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Lisa in TX Mon, Dec-15-03 11:15

Dry Skin Brushing to Tighten Skin & Reduce Cellulite
Found this on another Atkins board...I think I'm going to start doing it.


It is WELL known that the Skin is the LARGEST Organ in the Body, and is responsible for one-fourth of the Body's Detoxification each day, also making it, one of the most IMPORTANT Elimination Organs! The Skin is also known as the "3rd" Kidneys and the Lungs are known as the "2nd" Kidneys. TOXICITY can gather beneath the Skin's Surface from such COMMON Influences such as IMPROPER pH levels in Body, Soaps, Skin Creams and Anti-Perspirants, plus Synthetic Fibers worn NEXT to the Skin with ANY of them contributing to a variety of Skin Problems and Conditions. When you do Skin Brushing, you HELP your Lymph System to CLEAN itself of the TOXINS, that COLLECT in the Lymph Glands. You use a Simple Technique to IMPROVE the Surface Circulation on the Skin and KEEP the Pores of the Skin OPEN, encouraging your Body's Discharge of Metabolic Wastes, and resulting in an IMPROVED ability to COMBAT Bacteria, plus HELPING your Skin to look and feel HEALTHIER and MORE RESILIENT! Skin Brushing is a PERFECT Treatment for SELF-HELP Enthusiasts.

  • Benefits:
  • TIGHTENS Skin.
  • HELPS Digestion.
  • REMOVES Cellulite.
  • STIMULATES Circulation.
  • INCREASES Cell Renewal.
  • CLEANS Lymphatic System.
  • REMOVES Dead Skin Layers.
  • STRENGTHENS Immune System.
  • IMPROVES Exchange between Cells.
  • STIMULATES the Glands, thus helping ALL of the
    Body Systems to perform at PEAK EFFICIENCY!
  1. How To Do:
  2. Buy a NATURAL, NOT Synthetic, Bristle Brush, since it does NOT SCRATCH the Surface of the Skin.
  3. Buy a Brush with a LONG Handle, so that you're ABLE to get to the Areas of your Body, that are NOT EASY to reach, when doing your own Skin Brushing.
  4. Skin Brush, before Showering or Bathing, at least ONCE per day, and TWICE, if possible.
  5. Do NOT wet Skin, since it will NOT have the SAME Effect, because this stretches the Skin.
  6. ALWAYS Skin Brush towards the Heart.
  7. Do Circular Counter-Clockwise Strokes on the Abdomen.
  8. Do LIGHTER Strokes over and around Breasts, but do NOT Brush the Nipples.
  9. Brush each part of the Body several times VIGOROUSLY, COMPLETELY Brushing the WHOLE Body.
  10. Brush the Soles of the Feet FIRST, because the Nerve Endings there affect the WHOLE Body, next Brush the Ankles, Calves, and Thighs, then Brush across your Stomach and Buttocks and lastly Brush your Hands to the Arms.
  11. Take a WARM Bath or Shower, which should always be followed by a COOL Rinse at the end to INVIGORATE Blood Circulation and STIMULATE Surface Warmth.
  12. Wash your Brush every few Weeks in Water and let it DRY.

Alina Mon, Dec-15-03 12:05

This absolutely works! So do baths in sea salt...or in REAL sea if you're lucky to live near one......... :)


AzureMoon Mon, Dec-15-03 12:12

I've been doing this for a couple of months and love it! All of your skin becomes baby-soft and smooth.

Our local WalMart has a natural bristle brush with a long wooden handle for under $4. The head is round and about 4.5 inches in diameter. Look in cosmetics department, I think the brand is Lady Elizabeth.

Hilary M Mon, Dec-15-03 12:13

I love skin-brushing as well. While I don't know how much it's actually helping with cellulite, and I don't know if I buy the argument about it "helping flush toxins out of your system," I do agree that it makes my skin super baby-soft, and that feels great.

LadyBelle Mon, Dec-15-03 15:09

It can help with sellulite. So can all those creams. Where the actual benifit to cellulite comes from is the increase in circullation. Cellulite is little pockets of fat. Dry skin brushing is a vigerous deep form of massage. It improves circulation, and also exfoliates making skin smoother.

Other things that can help:
1. Exercise. This one actually helps the most as building lean mass means improved circulation. Improved circulation means less cellulite, higher metabolism, less cold in extreamities, and so on.

2. Along with skin brussing, giving yourself a good massage with lotions.

3. Keep well hydrated. This improves many things including skin elasticity. It can help with cellulite, stretch marks, and saggy skin.

4. Be careful of clothing that is so tight it can actually cut off circulation. Getting undies that fit and aren't too small or to big also help alot with snuggies and preventing that problem where the elastic digs into your legs.

5. Cut back on caffine and sodium. I don't remember why this one works, I belive it again has to do with circulation abd blood pressure.

Wenzday Mon, Dec-15-03 15:14

I used to have to brush my son for therapy reasons and we learned by brushing me--it feels GOOOOOOOOD. Now to get a brush with a handle...

though sounds like it'll take an hour each time and I dont have

Hilary M Mon, Dec-15-03 15:16

It does feel good...a little rough on the skin at first but invigorating. Takes me about 10 minutes to do my whole body, but it could easily take me longer if I had the time to spend!

AzureMoon Mon, Dec-15-03 21:26

Originally Posted by Wenzday
... Now to get a brush with a handle...

I'll just quote myself. :)

Originally Posted by AzureMoon
Our local WalMart has a natural bristle brush with a long wooden handle for under $4. The head is round and about 4.5 inches in diameter. Look in cosmetics department, I think the brand is Lady Elizabeth.

Lilbug Mon, Dec-15-03 23:52

Never heard of this one, might have to try it! Although the time thing might be a problem!! I will have to be quick about it, LOL!!


PinkLotus Tue, Dec-16-03 00:24

I read about this recently! I'm going to try it... it can't hurt! :)

lclaura Tue, Dec-16-03 00:34

Wow, this sounds great! I'm going to give it a try too. You guys always have such great ideas.

Alleine Mon, May-03-04 15:00

Dry brushing seems a bit harsh...this is what I do and have done since about 16. I originally pasted this in another forum, but I thought I would do well here too.

I have always taken extremely good care of my skin. I don't have any stretch marks, vericose veins or anything like that even though I beleive, genetically, I should because my mom has all that stuff. I beleive, in addition to exercise, what I do to keep my skin healthy now will reduce the excess skin problem that I will face when I begin to lose a lot of weight.

My "secret" is that I religiously exfoliate and use cocoa butter every day. Exfoliating is the process of scrubbing away dead skin cells to reveal the new layer of healthy skin. Not only does it do that, but with vigorous exfoliation you are also stimulating the many layers of skin cells, thus encouraging blood flow. I believe that is the key to keeping skin elastic as well as smooth.

The mitt I use for exfoliating is found at the Body Shop and is available online. I use it in the shower with Tone Cocoa Butter soap. You can find it here:

I also use cocoa butter religiously which is used not only to soften skin but is a widely accepted cure for stretch marks and scars. I swear by it. Queen Helene makes the best and most econmical one out there. A bottle close to a quart costs less than $5.00. I use the lotion daily and the creme when I have a spa day and on my feet for a pedicure (because it is very thick and oily). I find it at Rite Aid here in the states.

Not only has this regimen worked to keep my skin elastic and visually beautiful, but also makes my boyfriend happy because I have the "softest skin he has ever felt."

Hope that helps!

scorpio381 Mon, May-03-04 15:53

Just a quick note on the Queen Helene cocoa can also find it at Sally Beauty.

GrlyGrl Mon, May-03-04 16:05

I would love to try this but I am afraid of smelling like cocoa butter at work. Does the Queen Helene have a strong scent?

BlitzedAng Mon, May-03-04 16:30

It feels really good to let dh brush my back for me. Soo relaxing.I think he likes it a lil too much, hehehehehe.

Lipid Mon, May-03-04 16:48

I also use cocoa butter religiously which is used not only to soften skin but is a widely accepted cure for stretch marks and scars

I didn't think anything cured stretch marks and scars other than maybe laser surgery.

blue4lemon Mon, May-03-04 17:01

I also use the Queen Helene stuff. It smells great! They also have a Mango Cocoa Butter lotion, and that one is my favorite. The regular cocoa butter also smells good, a little beachy. I used that one ever since high school. Great stuff.

Alleine Tue, May-04-04 08:51

Originally Posted by GrlyGrl
I would love to try this but I am afraid of smelling like cocoa butter at work. Does the Queen Helene have a strong scent?

Not at's scent dissipates very quickly.

LucyLucy Tue, May-04-04 10:53

I'd never tried this dry brushing thing, but I did it this morning and it felt great! Kind of wakes you up & all, and I'm sure my skin will be glowing in no time!

LL :)

Christan Fri, Feb-01-08 13:39

I too have some ideas to add for the skin flabbiness. Unfortunately, they cost some money and time. I agree with all that has been posted here and would add this - facials and massages! I know some of us are too self-conscious to get whole body massages, but if you could treat yourself to at least one per month during the time you are losing weight, I think it would also add to pulling toxins from the body, increasing circulation, and just the massaging of the skin may help it improve its elasticity. Same with the facials. I have no scientific evidence of any of this. Also very expensive, the last time I lost over 50 lbs. I went to a local salon that offered sea clay wraps - they spread a sea clay over your body and then wrap you really tight like a mummy, and then some will add heat. It draws toxins from your body, makes your skin smooth, and supposedly tightens the skin. If you are losing weight and continue to lose weight, it helps with losing inches. My thought process was that doing this would help me tighten my skin along my weight loss journey rather that waiting until I lost all my weight to start worrying about my skin. Did it work? I think so and I guess that is what matters. It took about 2 1/2 hours for each session and should be done at least once/week for maximum benefits, and costs about $75 each time. I really couldn't afford it and I had to scrape every penny to do it, but it was my "treat" and I have to say it felt really good to me - I usually slept while I was waiting the hour I was wrapped. Sometimes it just feels good to do something - even if it is all in my head, rather than just hoping something will happen. For those of you who have the $ and the time - go for it - massages, facials, and wraps! Of course, I suppose we all know that to rid of lots of flabbiness, surgery seems to be the only way. But even then, I wonder if one wouldn't recuperate better and faster if they had been getting massages and wraps along the way to rid their skin of whatever they could of toxins and to rescue even a small percentage of skin elasticity. Ah, to be rich and retired - and to be both at the same time! Anyone out there that fits that description that wants to take me on as a charity case?

Needlehole Fri, Feb-01-08 17:30

I was given a container of Bobbi Brown's Buffing Grains, they are amazing!!!

feelskinny Fri, Feb-01-08 17:40


I've had problems with cellulite since I was a teen.....{I was skinny!}

I've been told that cellulite is caused by kidney problems?!

Anyone else heard this???

I'm intriuged by this post. I would l-O-V-E to find a way to beat it, I'm definatley giving it a try!

xosteph Mon, May-05-08 13:23

Did anyone who said they were going to try this out ACTUALLY do it?
If so what were your results??

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