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unitydkn Wed, Mar-03-04 04:39

protein power pals wednesday march 3rd
morning all...good night me
have a good breakfast

ewinpa Wed, Mar-03-04 06:35

Unity, I haven't had breakfast yet, I could eat your post :lol:

Ladies and germs, I am down to 228 fully dressed on the scale at work. I was 222 in the buff so that is probably about right. Anyway, I am happy. :)

Bloodwork went fine, I wasn't even tired afterward. Nice folks at the donation center.

I'll pop in later, have a lot of work.


sasquatch Wed, Mar-03-04 06:39

Good Morning... :Party:

Back in a bit :thup:

CarbGirl Wed, Mar-03-04 07:09

Morning Folks!!!

I'm a bit sore today, since I changed my lifting routine a bit yesterday. I upped the weights and paid more attention to form. I also had an Aha moment when I realized that I could actually do the forms correctly, since the fat was getting smaller. Weeeeeeeee!!! lol I had scheduled Pilates to do yesterday also, but I wore myself out with the new lifting routine. lol Sooooo, today I have to do the Pilates, as well as the scheduled Yoga and my walking.

DH is home today, so we are going out to do errands and have a meeting to attend. I'll probably end up doing my walking in a mall, since we're due thunderstorms for the next few days. Boy, am I ready for spring!!!

Thanks to everyone for the Fitday suggestion. I have done it online, but recently bought the PC version. I had just not messed with the exercise part of it, because it is more complex than the online version. I even get to take calories off for sex, if you can imagine. :yay: I worked on figuring the activity part out a bit yesterday, but still have a ways to go before I'm comfortable with it. I just wish there was a feature that would allow you to input an entire recipe and then save it as a whole, instead of entering each ingredient seperately. I know my TurkeyVeg Soup I had last night had more protein and less carbs than the Fitday version. lol

Robin, I can understand your friend's need to cheat when eating out, but I also believe as you do. Sometimes food places don't make it easy on us healthy eaters, but there's hope yet.

Smoothblu, I also posted in your journal. Keep up the great work!!! I can't wait till the rain and cold leaves here so I can get out there like that again.

Dawn, it's so cool that you will be teaching massage classes. I've really wanted to learn to do that properly and have consider our local Praxis College. Just have to figure out how to fit that into my schedule. lol

Orang, my pedometer is the Sportline brand. My old one was too, but had less features. I think I prefer that one, since I hate figuring stuff out. lol This one has a screen that shows calories burned along with the miles walked. I do like that one.

Ewinpa, so sorry you have to have surgery. 2 years ago, my gyno found a small fibroid and talked surgery then. At that time, I was a vegetarian and decided to up my soy consumption to see if I could shrink it. Last year, yes indeedie. It shrank. No talk of surgery. But I know that since I've stopped the enormous intake of soy and gone to eating meat again, the fibroid has grown. My symptoms are back and my belly doesn't seem to be getting smaller, no matter what I do. Soooo, if she talks surgery again this yearly in June, I'm going for it this time. I sure hope you get to keep your ovaries, so you don't have to deal with the entire hormone thing. Good luck with everything.

Waving to all the other folks here!!!

Well, I'm off to start my day. Everyone have a great protein filled day!!!!

Paris Wed, Mar-03-04 07:33

Good morning, pals!

I'll be back after breaking the fast. Mmmm. Eggs. :D

:rheart: Paris

RobinBeBe Wed, Mar-03-04 07:52

Good Morning!!

Just cooking some bacon right now, to have with some strawberries and cream!! Then off to doing homework and other stuff I have to do on my day off...the usual busy day!!

Have a good day all!


smoothblu Wed, Mar-03-04 07:55

Thanks to everyone who posted in my journal.
My right leg thinks it's still hiking. It spasms every so often. A strange feeling for sure. Leg cramps are back even with the extra potassium etc, but this to I'm sure will pass. Up 3 lbs this morning. I had to weigh in a day early as I will be out of town tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great day.

RobinBeBe Wed, Mar-03-04 08:06

I keep seeing links to on various sites. It looks like an interesting program, and I was wondering who here has tried it, and if you have had any success with it. I really need to get exercising again. I do have a gym membership, but I need an alternate in case I cannot make it to the gym.


acipenser Wed, Mar-03-04 08:43

good morning all!!!

i am feeling very tired lately. not sure why!??!!? i keep thinking i am eating good, but the weight is being stubborn!!!argg. i know, patience, patience, patience!!! i am wondering if i should change anything up a bit?? it has been 2 months and struggling with the same 3lbs. the problem is i am not sure what i should change up, or if i should just wait it out and see what happens?? any ideas, suggestions?? (you can click on my fitday link to check out my diet and excercise if you want)

blu--hehe about your right leg still hiking. my left leg still feels the pain of snowboarding..... i guess i used that one more!!

robin-- bacon, strawberries, and cream....hummm kinda sounds good. i am at work so dobie muffins for me today. sometimes when i pack my lunch the night before i think something sounds really good. then when i am at work the next day, not in the same mood. kinda wish i would have brought some eggs to nuke this morning.

gotta get started on my work. sometimes i feel guilty that my first 30 min or so at work is on the internet....

Chamellie Wed, Mar-03-04 09:41

Good morning :) So far, a better day than yesterday. My throat continues to hurt, wish it would go away. I decided to try out the DVDs instead of the gym, my throat hurt too bad for a decent cardio workout.

Yesterday's menu:
B - 1/2 cup keto choc crispies, 1/3 cup soymilk

L - roast beef roll-ups (3 slices deli roast beef, 1.5 slices pepper jack cheese, mustard), 1/2 cup SF cole slaw, CL pink lemonade

S - small handful hot & spicy peanuts
S - 1 deviled egg

1 hour of combo pillates and yoga (mainly just trying out some of the exercises)

D - 1 large chicken breast (recipe I posted), 1 cup cauliflower w/2 tsp butter

Dessert - sliced strawberries (1/3 cup) whipped cream

Michele - I looked at you fitday and would like to make a few suggestions. Not sure how tall you are but some days your calories appear to be on the high side. I would replace the processed meats (bacon, sausage) for leaner meats. I buy ham steaks that are very lean and much lower in calories. I try to only have bacon or sausage no more than once a week. Maybe try cutting back on beef just a bit. Also frankenfoods can stall as well. Try to only use bars or protein shakes to supplement a meal for protein or as a meal replacement.

simplydawn Wed, Mar-03-04 11:09

HI all!

Funny..for breakfast today, I had the dannon l/c strawberries and cream yogurt with 6 strawberries sliced up... yummy. AND I made turkey bacon with it too.. we are all in 'sync' this morning!

I cant find my pedometer since we moved here in Dec! WAH!

sex..can't imagine that lately.. ( sheepish grin ) :blush: poor dh. but that is another topic all together!

Michelle.. not sure what you should do.. maybe change something up...just have to listen to your body...and energy.. sounds like you are always on the go! :) you have more than you think you do!

Elllie.. been thinking about your sore throat..are you on any meds? sometimes meds have that as a side effect..

blu-have you tried to add magnesium to your supplements for the leg cramps? :) There is another one, that my client is using, and I will have to look at his chart when I go into the office, so I make sure I pass on the right info.

Carbgirl-many schools offer different classes with alternative scheduling.. like our school offers day/evening or weekend sessions.. if its what you want..GO FOR IT! :)

Elaine.. glad your morning went well.. I had to have a complete hysterectemy when I was 25.. gosh..can you believe that it was 14 years ago? seems like a lifetime now!

Ok, I made up this page this morning.. and printed it out.. I needed to add some positives today for myself...

ewinpa Wed, Mar-03-04 11:20

Robin, if is Kate and Graeme Street, I have the beginner program and enjoy it. I am in an apt and can do it comfortably. It also uses a stability ball which I like. I even use their warmup as my warmup when I'm doing other videos or weight trining. It's a bit pricey but I've wasted more $ on other things.

Chamellie Wed, Mar-03-04 11:41

Elaine - WTG!!!!! You are doing awesome!

Dawn - The only meds I take is low dose asprin and BP meds. I am fairly sure it is sinus related as I had a 4 day sinus headache that wouldn't respond to anything then the headache broke and I have a sore throat. I am taking Allegra for my sinuses but still feel icky :)

Robin - I haven't tried that program but if not maybe a good video you could do at home would work when you can't get to the gym.

Blu - I had a bad time with leg cramps when I started this woe, the only thing that works for me is Morton Lite salt. I make sure I use it once or twice a day and no more cramps.

unitydkn Wed, Mar-03-04 12:06

blu-have you tried to add magnesium to your supplements for the leg cramps?
this worked for me:)

Lissette Wed, Mar-03-04 12:13


Had a good morning, I cut down my bacon and saved some cals. I am trying to keep my count at 1200- 1300 my carbs to 20-30 tops, today was my heavy chore day so that always starts my day out good! :yay: It is everyother day that I do this, I just wish that I knew how much of a cal burner it is: Ok , first I feed the calves 6 5gallon buckets of cracked corn, I fill them than take them all out to 4 bunks, then I fill 4 5gallon ones of pellets. I drive our chore truck out to our young cows and bulls and feed 3 50* sacks of cake feed, then go and feed the beefs 3 buckets of feed, then I go back to the young cows and scoop 60 shovel full of ear corn from the pickup, and unless I have ice to chop in the tank that is it! I guess my quetion is: on the "heavy chore days" Could i eat alittle more and would it hurt if I did not run on the treadmill that day???? :help:

Ellie, I use tylenal allergy for my flare-ups, since it has tylenol in it that has really helped with the pain and sorness!
Good luck! So do you recommend getting the pilates circles?????

Elaine,Good to hear that things are going so well!! :thup: Speaking of money spending, I am guilty of wasting mine on miracle loss things! :blush:

Rob, it was nice to see you post!! :dazzle:

pottasiam is another suppliment that people have tried!

If you like bacon in the morning have you tried canadian bacon??

Dawn,Remember SEX is a great exercise!! TRY IT!!!! :lol: And (as my dh reminds me) it sends out the endorphins that keep you young!HA

Robin, how have things been going with the job search???
I am glad that you are getting back into exercising, I have a treadmill at home since I am to far away to go to a gym , BUT i am so thankful for my tapes!!

carbgirl,You go for it girl! any time you can get more education under your belt , GRAB IT!! We live so far out in the boonies that oppotunities are nil!!

Well I need to get to making lunch now, the dh is just "starving!!Ha

HI TO Bawdy, Renee, Unity, and to everyone else out there!!

simplydawn Wed, Mar-03-04 12:37

:::::: sipping her green tea :::

Hey.. Bawdy. I am catching up w/ you..LOL.. my chicken legs are looking crowded over there! :lol:

sexercise... does have its moments! I really have had a lull this last couple of months..and I will just attribute it to the diabetes/health stuff.. hopefully it will be back on track and fantabuloshis again soon.

RobinBeBe Wed, Mar-03-04 12:42

Lisette - I am not actively looking for another job, but it is something I am considering. I am really stuck between a rock and a hard place. You see, they depend on my very heavily at work, which I hate, but then again in some respects it is nice to have such a position where people know you do your job well and depend on you for certain things. Not to mention I asked for a raise based on my increasing job responsiblities and got it. I also negotiated to get off early one day a week so I could spend more time at home. We will see how long that works for. So right now I am almost taking a wait and see attitude.

Ewinpa - yes, it is that DVD series I am considering. How do you like their LC plan? It is kinda scary in a way......they let you eat most veggies unlimited, plus one "bad" carb treat a week! I guess you can do this if you exercise. I know if I go back to intense weight training like I did last year, I do worry that I will need to increase my carbs a bit from 30-40 a day. Here is a description of the plan:


smoothblu Wed, Mar-03-04 13:00

Thanks everyone for the recommendations for helping with leg cramps.

MarnieON Wed, Mar-03-04 14:09

Hi everyone,
Elaine, congrats on the continuing weight loss. You were stuck for so long.
And I agree with others who have said that they will be very glad when spring comes. It will be great to be able to walk outside again. I guess I really could now. We've had above freezing weather for the past week and a huge amount of our snow has already gone. Would probably have to dodge a few puddles along the way.
Today is my 1 year LC anniversary. I was trying to think of all the things that have changed. I've lost 56 lb. for starters plus a ton of inches. I did have DH measure last night and just entered the numbers in my journal (not online--in a book). My DH told me at noon that it sounded like I was bragging, so I'm not not going to mention any more about it.
I had decided I was going to just work at maintaining. I would like to lose another 5 lb. but really am happy where I am. I was working on a plan that was sort of mixture between the GI Diet and Sugar Busters. Well, all that sort of got messed up because my son came home from the 2 months he spent in Mexico and had gained 15 lb. He wants to do Protein Power since he says he felt so good when he did it with me for 6 weeks before Christmas. Well, I'm happy he's working on the weight, but it's really messed up my maintenance plans. I'm not going to cook 2 meals and what I was working on for maintenance wasn't just adding in fruit or grains separately but they were incorporated into foods--like stew that contained beans or soup that had barley. So I'm trying to keep my fruit which I really enjoy and keeping calories low through fairly low fat and hope I can keep from gaining. I've finally found a low cal salad dressing that doesn't have a huge number of carbs, so I use that. DS uses regular ranch and DH uses his beloved low fat Catalina. So I'm still sort of playing around with this, trying to find what works. I've noticed my energy isn't as good as it was after I added the fruit and grains and I was having more problems with hunger. I'm trying to address the latter issue by having another LC veggie at noon and often adding one at supper (we have our big meal at noon).
Great to see such an active group of posters. All the best to everyone.

acipenser Wed, Mar-03-04 15:31

ellie-- thanks for the advice. looking back i see i have been eating more bacon and sausage then usual. just trying to find the balance between having a breakfast that lasts me till lunch and not having too many carbs. seems like i do best with my egg/meat breakfasts, the cereals and muffins don't last me till lunch. i am 5'5". i try to shoot for 10% or less, so that is 2300 cals or less. any idea how to make a chickenbreast taste like bacon???hehe

acipenser Wed, Mar-03-04 15:32

dawn-- you will soon be joining us "steaks" hehe

Chamellie Wed, Mar-03-04 16:01

Michele - LOL....boy do I wish :D I know what you mean about staying full. Try the hamsteaks, the ones I buy come pre-packaged and are about 7 oz. It is only 100 calories per serving so if you ate the whole thing it would only be 200 calories. Half is a pretty big serving and also I think it is only 3 or 4 grams of fat.

Shelly - I have just messed around with the magic circle, boy do you feel it :D I would recommend it if you are already doing pilates. It will probably be a while before I incorporate it with the mat workout. There are serveral exercises you can do just using the circle but..well....OUCH!!

Paris Wed, Mar-03-04 16:04

Happy LC Anniversary, Marjorie! :rheart:

ewinpa Wed, Mar-03-04 16:21

Happy Anniversary Marnie!!!

Lissette, if you're doing that much manual work on those days you should be eating a little more more cals. Try it, see what happens.

Robin, I don't have the lc diet program from the Streets, I just have the VHS workout. They were selling them cheap because they were going to DVD only, so I got it for $10 bucks less. Who says you have to do the cheat part? I think Kate has a sample lc menu on her site:
You could try it for a day and see what you think.

simplydawn Wed, Mar-03-04 16:51

Elaine! forgot to earlier say.. WHOOP there it goes..whoop there it goes! CONGRATS :)

Happy Anniversary Marnie! You have come so far in the last year.. just awesome, and bragging rights are granted! :)

I made it to the gym. It is such a chore for me, honestly if my bootie wasnt hurting me, I would be whining about something else about going there. I did 15 minutes on the treadmill, then 10 on the elliptical, then 10 more on the treadmill.

BawdyWench Wed, Mar-03-04 17:26

Phew, what a day! Things are starting to pick up ever so slowly. Next week should be when the dam breaks. I know I've said that before, but the contract has been signed and people from the other company have been assigned.

Still sticking to plan. Didn't weigh myself yet this week as I had a somewhat "off" weekend. Nothing too horrendous, just not on plan either. I know ahead of time that I'll now be bouncing between 163 and 166 for a while. Then it will be between 162 and 165. Geezum crow, but this takes a major effort this time.

In all my time on these boards, the concept of the "golden chance" has come up time and time again. It basically states that you have one and only one chance to get this right, and that subsequent tries will not work.


I do believe, however, that it works BEST the first time around. When I first attempted PP back in around 1999, the pounds literally fell off me. Then, a year later when I did Atkins, it came off but more slowly. This time I'm having one heck of a time.

My take on this is that the first time you do low-carb, your body doesn't know what's hitting it so it reacts famously. The next time around, it says, "Oh yeah. We've done this before." The third time around, it says, "Fine. But this time you're reallly going to have to work for it."

This is not to say it won't work. It will. But, it will take more effort. I may have lost a few battles, but by gosh I'm gonna win this war!

unitydkn Wed, Mar-03-04 23:09

my chicken legs are looking crowded over there!
I must not be very hungry,,,I only have a chicken leg...

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