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laureninva Tue, May-04-04 08:18

AFwife - I have a question for you
Your loss has been amazing!! 90 lbs in 6 months? I was curious about your fat percentage....I've noticed in several posts that you keep your fats on the higher end. Mind sharing your fat/protein/carb ratio, as well as your daily caloric intake? I've been keeping my fat % around 70 and am pleased with my loss since starting in February, but I sure wouldnt mind boosting it up a bit. Thanks!

AFwife Tue, May-04-04 08:43

WOW a post just for me. :lol: Don't I feel special. :)

My fat % is usually in around 80-90%.....sometimes higher sometimes lower.

I stay at 20-30g's.

I don't usually use Fitday anymore. I got tired of going in there to punch in what I eat all the time. I just use it now to track my weight loss.

But I did keep track on April 29th here is what is said:

Calories Eaten Today
source grams cals %total
Total: 4178
Fat: 378 3401 81%
Sat: 74 665 16%
Poly: 87 780 19%
Mono: 196 1767 42%
Carbs: 27 56 1%
Fiber: 13 0 0%
Protein: 181 722 17%
Alcohol: 0 0 0%

Hope this helps ya some.

I eat like this all the time, but I exercise too so I am burning alot of it off aswell.

Good luck to ya. You're doing great.

AFwife Tue, May-04-04 08:49

I inputed what I've eaten today and what I'll have for dinner and got this....just thought you'd like to know.....

Calories Eaten Today
source grams cals %total
Total: 4602
Fat: 409 3679 80%
Sat: 100 900 20%
Poly: 30 266 6%
Mono: 251 2255 49%
Carbs: 28 87 2%
Fiber: 7 0 0%
Protein: 208 832 18%
Alcohol: 0 0 0%

laureninva Tue, May-04-04 08:56

is the 4602 the number of calories you are eating??

AFwife Tue, May-04-04 08:57

Yes it is.

Alot huh?

laureninva Tue, May-04-04 08:58

ok, nevermind I guess it is, and you are burning that off with exercise I suppose. You're lucky, I dont think that I could lose on that many calories. I've kept mine around 1500, but I will focus more on my percentages now and see what happens. Thanks for your help!

laureninva Tue, May-04-04 08:59

ok one more question...what and how much are you eating to get to that many calories? And what kind of exercise do you do and how often? sorry for all the questions, but I am more amazed now after seeing the calories you eat AND the fact that you have lost so much so fast!!! :eek: :D

AFwife Tue, May-04-04 09:00

Much luck to you.

Remember exercising plays a big role in this WOL.


AFwife Tue, May-04-04 09:01

Let me go back into Fitday and copy and past what I've been eating I'll be back.

AFwife Tue, May-04-04 09:04

The numbers of each aren't copying and pasting sorry. But I eat 2 of the meats all the time...2 chickens, etc......and I use 1 cup of oil to fry them in.

Cheese, Mozzarella,

Nuts, macadamia nuts, dry roasted, with salt added


Ground beef, lean, cooked

Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, meat only, cooked, fried

Broccoli, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt

Peanut oil

Olive oil

For exercise I do aerobics, bellydancing and stepper. I workout 5 days a week.

Elsah Tue, May-04-04 09:08

Holy Calories!!!!! I feel like I am about to explode just trying to reach 1800. For me it feels like I have taken on a full time job just trying to figure out how and where to cram in extra calories. I wish I could eat like that with ease! Your weight loss speaks volumes though!! You are doing such an awesome job!

AFwife Tue, May-04-04 09:12

Thanks Elsah,

I freaked at first when I saw how much I was eating but it's half of what I ate before Atkins so...not bad I think. And when I log in my activites for the day it says I've burned off at least 3000 of it. So it comes out to at the end of the day as if I did only have about 1500 calories to eat.

I averaged 10 pounds a month till I started exercising in March. I use to hate exercising now, bring it on. :lol:

Have a nice day.

tcastro Tue, May-04-04 09:14

I've been considering upping my calorie intake. At 253lbs, I've been taking in about 2200/day, but according to some figures, that's putting me into starvation mode, because I burn 700-1000 calories per day just through exercise.

I think next week I'll try 3000/day and see how it effects my overall loss.

Vanity3 Tue, May-04-04 09:18

Yesterday i barely cranked out 2000 cals. I keep my carbs under 40. And now that I'm exercising, I am hungry more often. I guess I gotta go back to those 6 small meals a day and maybe that way I'll up my calories.

AFwife Tue, May-04-04 09:21

Yes I think that if your exercising extra calories is a must. Before I ate less calories while exercising and always got so hungry in the middle of the night.

I feel better now that I eat more and it looks like a little on the plate but when you calculate, it's alot.

scorpio381 Tue, May-04-04 09:26

I would venture to say that the oils add quite a bit to the calorie total. It's probably not all "food", per se, so it's not like she's eating 24 hours a

AFWife....are you feeling better since your trip to the doctor? You're still losing at an incredible rate.

AFwife Tue, May-04-04 09:29

Your right scorpio.....the oil does add up but because I fry my meats in oil I believe that it's been sucked up into the meat, like a sponge to water and this ups the fat %. That's why I always tell people who ask, how can I up my fat intake to fry, fry, fry their meats. :lol:

GOD imagine eating 24 hours a day. :lol:

I feel great since trip to doctor thank you.

pookalee Tue, May-04-04 09:39

AFWife, since we are on the subject of you :) , how do you like the bellydancing? Ive been considering it because Im thick in the middle (my legs are in pretty good shape, my arms too) and I love dancing. I have "the mommy gut" I just cant seem to get rid of. BTW Im 5'9" tall and short waisted, my height is in my legs. So does it work for the waistline and the gut directly under it?

AFwife Tue, May-04-04 09:43

The video is more using bellydancing moves for exercise.

But because the moves are part of the dance it does work that area.

I plan on buying the dvd on actually learning how to bellydance real soon.

You have to move you hips alot so it's a great workout.

LCanita Tue, May-04-04 10:23

I think we need to remember that everyone is different. AFwife has done great with a lot of calories and high fat. Itsthewoo just reached goal. Check out her fitday and you'll see that she was routinely in the 1200 calorie range, with about 50 carbs per day. Big different in strategy!!

Just wish I knew where I fit?

How about some other "big losers", which way do you go with this?

AFwife Tue, May-04-04 10:27

Yes LCanita, everyone is different.

You just have to find what works for you. When I started losing fast I went back and looked at what was it I did different that caused this to happen, and just kept doing.

Everyone will find where they fit. :)

sassylady Tue, May-04-04 10:46

hi, AFwife you cook all of your meat in 1 cup of oil.... omg and i have been using like a tbsp lol...i keep forgetting fat is ok ...
I see you use olive and peanut oil and i can use that much each time i cook meat ???
i to am amazed at your lose in 6 months...and can i ask how long you excerise each day... i am not sure how long is long enough....? i have a stepper and skier in one...also a little wheel you push like doing situps.... and t hinking about a skipping rope? they say that is good for you...!!!

sassylady :)

AFwife Tue, May-04-04 10:49

We go through alot of oil in this house. :lol:

I exercise minimum 20 minutes a day. I have an elliptical/stepper, but I only use it on stepper mode. I don't like the elliptical much.

I read one time that skipping rope is just as good as jogging.

I may be wrong.

Hang in there, you can do it.

tcastro Tue, May-04-04 11:15

I've lost 50lbs in just under 3 months, so maybe I qualify as a big

I've been doing 2200-2500 calories per day and 15-20g of carbs.

In addition to that I average 60-90min of working out everyday in some combination of:
Exercycle (20-22mph, med-high varying resistance)
Biking (laps around and through a local park)
Basketball (1/2 court games, some full court)
Weight Lifting (High weight, low reps)
Boxing (Punching bag)

I burn between 700 and 1100 calories per day through exercise alone.

scrapgirl Tue, May-04-04 11:54

AFWife...hey girl...I am confused about the do you burn 3000 cal in 20 min! I want that workout!! Do tell!

bcbeauty Tue, May-04-04 12:10

I have been trying to keep my calories at under 1800 which for me is hard. I don't go to a gym...but I play beach volleyball one night a week and slow pitch one night a week and wally ball one night a week. I also work at a pretty physical job. I work in a winery/brewery/distillery in the bottling plant. Do you think with my work being physical as it is I could up my calories a bit?

AFwife Tue, May-04-04 14:08

Originally Posted by scrapgirl
AFWife...hey girl...I am confused about the do you burn 3000 cal in 20 min! I want that workout!! Do tell!

I didn't say I exercise for 20 minutes I said a minimum of.

I have a Richard Simmons video called Disco Sweat which is 50 minutes long. I do that 3 days a week plus my stepper.

On days I don't feel like exercising, I do my stepper for 20 minutes.


AFwife Tue, May-04-04 14:10

Originally Posted by bcbeauty
I have been trying to keep my calories at under 1800 which for me is hard. I don't go to a gym...but I play beach volleyball one night a week and slow pitch one night a week and wally ball one night a week. I also work at a pretty physical job. I work in a winery/brewery/distillery in the bottling plant. Do you think with my work being physical as it is I could up my calories a bit?

I think this would be up to you. Are you still losing weight? If so I don't see the need to eat more or less for that matter. I do think exercise is an important factor.

Lipid Wed, May-05-04 16:14


I read this thread and I have to say that i doubt you actually eat a cup of oil a day... even if you measure out that much and fry chicken in it, most of it is still in the skillet when your don't consume that do you?

If you don't actually consume the entire cup of oil then your not getting all those calories...that may help explain your calorie count and weight loss to some degree at least.

JaydensMom Wed, May-05-04 17:10

Whatever you are doing AFwife, you keep at it!! It certainly is working for you!! And I am going to follow your lead and up my fat intake too. I think that will help my little stall. Thanks for all of your advice and great tips!!

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