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tumbleweed Fri, Mar-12-04 15:56

Atkins New Bee
Whats up!

Hows life at the other end?

Just started the Atkins diet... 2 months ago.

Lost a couple of lbs... but have huge cravings for chocolates and whipped cream... especially at night... thus, gaining those lbs back.

Is this common or am I the only one?

How do I fight this battle with sugar? :doah:

mmm.... chocolates...

AFwife Fri, Mar-12-04 16:00

Ok I can't help but ask why in the world do you want to weigh 90 pounds?

Isn't that a bit drastic? Or did you just punch any old numbers in there?

Now on your ?.....yes it's common everyone wants sinful foods every now and then. However, if you have been sticking to the plan, without cheating, your carb cravings should have been long gone by now.

Good luck,


LadyBelle Fri, Mar-12-04 20:25

Go through a clean induction. That means no Lc bars, shakes, and nothing sweet. You might be amazed at how much the cravings clear up.

Since you don't have that much to lose, Atkins for life may be a good choice fo ryou. It is much more liberal in what it allows. Also you might want ot get your body fat checked. If you are trying to drop below what is healthy, then your body will ersist you every step of the way. Knowing your lean mass though can give you a good idea of where you want to go. Adding exercise and strength traiing can increase lean mass and overall weight, but is what it would take to achieve a tight toned look. It also helps to raise your metabolism and burn off extra carbs.

Fun5oh Fri, Mar-12-04 20:49

Originally Posted by tumbleweed

Lost a couple of lbs... but have huge cravings for chocolates and whipped cream...

My answer is EAT the chocolates and whipped cream!!! You don't need to weigh 90 pounds! That is just out of hand!
Have a nice day! :)

tumbleweed Sun, Mar-14-04 17:20

sugar slave
hey, this diet was not my choice. Doc recommended it.

Crazy cholesterol is through the roof... and I have to lose it or die of a blocked artery. Atkins in the only thing that seems to be working. Its decreasing... but my sugar cravings is not giving up without a fight.

Finished huge can of whipped cream yesterday. Brought two more today. What to do, what to do?

The weight thing... hmm... I gained 15 lbs in two months... by eating tons of delicious pasta, chips and dips and all that heveanly stuff. I'm a swimmer and a gymnast... so, a few lbs off would do me good.

I wish I can live like Homer simpson, eat all I want and everything I want all day.

tumbleweed Sun, Mar-14-04 17:21

By the way,

to all those that replied back... how did you gain weight...? stress, foods, etc?

just curious

madpiano Sun, Mar-14-04 17:56

Tumbleweed, those numbers under you name are KG ?? What height are you ?

90 US-Pounds (not metric pounds) are 40.8 kg. To make this a healthy weight, you would have to be about 130cm or less.....

your current number is 101 pounds. Even as metric pounds this looks like a good weight (50.5kg), if you are the same height as me, but a lot younger, you could probably lose about 3kg, if you really want.

I really can't believe any doctor wants you to lose any more weight. You sure he didn't say put on weight ???

Unless those numbers are kg. Then I completly understand. 101kg is 222 US/UK-Pounds and 90kg is 200 US/UK pounds.

madpiano Sun, Mar-14-04 18:02

Just clicked on your profile. You are 5'0 (1.52m) ?

Assuming those numbers are really pounds, I can understand that you want to lose a bit of weight, but I do not believe that your doctor told you that you are seriously overweight. Maybe you should look into the maintenance plan ? Or a new Doctor ? (preferably one who hasn't been appointed by Kate Moss....)

Ah, sorry, just read through your post. You are a gymnast....

Now i understand. The diet will work for your cholesterol count, but only if you stick to it to the letter. No more cheats, get the low-fat/low-calorie thinking out of your head (even though it may have been drummed into it since you were a kid). No skipping meals ! One lettuce leaf is not a meal !

You probably have a lot of muscle weight, so don't compare yourself to other people by weight, use clothes sizes instead. My best friend was a Gymnast and she was told she was too fat when she didn't fit into size 4-6 (UK Size!) anymore. Swimming gives you broad shoulders which can skew Body Fat measurements in some online tables. Don't worry about that too much. You said your doc said your cholesterol was too high. What was the ratio though of good/bad ?

twinky Sun, Mar-14-04 18:18

Are you all forgetting one thing?
how many carbs are in a HUGE can of whipping cream?

madpiano Sun, Mar-14-04 18:48

Are you all forgetting one thing?
how many carbs are in a HUGE can of whipping cream?

That depends on where you in the UK they are all the same size and I assume they have about 7carbs per can. That is the sugar free version. These can's are only about half full of actual cream, the rest is the stuff which makes them fluffy. I never checked as it is cheaper to whip my own.

twinky Sun, Mar-14-04 18:55

where I live all cans of whipped cream have sugar in them

Elsah Sun, Mar-14-04 20:27

I am not sure if it goes for just anyone but I was told while pregnant that if I am craving sugars it could really mean that my body is craving protein. So maybe eat a slice of meat, a hard boiled egg or something similar in the evening before the cravings hit will get you over the hump. If you get hungry around the same time every evening for your chocolates and whipped cream then plan your snack thirty minutes to an hour before that time comes. Anyways, goodluck on getting that cholesterol down.


AFwife Mon, Mar-15-04 04:51

Originally Posted by madpiano

Assuming those numbers are really pounds, I can understand that you want to lose a bit of weight, but I do not believe that your doctor told you that you are seriously overweight. Maybe you should look into the maintenance plan ? Or a new Doctor ? (preferably one who hasn't been appointed by Kate Moss....)

I'd get a new doctor. He can give you meds for that you don't need to lose weight.

Your gonna make yourself sick. opinion anyways.

black57 Mon, Mar-15-04 08:10

First off, kudos for the intelligent doc for reccomending Atkins to lower cholesterol. My advice is to purchase the book Protein Power or go to the Protein Power forum. There, you will find a definition for glucagon. Balanced insulin/glucagon and sugar levels is what contributes to lower or balanced lipids. Understand the functions of these 2 hormones to understnad why this diet will lower your cholesterol.

bevbme Mon, Mar-15-04 11:57

trolls are short..

So find out more from your doctor on what is going to help with LDL numbers.
Try flaxseed not whipping cream.

triplemom Mon, Mar-15-04 12:01

A troll? Here?

bevbme Mon, Mar-15-04 12:24

excerpt from M Kendrick article in Media forum
"Malcolm Kendrick article-
"In order to understand why a high fat diet should, and does, raise HDL levels and lower VLDL levels (and may also lower LDL levels), you need to understand a bit about fat and sugar metabolism and the role of lipoproteins in your blood. Starting here.

When you eat fat it is absorbed by the gut and stuffed into very large lipoprotein known as a chylomicron. The fat in a chylomicron is almost all stored in the form of three fat molecules attached to a glycerol molecule, a structure known as a triglyceride. Three fats and a glycerol = tri-glyceride. By the way, cholesterol also sits in chylomicrons as a co-passenger. (Anything insoluble in water/blood, such as cholesterol, has to be carried around in a lipoprotein)

Chylomicrons are then released into the bloodstream and travel through the body losing chunks of triglyceride all the while as they pass fat cells. (Fat cells attack chylomicrons with a ?lipase? enzyme, chopping bits off). As this happens chylomicrons shrink, turning into Very Low Density Lipoproteins (VLDLs), which are otherwise known as? ?triglycerides.? How confusing is that?

In fact, the nomenclature in this area must be the most confusing in all of medicine.

* LDL is known as ?bad? cholesterol
* HDL is called ?good? cholesterol
* VLDLs are named triglycerides?

It?s little wonder that most people haven?t the faintest idea what anyone is talking about in lipid metabolism. Chylomicrons, VLDL, HDL and LDL are all lipoproteins. I wish that people would stop calling them things like ?cholesterol? and ?triglycerides?, and ?good? cholesterol and ?bad? cholesterol. It really doesn?t aid understanding.

Anyway, moving on. Apart from chylomicrons, the gut also sends out VLDLs de-novo, and the VLDLs do pretty much the same thing as chylomicrons, dropping off triglycerides here and there (mainly into fat cells) and shrinking. Quite what the difference is between a shrunk down chylomicron and a VLDL is, I don?t know. (By the way, just in case you?re wondering, VLDLs also contain cholesterol as a co-passenger. All lipoproteins have cholesterol in them)

Not all chylomicrons and VLDLs travel round dropping off triglycerides. Some go straight to the liver where they are absorbed, broken down, and unpacked. And their contents are used to make other things the body needs.

However, wherever they go, all of the ?fat containing? chylomicrons and VLDLs produced by the gut drop off their fat load, shrink, are then absorbed and completely disappear. So a few hours after a meal they are gone. And if you were to measure VLDL levels a few hours after a high fat meal they would have returned to ?normal?. Whatever normal may be.

Thus, if you eat a high fat meal, almost all sign of it will have disappeared in a relatively short space of time. And there will be no change in any lipid level. Or at least not any lipid level that anyone can be bothered measuring.

However, if you eat a high carbohydrate meal, the metabolism acts in a very different way. Carbohydrates are absorbed and transformed into sugars in the gut, from whence they go straight into the bloodstream, same as fat. But because sugars are soluble in water they don?t need to be carried in a lipoprotein, so there is no immediate effect on lipid levels from a high carb meal. You just get a sharp rise in blood sugar level.

A certain amount of the sugar will be absorbed into fat and muscle cells, and then stored as glycogen. But if you eat a big carbohydrate meal, the fat and muscle storage cannot cope, and the excess sugar has to be absorbed by the liver to prevent the sugar level getting too high.

However, the liver cannot store that much sugar, so it starts to convert it into fats, in the form of triglyceride. At which point, the liver then packs this excess triglyceride into a VLDL and sends it out into the bloodstream - along with some cholesterol. (Unlike with sharks, the liver in humans is not an energy storage organ)

So you get a kind of delayed VLDL rise after eating carbohydrates. But there is a key difference between the VLDL made by the guts, and the VLDL made by the Liver. The VLDL made by the liver, unlike that made in the gut, shrinks into a low density lipoprotein (LDL). The dreaded heart disease causing lipoprotein ? the one they call co-lest-erol.

Why does this happen to ?liver manufactured VLDL?, when it doesn?t happen to the VLDL made in the gut? Well, as liver manufactured VLDL leaves the liver, it interacts with an HDL molecule which transfers it?s proteins to the VLDL molecule. One of the proteins transferred is apolipoprotein B-100. And the apo B-100 molecule is the unique LDL ?identifier.?

On the other hand, VLDL made in the gut has apolipoprotein B-48 attached to it and this VLDL doesn?t become an LDL molecule as it shrinks."

This may be why the doctor recommends Atkins.

tumbleweed Mon, Mar-15-04 16:29

Hello Madpiano and others who have taken their precious time from work, family, eating, daily life etc etc etc. to reply back.

I am currently 101 lbs... US lbs that is. I am approximately five feet, zero inches. And no, I'm no aneroxic. I have very little time or patience for that activity. Plus life is too short to not be able to taste and eat food. I sometimes live to eat.

My cholesterol has jumped from 135 to 190,... over what... I'll have to check up on that. It jumped in two weeks! and yes, the blood test was performed twice and same results came up. Then it increased to 195, 201, 215, 225, and then 236, each result within two week intervals. Hmmm... odd huh.

No, my doctors are not trying to force me to lose weight, that will be a side effect of Atkins anyway. They are concerned that at this rate, I'll end up pushing up daisies sooner than other normal healthy people.

I don't know whats making it increase... maybe stress from work or classes, or something biological. All I know is that it makes me want to eat more food that makes me feel nice and warm in the inside... you know.. to fill in that big empty hole inside... doughnuts usually do the trick.

Fortunately, Atkins has helped me bring down cholesterol from 236 to 195 over an interval of 2 months.

Unfortunately, cravings for carbs and sugar and is starting to raise it again.

Nowadays I don't eat a piece or lettuce or other rabbit foods for lunch. Instead I eat a lot of poultry, fish and eggs and some veges and occasionally a steak. But regardless of what I eat, regardless of all the protein I stuff in, I still have these stupid cravings for sugar sugar sweet sugar! I know this is a sin, but I can't help it. Atkins said that cravings should decrease, but thats not what I'm going through.

I read the Atkins book and followed the guidelines... so what am I missing? Why are the cravings so damn freken persistant? I'm I doing something wrong that might have stimulated these urges? How do I end these cravings?

Confused and utterly lost

MyJourney Mon, Mar-15-04 16:45

sounds like you have a sugar addiction and it seems something you are eating on atkins is triggering that addiction.

I suggest doing a clean induction with no artificial sweetners at all. Just meats, veggies and a small amount of cheese. No heavy cream or sour cream either.

Maybe see how you feel after that. If you want whipped cream after, make your own and dont sweeten it.
Try and go with nothing at all that tastes sweet for a month or so, and then maybe try adding in small amounts of splenda, and you will probably have better control of your cravings then. If you start getting more cravings off the splenda, I would cut it out for a while longer and get your body used to not having sweets. It can take a while, but you will break yourself of your sugar addiction if you stick with it. The first few days are the toughest, but after that it gets much easier.

Also, if you are concerned about your cholesterol you may want to read

mio1996 Mon, Mar-15-04 17:13

Most canned whipped cream contains trans fats, I think. If so, those will only hurt your cholesterol ratio and your arteries.

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