :( , but after a week on holiday drinking FAR too much I plunged back into Induction with a vengeance and haven't had a drink for a week.
The scary thing is, I've suddenly realised how often I did have a drink - and what a habit it was to always have a glass of wine (okay, or two!) when meeting friends or after having a tough day at work.

That being said, I'm looking forward to being allowed 'just the one' occasionally post-Induction - I know that you shouldn't bring it back in until rung 5 of OWL, but since it doesn't affect the fat burning system (just means that the alcohol will be used first), it's not like feasting on biscuits!

My poor Hubster has been keeping me company on my alcohol-free sojourn - he's as thin as a reed anyway, but since my will power seems to be next to none, I couldn't have managed without him (or with him avec un verre du vin!)

As for exercise... sigh! When can you fit it in the day?? I'm lucky in that I already walk 25 mins to and from stations for work... have a sneaking suspicion that this isn't really enough though...

Anyway, just wanted to drop a line and say hi - and that I'm relieved that I'm not the only one out there who enjoys a glass (several! :D )now and again!!


Logan Thu, May-13-04 16:01

good morning excarbqueen and welcome casinog :)

another big ups to you on your loss excarb :yay: :cheer: :yay: :cheer: my motto is, when it's coming off it's fat - when it's going's just water. :lol: :D

for starting a journal go here: How to start a Journal . alternatively you can find them under "journals / bootcamp" in the "Main Low-Carb Diets Forums & Support" section.

i wouldn't have a clue how carbs are calculated - eek i couldn't even work out how to use fitday :blush: . when losing the bulk of my weight i've only ever guessed how many carbs i'm consuming by sticking to the lowest carb foods that i could find. that said there are plenty here that would know if you posted on this forum Newbie questions you'll be sure to get some help. :)

in new zealand we are about 16 - 18 hours ahead of the states, freaky ahe... :cool:

casinog - yep think we can totally relate to that alcohol curse. :D it doesn't seem to become a problem until you do a diet like this and find out how much you really miss it. (thereby realising we had a slight problem :blush: ) it's great that your husband it being supportive though...go him! ;) and like you i do like the fact that it only stalls and doesn't actually fatten us up so we can indulge again at some point. :yum: hehe. oh and i think even a little excercise it better than the nothing i usually do. :lol:

well i think i figured out what caused my gain yesterday, i had forgotten that i'd eaten a second dinner later at nite...never a good idea even if it's only trace carbs. still not drinking or missing it so that's all good. as for the rest, weeeeeeeelll, moving right along, lets not dwell on petty little things :blush:, suffice to say the scales were up a few more grams this morning, i'm VERY lucky they weren't up a few tonne :bash: and i promise to be good today...hell i even did manage a little excercise this morning to attone for my sins. :D

have a good day all. :wave:

Logan ~

xcarbqueen Fri, May-14-04 06:24

Good morning all!

Well Logan as I said before the quick little loss will come to a screaching hault! It did. I'm up to 149.5 this morning. I believe (hope) that it was caused by my horribly hectic day yesterday. I did not get nearly enough H20 in.

My daughter is graduating 8th grade tonight and we had a dress and all the trimmings picked out and ready to go when yesterday morning I find out that all the girls dress like it is freaking prom! So our little cute casual dress had to go in the closet and I had to run like a chicken with my head cut off to search out a proper dress. This took me from 10:30 am yesterday until 8:30 last night. So.. some $200 and some dollars later... and I still have a few things to get done for her such as hair and oh yeah.. all the girls are getting their nails done! I have NEVER heard of such a thing for 8th grade graduation. Maybe I'm stuck in another time and place or something.
I would have stuck to my guns and not have worried about it, but 14 is such an age where you don't want them to feel out of place, so I caved. That said I have a very very busy day today!

I still did good carb wise..19 carbs and 1,500 calories. (I know you are not supposed to watch cals, but I can't help it.) I ate dinner way way too late also... 9:30 ish.

exercise- well that would be running around the malls, I did walk the excalaters also. lol

Welcome cassinog!

I guess I should get going and take on the day! THE RAINY DAY! now the struggle to keep the daughter's hair and dress dry tonight UGH!!!!

Logan Fri, May-14-04 18:42

morning excarb

perhaps we should have called this the *lets put on weight* challenge...hehe - at least we would have been successful! :lol:

sounds like you've been busy, busy, busy...fancy school kids of 14 having such formal graduations. consumerism gone mad. :p

the scales didn't move for me this morning but since i was expecting more fallout from the day before i'm very pleased with that. as much as i loathe excercise i did a heap of walking yesterday, into town and home again. this morning i got up and walked my little one to his dads (he is usually picked up), then later i did half of my daughters pamphlet run which was another hours walking, and i'm a brisk walker so i hope it pays off. i think possibly the only way for me to lose more weight is to start getting off my chuff. also got a decent amount of sleep again last nite, so hoping that will help too. :rolleyes:

finally i measured around my abdomen this morning, it's been a couple of months since i've done that but was happy to see that down to 107 cms from 112 cms. i think i've mentioned it's the only part of me with fat...the rest of me is as scrawny as any stick person. :lol: so anyway i'm hoping that while i'm not losing weight, possibly my fat is re-distributing itself and i'm losing fat from my belly. will keep tabs on that one. :)

have a good day :wave:

Logan ~

xcarbqueen Sun, May-16-04 07:12

Way to walk Logan!!!

I'm glad you have the guts (no pun intended ) to measure your stomach. Not me. lol It would depress me too much, but I can understand if that is all that needs to be measured. My wait (unfortunatly) is distributed evenly and then some!
Rejoice! you are down quite a few inches. good for you!

I have not lost anything the past couple of days, but have not gained either. So I'm not too worried yet. I have not eaten properly lately. I missed some meals and didn't drink enough water. I drank some chicken broth last night. I got home late and didn't want to eat too much so drank that instead. I can feel in my fingers how much salt was in it. Water, water, water!

Did everyone make it through the weekend without drinking any booze/beer/wine ?
I did not have any at all and really was not tempted to. I usually watch the Suprano's on Sunday eveninigs with a nice big glass of red wine. Maybe I will fill a big wine glass with water instead. LOL

Well we made it 7 days! Let's all give ourselves a pat on the back! :D

Have a great day!

Logan Sun, May-16-04 15:05

morning excarb and YES, we've done a whole week together...yay!!! :yay:

and today is two weeks without drinking for me and like you i haven't really been tempted at all. :cheer: the scales also dropped this morning down to 147.8, that after finding them up to 151lbs yesterday morning! :eek:

and after yesterdays dismal scale reading i finally got onto fitday and figured out how to use the damn thing and SHOCK HORROR, my calories the day before were up over 3000...yikes! :blush: even though i'd never monitored calories before i don't think that's normal for me, i was extra hungry from all that excercise :lol: i'd also inadvertently gone over my carb max too by a few grams. so yesterday with the help of fitday i kept my carbs right down AND my calories were around 11 - 12 hundred. today i only have around 800 calories pegged for consumption. i think i'm at the stage where it's something i'm definitely going to have to monitor too.

so two weeks for me today and i've cheated twice and i'd like to do another week CHEAT FREE. :D

thanx for being here and reading excarb - i truely hope you see some good results soon. i'm still doing ok with water but it's so cold here i've taken to warming mine up with hot water...:lol:

xcarbqueen Mon, May-17-04 06:45

Well kudos to you for your wonderful loss!

I love using the fitday. It really keeps me in check.... well except for this weekend, I was so busy I didn't record hardly anything. I am going back this morning and putting in all that I did.
Something is way wrong now. I got on the scale this morning and about fell off of it! 152 what??????????????? I know I didn't eat anything off of induction except that damn chicken broth. How could this be? Water? I hope that is all. I was so good. I even went to the movies with my daughter and sat there drinking water while she and her friend ate popcorn, candy and drank soda's. UGH!! This is a very depressing day for me.

I will press on and hopefully things will change again!

Have a great day!

Logan Mon, May-17-04 16:51


i remember a couple of months ago when i seriously started low carbing again i was eating all kinds thinking it being low carb i would be doing fine. my scales had packed it in back then and when i finally replaced them i was SHOCKED to find i'd put on 5 kilos (11lbs) since my last weigh. that's when i went back to induction and thankfully lost it all in a week.

but after that i pretty much was stuck around the 148lb mark and it hasn't been till working out how to use this fitday that things seem to be on the mend again. (i'm hoping it's fitday and me keeping an eye on my calorie intake and not just a fluke)

so have a look at what you're eating and try some fine-tuning of your menu. i think once we get down to our weight we need to focus more than usual on what we're eating and our calories too....bummer ahe. :lol:

xcarbqueen Tue, May-18-04 06:13

Pay day!:) back down to 150 :D I drank so much water yesterday I thought I was going to explode! It sure helped though.

I think I will turn on the air conditioning and get on my treadmill today. See if that helps me out. I have all this equipment and never use it. My Bow Flex is being used as a bridle and saddle holder. lol time to take them off and get my money's worth! ohhh how I so hate exercise!

One thing I have noticed lately is that since I have not been drinking, I'm craving coffee and cream all day! It is all I can do not to stop at the coffee place in the middle of the day to grab and iced coffee.

well time for another cup of coffee (having two today again, then maybe 1 tomorrow)

Have a great day and may the scale keep dropping in numbers!

Logan Tue, May-18-04 15:23

yes! good to hear some good news from you and yip i swear by water too. i honestly think without it this way of eating would be next to useless.

and yes you get that old tready out and give it a burl...i keep thinking i'd like a treadmill but i once bought a weider home gym system that cost me 1200 dollars to become nothing more than a glorified clothe airer and another time i paid $400 for a years gym membership and went a total of 3 times so now i just don't trust myself to fork out on things like that. :rolleyes:

i had a half an hours brisk walking yesterday though delivering my daughters pamphlets so i'm happy doing that kind of stuff. what's annoying is there is so much conflicting advice on what sort of excercises i should be doing...some say cardio, some say wieghts and then others will come along and refute that so blah...i'll stick with walking..hehe. :D

i've been watching my coffee intake too, especially since i usually drank mine with cream and found the calories phenomenal! so one day i restricted it to 3 cups and had it black. yesterday i allowed myself a teaspoon of cream in my morning coffee and found that amount was way below what i usually put in...but never got around to having more coffee. i've just finished my morning coffee with a teaspoon of more cream for me today and if any...only two more cups of black coffee.

finally, scales are still moving slowly down...i can do slow :cool:

hope you've had a good day too. :wave:

xcarbqueen Wed, May-19-04 07:57

Hey where did cassinog and eathealthy go??

I hear ya on all the wasted gym money. I have been there done that also. I am hoping I will get off of my duff and get using my home stuff. I had good intentions yesterday, but didn't do it. I think I just better get out of bed, put on the shoes, and get on the tredmill first thing. Seems the only way I will get it done and out of the way then.

my scale says 149 today (please, please, don't go back up)

Wondering why my coffee goes down so quickly. I'm dying for another cup (already had two) the one cup thing was just not getting it! "can you say addict" ;) I don't know how you drink it black, yuck! I have to have cream. I never did use sugar in it though so I don't miss that at all.

I had a thought last night and I think I'm going to have my daughter take some digitil pictures of me and I will post on them in the progress section. I will see how scary they look first. lol I think that will give me more of an insentive to hang in there on this thing. I'm not having any trouble as of yet, but I know a month down the road I may be fizzling out.

keep up the good work, you are doing great!

time for me to take on the day!!

Logan Wed, May-19-04 14:52

good for you on another pound! :yay: it's great to lose it but you sound like me...just waiting for the *catch* or the hammer to drop. i say we just keep up the good work, keep a close eye on what we're consuming and prepare ourselves not to sweat it too much if/when those little fluctuation come up. ;) (yeah right, you'll probably here me squeal from there if my scales move up again :lol: )

i didn't do any excercises yesterday either...i walked down the corner store and that was about it. but today i've got a bit on in town and either today or tomorrow have some of my daughters pamphlets to deliver so that's all good. :thup:

not sure what's happened to the other two - i've noticed there is a big drop-off rate with the newbies which is a shame but i just figure they'll be back when they're truely ready to lose their weight. good luck to them. :)

as for me, my calorie count really dropped yesterday despite having good intentions i couldn't eat all i'd planned and by the end of the day they were down to 823. was a bit worried what effect that might have on losing but it actually had a good effect and i'm down to 145.4 with this mornings weigh in.

i've also got a decent amount of energy lately...not bouncing off the walls like i sometimes get but not lethargic and sluggish like i *usually* am. most of this i credit to the diet but alot of it will be due to not drinking either. :thup:

have a good day excarb...looking forward to some more good news from you tomorrow. :wave:

Cassinog Thu, May-20-04 02:32

Hey hey hey!
Don't write me off so quickly! Unfortunately, I don't have internet at home, and work's been a bit too busy to take the time out to communicate - but I haven't given up!!!
End of my renewed 2 week induction today - I had 21lbs to lose and I'm now down to 14lbs to go. Not bad, but in the last 2 weeks I only lost 2lbs and that was on the 'No Drinking' induction :tears: Okay - so I did break on Saturday and have 3 glasses of wine :nono: , but it's better than I've done before.
I'm now thinking of moving on to OWL, but I'm concerned that if my weight's already moving this slowly, what's that going to do to it!! But then, DANDR does say that you need to progress...
Am also planning to get the old bicycle out of the shed and start cycling on a regular basis - I was going to try running, which I do sort of enjoy once I get going, but I can never get going! :D
Anyway, I'll try and post again soon, but unfortunately people do expect me to work whilst I'm here... :p


xcarbqueen Thu, May-20-04 05:47

Well hi there Cassinog we thought you were gone! Glad to see you are still hanging on. Good deal on the weight loss. You only have 14 lbs to go? yay for you! I dream of that day! I understand about the work thing so we will look forward to having you pop in when you can.
I hope your wine was good!;) I actually don't miss my beer or wine, but then again I have not been anywhere that it has been under my nose! I'm not sure I would be strong enough to resist it. So I won't go there.:)
I hope you do get your bike out. I finally got on my treadmill yesterday (after a lot of procrastinating) and to top it off I did some push ups and a bunch of sit ups and walked with the weights in my hands. I knew how good I would feel afterwards, but it just took me forever to jump on.

You go girl!!! wow, It seems we are both on the move. I weighed in at 147.5 this morning. hip hip hurray!

As you see above I did get on my treadmill! I do feel better. I also think that it is part from not drinking too. I'm going to try to get on it again today. My daughter goes for braces this morning so I will have to do it in the afternoon.
I have also gone to the tanspa a couple times this week. I know it is so bad to do :nono: But I needed some color If I want to take that picture. It always makes me feel better. I always say "tan fat is better than white fat" lol well at least for me.

Well You have another "losing day" ;) I'm off to my journel

Logan Thu, May-20-04 15:17

hey cass and excarb!

good to see you're still sticking with it cass, as for the diet...just do whatever you think because you can always re-trace your steps if it doesn't work out. :) sounds to me like you're still doing well though and only a bit further to'll get there! :thup:

excarb, great news from you! we're practically on a par which is another good motivator...we should get to goal around the same time if we keep this up...yay! :yay:

my scales only registered a smidgeon of a drop this morning which was quite surprising after another good brisk walk yesterday...low carbs and calories and to top it off; i had to take something to unblock the pipes yesterday...after nothing was happening by evening i took some more of that something and then spent practically the whole nite up and down to the loo :blush: my poor tummy, won't be doing that again...ouch ouch ouch! :(

but i though - oh well at least that should make for a good reading on the scales but no... *sigh*. tom started today so perhaps that had something to do with it so i'm not too bothered. (eek...this is turning into rather a gruesome post from me... :D ...hehe...sorry)

well friday here today, i've got another brisk walk planned to deliver the rest of my girls pamphlets - you two have a great day and cass have a good weekend. :wave:

xcarbqueen Fri, May-21-04 07:34

Well another day! Already Friday. I can't believe how the time has been flying.

Don't worry about the scale since tom is here. The thing I like about it is after it is overwith I always feel wayyyy thinner. Sometimes the scale even drops more than I thought it would.

you don't have to worry about gruesome threads with me. We all are human and our bodies go through the same things at one time or another. Besides I own a pretty gruesome business and nothing bothers me.

okay, so I asked once before. lol what are the pamphlets you deliver with your daughter???

my scale didn't move very much either, but some. I'm at 147.1 just a tad above the 147 mark, so I don't know if that is .1 or not. lol

I had a busy day with the daughter she got the braces yesterday. so unfortunately I didn't get on my treadmill. :(

It would be nice to reach goal about the same time. I did give my self until July 22nd. That gives me 62 days if I drop 2.5 lbs a week. (according to Fitday). I know there will be stalls along the way so I just hope and pray they won't last long.
I have not worn a bikini (looking good) in lets see.......probably since I was 22 or 23. I got pregnant when I was 24 and it was all up and down hill from there. I'm 39 and I was so hoping to look good when I turn 40 next Feb. I'm the heaviest in my family. My sis, mom, brothers, and sister in-laws are all twigs. It makes it very hard to go to family functions where eating is involved because I just get depressed that they can eat everything they want and here I sit, overweight and a wee bit jealous. I do have to say my sis is real supportive as is my mother.

Well I have gabbed enough I'd better get to my journel and jot in what I ate yesterday.

you gals have a nice day!

Logan Fri, May-21-04 15:58

oops - missed the pamphlet question. she has an after school job delivering a variety of phamplets (advertising) from local stores. she has this area that we live in so it's very practical and a good way for me to get out and walk. i can't make myself walk just for the sake of it but don't mind when i have a purpose. that said i didn't get out today but she has more to do yesterday so i'll definitely get out there sometime today.

now this gruesome business of yours??? i'm intrigued??? :D

in my family i'm one of the smaller ones, only my Mum was smaller than me and one of my cousins. my sisters are bigger but lucky them they're all tall (5'9 - 5'11), i'm the shorty at 5'7...grrr. :mad: that said, i'm what you'd call a native New Zealander i guess (Maori ethnicity), probably likened to the American Indians or American African and like them we generally hold a bit more weight and don't usually care. with me maybe it's because my Father is white that i DO CARE....hehe, or just plain vanity. :cool:

onto the scales...they didn't move again this morning but i'm not surprised or bothered. as you said with tom here it's probably affecting it, i've heard some women retain a bit of water at this time though so hopefully will have a little woosh at the end...or at least hoping the scales will start moving again soon. :)

i've given myself till the 8th of august to get to goal which is a loss of 1.9lbs a week all going well. but if that fails i actually have till the end of september. at that time i have a trip to Auckland (the biggest city in our country at the top of the North Island, i live in the South Island), i'm hosting an event (party) with around 200 people attending so i want to look my best for that. :cool:

wow what a ramble...have a great day! :wave:

Logan Sat, May-22-04 03:33

just thinking - 2 more days for me and 3 for you and that marks the end of our two weeks! :cheer: :yay:

we've done really well, excellent in fact with our food AND non-consumption of alcohol. we've also both started doing a little excercise which is a great acheivement methinks. :) in essence we've accomplished what we set out to do in this challenge. (just a shame those damn scales don't reflect our great effort...but at least we've still both lost a little ;) )

so the million dollar question IIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSS ....what now?????

shall we:
A. go out and get rolling drunk next week???
B. get drunk AND pig out??? :D
C. set a new challenge???

xcarbqueen Sat, May-22-04 08:25

To answer the big question...............I say set another challenge. At least for me. I'm 5'2" and 146 pounds does not look good on me......yes you read that right 146 today!!!!!! ....................................Although going out and having some good ol' fashioned fun sounds great!;) I think I will stick to another 2 weeks of induction. (never thought I would hear myself say that)

We had terrible storms here all day yesterday so I had my computer unplugged. It seems the lightning likes my house and tends to blow all of my high dollar items (tv, computer, stereo etc..) it even took out my washer once. So I sit in my house with everything unplugged. lol My daughter and I usually play cards. It is tornado season here. There was a bunch of warnings and sightings. We were down stairs last night, but then the basement started to flood. We have had too much rainfall in the past week. All the rivers and such are well over their limit. So we had to come back upstairs. It was not a very restfull night. I live out in the country on a farm, so I felt a bit like Dorothy fromt the Wizard of Oz. Another storm blew in this morning and we are expected to get more throughout the day. UGH!:eek:

I think you probably look pretty good right now with your height. It seems though you set a pretty reasonable goal for yourself. I was thinking maybe my goal is asking a bit much. I don't care though, it would be nice to be 125 or 130 even. LOL

What type of event/party are you having in Auckland? I'm sure you will look awesome by then. I am going to the Florida Keys at the end of July (that is why I set my goal for July 22) My daughter's dad lives down there and I'm taking her there for a couple of weeks. I want to be able to wear a bikini on the boat. (not for her for me).

Well I must be off to do my journel and then outside to get a bit of branches picked up out of the yard before the next storm rolls in.

Have a great weekend!!!

Logan Sat, May-22-04 15:20

ok another two weeks - i'm in! it would be nice to be able to do something different but the reality for me is these grams and pounds are coming off so slowly that i just can't afford to lapse and stuff it all up.

and yip at 5'7 and this weight i do look slim clothed and that's nice but i've a very short body (waist to boobs) and all the weight around my abdomen prevents me wearing clothes i'd like to wear. for instance, i have no waste so if i wear jeans i have this unsightly roll of fat bulge out over the top of them and THAT'S what i want to get rid of. :mad:

right now i've no idea if my 121 goal is acheivable but i'm going to try and see what happens. :)

you on the other hand are doing amazing and i'm wrapt for you!!! 146 alrighty!!! 1 more lb and you'll be up with me...hell you'll probably overtake me in a few days and that will be cool too. :dazzle: :clap: :agree:

bummer about all those storms but tornadoes too??? eek! :eek: that would scare the bejeesus outa me but then well have a very mild climate here. i do moan about the cold in winter but it's nothing compared to a lot of places. :)

Logan Sat, May-22-04 15:42

oh and the bikini goal...that would be neat. my figure would never allow for one of those no matter how much i lost but possibly a swimsuit might be on the cards. gee it would be lovely to be able to go to the local pool and not have to worry about keeping covered up. hehe...your ex will be eating his heart out at the sight of you in a bikini! :D

my event in auckland is just a gathering of net friends. some i have met, some i'm dying to meet and some are just net aquaintances coming to party hearty! it's being held in a local lounge bar that i've booked for the nite and i have a theme to it which is *FUGLY*. it means we all have to come dressed and looking as ugly as possible. :lol: least i'll be a SLIM fugly. :p

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