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MadCabbit Tue, Dec-23-03 09:27

Dr. Phil bashing Atkins--pi$$ed off
Ok, so I was enjoying some bacon and LC toast this morning and decided to turn on the TV. And there is Dr. Phil with his new "weight loss booty camp" show on. He then introduces his guest, a woman who wants to lose weight and has tried everything.
Dr. Phil then goes on to say that the low carb "fad" diet is very dangerous. They go to the clip (like they always do, with the guest talking about themselves) and she describes how she nearly died from Phen Fen, had to have her gall bladder removed, etc, but mentions NOTHING about low carb.
Then Dr. Phil mentions that she has tried low carb and she just says "yes" and nothing else about it.
I think that by mentioning low carb and then showing that scary video and then mentioning low carb again, they were trying to subconsciously get the idea that low carb is really bad into people's minds.
They had an "expert" dietician on and she was bashing low carb as well. Get a load of what she said: (not a direct quote) Low carb yo yo dieting causes dehydration and therefore the weight loss is from water, NOT actual fat loss.
Dr. Phil agrees and then he says--GET A LOAD OF THIS--the brain needs 500 calories from carbohydrates to function properly!!!
Then they go through this lady's pantry and say eliminate high fructose corn syrup, white flour, etc.
Seems like they are promoting lower carb and low fat foods.
For example, they suggested soy milk and whole oatmeal for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and chicken with asparagus for dinner. Sounds like low carb high protein to me. The only difference is the fat.

Sorry to vent guys, but I like Dr. Phil and respect him and this really pissed me off. Ignorance is one of the worst things in this world. This is not a fad diet, it has been around FOREVER. I'm going to write an email telling him off.

Ohio Kim Tue, Dec-23-03 09:31

You tell him. I too like Dr. Phil, but he is trying to hard to dip his hand in anything interesting even when he knows nothing about it. Dr. Phil wants to create his own diet plan and to do that, he apparently feels it is necessary to bash every other plan.

Atkins has been around FOREVER. I only wish I'd known more about it years ago.

newkimmy Tue, Dec-23-03 09:50

I already felt like Dr Phil was being a hypocrite when it came to his "Ultimate Weight Loss Solution". He says that dieting doesn't work, which is fine. However, then he procedes to share his plan, which is basically a diet.

He is just another person who has probably never read Atkins, yet feels knowledgeable enough to say that it's dangerous.

It'll sure be nice when everyone recognizes the health benefits of this plan. However, until then I guess we just don't listen.


adkpam Tue, Dec-23-03 11:23

Dr. Phil's is good at telling people what emotional minefields they need to deactivate.
In the area of metabolism chemistry, I believe he just knows what he told.
But so many people listen to him.
I like him a lot, but he's offbase on this subject. Still, he recommends "nutrient dense" foods, which is most of my diet (excepting bacon.....but I didn't have bacon for fifteen years, I think there's still a deficit...)
Anyway, the whole "fear of fat" thing is like a gas cloud most people can't fight their way out of.

cori Tue, Dec-23-03 11:29

Originally Posted by adkpam
(excepting bacon.....but I didn't have bacon for fifteen years, I think there's still a deficit...)

Love it! :lol:

black57 Tue, Dec-23-03 12:14

I am a member of and as soon as I read the thread, I emailed him. I told him that I have the utmost respect for him but it is time to "get real" with the Atkins diet which is not a fad unless someone thinks that they can jump on and off on a whim. I told him that I had been eating this way for a year and not only did I lose weight but I no longer suffer from migraines or other hypoglycemic symptoms. I told him that I can tell by his comments that he has not researched the diet that he was relying on rumors. If he were to get real with this diet he would have a different view of it. Especially since low carb WOE has been with us for ages and Atkins version has been around for 30 years ( far from being a fad diet ). I also told him how this board feels about his comments so he knows that we exist.


Operaghost Tue, Dec-23-03 12:57

When I saw this on TV last night I looked at my wife and just said to her "this is going to be an hour-long infomercial".

That's all it was too. Dr Phil is schilling a product, his book and diet products. He is not objective on this subject, he is a salesman disguised as a self-help guru. He is also doing a dis-service to his own image. Sadly, with his exposure, his words will get across and we will only see more LC ignorance/resistance.

In the very little I have seen of his plan it certainly seems that he is also pushing mostly low carb foods without calling his plan low carb. I guess that way his plan isn't part of the "fad".

Unlike some other comments, I would bet money he HAS read DANDR. If you are selling a product you had better know your competition's strengths and weaknesses. But he can't sell his products if he tells the truth about Atkins. In the end though his comments are as biased as those made by Fergie on Larry King.

As far as the emotional reasons behind eating and overeating, I think he has the right ideas. But those ideas could be applied to any plan and that should have been the path he took. But too late for that now.


kristines Tue, Dec-23-03 13:21

Dr. Phil is a quack! I know a lot of people like him and listen to his advice. I don't know what his background is or his "speciality" as far as being a so called psychologist. But a few years back he when he was part of Oprah's show he was talking about domestic abuse. He pretty much looked the victims in the eye and asked them what they did to make their spouse abuse them. Many of you may not know the specifics about those types of relationships but I can assure you it's not the victims fault!

I have no respect for this so called Dr.


ItsTheWooo Tue, Dec-23-03 13:38

Originally Posted by Operaghost
Dr Phil is schilling a product, his book and diet products. He is not objective on this subject, he is a salesman disguised as a self-help guru. OG

Exactly..."salesman disguised as a self-help guru" describes him completely.

It always upsets me when I hear people say they like Dr. Phil and his advice... as if he were a real psychiatrist or someone actually trying to help people. Dr. Phil is only interested in helping a few people: those he has financial interests in.

If Dr. Phil really were interested in helping others, he wouldn't be trying to scare people into buying his products. He would recognize the fact some people make low carb work for them, with great success (as I'm sure he's aware) and would encourage other "diet" failures to try it. However, he is not interested in helping people keep weight off. He is only interested in padding his pockets. He could care less if some 400 pound person finds atkins and it works for them, all he cares about is if that 400 pound person is buying Dr. Phil weight loss shakes or not.

Sorry, but I really really hate Dr. Phil. He uses the most insideous of advertising propaganda... the kind that is masked under a false veil of medical authority. He is almost as bad as PCRM, both their tactics are the same. In fact Dr. Phil might even be worse, as he also pretends to be an understanding friend in addition to a Dr. only looking out for your best interests. At least PCRM just pretend to be dr.s and leave it at that....

ItsTheWooo Tue, Dec-23-03 13:45

Originally Posted by Operaghost
When I saw this on TV last night I looked at my wife and just said to her "this is going to be an hour-long infomercial".

That's all it was too. Dr Phil is schilling a product, his book and diet products. He is not objective on this subject, he is a salesman disguised as a self-help guru. He is also doing a dis-service to his own image. Sadly, with his exposure, his words will get across and we will only see more LC ignorance/resistance.

In the very little I have seen of his plan it certainly seems that he is also pushing mostly low carb foods without calling his plan low carb. I guess that way his plan isn't part of the "fad".

Unlike some other comments, I would bet money he HAS read DANDR. If you are selling a product you had better know your competition's strengths and weaknesses. But he can't sell his products if he tells the truth about Atkins. In the end though his comments are as biased as those made by Fergie on Larry King.

As far as the emotional reasons behind eating and overeating, I think he has the right ideas. But those ideas could be applied to any plan and that should have been the path he took. But too late for that now.


I agree with everything else you have said as well. Dr. Phil is doing the trendy thing by eliminating both refined carbs and fat... this way the plan appeals to everyones sensibilities. He is trying to make the diet attractive to everyone, because he wants CASH.

Sorry, but a no fat and no carb diet doesn't sound attractive or livable to me... sounds like this is a diet in the sense that you go on it and get off it when you're done. Not that he cares of course, just as long as he gets your money.

I can gaurentee you he and his people know everything about the "competition"... they know the strengths and weaknesses of each diet plan and are attacking them with propaganda and out right lies.

The instant people figure out dr. phil is first and foremost a salesman and not a friend, not a dr, not a lovable guy whos on oprah, the better off everyone will be.

potatofree Tue, Dec-23-03 15:57

*Ahem* Dr Phil is of the opinion you don't need to rely on any particular "diet", but that you can and should moderate your intake of food and learn to choose for yourself from a variety of healthy food options.

Atkins isn't the only way to lose weight for all people, and the food plan in his book is a sensible, sane eating plan very close, actually to Atkins maintenance.

As Dr Phil always says. "If you don't like what I say, you HAVE a remote!! Use it."

KoKo Tue, Dec-23-03 17:35

So you’re pissed off with Dr. Phil bashing Atkins - I have to say I get p’d at people bashing other weight loss plans - like Potato Free says not one plan works for everyone .
From personal experience AND being a member of this forum for almost a year I have seen many many people go from strict Atkins to a more controlled carb plan - So many people are enticed by the immediate weight loss achieved on the first couple of weeks if they do the Atkins Induction properly, only to find that they “stall” for weeks later, eventually they start losing again - but is this really any different from how they would have lost on a low fat plan - or a combination plan? There is no question that the first few pounds lost on Atkins (or the first 20 depending on how big you are) is water weight - that is stated in the book and anyone who has been on the Atkins diet and gone off it will testify to this. But this water weight still holds a big physcological power and it captures people.

Gimmpy Tue, Dec-23-03 18:44

I sure wish I would have watched that show. I sure could have used a good laugh. So thier expert dietician said that the weight loss is cause by dehydration and there is no actual fat loss. I'd better get to the doctor quick cause that means I've lost over 90 lbs of water. Guess I'd better start to increase my 15 glasses of water per day to maybe 150.

bdeeley Tue, Dec-23-03 19:05

Mixed Bag
I'm not going to be quite as harsh as some of you.

I think he *is* prmoting his book hard which may be in part due to the various deals with the publisher and Oprah's production company. I think he really believes in what he's doing and sells hard in support of it.

I watched this show today (I guess it was preempted yesterday in Calif due to earthquake coverage) and was annoyed to. Once again, its so amazing that folks disparage LC as dangerous and then go on to describe a more healthy diet that is remarkably similar to most LC maintenance diets.

I also thought it notable that every LC plan I know of specifically addresses the issues of dehydration, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, etc.

I wasn't expecting DrPhil to come out pitch Atkins or CAD, but I wish more of these folks would be more accurate about LC plans.

I also would like to implore all you LC veterans...whenever some ask you about LC or you offer your put at the top of the list the importance of following a proven LC plan and all of its components including proper hydration and supplementation. Even I see/know too many who just do "Cold Turkey No Carb" program for awhile. This IS dangerous, especially at this time of year when more people are starting new diets and looking for quick fixes.

potatofree Tue, Dec-23-03 19:46

I taped the show, and re-watched it. Taken out of context, and without a grasp of what his book covers, it would appear he's "picking on" low carb.

After reading his book and watching the Weight Loss Challenge shows, I know he's trying to teach people to eat healthy foods without gimmicks and drugs, or without having to eliminate whole classes of foods. We have chosen to follow a certain plan, but why get wound up just because he's offering a sane plan to many people who have failed on plans like Atkins, Weight Watchers, etc...

If you disagree, fine, but why stress out about it? I happen to like him, and there's always the "Richard Simmons Response".....which involves running screaming from the room! :lol:

Anyway, I felt compelled to come back to this thread, not to defend Dr Phil so much as to remind people that getting wound up accomplishes little, love him or hate him, Dr Phil is improving the health of many people, and unless we have read and understand the principles of a different plan, we shouldn't stoop to bashing it either.

I used to think CAD couldn't POSSIBLY work, since it wasn't Atkins. Now I'm considering going back to it. I may even <gasp> look into the Phil-plan.....

black57 Tue, Dec-23-03 20:49

I saw the show today and Dr. P really slipped up. He stated that carbs ( sugar ) causes insulin levels to go down ( big time wrong ). I am glad that he did not single out Atkins as being a fad but I am very dissapointed in how he is handling his understanding of low carb. He " needs to get real". He is giving his own version of the Atkins diet while calling Atkins a fad. Well, believe me, I am writing him again.

He is telling people how to do his version of low carb while pushing his book on how to do it right. I am going to tell him if he wants low carb dieting done correctly, he will have to refer to Dr. Atkins, Drs. Eades,Dr. Berstein, and Dr. Shwartzbein's books. Dr. Phil is falling short.

PNW Tue, Dec-23-03 20:57

It could be a huge plus for LC that Dr. Phil has shifted onto the attack.
The man is very calculating and probably knows precisely what he is doing. Not terribly different than the South Beach guy in that he re-labels his 2 week initial period and advocates more low-fat food.

Encourage the media to do a cynical story on his mistakes and his attempt to assume the low carb mantle of Dr. Atkins.

Direct emails to Salon magazine:

The editor's email is The editor's name is David Talbot.

Slate Magazine: [Click on email in toward the upper RH corner]

and the New York Times News Room. [email is]

A few good articles comparing Dr. Phil approach to Dr. A would help explain the LC WOE to those who don't get it.

I think people should also post their observations at about Dr. Phil's 7-steps book at,, and If you think his ideas are warmed over Atkins, then say so. Clearly, DANDR is way cheaper--and more time-tested--than Dr. Phil's book.

MadCabbit Tue, Dec-23-03 22:12

Ok everyone, I was upset this morning when I first saw the show. It was the first time I had seen a show actually bashing Atkins (I missed the Larry King, etc.) Yes, he did specifically say ATKINS. He also mentioned South Beach Diet. Has anyone read that book? It seems to me that SB is basically what he is promoting, with very few changes. Yes, I have read his book because the psychological stuff helped me out. BUT, it seems to me that the beginning of the show (I DID use my remote after about 15 minutes) was mainly using scare tactics against low-carb plans. I know that this is a "psudeo-war" of the diets and everyone bashes everyone else, but it still peeves me when they don't get the facts straight. The dietician said the weight loss was only water weight, not real fat loss. Yes, I know the initial loss is water, but geez, I don't think I've lost over TWENTY pounds of water!! No way was thata all water.

I do have respect for him in that he has helped SO MANY people, but he seems to be pushing the bars, shakes, supplements of his diet plan just like everyone else. I think he's just trying to stomp out some of the competition and it's just "business."

I will continue to watch the show, but I will no longer tune in to the "weight loss challenge" days.


Luscious Wed, Dec-24-03 01:05

some of its true
I respect all of your opinions, and we don't know Dr Phil so well here in australia, but I did want to make a couple of comments...

The brain does needs a certain number of calories a day to function (not sure of the exact number). If the brain can't get this from Carbs, it converts protein and fat into glycogen and the body uses this as a calorie or energy source.

I agree with KoKo that people should not get into a all carbs are bad mentality, I don't believe (and nor does Atkins) that living without good carbs forever is a good thing. Atkins does promote weight loss from fat, if you are burning your fat for energy, but at the end of the day it really does come down to the fact that we are eating less calories. Now please don't post hostile replies about how much you are eating... there is a metobolic advantage I believe, due to the drop in sugar and the ease that puts on your liver. The liver is after all the fat burning organ, and treating it better with less processed foods, more vegetables, good fats and (as a sideA) lots of water does make it function and burn fat better. But there is little question that at the end of the day, no matter what plan we follow, there is no magic about weight loss, you have to burn more calories than you need to lose weight :) This is science really, the body works in amazing ways. I can't speak for you all, but I got overweight from eating probably 1,000-2,000 calories a day more than I needed, mostly from the high calorie donughts, cakes, chocolates, etc. Now I'm sure if I had consmed 2000 calories a day more than i needed eating protein, cheeses, cream, etc, I would likely still be overweight.

I have been following Atkins for about 4 weeks, although I have researched every weight loss program thoroughly and read a lot (I am diabetic). I have lost 16 pounds, and am very happy with that. My blood sugars are great, and no doubt the insulin control helps the body not store fat. I have lost the same amount of weight on other programs in the same amount of time, the difference I think is that this programs seems easier FOR ME to maintain long term because low fat, high carb makes me hungry and deprived.

I intend to do what Atkins says and reintroduce good, Low GI, carbs back into my diet once i am close to losing the weight I want.

I see a lot of posts on the forum where people get quite upset about LC being bagged by media or people they know. I wouldn't really waste the energy getting all riled up about what other people say about low carb. At the end of the day, does it really matter what anyone else but ourselves think? I don't take it on board.

Have a great Low Carb Christmas everyone (off to make my LC cheesecake)

Luscious :angel:

Operaghost Wed, Dec-24-03 02:27

Personally, I never was riled up. I was however disappointed. I was disappointed in the continuing campaign of misinformation against LC. Be it Atkins, South Beach, or whatever.

I was disappointed that the show didn't focus on the reasons behind the participants weight gains, their struggles with dieting and the changes in lifestyle they have made to reach the levels of success they had achieved.

But then again, that would have been an episode of Oprah now wouldn't it?


Lisa in TX Wed, Dec-24-03 09:56


It appears that he promotes sugar highs and insulin spikes with his own line of meal replacement bars, which have more sugar in them than a KING SIZE BUTTERFINGER. I think Dr. Phil has some serious "issues" with sugar after reading the ingredients on his "Shape Up!" bars:

Dr. Phil
Shape Up! Complete Nutrition Bar Chocolate Peanut Butter

Meal Replacement or Nutritious Snack.
16g Protein
6g Dietary Fiber
24 Vitamins & minerals
210 Calories
Contains natural & artificial flavors.
Change your behavior, take control of your weight.
Complete and balanced nutrition.
Meal replacement or nutritious snack.

26g carbohydrates

. Ingredients
Syrup Blend , Corn Syrup , Peanut Butter , Sugar , Hydrogenated Starch , High Fructose Corn Syrup , Carrageenan , Crisps , Soy Protein Isolate , Tapioca Starch , Soy Fiber , Oat Fiber , Rice Flour , Malt Extract , Chocolate Flavored Coating , Lactitol , Fractionated Palm Kernel Oil , Cocoa , Sucralose , Lecithin , Distilled Monoglycerides , Sodium Caseinate , Calcium Phosphate , Peanut Flour , ..............

potatofree Wed, Dec-24-03 10:50

Originally Posted by Operaghost
Personally, I never was riled up. I was however disappointed. I was disappointed in the continuing campaign of misinformation against LC. Be it Atkins, South Beach, or whatever.

I was disappointed that the show didn't focus on the reasons behind the participants weight gains, their struggles with dieting and the changes in lifestyle they have made to reach the levels of success they had achieved.

But then again, that would have been an episode of Oprah now wouldn't it?


Then you must not have watched the "Weight Loss Challenge" shows of the last few weeks. He's gone in depth with the 13 participants, really digging until they can identify and fix the underlying reasons for their struggle with weight.

Even I, a die-hard Phil-ophile, was a little disheartened that the "Booty Camp" episode seemed to be anti-low carb, but in the context of the OTHER shows and book, can see where he's coming from.

filmlass23 Wed, Dec-24-03 12:15

Blah. Dr. Phil is annoying.

Operaghost Wed, Dec-24-03 15:49

Your right Potato, I did not see the other shows. I only saw this latest one.

bluesmoke Wed, Dec-24-03 16:32

I have to disagree with some of what Luscious has posted above.
The brain runs, if anything, better on ketones than carbs (sugars) It's true that a certain amount of sugar can be made from protein in the liver , but the primary fuel for all of the body in a low carb diet is broken down fats, i.e. ketones.
The metabolic advantage has nothing to do with easing the liver, but how the body uses ketones for fuel and the difficulty of storing boidy fat in the abscence of insulin. In several studies done in the last couple of years, it has been shown that low carb dieters can lose more weight while eating more calories than low fat dieters. Numerous people have posted stories of losing weight on a higher low carb dietary calorie intake that what they would gain on in a low fat diet.
Nyah Levi

black57 Wed, Dec-24-03 22:01

Well, I did write Dr. Phil twice to let him know that there were many people watching his show who were better at explaining low carb/insulin spikes and sugar highs than he. I told him of the mistakes that he is making. I don't expect a response but according to the acknowledgement, he is going to read my messages.

Happy Holidays All,

GCamp13 Fri, Dec-26-03 07:33

I agree with Charles Barkley, "How can Dr.Phil tell you how to lose weight? Dr. Phil's FAT!

shaerat Fri, Dec-26-03 08:39

GCamp13 - THANK YOU! That's what I've been saying for ages!!!!!! As the Bible says, don't try to take the speck out of your brother's eye without first removing the plank in your own!! Sheesh. That's why I don't watch him.

On the subject of ketones, I found an article (I know, wrong forum, but it directly addresses something someone on THIS thread said about the brain using carb/keytones... it's postive, I promise!


topskops Fri, Dec-26-03 09:19

1 Attachment(s)
:daizy: I agree....Dr Phil has helped me with my inner problems and I am fixing my outer problems with my WOL...I have lost and now am learning how to deal with losing the weight and keeping my mental status solid...I have learned to follow his 7 keys using my meal plans...not his...and it helps me.


ozziesgirl Fri, Dec-26-03 19:29

Dr Phil does not say "you need to get skinny" or " you need to fit in to this frame to fit your height" He states to get to the best weight for you personally. So I think it is unfair to call Dr. Phil fat and that he should not be giving people advice on eating and exercise. He does not claim to be perfect but I am sure he does not have the hidden demons a lot of people have towards eating, when you get rid of those the rest is easy. So does that go for most of us on here who give advice to the newbies who as for help? I know it is different but I mean none of us are skinny so should we not give help to others?? Also Dr. Phil exercises everyday, and eats well...some of us are not made to be twigs.

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