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SummerYet Thu, Apr-15-04 09:49

KISS Challenge 4/19 - 5/19
Hi Everyone-

I needed to kickstart my weight loss so I have decided to KISS it for one month. I am looking for some poor souls...I mean friends ;) join me so we can support each other along the way.

If you don't know what KISS is the link: KISSing It...

We are going to start Monday...even if you only want to do it for a week, or two weeks, or whatever...please come along for the ride!


jennifer31 Thu, Apr-15-04 09:57

I Would Love To Join
I would love to join your KISSit plan for a month. Just would like more info on what you can and can't eat. I really need something to kick-start my weight loss plan as well. Look forward to hearing from you :) :)

SummerYet Thu, Apr-15-04 09:58

Hi Jen, Just click on the link above and it will give you all the information...let me know if you can't get it to work...

patnaude12 Thu, Apr-15-04 11:01

Hi Michelle,

I'm here, as you already know I have started KISSing, I sort of started on Monday but since Tuesday have been 100%. Since I weighed on Sunday, I have already lost a little over 2 pounds. :clap: :yay:

I will post here everyday, can't wait for you to start on Monday, maybe by then there will be a ton of us wanting to KISS.

Will catch you later, everyone have a wonderful day.

Carol :rose:

Demi Thu, Apr-15-04 11:48

Count me in :D

patnaude12 Thu, Apr-15-04 13:42

Hi Jennifer and Demi,

Welcome, Michelle isn't going to start until next Monday, I had already started this past Monday and the gal who started the forum changed her mind.

We can post our stats each day if you want to weigh in each day or once a week, just do a copy and paste:

......................start weight.............Goal.....................Current

Patnaude12..........138.0..................128.0....................135. 8

Carol :rose:

jennifer31 Thu, Apr-15-04 14:13

Hello Carol
Hello Carol...Just wanted to say that I am looking forward to keeping track of the KISSING contest...:) :) :)

Thanks a lot

SummerYet Thu, Apr-15-04 14:17

Welcome Jennifer, Demi, and Carol!! This is going ot be fun :)

Carol, thanks for starting a will be great to track out progress! I am working on getting rid of the cheese in my house as we speak LOL Getting everything out of my system, then I can clean it out!! Hoping for big things here, and your results are encouraging Carol.

Going to have a coffee now :) (THAT will be hard to get rid of LOL)


Demi Thu, Apr-15-04 14:45

Going to have a coffee now (THAT will be hard to get rid of LOL)

Oh no !!!!! I totally forgot that coffee would have to go - better start working on that this weekend :(

SummerYet Thu, Apr-15-04 14:49

Glug glug glug....get a big mug!! ;)

patnaude12 Thu, Apr-15-04 15:08

Hi Michelle,

You are very welcome.

I haven't had coffee or cheese since last weekend :( , actually I don't drink real coffee anymore, I haven't for years. I do drink decaf, real coffee rattles my nerves. :hyper:

I really do miss the fat when doing KISS, I love butter, cream, bacon, hot dogs. I usually like to add butter to cooked veggies, just putting spices on just doesn't seem to do the trick. :p

I hope that I can behave this weekend, weekends are my hardest, I'm sure I will do very well, I am getting so close to goal. :yay:

I leave on vacation May 28th, I am driving to Florida to visit my son then on to Texas, I am celebrating my 60th at my brother's house, my two sisters who live on the east coast will be flying in for the party. I always wanted a pool side party, this year I will get my wish (better late than never). :lol:

Will catch you all later.

Carol :rose:

flwrfrog Sat, Apr-17-04 11:38

This is my first ever post... I'm going to join y'all KISSing!

I've been in a stall for what seems like forever(since just B4 the X-mas holiday '03), and I've tried so many things... Fat Fast, L-carnitine, Meat Fast, re-starting induction, re-feeding, ect. I don't lose, get fed up, and give up. As in back to regular lo-carb, with a hopeless feeling binge day thrown in after any given "fast". Though I can quite proudly say I didn't eat a single Cadbury Egg this year, and I was SURE that would get me. LOL

So here I am, hopping on your train for the full month. I've read the KISS page a few times contemplating it. Thinking it would be like the other tries to get my weight on the move(downward) again. If I don't lose I don't know what I'll do! Maybe find a few Cadbury Eggs on sale... hopefully there won't be any left by then.


patnaude12 Sat, Apr-17-04 13:25

Hi All,

Welcome flwrfrog, it is one of those things that you don't know if it will work unless you try. To be honest with you, I don't know of anyone who didn't loose on KISS unless they weren't eating exactly what was on the list.

I did excellent as far as KISSing all last week (Monday thru Thursday) but when Friday hit, DH took me out to lunch and that is when I misbehaved. :nono: It is very hard to KISS in a restaurant, very little on the menu. It is easy to LC but not KISS. Anyways, I usually have a problem with weekends but I don't have that far to go so it doesn't bother me that much. If I can loose on the weekdays and not gain it back on the weekends then I am ahead of the game. :yay:

I think I found this website about a year ago this coming summer, I just love it. There are so many people here to give you support and advice. :bhug: You can also make some very good friends. We are all here at this website for the same reason and I think that is why everyone is so willing to jump right in and help someone.

Will catch you later.

Carol :rose:

nitwit Sun, Apr-18-04 08:34


I would like to join too please ... i have never KISS'ed before and it looks OK although I think that I am going to miss dairy the most!!!

Will post my stats tomorrow - and I will keep a daily food log here as well ... I find that this really helps to keep me on track!!!


SummerYet Sun, Apr-18-04 08:34

OK Ladies!!!

The 5 of us are going to kick butt starting tomorrow (except of course Carol - who is kicking butt already LOL)

Remember - starting tomorrow -
sugar subsitutes
citric acid

all natural meats
no more than 2 T fats (olive or flax oil preferably)

We can do this!! It will be great!!

Question: Who is exercising during KISS? Just curious....


SummerYet Sun, Apr-18-04 08:35

You are in Lindy!!! 6 of us now to support each other :) (you snuck in while I was posting!!)

SummerYet Sun, Apr-18-04 08:43

Start a journal! Then we can come visit you - and it is a place for you to be able to vent and say whatever you want. It is a great thing!

Demi Sun, Apr-18-04 08:58

Looking forward to kicking butt tomorrow :D

... and yes, I will be exercising and KISSing at the same time :thup:

:wave: Hi Lindy - nice to see you here :)

nitwit Sun, Apr-18-04 09:00

Excellent ... have just looked in the freezer and there are a load of food-stuffs that I can use to have a full KISS menu for the coming week.

I might post a menu for next week as I really need to be organised, I am a sucker for getting distracted!!!

Is it OK to have garlic/chilli powder on KISS? I can add this to meats etc to give them a much needed zing!!!!

Thanks - Lindyxx

PS - it is also great to meet new folks on the forum!!!!

SummerYet Sun, Apr-18-04 09:03

I am going to be exercising while KISSing too...just 30 min cardio each day, but it is something ...

LC seasonings are fine Lindy :) I am going to be posting my menu each day too...keep me accountable and get feedback. If anyone has any good recipes feel free to post them here. I have one I am going to try, I will post later for pork chops.

It IS great to meet new people - I love it!!


nitwit Sun, Apr-18-04 09:31

OK, have just compiled a food menu that I will follow for next week - this is based on food that I already have in the fridge/freezer/store cupboard:


brekkie: small tin of tuna (in oil which I will drain) with sweetcorn, a chopped spring onion and 3 chopped cherry tomatoes.
lunch: 2 pork chops with green salad and tomato
dinner: steak with brocolli and spinach


brekkie: 2 warm hard boiled eggs mashed with a chopped spring onion and a teaspoon of butter
lunch: 1 chicken breast with green salad and tomato
dinner: roast pork with cabbage and roasted peppers


brekkie: as Monday
lunch: left over roast pork with salad
dinner: lamb chops with brocolli and roasted peppers


brekkie: as Tuesday
lunch: 2 pork chops with cabbage
dinner: prawn cocktail on green salad (as a starter, will use about 2 teaspoons of mayo in the dressing), then chicken breasts with roasted peppers and turnip


brekkie: as Monday
lunch: as Tuesday's breakfast
dinner: lamb chops with brocolli and cauliflower

The guy that I live with also follows a low-carb'ish WOE, so he wont whinge about the menu ... although he will probably bulk up with cheese and nuts which i will steer clear of (they are not really temptations to me - although will instruct Peter NOT to bring any wine into the house - that would be carb carnage!!!) ...

I will drop in everyday to log the days food/vent/get any temptations off my chest ... I love starting challenges as they are a good way for me to stay motivated ... especially when others are really enthusiastic too!!!

Will also drink 3-4 litres of water and do a daily ketosis check!!!


patnaude12 Sun, Apr-18-04 10:15

Good Morning All,

Thank you Michelle.

Welcome aboard Nitwit.

Michelle, I do Curves 3 days a week plus I ride my bike back to work after lunch, which is almost a mile. I only ride the bike when weather permits, there aren't any fenders on mountain bikes and you end up with a streak of mud up your back when you ride in the rain. :p Livingston is known for its wind, that is also a challenge when riding a bike, many times I have come to a complete standstill when the wind hits me head on. :lol:

Catch you all later.

Carol :rose:

patnaude12 Sun, Apr-18-04 10:26

Wow nitwit, your menu is like one you would see in a fine restaurant, very appetizing sounding. I don't do well with menus, I have a refrigerator full of fresh veggies and a freezer full of meat. I usually decide at meal time what sounds great, fish, chicken, pork or beef. Your menu gave me some ideas, thank you.

Will catch you all later.

Carol :rose:

flwrfrog Sun, Apr-18-04 12:44

I'm drinking my coffee today, Rain Forrest Nut with cream and sf amaretto syrup. I've had 2 cups today, and that's the end of my cream. I'm going to miss it(the cream and the coffee). Oh well, I'll miss it a lot less than the lbs! :D
I'm also going to the grocery today to stock up my veggies. I'm going to get more than I usually do. VARIETY! That should keep me on track. I'm thinking chicken breast with sauted fennel tomorrow night. I'm hoping that eating all these extra veggies will really work. Veggies are what I've missed the most on those horrid Fat/Meat fasts. I can't believe I ate 1200cal/day of pure meat/fat, and didn't lose a lb. And I honestly felt awful. Some ppl swear they work, just not for me.
I started walking 2 mi. again today. I haven't been exercising(bad me). I went out of town for a week at X-mas, then had a flare up of my nerve disease(RSD) from the traveling. Then there was the cool weather(excuses, excuses). I let it knock me right off the exercise wagon. Time to re-establish old habits!

A couple of questions... do you consider Stevia powder to be an AS? It only takes the tiniest ammount and has zero cal/zero carbs. I like to eat a small portion of pumpkin with ginger/nutmeg/stevia as a sort of dessert. I usually use whipped cream, but it's good without too.
And can I use coconut oil... I adore it.
And green tea, I honestly don't know how long I'll last without having a cup of jasmine pearl... anyone who hasn't ever had this should not try it, totally addicting. I'll see how long I can hold out, but if I'm in real need of a treat the green tea will win, and it'll keep me away from worse things.


SummerYet Sun, Apr-18-04 19:35

Hey Girls!
Sitting here sipping my last cup of coffee for a while :) (hazelnut :yum: ) Getting ready for tomorrow...

Here is what I have planned for meals for tomorrow:
Breakfast: Hard boiled eggs
Lunch: Salad
Dinner: Chicken and cauliflour

Do any of you plan on having snacks? If so what? I am just wondering if I am going to be hungry...

As for your questions....I am a purist (or maybe a perfectionist) when I am trying something like this - I follow the rules as is, I would consider stevia a sweetener, but I am not 100% sure on that, if anyone else has thoughts please share. I couldn't find anything on the websites about it. Same thing as the oil. I have heard olive oil and flax seed oil are acceptable. Possibly butter or mayo. I would try to do without for at least a week or 2 and then add it back in and see if anything changes. And the green tea...i love it too, you can have the decaffinated tea on KISS, just use that. You cant use caffeinated products on KISS. Hope that answers your questions a little bit...

Ok girls...good luck!! Here we go..................................................


Demi Mon, Apr-19-04 03:59

OK, Day 1 of the KISS Challenge begins for me :)

I got on the scales this morning so that I could record my pre-KISS challenge weight and was absolutely horrified :eek: - see explanation as to why in my journal - I have now changed my stats accordingly.

Anyway, it can only get better from here - onward and downward :D

I spent some time yesterday sorting out KISS menus, recipes etc and thought I'd share these with everyone:

KISS rules
A previous KISS challenge - lots of good info here
Some great KISS recipes - also Meatballs and Devilled Eggs

These are also some of my daily menus from last time:

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with mushrooms sauteed in olive oil
Lunch: Chicken stir fried in olive oil with a green salad and cherry tomatoes
Dinner: Tuna with mayonnaise, spring onions and cherry tomatoes on a bed of lambs lettuce.

Breakfast: 2 homemade burgers (100% beef) with a fried egg, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes
Lunch: Chicken drumsticks with a green salad
Dinner: Meatballs with stir-fried shredded cabbage and 2 chopped tomatoes

Breakfast: Mushrooms sauteed in olive oil with scrambled eggs
Lunch: Sliced grilled chicken with romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes and some fresh mayo
Dinner: Roast lamb with stir fried courgettes

Breakfast: 2 burgers made with ground beef and some italian seasoning, with 2 fried eggs and cherry tomatoes
Lunch: tuna mixed with mayo, spring onions and cherry tomatoes
Dinner: Chicken (cooked in the crockpot in it's own juices and some seasoning for the day), with pak choy stir fried in olive oil.

Breakfast: Meatballs
Lunch: Tuna mixed with mayo, spring onions, cherry tomatoes and green pepper
Dinner: Roast lamb fillet with pak choy and mushrooms stir-fried in olive oil

Breakfast: 2 fried eggs with mushrooms and tomatoes
Lunch: Meatballs with a green salad
Dinner: Tuna with mayo (a tiny bit), chopped green peppers, spring onion and tomato, served on a bed of rocket.

Breakfast: 2 burgers, 2 fried eggs, mushrooms and tomatoes
Lunch: Tuna patties
Dinner: Lamb chops with courgettes stir-fried in olive oil

Good luck everyone :D

SummerYet Mon, Apr-19-04 05:41

Hi Demi and the rest of the gang-
Had a rude awakening myself today. Needed this very bad! Feel good about getting started, hope you all do too.

nitwit Mon, Apr-19-04 05:45

Hi guys!!!

Demi - your menu sounds gorgeous!!! Sorry about the extra weight - although will go in your journal next to see what is happening ...

Well, it is the first morning of KISS for me ... had my breakfast around 10 am'ish (tuna, spring onion, sweetcorn and cherry tomatoes) and will have my lunch around 2'ish although dont feel remotely hungry yet!!!

Stepped on the scales and I have been visited by the evil twin sister of the whoosh fairy and have put on 8 pounds ... overnight!!! ... I think it is a combination of drinking too much cider (I cant help it, it is the Wurzel in me!) and TOM looming ... anyways ... I now weigh 208 ... like Demi says ... onwards and downwards ... although with the best will in the worl I dont think I can hit my F1 target challenge for next Sunday!!! But hopefully I can play catch-up during this next month!!!

Drinking my water!!! Will aim to have drunk 4 litres of water by the end of the day ... I find it easy to drink heaps of water if it is carbonated ... although with 4 litres the gas is spectaular and I can give out buffalo-like mating calls if I am not careful!!!

Anyways! too much imformation I suspect!!!

Looking forward to seeing how everyone is getting on!!!


flwrfrog Mon, Apr-19-04 08:04

Ok, so I started a journal page today. I'll be keeping all of my meal info there. I'll come here for my wooohooos and yeehas though.
Are we posting weight once a week? On the 26th I'll assume.
I'd love to see 195 again SOON! I've seen it once before, though only briefly. I tend to always goal in 5lb increments. Easier to read on the scale. LOL
GL ladies! I know we'll all shed some pounds. :D


nitwit Mon, Apr-19-04 08:57

Couldnt face the thought of pork chops for lunch, so instead I had 2 hard boiled eggs ....

Am looking forward to my steak tonight though ... Peter came home with a load of nice veggies, so I will use the fresh before going into my veggie stash in the freezer!!!

Hope that everyone is doing well and enjoying their first day of KISS ....


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