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Orang Fri, Feb-27-04 04:36

Protein Power Pals - Friday - Feb 27
Welcome to the Protein Power Pals daily thread. All are welcome that are using, considering or curious about this WOE. We also welcome friends using other LC WOEs to drop by for some friendly conversation and a large glass of water.

My menu yesterday was fairly good yesterday - a bit low on carbs and high on calories. Feeling much better today after an unresidented 9 hours of sleep - guess I was just exhausted.

Started watching my calorie per pound intake several weeks ago to try to drop 5 lbs or so by about March 15. Weight today is at 173.5 - so I've lost 3.5 of those 5 pounds. Calories per pound 1701 / 174 = 9.77 (aiming for around 8 to 9.5).

Total calories: 1701
Fat: 92 gms 830 cal 51%
Sat: 29 gms 263 cal 16%
Poly: 20 gms 179 cal 11%
Mono: 35 gms 316 cal 20%
Carbs: 42 gms 97 cal 6% ECC: 24 gms
Fiber: 18 gms 0 cal 0%
Protein: 172 gms 688 cal 43%

4 egg-beater omelet with 2 ozs lean ham and 1 oz cheddar
Breakfast drink - 8 ozs water, 1 envelope sf gelatine, 1 scoop sf orange citrucel
30 ozs coffee (regular, brewed)

7 ozs baked ham - lean only eaten
1/4 cup flexseeds with liquid sweetener and vanilla extract

1 oz pork rinds
1 oz french oinion dip

2 medium pork chops - broiled - bone-in - lean only eaten
.75 cup tomato dish
Recipe: simmer can of diced tomatoes uncovered in non-stick skillet until about half of the watery part evaporates - add other ingredients (2 oz velveeta, 2 t onion flakes, .25 cup parmesan cheese (dry), garlic powder) and simmer uncovered for about 3 more minutes - serves 2
1 cup LC mixed veggies - stir-fried in very little olive oil

About 50 ozs water & 30 ozs coffee

simplydawn Fri, Feb-27-04 05:27

Good Morning..

Been laying in bed the last hour, tossing and turning.. Finally, just said, pffff... just get up Dawn...But I am not the first early bird! :) WTG ORANG on your WEIGHT LOSS! YAY! Glad you are getting some results :dazzle:

The snow is still on the ground and chilly..

Question for the day:

What supplements is everyone taking, why/what for? And what impact have they had on your weight loss?

Make a great day!

eightc Fri, Feb-27-04 06:18

Good morning everyone!!

Re: Supplements-I take one multi-vitamin most mornings when I remember. I don't seem to feel a difference whether I take it or not.

Re: Six kids- Very definately not a saint-just very crazy!!! Right now they are driving me nuts. Please spring come soon!

Re: Movie-DH dragged me to the late show last night to see Passion. Cried for 2 hours and then couldn't get to sleep last night. Dragging around this morning.

Re: Menu-I sure like seeing everyone's menus. They give me great ideas and also let me know that I am not too far off. I try to stay close to 70-25-5 but I seem to be closer to 7% carbs. Usually under 40-about 30 net. I probably drink too much coffee but am not willing to give that up.

Everyone have a great day!!! TGIF!! :dazzle:

Orang Fri, Feb-27-04 06:30

Supplements - one Centrum, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, niacin, garlic, gingko bioboa, vitamin E, vitamin C, a liquid essential mineral supplement. The vitmin / mineral supplement advocate in this household is hubby - he added most of these to my diet. I added more magnesium after reading PPLP.

The niacin is the quick release kind - my Dad's doctor feels taking 500mg daily helps cardiovascular health - a contention supported by research. This causes me to experience flushing for about 20 mins as it causes vasodilation. Many cannot handle this side effect - it doesn't bother me that much.

BawdyWench Fri, Feb-27-04 07:08

Down to 163 this morning! Thank you, Trickle Fairy!


simplydawn Fri, Feb-27-04 07:13

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:


:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

Oh gosh, Im addicted to this.. brr. got the car warming up.. even the dogs didnt want to walk, they just did their numbers and back to the door before I even got out of my car from starting it up!

See you later, wish me luck with my hair.. :)

..........still lifting meg in prayer and her family...............

Enomarb Fri, Feb-27-04 07:44

Bawdy knows I am a PP lurker. Just wanted to ask eightC what "endurance riding" is, and wanted to congratulate Bawdy and Orang on the way their weight loss is going!

smoothblu Fri, Feb-27-04 07:46

What supplements is everyone taking, why/what for? And what impact have they had on your weight loss?
I take my one a day vitamin, plus Potassium, Chromium with a trace of Magnesium, Niacin, E, Calcium and CoQ10, L-Glutamine Powder, Carlson's Cod Liver Oil. This is all I can think of at 5.15 am this morning. I’m not sure what impact they have had on my weight loss. I know I didn’t take vitamins before, hated taking pills, but when I started on Jan 1, the PPLP said take vitamins and which ones so I started adding them to my daily routine. Taking them all now has become a habit for me. I’ve lost 40 lbs in 58 days.

My goals for March are I want to focus more on hiking and exercising. Toning up my body, building muscle and gaining an overall better feel in my body. In fact, I wouldn’t mind a 5+ lb gain as long as it is muscle. So I need to adjust my way of eating to accommodate the more calories needed to build muscle.

Question/Advice/Comments/Suggestions: If a person weighs 265 lbs as I do, what types of foods would you eat to be able to get the amount of calories that is needed plus stay within the 30 or less carb range? How do you keep carbs low and calories high? I understand that calories don’t necessary count but I also don’t want to put myself in starvation mode which I believe is where I’m currently at. I’m lucky if I eat 1200 calories a day. Some days are more but not by much. The average for Feb was 1368 a day. This has been an on going problem for me because to eat over 2000 calories a day and not go over in carbs is very hard. I count everything. I use Fitday to assist me with this and it isn’t always kind. :rolleyes:


Thanks Orang for the help. I leave early <5 am> Sat morning and will be on a two day backpacking hike. Its cold and it is wet perfect weather to try out my new rain gear, trekking poles, backpack and tent. My plan is to hike 2 / 10 mile days carrying a 25lbs pack and then be picked up or rescued Sunday evening.

eightc Fri, Feb-27-04 08:53

Enomarb- Endurance riding is riding my horse along a pre-set measured course for either 25 miles in 6 hours, 50 miles in 12 hours, or the ultimate goal of 100 miles in 24 hours. Our goal is 25 milers this year, 50 next and beyond, and 100 someday. This is lots of fun and I get to spend a lot of time with my horse, especially WITHOUT the snobbiness that shows up when people start getting into the show ring. I know that at the end of the day-I am as tired as my horse, so getting myself in shape is very important. I just have to remember to treat myself as well as I treat my horse. Condition with long, SLOW, distance.

acipenser Fri, Feb-27-04 09:26

good friday morning friends!!

what supliments am i taking....

daily vitamin, with dinner, thats all....i am currently looking for another brand. the one i am taking now is not available anymore. any suggestions??

ellie--i really need to try out a yoga class. you are inspiring me. i don't think i want to give up my step class, but yoga is sounding good.

eight--WOW 6 kids, you are a regular ole brady bunch!!!

lissette--micro pork rinds?? where do you find these. they are really better than the pre packaged stuff?? the ones i get are not greesy, just really puffy and you really want wet stuff?? i can send you some rain, i think my feet are starting to form webs!!!

hi blu and robin, it has been a few days!!

good luck with your hair dawn. send us a picture when you are done!! i am always looking for new ideas. i need to get a trim soon, i hate it hanging in my eyes!!

bawdy---please please please, can i have the trickle fairy now?!?!?!?!?

i was looking back on my fitday for the week and noticed i was quite high on calories this week. i think i will try to pay attention to that next week. i need to find some low-cal, low-carb snacks!! seems like the stuff i like to snack on that is low-carb is also high calories. anybody who wants, feel free to look at my fitday and i welcome suggestions.

BawdyWench Fri, Feb-27-04 10:01

Originally Posted by acipenser
bawdy---please please please, can i have the trickle fairy now?!?!?!?!?

Sorry, but no. She's sticking with me for a while! If you remember, I had to get down on my knees and beg and plead and even threaten the Whoosh Fairy with bodily harm. She reluctantly sent her sister, the Trickle Fairy. I'm not giving her up any time soon!

As for the supplements discussion . . . is Irish whiskey considered a supplement (to anyone other than me and Rob, that is!)


Chamellie Fri, Feb-27-04 11:03

Good morning! Except for a bad sinus headache that I have had since yesterday I am feeling good! I am wearing my size 10 Tommy stretch jeans with a Tommy shirt that just one week ago I refused to wear because I could see a bra back roll. I am feeling lean and so comfortable in my clothes! I am also a bit angry at myself for letting some weight creep back on after I worked so hard to get it off. I would estimate without the help of the scale that I have lost about 5 pounds during my two week induction. I think I will stick with it for awhile. Took a night off last night from exercise but will be back in the gym tonight. Hopefully this headache will ease by then.

I don't remember if I told you all that I am going to Las Vegas again, the 8,9,10,& 11 of March! DH is going for training and is staying at the MGM Grand! Couldn't pass that one up :D

Yesterday's Menu

B - 2 eggs scrambled, 1 TBS picante sauce, 2.5 oz ham, 3 cups coffee w/H&H splenda

L - 7-8 chili lime wings, 2 TBS LC bbq sauce, 1.5 cups mixed salad greens, 2 TBS ceasar vinegrette

S - 1/2 oz hot & spicy peanuts (caved in a moment of weakness), 6 pork rinds w/2 TBS onion dip

D - large salad (iceberg lettuce 2 cups, 6 oz leftover rotiserre chicken mostly breast meat, 1 TSP almond accents, 4 TBS light ranch dressing)

Dessert - other half of the 3 minute chocolate cake w/whipped cream....very good cold!

CONGRATS TO ALL OUR LOSERS!!!! :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :Party: :Party:

Orang - You will be at your goal before you know it :yay: Glad you are feeling better.

Dawn - Confession........I take no supplements. I know I should but I am one of those people that get very ill from taking vitamins. I have tried all kinds and most make me very nausiated. I was taking a generic form of Centrium Silver and I am going to try to be better about taking it along with a calcium supplement. Good luck with your hair :)

8 - 6 Kids? God bless you! We are going to see Passion when the crowds thin out a bit.

BTW, there is an excellent review on this movie on the darkside, JamesR wrote it on the moved me so much I printed it out and passed it around work. I can post the link if your interested.

Bawdy - WTG!!!!

Michele - If you are interested in Yoga, pick up a video that way you don't have to give up your class but can do it in addition to it. I would recommend Yoga for Dummies, I bought it myself and is supoosed to be one of the best beginner tapes out there.

Blu- If you are looking to increase calories without increasing carbs that is an easy one! Most meats are 0 carbs, just select meats with higher fat/calories. Examples : Dark meat poultry with the skin (wings, thighs, legs), 75% ground beef, fattier cuts of beef and pork. Fullfat cheeses will work too but have a little more carbs.

smoothblu Fri, Feb-27-04 13:21

"Blu- If you are looking to increase calories without increasing carbs that is an easy one! Most meats are 0 carbs, just select meats with higher fat/calories. Examples : Dark meat poultry with the skin (wings, thighs, legs), 75% ground beef, fattier cuts of beef and pork. Fullfat cheeses will work too but have a little more carbs."

That's a great suggestion but not very easy for me. :rolleyes: I really can't see anyone eating 15 oz of Chicken, leg (drumstick and thigh) to get the 1000 calories more they need besides their already planned menu. It would put the % of fats and proteins way over the percentages required per day off.

Thanks for the idea.

Everyone have a great weekend.

Chamellie Fri, Feb-27-04 13:53

Blu - What about salad dressing? When I was trying to cut calories I used fitday and realized that 4-600 calories were coming from salad dressings. Most dressings (oil based or mayo based) have 150-200 calories per 2 TBS and I always use much more than that.

acipenser Fri, Feb-27-04 15:30

Blu--take a peek at my fitday. i have been over 2000 calories a lot.

It would put the % of fats and proteins way over the percentages required per day off.

what percentages are you shooting for? and how many carbs are you trying to stay under? if you are trying to increase protein and nothing else it will be hard. most protein sources also contain fats.

also, i took a peek in your journal and didn't see any posted meals. is your fitday account public? maybe posting some menus could let us give you suggestions on things to add.

CarbGirl Fri, Feb-27-04 15:30


I'm new to PP, but not to low carbing. In September 2003, I started on Atkins and lost 20+ pounds. Then I became interested in the health aspects of low carbing and discovered Protein Power Life Plan. I have PPLP and PP, and use them to the point I'm almost cross-eyed. lol But, it's all still confusing to me.

I had been stalled from Thanksgiving last year, until I started PP on Valentines day this year. So far, I've lost 2 pounds, but I lose slowly. I'm at the point of cutting out most fake foods, with only an occassional protein bar to eat at the movies and my morning protein shake. I consider myself a Dilettante, because I could never give up my caffeine. It's not that I can't, I just don't want to. It doesn't cause cravings in me like Dr. Atkins said it would.

Since I'm short, I've heard and read in various places that I not only need to watch my protein and carbs, but my calories too. This is the confusing part for me. I have not been able to find any concrete information on exactly how many calories I should be consuming.

I'd sure appreciate any help you care to give. Also, I'd really like to join your group and get and offer support.

Have a great evening!!

smoothblu Fri, Feb-27-04 16:11

Originally Posted by acipenser
Blu--take a peek at my fitday. i have been over 2000 calories a lot.
what percentages are you shooting for? and how many carbs are you trying to stay under? if you are trying to increase protein and nothing else it will be hard. most protein sources also contain fats.
also, i took a peek in your journal and didn't see any posted meals. is your fitday account public? maybe posting some menus could let us give you suggestions on things to add.

I haven't been able to get into Fitday since the beginning of Feb, I did buy the program and use it all the time. No one can seem to find what the problem is.

My percentages are 5% Carbs leaving 5% for hidden carbs, 60% fat and 30 % protein.

BawdyWench Fri, Feb-27-04 16:32

Hi, CarbGirl! Several of us are finding that the old rule of 9 to 10 times your current body weight is a good place to start for the number of calories you should be eating. Both Orang and I have been pretty much stuck (losing very slowly) for a while now, but we both have cut our calories down and now we're both starting to lose.

Not that Orang (Renee) and I are doing the same calculation or percentage of macronutrients. Check out Renee's posts to see what she's doing (and you can ask her questions, too -- she's quite pleasant when you get her on a day that her pyrex hasn't exploded on her).


I'm shooting for 70% fat, 25% protein, and 5% carbs (very Atkins like, but with adequate protein as recommended by Protein Power). I tend to be averaging 65% fat, 30% protein, and 5% carbs, and I call it good. Since I'm now (as of this morning) 163 pounds, I should shoot for around 1,630 calories per day. I'm trying for 1400, but usually coming in around 1500. And this seems to be working for me.

I see you're currently at 137 pounds. That means you should shoot for 1,370 calories. Do you use FitDay? If not, I strongly recommend it. Since you are shorter than I am, you could probably drop calories to around 1,100 and do well.

Don't get me wrong, though. I don't really count calories, I watch them. Much more important (to my body, anyway) is to keep that fat percentage high and my carb percentage low.

Others on this daily thread, however, have found they need to keep their fat lower and their carbs higher. Live and learn! Each of us has to experiment to determine what works best for us.

I hope I haven't confused you even more! Do you plan to post here often? We'd love to have you!

iwannabfit Fri, Feb-27-04 17:58

Hi gang
It's been a few weeks since I last posted. I got what was supposed to be a 24hr flu bug (thats what everyone else had). But mine continued for 8 days, and it was a rough week for me. Then I sorta went off the LCing for a week or so because eating was a problem and I wanted soups and stuff like that, and some sweets :cry: Boy I always want to fall back into that pit (sweet tooth)

Anyhow, I feel great now, and I'm back on track, and fortunately I didn't gain probably because most things left as soon as they arrived, if you know what I mean!

My girlfriend wanted to try the South Beach, I lasted for 1 day. Too much like the old low fat diet for me. I'll stick with PP, it just works for me. She has a hard time with it, I think she just cheats too much! ;)

How has everyone been? Congrads to all the losers.

Blu - have you tried having a protein powder drink, theres usually a lot of calories in that.

My prob is I have to keep my calories lower, but not too low and my carbs under 50 to lose.

Take care all, see ya tomarrow


unitydkn Fri, Feb-27-04 18:17

somebody please kick me in the ....:bash: :bash: :bash:

smoothblu Fri, Feb-27-04 19:06

Thanks for everyone's ideas.
I think, that since what I am doing is working that I will leave it alone.
When I showed my diet to my doctor she was concerned that I was starving myself. Her advice was I should raise my calories to over 2000 per day. It's that same formula as mentioned here - 9 or 10 times your weight, which for me is 2650 - 265 = 2385.
What's that saying if it isn't broke don't fix it.
If after my walking, hiking and exercising my body needs more fuel than I'll eat more.

My backpack/tent/sleeping bag are all packed and ready. I have enough food for three days. I'm only going to be gone for two, but just in case of emergency I will take an extra days worth.

I'll post again when I get back.

simplydawn Fri, Feb-27-04 20:04

Hiya Smooth...and good to see you again wannabe!

Hello to Carbgirl and enomarb! Nice to meet you both :-)

I asked about supplements this morning, cause I am thinking about revamping some of mine. I used up my last multivitamin last nite, I was using Womens one a day for dieting. And I had this past week begun to take it twice a day.

I also take Magnesium and calcium, biotin, once a week a good dose or two of echinacea...been thinking about adding oil of oregeno, and some chromium. The cinnamon has been working nicely too I think. You can take that in pill form, but I like the taste of cinnamon. Oh. .and essential oils... I have been using 3 blends called: Di-tone, juveflex and endoflex. ONLY because I have been giving them in treatments to a client recently..and have noticed on those days I have been feeling more energetic and my system moves in a friendly gentler way, which is always a plus!

My calories the last couple of days have been pretty low actually
FEb 25- 1080
Feb 26-1270
Feb 27-1157 ( day isnt over w/!)

But I am not feeling very hungry, and getting very full quickly. I remember someone posting about ketosis and not feeling hungry.. you suppose that is what is happening?

I had low readings again yesterday folks, down another notch! 4u am and 7 pm.. will be happy to stop stabbing myself.. did get some 'news' from our insurance company however... :skull: they aren't covering any of my lab work/dr's visits for a year.. cause of the pre existing clause. So I now have a 988.00 bill to cover! Bleh. But my health is priceless..and I will cover it, just like I would if it were a car repair bill. I think I am a little more important than my car. ( my pep talk to self!)

Lissette Fri, Feb-27-04 21:18


Yesterday was GREAT!!! This is the first (and only) year that we will not have heifers so I am glad that we got to sneak away for awhile!
The movie was thought provoking and really put things into prospective 0f how much Jesus went through for us! I do not want to give away to much, After everyone (who wants to see it ) does then I would love to make a few comments and a question! I am glad that I saw it!

Michele, I have gotten the micro rinds from Walmart and have ordered them from the internet. There are 2 different brands: Lawerys and the Rudolph foods, I prefer the later of the 2, the website is

Ellie, WTG on the 5 pounds!!! :dazzle: I am glad that the induction worked for you!!! I have bought some sf jello and am going to try to only eat that when I am craving sweets!

Bawdy and Orang, WOW you guys are on a weightloss roll! That is good that you have the pendlum swinging the other way now!! (ok Bawdy, WHAT did you brib the trickle fairy with now?) Or did you threaten a visit to photo island via Renee?? :lol:

Elaine,Hope you will have a great weekend! No snow for you all hopefully this time! MISS you today!

I have not seen any hit and runs from our fave yeti today! :wiggle:

Dawn, It is horrible what they charge for tests! And the price of insurence is so high, they get us somewhere in the end! We just raised our deductable the last time because it was getting so out of hand! :rolleyes:

Oh supplements: I just stick with the atkins basic, flax, hy.acid (my skin gets dry this time of year), corral calcium, hair, skin and nails formula, And I have just started taking hot rox, (a supposed fat burner) :rolleyes:

Eight, if you want to do some riding, we will be rounding up our cows to bring up the river bottom hill in a couple weeks! We have alot of hills, draws, creeks to jump et!! :lol:

I have been burning the treadmill miles lately, this last week My eating has been BAD!!!! :nono: I am kicking it and am getting back on track!! :agree: My dd is happy and content that our dsil is back, LIFE IS good! :Party:

Unity, YOU HAVE BEEN OFFICIALY KICKED!!!! (now you may resume proper lc activities!) :lol:

Welcome to our new ones here!

HELLO TO ROBIN! hope things get better on the job front!

I need to get off for now! Have a good night!!! :roll:

unitydkn Sat, Feb-28-04 01:49

Unity, YOU HAVE BEEN OFFICIALY KICKED!!!! (now you may resume proper lc activities!) :lol:
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
between a really bad TOM,10 days in a row working till the middle of the night ,money problems,and to take care of three small boys this last week was sooooo bad on all health points that I really needed that kick...tomorrow morning I will set the day off right with eggs and sausage and a POT of tea...
:angel: :angel: :angel:

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