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suziq7575 Mon, Mar-22-04 11:52

There's Hope For Everyone On SBD -- It REALLY Works
I just wanted to share my positive experience with those of you who might get discouraged from time to time while doing the SBD. If I can be successful and lose while following this WOE, anyone can. I only had 10 pounds to lose, already ate a healthy, pretty low carb diet and am menopausal. I already exercised a LOT prior to going on the SBD, so it was a little difficult to increase it. Also, I have always drank a ton of water, so I didn't change that either. I sort of had all the oddes against me. However, I can honestly say that the SBD worked for me, and if it worked that well for me, it can work for all of you as well!!!! I want to thank those of you who supported me with your suggestions. They really gave me the motivation to stay on track till I acheived my goal. I want to wish the very best of luck to each and every one of you!!!!!!:)

Janette360 Mon, Mar-22-04 12:24

Good Job, I know how good that feels. So how did you get over your stall? Did you change anything or just stick to it? Have you added different things back into your diet? Let me know and great job!

tashinpa Tue, Mar-23-04 08:17

Good for you. As for me, I have been on SBD for almost 4 (FOUR) months now and lost 3 lbs. de facto, with a planned loss of 20 lbs. I didn't think it was unrealistic to achieve by May. But again, only down 3......

I am not impressed. Whatever your secret may be, please share.

suziq7575 Tue, Mar-23-04 10:58

To Janette360 & Tashinpa
Janette360 -- Thanks!! Yes, I did break my stall, and I am where I want to be now and fitting in all my clothes!!:) I actually just added an hour of brisk walking in the evening in addition to my other exercises, and I am not sure if that is what did it or not. Yes, I have added whole grain toast and grapefruit in the morning, strawberries on the weekend, Subway wraps (turkey/no cheese/ lettuce, tomato, onion, oil and vinegar), and we even went out to eat the last two weekends, and the first weekend, I had an omelet with a lot of real cheese and the toast with jelly and this past weekend, we went to a fish fry on Friday, and I had baked fish with pepper, lemon and breadcrumb topping, a dinner roll, cole slaw and even a little of the baked potato, and on Saturday, I had chicken picatta with a side of fettucini alfredo with NO weight gain!!! I even allowed myself some peanut M&Ms as a treat. So I guess the weight I lost was actual weight and not water weight. How are you doing????

Tashinpa, I don't think I have any special secret to why it worked. I can tell you, I exercised a great deal, drank LOTS of water and was VERY strict on Phase 1. I never once took a bite of any food that was not on the list. I also had a LOT of support from my husband. The hardest thing for me was to give up my Lean Cuisine convenience meals which were actually where most of my carbs came from prior to the SBD. Other than those, I ate pretty low carb anyway before this WOE. Are you exercising and drinking the water? Oh, and one more thing -- I ate a VERY early dinner and allowed myself nothing except for maybe sugar free jello prior to bed. I also ate my largest meal at noon instead of in the evening. I generally had a big salad with Newman's Own olive oil and vingar (with less than one gram of sugar) and some sort of protein (chicken breast, shrimp or egg). Why don't you post a typical day's menu and maybe either myself or some of the others will see something that might be causing you not to lose.

tashinpa Tue, Mar-23-04 11:21

OK, I've done this before, but here goes (btw, I did not cheat once during the TWO times I did induction, and I only did induction again after two months because nothing was happening):

usually two eggs with either some ham, or 3 slices bacon, or 2 chicken sausage links

waldorf chicken salad, or half an avocado w/lemon & salt, or tomato-mozzarella salad, or some smoked salmon

I tend to graze during lunch, as I don't have the time to prepare a "real meal"

usually either fish like salmon (or any other, you name it, I luuuuurve fish), or chicken, or lamb
w/veggies and salad (homemade dressing either vinaigrette or a sour cream concoction)
NO dessert. ever.

I drink mostly green tea or herbal tea throughout the day, and water (though recent studies have shown that drinking water does ZIPPO for weight loss, interestingly enough).

I work out 3-4 times a week, squash 2-3 times as well as one evening of high-impact aerobics.....

I DO drink alcohol on weekends, because, to be frank, if this is going to be part of my new lifestyle, I am not giving up everything I enjoy, plus SBD is fine with zero carb liquor, right?

So there you have it. I look forward to any input you may have.


Janette360 Tue, Mar-23-04 11:25

I too have added to my work out going 5 days instead of four and doing some Pilates after my cardio. It seems to be working out. I've also added some lc oatmeal or a apple in some days but not more than that unless it's the weekend. I love working out but it's hard to get to the gym sometimes 'cause i have a little (well, baby) girl. OH-and i cut out the lc candy...boohoo! Keep up the good work!

suziq7575 Tue, Mar-23-04 11:40

To Janette360 & Tashinpa
Janette360 -- Keep up the GREAT work!!! You will be there in no time!!:)

Tashinpa -- Are you having real bacon or turkey bacon. SBD allows only two slices of turkey bacon per day. Also, have you checked the chicken sausage for hidden ingredients like sugar, etc??? For lunch, when you eat the Mozarella, is it the low fat or the regular? If the waldorf chicken salad has apple in it, it is not allowed on SBD phase 1. Dinner sounds good except if you have sour cream, that is a no-no on phase 1. I also didn't notice any snacks in there. I don't think the zero carb liquor is allowed on phase 1, but I could be wrong. How about portion control? I also watched that as well. I sure hope some of these suggestions help you and I sincerely wish you the best of luck.

tashinpa Tue, Mar-23-04 13:44

thanks suziq7575. I was very strict both times during phase I, with no cheats whatsoever....

After the first time I did phase I, I introduced fruit (mainly apples) maybe 2-3 times a week, and bread maybe once/week. I (continued to lose) lost nothing, so went back to phase I, which I again did by the book. Nothing.

I am aware of the fact that some of my current food choices are more of an Atkins approach (well, really just the eggs & bacon in the morning), but interestingly enough, noone else seems to have a problem losing that way.

I know I come off as really negative, but after having been so hopeful and also rigorously sticking to things, 4 months later with STILL 17 lbs. to go I have a pretty good reason IMO to feel that way..

miezimau Tue, Mar-23-04 15:30

Tash, just a question did you drink during the 1st Phase? If so maybe try it again without drinking. (alcohol that is)
Maybe change your workout rountine?
Email me if you wanna talk. :)
I am behind you 100%. Like I already told you right now I am in the Same boat. I let you know how it goes for me.
Hang in there!

suziq7575 Tue, Mar-23-04 16:30

Hang In There
Tash, You are welcome. I am here for you. I can see why you are discouraged, but please hang in there. Have you visited a doctor to get your thyroid checked? I am by no means a medical expert or anything, but I am just wondering if you have a slow metabloism due to a thyroid problem. I know your frustration... back a couple of years ago when I went to LA Weight Loss, it took me FOREVER to start losing. I had 34 pounds to lose that time. They required you to go in three times a week for a "weigh in," which was VERY stressful. They required that during these "weigh in" sessions you meet with a "trained??????" counselor, who was supposed to give you a pep talk. I used to get sooooo depressed after they talked to me that I almost gave up!!!! I told them I refused to come in three times a week and cut it down to once a week, and the stress was gone. I hung in there, and the weight finally began to come off!!:) Of course, I altered their plan - cutting portions and not eating their required "weight loss" bars that contained 180 calories and tons of sugar -- they wanted me to eat two a day!! This past November, my husband's brother had a stroke, and we had to travel back East for two weeks to be with him. Our schedule was so hectic that all we ate was fast food and we sometimes didn't even get that till very late evening. I had no time to exercise or anything. Then Thanksgiving rolled around, and I thought -- what the heck, why try to lose now -- so I waited till after the holidays. It took me three weeks on SBD to lose the weight I had put on, but I am glad I lost it, because now my clothes fit much better. DON'T EVER GIVE UP -- I KNOW you can do it!!:)

tashinpa Wed, Mar-24-04 08:00

Once again, you ladies (and gents, but maybe not in this particular thread) are the most supportive bunch I have met anywhere.....

My job ends March 31st, and with no new job in sight, I might just spend April working out all day every day ;-) and trying to make lower fat choices. I guess I was under the illusion that a combined effort of SBD and Atkins would work (if only for breakfast and the occasional cheese), but apparently, that's not the case.

I will also make an appointment about my thyroid, which is something I have thought about before. Are there other symptoms, besides slow metabolism, of hypothyroid-ism or whatever it's called? I have been crazy tired lately and been going to bed between 10-11 p.m., which is REALLY, REALLY early for me. Needless to say my DH isn't thrilled either....

I'll also read up on the thyroid thing on WebMD.

Again, thanks for your support, I am sure I will need it again ---- I absolutely have to lose at least 10 lbs. before I go to Germany..... waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.

toning_up Wed, Mar-24-04 13:59 more thing to consider is the possibility of a yeast overgrowth in your system. Atkins talks about it at length and if you have in the past been eating a high carb "typical" American diet that feeds yeast, the possibility is strong. He says it's a known reason for being a slow loser.

I began taking a Oil of Oregano capsule daily that kills candida albicans on contact and at the same time replenishing my gut with good bugs with a probiotic.

It took me off a little stall and I dropped a few more lbs. I too am a very slow loser...even now on South Beach.

Janette360 Thu, Mar-25-04 13:02

Sorry tashinpa, it looked like I was ignoring you but we just posted at the same time. I too was trying to do a combo of atkins and sb...didn't work. I went back to sb and I'm losing again, very slowly but I am. Because SB has more carbs in it you need to cut down on the fat. Or if you want to do atkins cut the carbs and eat the or the other. I also have to watch portions and calories to lose also. And i HAVE to work out. I'm probably so close to my goal that i have to go the extra mile to get there. I was stalled for a while and even gained during the time of doing both diets so don't give up!!!! Just do one or the other and when you start to add carbs back in watch how often you eat them how much. Stick to the servings. If you have high fiber oatmeal one day have an apple the next but don't do both the same day. Anyways, everyone is different but this is what works for me. Oh and I've learned the hard way to stay away from the bars and sugar free chocolate. They always stall me or gain a little. I keep those as once in a while treats. Like on Halloween i was so good about the candy I treated myself to some sugar free chocolate...soooooo goood. Good luck

wow Fri, Mar-26-04 14:55

Originally Posted by suziq7575
Janette360 -- Thanks!! Yes, I did break my stall, and I am where I want to be now and fitting in all my clothes!!:) I actually just added an hour of brisk walking in the evening in addition to my other exercises, and I am not sure if that is what did it or not. Yes, I have added whole grain toast and grapefruit in the morning, strawberries on the weekend, Subway wraps (turkey/no cheese/ lettuce, tomato, onion, oil and vinegar), and we even went out to eat the last two weekends, and the first weekend, I had an omelet with a lot of real cheese and the toast with jelly and this past weekend, we went to a fish fry on Friday, and I had baked fish with pepper, lemon and breadcrumb topping, a dinner roll, cole slaw and even a little of the baked potato, and on Saturday, I had chicken picatta with a side of fettucini alfredo with NO weight gain!!! I even allowed myself some peanut M&Ms as a treat. So I guess the weight I lost was actual weight and not water weight. How are you doing????

Tashinpa, I don't think I have any special secret to why it worked. I can tell you, I exercised a great deal, drank LOTS of water and was VERY strict on Phase 1. I never once took a bite of any food that was not on the list. I also had a LOT of support from my husband. The hardest thing for me was to give up my Lean Cuisine convenience meals which were actually where most of my carbs came from prior to the SBD. Other than those, I ate pretty low carb anyway before this WOE. Are you exercising and drinking the water? Oh, and one more thing -- I ate a VERY early dinner and allowed myself nothing except for maybe sugar free jello prior to bed. I also ate my largest meal at noon instead of in the evening. I generally had a big salad with Newman's Own olive oil and vingar (with less than one gram of sugar) and some sort of protein (chicken breast, shrimp or egg). Why don't you post a typical day's menu and maybe either myself or some of the others will see something that might be causing you not to lose.

AMazing. I cant believe you ate what you ate and did not gain! Somethings I think are genetic.

ketodiva Fri, Mar-26-04 16:51

Hi everyone. I am also a slow loser on SB. But I am losing. I stalled on Atkins after 9 months and decided at the beginning of the year to start SB. In total I've lost about 10 pounds since the beginning of the year. I think with SB you need to exercise more and the water is even more important. I go to Curves 3x per week and I'm noticing a difference. Last month I lost 4 pounds and a couple of inches. But the biggest difference for me is that I feel better and my system seems less sluggish. Also, with the choices I have on SB, I really can make this a wol. I've started adding low glycemic carbs to my diet (very slowly) and methodically. Fruit doesn't agree with me but beans and the occasional grain seems to be fine. We just have to keep up with it and eventually the weight will come off. I'm buying and wearing smaller clothes so something is happening. :yay:

suziq7575 Fri, Mar-26-04 17:23

Hi Wow -- I can't believe I ate what I did without gaining either!!!:) Usually I just LOOK at the wrong food and gain. I sure do wish it was genetic!!! I know someone like that who has a genetic "problem"... she actually eats big macs, whoppers, etc.... to GAIN weight!!!
Maybe I didn't gain because I exercise so much and drink so much water and don't eat those things on a regular basis, who knows. If I do eat like that, it will only be ocasionally on the weekend and then I am a good girl throughout the week. Maybe it is working like cheat days or something along those lines where you change the eating patterns for a day or two and go back to the correct WOE.

wow Fri, Mar-26-04 23:55


A friend of mind told me about a diet..CDL i think..where you do not eat any carbs m-f until 5pm Friday..then you eat what you like until Sunday at 5. It seems to work for a lot of people...kind of tricking your body. Way to GO!

suziq7575 Wed, Mar-31-04 16:59

Hi Wow, A friend of mine is on a diet similar to the one you mentioned, but I think hers is you eat no carbs for so many days and then a day of carbs .... same principle ... tricking the body!!! I hope with my new way of eating, I can continue tricking my body instead of my body tricking me!!!!!:) I hope things are going well for you.

elmuyloco5 Wed, Mar-31-04 17:19

Just thought I'd add a few notes....

The diet you all are referring to is CKD....there's a forum for it on here too if you all want to check it out. It's actually a little more involved than just eating carbs on the weekend. There is a calcualtion for how much you need to refeed your muscles and it's very low fat during that time of the you can't just eat anything you want. During the week is extremely low carb (20g or induction phases).

It also incorporates a very intense weight lifting program and is infact utilized to replenish the glycogen in your muscles...not fix a stall. You will actually gain a few lbs over the weekend as you will retain some water, theorhetically to be lost over the week...and then some. The important thing is to get the right amount of carbs as too many (and in combination with too high of fat) will spill over and cause a fat gain.

Also, if you all do check into it...keep in mind most of the forum is male based as well as the calculators. I'm having to tweek my program to fit it to a woman. We tend not to be able to process such high carb amounts as well as the guys do.

Hope this helps!

wow Thu, Apr-01-04 06:55

HI sizuq,

Hope things are going well for you. I am trying a WW/SBD thing this week. I feel really liberated in my eating but I guess the scale will tell.


Thanks for the infor. I have really begun lifting heavy but I dont think I will try that plan does really seem like you have to have a lot of discipline

elmuyloco5 Thu, Apr-01-04 12:05


Yeah you kinda do, but don't feel nervous about it either. It's just a diet...and it takes some tweeking too like most do. But if you are able to persist at your weight training without problems, I wouldn't do anything differently.

I personally changed from atkins to ckd because the extreme lack of carbs of induction level was killing my workout. I would start to fail half way through. You just simply need carbs to repair your muscles. Most people don't need more than what they get on atkins, etc. as they aren't lifting a whole lot. My body doesn't stay in ketosis well (takes very few carbs to throw me out) so I can't do some of the plans that allow more carbs. The carb up kicks me out for a short time and then allows me to get back into ketosis within a day or two....then I can burn off the fat during the week. The carb up does some other cool things too, but I'll spare you the technical mumbo jumbo. It's just what seems to be working for me. And I still don't have it perfect, each weekend I tweek it a bit more to make it right, but my weight is still on the downward trend and I've added 4 lbs of muscle mass in just 3 weeks. So that's an overall loss of 10lbs this month.

Good luck to all of you!!

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