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Joyce Pari Mon, Aug-06-01 23:22

California's Gold
Near San Fran-Where in Cal are you?:cool:

goingfor60 Sat, Aug-25-01 20:14

I am in Los Angeles - I hate to use this phrase but it makes everyone immediately understand my location. "Like totally- the Valley"

I'm always around if support is needed.


Joyce Pari Sun, Aug-26-01 00:03

Except for it being to dry ,I use to love southern Cal until I moved 1970 we had a place on the beach in Ventura .We now live in Sonoma county and LOVE it.We can go into the city for theature and great food,take a scenic drive down coast hwy 1 to Bodega bay which is 40 miles away on a warm afternooon for the best chowder,then drive through the giant redwood forests on the way back.Or spend an afternoon at a local whinery for cheese and local fare.

Have you been further north than L.A?

How long have you been on the Atkins low carb plan? Me, just 16 days.Have lost 6 1/2 pounds so far,and going strong.

Take care,Joyce Paris

goingfor60 Sun, Aug-26-01 10:48

Hi Joyce -

That's awesome Joyce keep up the good work - whats your goal?I live in Woodland Hills and have been LCing for almost 5 months now and I have lost a total of 25 pounds. My doctor said I had 2 choices, eat as I was and he would treat me for my upcoming diabetes. Or change my life and become as sugar free as possible and be healthy - I choose health!

This has been the best experience for me because I chose this diet and it works for me. I workout with a trainer and on my own and to not be constantly eating or sitting and watching TV has been great.

I have a huge disadvantage I believe over most people on this site except for Karen. My family has been in the catering business for 35 years and I was raised on whole milk, butter, fried foods and eating the best of everything. I still only use our microwave to melt butter, heat up a few left overs and cook bacon.

As far a No Cal I use to spend my summers in Capitola, half moon bay and Santa Cruz. I love the northern part of the state, it is absolutely gorgeous. Although I havent been north in hmmm 10 years- wow its been a long time.

Do you have a journal? If so I will check it out and if you wish to see mine its under A thru G entitled No I dont want fries or to Supersize it!

Have a great day :)

sage Fri, Aug-31-01 11:54

Hi Cal,
Had to write, I'm previously from the bay area as well. Used to live in Danville, in the east bay. Love your neck of the woods though, course could have something to do with being a wine lover.
Bodega Bay used to be one of our favorite places too, love that ocean cool, could use some of it living here in AZ. Well good luck to all of us.

Joyce Pari Fri, Aug-31-01 14:03

Well hi there!

We lived in Concord for a while so I know that area also.Actually we have lived or been to just about all cities in Calif.WE love it here.

Where in Az are you?I have a daughter in Glendale.We fly over about every 3 months to see family.My daughter is a manager for Raley's Rest.Also have a son in the nursing field.

Have a great holiday week end.


sage Fri, Aug-31-01 15:09

Hi Joyce,
We live in Scottsdale, so Glendale isnt to far. My x-sister-inlaw, who is still like my sister lives in Concord, and was a Jazzersize instructor for years, her name is Lani Hayes. You just never know it is a small world.
Take care and you have a great weekend too.:)

LCasa90125 Sat, Sep-08-01 12:17

Hi Joyce... I live in Hayward and work in Pleasanton. I buy a lot of my LC products at a store in San Ramon. Just wondering if you've ever been there?


Joyce Pari Sat, Sep-08-01 19:21

your area

We have passed through Hayword but have not made any stops that I can recall.We don't get through that way to often.We mainly go to San Fran when we want to get out of our area.

Thanks for contacting me-have a good to yourself day.

Grammy Joyce:wave:

Shonnee Tue, Oct-09-01 09:21

Hi Everyone,
I'm in Sacramento. Just wanted to say hi to all of my fellow California LC friends out there. Hope everyone is doing great.

itsjoyful Mon, Oct-15-01 10:24

lc store in San Ramone?
Laurie -

Hi. I'm pretty new to lc eating and noticed you used to bet stuff in San Ramon. I live in Alameda, and have not found a place that has a lot of lc choices. Do you remember the name of the store? I would greatly appreciate it.

Debster Wed, Oct-24-01 23:21

Tustin Checking in
Hi there!

I live in Southern California, in a little town called Tustin. It is in Orange County, about 60 miles south of Los Angeles and about 5 miles from Disneyland.

We were up in Grass Valley visiting friends in the spring and it was so pretty. My husband would love for us to move up there. Maybe someday when we retire. .... sigh.

Kathie36 Thu, Oct-25-01 21:01

Hello Californians

Hello to all my fellow Californians, I am in Sacramento. I am glad I found this site. Wishing you all well on your journey.


Victoria Sun, Nov-04-01 22:39

Hello fellow Californians!!!
Hi there everyone!! I live in the Central Valley-Modesto. But I grew up in Concord in the Bay Area. Enjoyed reading your posts. Question? What kind of low carb products are you guys talking about? I just eat real food: eggs, meat(mostly chicken) and lots of vegies. So what kind of special store are we talking about and why? Oh, and nuts...I eat nuts when the kids are eating candy. :rolleyes: Take care everyone!!! One day at a time. Victoria :wave:

Cheryl R Wed, Nov-07-01 21:47

I'm in California....between SF and Sacramento
I'm new to low-carb. I have lots of questions. :daze:
1. What does everyone snack on when you're at parties or other social engagements when everone else is eating chips.
2. How long does it take for that little nagging headache to go away. Everything else healthwise feels good since I started...a whopping 7 days ago. I can already tell this is right for me. I lost 4.25 pounds in the 1st week.

essjay Sun, Nov-11-01 11:26

Another checking in from Contra Costa county. I'm a transplanted Nor'easter.


essjay Sun, Nov-11-01 11:29


It took me about 2 weeks for the headache (a sign of detoxing from sugar and white flour) to go away.

Hang in there, as you go along, it gets better.

Cheryl R Sun, Nov-11-01 11:54

:spin: Thanks, I'm glad someone answered about the heaches. I still have it a little bit, I'ts been about a week. :confused: At least I'm not so confused now.

I'm fighting that urge to want to see a pound drop on the scale everyday. I keep telling myself to only weigh once a week..but every morning, I can't fight the temptation to weigh in 1st thing in the morning.

Kathie36 Sun, Nov-11-01 12:13

Hi CherylR
One thing you might try if you want to weigh everyday is to average your weight after 7 days and then every week you will have an average weekly weight and you will see your lost pounds.

Keep up the good work.


regoddess Mon, Dec-10-01 15:17

Quick Hello from the Silicon Valley
We live in Sunnyvale. :) We used to live in Sonoma County..Guernville to be exact. Also lived in Occidental, and Rohnert Park. We miss it. I've been LCing for um..2 weeks, but have yet to complete induction. I'll make it! :)

Victoria Wed, Dec-19-01 09:13

Hello from Modesto!
Hi there neighbors!
So far haven't seen too many from my area. But I grew up in Concord and my grandmother lives in Pittsburg, so I know the bay area. Gee, regoddess, you used to live in Occidental, what a lovely place. How are you enjoying Sunnyvale? It's so much more city-fied.

Are you all just doing this all by yourself, or do you have friends doing this way of eating as well? My aunt is the one who introduced me to this WOL by giving me her book. But other than that, I've been figuring this out on my own. This forum and books I'm reading have been a great help. Regoddess--how are you doing just beginning during the holidays? It must be a hard time to start. But low carbing really takes away the terrible cravings, that come with binging on carbs and sweets. God bless you all. :wave: Victoria

Kathie36 Tue, Jan-01-02 11:21

Happy New Year Californians
Hope everyone had a great holiday season. I am looking forward to the new year. Keep up the good work and thanks for all the support.


Cheryl R Tue, Jan-01-02 11:57

I had a great new years eve....I didn't break my diet...I'm now on day #7. Today is the day I start puting a little exercise in the plan...YUCK...
I can't wait for the California spring weather to go walking and bike riding...Our bikes haven't been ridden on 2 years so we have to get them tuned up.
Happy New year to all you Californians

Victoria...are you still in California? Your post almost makes it sound like you used to live here???

Victoria Tue, Jan-01-02 16:30

Still a Californian
Yes Cheryl, I am still here. I used to live in the Bay Area but now live in the Central Valley. I also used to live in Sonora, what a beautiful place. But now I'm in FOG land. I love it here tho. Well, at least I'm used to it. :rolleyes:

I got sick two days ago, so my New Year's was a bit quiet. My kids stayed up later than I did. But that is usually the case anyway, when they are on vacation. I can't believe it's already 2002. It seems like it was just a little while ago that we were wondering about the millenium. Hope all is well and peaceful in our great nation this year. Since Sept. 11th, life seems so much more precious, but also fragile. We watched the Rose Parade today. It seemed like such a wonderful celebration of our people and nation. Much more patriotic than ever before.

Well, have a wonderful new year!!! I feel so much hope because I have finally figured out a way to lose all this weight. I figure it will take me all this year, but by next new year, I should be closer to being my normal size. That will be something to celebrate!!! :dazzle: Victoria

barbie Sat, Jan-05-02 23:34

Hello fellow Californians. I am here in Southern California also...Riverside to be exact. Over here in the smog...yuk! I was brought up in Huntington Beach then after marriage moved to Orange then to Riverside. Who knows where we'll move next. Hopefully somewhere with a little less 91 freeway, and less smog. Take Care...D

Cheryl R Sun, Jan-06-02 00:15

welcome to the lowcarb forum.
You've already made great progress, I'm curious...did you do it lc'ing..or on some other plan.

starchile Thu, Jan-31-02 11:34

the REAL Northern Cali!!
Hey all!

Just thought I'd pop in and say HOWDY!! I'm originally from the Bay area...born and raised in Oakland...but I'm currently living and working in Humboldt county. For those who aren't familiar it's about 276 miles north of San Francisco, so the REAL Northern California!

I hope everyone's having a great day and not freezing half to death like I am!!!

Actually I heard the bay area had it's coldest night in history on Tuesday...anyone get unusual snow??

Peace and blessings,

bsayne Thu, Jan-31-02 12:42

Hi Tesia! Hi all!
Yea, doncha ya' know its been cooooold over here! At least for us Sunny Californians! I'm in the Eastbay, San Leandro area.

Tried to run water on the windshield to clear the frost and all it did was refreeze! The grass has been frozen every day this week and it looks like snow (frost) on the roof tops all around! I am wearing gloves and hat and all to the gym and just about everywhere till noon or so!

Stay warm...I warm up my water so I drink more that way and it keeps me a little warmer...Typing with gloves...I tried that the other night makes me an even worse typist/speller!!

How you doing with your program?

Beth :wave:

starchile Thu, Jan-31-02 13:01

I love your screen name , btw!

I'm doing well on my program. I have cut down on the LC bread that I was eating all too regularly. And per all the latest bad talk about cheese, I've decided to cut back on that as well. Not TOO much b/c I've been eating it all along and haven't had any problems, but this is my first real stall and so I guess I'm panicking. The GOOD thing though is that I'm exercising 3x a week instead of just 1. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE my aeroboxing class!

With all the new changes I hope to see some progress on the scale when I weigh in on Monday. I've been absolutely dying to jump on there today but I'm gonna hold out.

How about you?? I've noticed that you have lost a SIGNIFICANT amount of weight. Do you mind me asking what size you started at and where you are now??

bsayne Thu, Jan-31-02 13:46

Hard to believe because I actually stopped buying clothes and just kept squeezing into the ones I had, but I was buying 3X in mens t-shirts for a comfy fit and 24-26 in ladies sizes...I am on the verge of my 16 new black jeans that I had bought a year ago...maybe 2-3" when I just started the BFL program 3 1/2 wks ago so that was one of my 12 week goals...not only fit the 16's but make em loose! I was gonna wait for shopping and sizing but snuck a peak at the store about a week and a half ago and the 18's were loose but the 16 were still too small...soon though very soon!

I will be posting my 4 week progress in my journal by 1st of next week and see how much I have done on my new program...I get so caged when I don't get to exercise 1st thing in the morning! I'm glad your loving your exercise!

My mistake...I found your journal! Was gonna give you a hard time bout it!


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