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leasmom Thu, Apr-15-04 09:28

Anyone else needing to buy new clothes?
I know we talk about this alot but it's exciting when you're pants are sliding off and you no longer can wear them, though their elastic cause your 'shelf' in the back is no longer holding it up-LOL!

So, share your excitement about moving out of the clothes into a smaller size!!! :D

loserbaby Thu, Apr-15-04 09:36

At first I was really excited that my clothes started not to fit. However, now it is kind of like a double edged sword. Getting smaller and feeling healthy is great, but I've gone from having a great extensive closet of clothes that took me years to build, to one small drawer of my new clothes. I think in order to feel better I just need to let go of all these 26-24-22-20 clothes. Because I don't wear "elastisized" clothing, when something doesn't fit, it just doesn't fit.

kstornado Thu, Apr-15-04 10:11

I went from a size 14-16 to a size 10. Now all my size 10's are a little loose. Not that I'm complaining....but i just bought them. I've tried not to spend too much money on new clothes but its just so hard. I love the way I look in my new lower waisted bell bottoms.

I've already given away all my "fat" clothes. I tried on one pair that I was holding onto for a reference and its hard to believe that when I put them on they slide down over my hips........Was I that BIG! :q:

Rocky_Cdn Thu, Apr-15-04 10:18

I'm going clothes shopping for the second time on this WOL this month! :clap: Probably at the local Goodwill since I'm still a shrinking woman! :lol:

This time I have to get more shirts. I lot of mine are starting to look like skirts, not that there's not so much bulk to hold them up!

It's time to move on! :D

page40 Thu, Apr-15-04 10:22

i haven't been shopping yet, i happened to have pants in all sizes from before i was pregnant so i was lucky. but my 16s all 2 of them are a bit old and i really do need to get some new ones hehehehe but i don't want to spend the money because i have tons of 14s lol and i'd like to be wearing them soon.... so it's a delima hehehe it does feel so great to be shrinking though wooooooo hooooooooo hugggs to all you shrinkers =)

nikotyme Thu, Apr-15-04 11:25

Things are getting looser but I can probably lose another 10 before actually changing size, the pants are worse, the roomier they get they seem to get longer too, guess i'll have to wear higher heels, cuz i sure as hell am not hemming all those only to have to ditch them in a month or so.

Vel Thu, Apr-15-04 11:45

Oh yeah...
I have gone from a size 28 to a 20 and some 18s. It is hard to keep buying new clothes all the way down and maintain a decent wardrobe without spending a fortune. I frequent the second-hand shops too. And I have very few things that fit me really well at any given time. This winter when my weight loss slowed down for a few months, it was actually a bit of a relief to be able to wear the same things for a while!

Not that I am complaining that I am starting to lose again!

I recently gave away all my old clothes except one pair of stretchy pants and one shirt (5X) to keep as a 'remember-when'. The lady I gave them to was thrilled to get them, and I know I won't ever need them again. :)

Jael Thu, Apr-15-04 13:27

I wore all my same stuff all winter, but I have bought some things for spring/summer. A few days ago, one of my coworkers said "it's time for a new sweater hun, yer swimmin in that one!" :) :rolleyes: :) When the weather warms up I'll have new stuff to wear. I'm losing slowly enough that they'll last a while (plus I have to lose a lot to drop a size...cause of my tummy).

leasmom Thu, Apr-15-04 15:40

My tummy is why I can't completely fit into all 24/26. But, the rest of me can-LOL! It is getting smaller, but what I call Stomach B the one above the belt is still there, yes it's a lot smaller but I figured it'll be there a very, very long time yet. So, while I can drop into a smaller size, I will probably have to continue to wear the larger size because of my stomach-UGH. But, everyday it's getting better!!!

orchidday Thu, Apr-15-04 16:07

I recently bought 10 pairs of new shorts and tank tops for summer from ebay at amazing prices! I work from home so at this point I need summer clothes badly! I have been throwing stuff out and have a goodwill bag going. I also have a big drawer of "too small" clothes that I got some things out of that fit now. As soon as I get out of the 250's I will try them on again. I desperately need new bras and underwear now. Most of my weight has gone from the sides of my hips if that makes any sense :).


MTEcho Thu, Apr-15-04 18:58

I recently had to buy new scrubs for work. I was swimming in the old ones and they made me look huge. So great to move down a size.


Zymi Thu, Apr-15-04 19:31

I third the comment on going to thrift stores :D I love thrift stores anyway because you can find really interesting clothes for cheap...but they are also awesome for clothes while losing weight. I find Lane Bryant tops, skirts, pants, etc for $3 all the time there.

hummelda Thu, Apr-15-04 19:59

I just put on a pair of pants tonight that I had thought of as fitting -- not!! They did a few months ago...

I have nothing left from this size except a spring coat that is completely out of style but it's so far out of style that I'm sure nobody knows what kind of style it was supposed to be.

I work at a corporate head office so have to be "dressed up" at least some of the time, so it's getting quite expensive ... but worth it!!

And like loserbaby, I don't like to buy elasticized so the clothes either fit or they don't ...

leasmom Thu, Apr-15-04 21:27

I can't wait till I'm out of elastic pants!!! I'm losing on the sides of my stomach, my buttocks and my inner thighs.

Lobstergal Thu, Apr-15-04 22:35

I just went from a 5x in pants to a 3x in pants. My 5x were literally falling off me and I was lucky enough to find a pair of 3x pants in brand new condition at Value village. Cost me $7.00

Zymi Thu, Apr-15-04 23:00

I really like Value's one of the better thrift stores around here. Right now, at the ones near me (Washington state) if you buy some clothes, they will give you some coupons for 10% off. I believe they'll stop handing out the coupons later in April.

Lobstergal Thu, Apr-15-04 23:23

I got the same coupons when I went and ours are good until May 10.
I will be heading back there around May 1st to see what I can find but this time I will NOT be taking my youngest son. I think he bought every power ranger in the place he found. LOL.
Value Village is an awesome store for finding good but inexpensive clothes
while losing weight. I would not want to buy clothes at retail right now since i will not be wearing them all that long.

thekemp Fri, Apr-16-04 00:21

I have gone from a size 30 to a 26/28 category. I have taken off 8 inches from my rear end in the last three months. My underwear has gotten where they are just about to fall off of me so I've got to go get more!!! I have lost 7 inches in my waist too. Sure getting alot of compliments and i really like that. :) Tammy

ValerieL Fri, Apr-16-04 06:54

Yes! I've had to buy some, but not too much, stuff up until now, but I still had the clothes from 5 years ago when I got down to 218. But they were all winter clothes. Getting dressed this past week has been hard because it seems like all I have to choose from are brown or black sweaters and the weather is too nice for that!

I have a couple of spring/summer blouses I can wear, but I need a few more and maybe a pair of summer weight pants too (I'm lucky, I can wear jeans to work a few days a week). I'm cheaper than heck when it comes to buy clothes, so hopefully I'll be able to find some good deals.


AFwife Fri, Apr-16-04 07:02

I have been shopping but not alot. My first buy was a new pair of jeans size 20 from a 26. I wore my 26 till they were literally falling off my hips. When not even a belt would keep them up I bought the size 20. I won't buy new pants till these start doing the same thing. Luckily I've got pants in the closet that were once to small to wear that now fit so I don't have to go shopping anywhere but my own closet. :)

Shirts, all the one's in the closet where either tight or too small. Now they fit. So again, I shop in my closet. I've recently (last week) bought 2 new shirts, a size large for the first time in 8 years. So that was exciting. See gallery for the velvet pic, that's one of the new shirts.

The thing with me is, I knew someday I would be ready to start losing weight and have kept clothes from when I was thinner. So I won't have to go shopping much. Oh I did buy a size 16 pants to motivate me to fit in them. But I'm still a couple of months off from wearing those. But I will.

Bras, they are lose but still fit. I also have a few from a lesser weight so I'll use those before I go off to buy more.

The plan is to reach goal and then go on a shopping spree. I refuse to buy a new wardrobe every time I lose a dress size.

Good luck to all and keep up the good work.


leasmom Fri, Apr-16-04 09:06

I don't have any clothes I can fit into except some I got at this 'free' yard sale. I got a few smaller sized shirts that will be good for that but it's still a long way off before I can fit into them. Pants...not a single one I can fit into after these. I do have to buy another pair really sister said try cutting a triangle out and sewing it but I looked at how that would look and it didn't look right, even if I did it on both sides...

does anyone else cut and sew their elastic pants when they no longer fit?

DusterCat Fri, Apr-16-04 14:57

Originally Posted by hummelda
I have nothing left from this size except a spring coat that is completely out of style but it's so far out of style that I'm sure nobody knows what kind of style it was supposed to be..

This cracked me up - I know just what you mean. Yesterday I was out briefly to take my taxes to the P.O. and it made me smile to realize my top was from 1987 and my pants were from 1980.

I've done my best to "mine" my closets but it's still an expensive proposition! I'm going to have to locate one of those thrift shops. That way when I make mistakes I won't mind as much. Like the cinnamon-colored sweater with long sleeves that flare at the wrists, that makes me look like an utter idiot. I'm not very good at this yet :)


miristar Sat, Apr-17-04 10:07

I just want to second the idea of gently used clothes.

I have been a big fan of ebay clothes... but I wanted to point out that shipping has gone up, so if you live in or near a city you might want to check out a thrift store.

We have one called savers that I really like.

Wenzday Sun, Apr-18-04 18:00

I have only 1 pair of shorts that arent tooo big..and I mean WAYYY too big! I started this in August so I was at my biggest in my last summers clothes... even the elastic waist ones will fall to the thats progress! ;) the only pair of shorts I have that fit are the tear away type...isnt thay crazy? :lol:

ANYWAY...I am going to attempt to make myself some sun dresses, skorts and shorts...we'll I've never made myself clothes before but I make all of my daughters clothes... both kids need summer clothes SO, I'd better get sewing.

The other thing I've been thinking about is cutting my jeans to be shorts..there no point in NOT doing it as they wont fit me come winter anyway!

hummelda Sun, Apr-18-04 19:08

I just noticed something odd today. I put on a pair of 16W pants -- the waist fit because it's partially elastic but the hips were gigantic. I wore them anyway because I had nothing else ready to wear.

But this means --- I am not a WOMAN any more -- I am a MISS!! I think even the 14W would be baggy in the butt!! Woohoo!! The misses 16 fits perfectly. And at the ripe age of 51, being called a miss instead of a woman can never hurt! :D

Rocky_Cdn Sun, Apr-18-04 21:33

WTG Louise!! :cheer:

I did go to Value Village (and Goodwill) and got an assortment of pants and shirts for very good prices - some that just barely fit, and some that won't fit for a few weeks. By then what I have will be falling off completely :D , and will be ready to be cycled to them. I also got 10% off coupons from the Value Village - good until May 9th, so it looks like another shopping trip is ahead for the end of the month. I just remembered I'll need a spring/summer jacket that actually fits!

does anyone else cut and sew their elastic pants when they no longer fit?

Yes, I used to, but I have to do agree with others, I'm aiming to never have to wear them again! :D

Lobstergal Sun, Apr-18-04 22:10

Originally Posted by Rocky_Cdn
WTG Louise!! :cheer:

I also got 10% off coupons from the Value Village - good until May 9th, so it looks like another shopping trip is ahead for the end of the month. :D

I have a *boatload* of those darn coupons from Value Village. I will be using some of them to get myself a few things when I go on April 30 but since i have over 30 of them I cannot see myself using them all.

I will probably hand the extras out to ppl in the store when I feel I am done shopping.

charleez Sun, Apr-18-04 23:15

No new clothes for a while - I've got a closet of about 5 sizes to go through first!!! :D

Luscious Mon, Apr-19-04 06:20

Yes, I have dropped two full sizes :-)

LCchickFL Mon, Apr-19-04 08:56

I've gone through lots of sizes since starting Atkins. Fortunately, I had clothes from previous dieting (WW) until a few months ago. Right now I'm smaller than I've been in years so I have bought a few things. I really think wearing clothes that fit and are supportive helps the skin sag less.

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