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Annie-Pie Sun, Nov-30-03 18:14

The Best Christmas Present...4 to 8# loss
Welcome to our continuing monthly challenge

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
We welcome any newcomers! We have such an awesome group of friends here. We are here for each other day to day.

To be part of our challenge, we ask that you:
  • Check in on Mondays with your reported weight
  • Report in at least weekly to encourge the others. We will also be here for YOU.
  • Do something totally unexpected for someone during the month of of the best gifts you could ever give!

Are you ready? Let's celebrate December, LowCarbing, and the best buddies anyone could ever ask for!

Hugs to you all!

addicted2s Sun, Nov-30-03 19:21

See everyone on Monday morning!

Love Tina

2B-ABLE Sun, Nov-30-03 19:31

COunt me in.. see you on monday as well! a 4-8 lb loss would be amazing!!!

rodmick Sun, Nov-30-03 19:40

I'd love to join! This will help me to stay off the scale except for mondays! :yay:

Annie-Pie Sun, Nov-30-03 22:13

:dazzle: Michelle, 2B-Able--

Glad to have you on board! I know some people may say that a 4# Loss may seem "weak" or "ninny" but the truth is that if we lose only 1 pound a week, it more than likely will stay off faster than if we would lose 10 pounds in a month.

Most of us here (including Tina) realize we are all in this not only for the longrun, and a healthy lifestyle, we are here for each really lift each other up with lots of understanding and hugs.

PS Nat490 has a ohhh-so---tasty fudge recipe. I'll ask her to post it here for you all. That should keep us out of the marshmallow creme, eh?

Don't be hard on yourself for the times it gets tough. Check in here and you'll get all the support you need without having to pay a weekly fee. How does THAT sound!? That would put you on Santa's Nice list.

See ya tomorrow!

Hugs, Annie-Pie

liddle Mon, Dec-01-03 05:52

Well, here I am..... holding my head down in utter shame and embarrassment.
Hi, my name is Heather and I am a carb addict.

Left for NJ on Tues. Packed all my LC stuff. Had every intention of sticking LC except for Thanksgiving. All went well. Thanksgiving, I ate candied sweet potatoes and that was the end of me. Those damn things put me on a carb for all! Put it this way, I ate about 6 mini packs of M&M's last night! I thought come Friday I could get back. Sounded good till the kids brought home a 2 ft. italian hoagie from WAWA. We don't have WAWA's in the south and their italian hoagies are to die for. Anyway, thought I'd end it with a bang, ate about 8 mini frozen snickers then Chinesse food for dinner. Grandfather chicken, could it be any sweeter? Sat. the ride home. Thought for sure I'd be back on track, oh forget it, I just blew it all the way. I have to get back! I feel like shit! HELP!!!!!!!!!!! I have to start induction today!!! This cannot go on! I mean really, I ate till I wanted to puke. That should be a HUGE wake up sign!

I need to go back and read my own advice! Only problem is I kept thinking one more day, lets end with a bang! I just need one day of induction under my belt to get me started. Just one day to prove I can do this!

Thank GOSH we're continueing into December! If not, I'd surely be as big as the Christmas Ham!


stacysheil Mon, Dec-01-03 05:56

Sorry guys(gals) I didnt see this post until after I had already posted on the other one. Also, I think all this bad eating has went to my brain because I was thinking today was the 31st instead of the 1st. Anyway, you can all go back and read my disgusting post.

I think my main problem is that I cant get it into my head that this is gonna have to be a WOL for me instead of just a WOE. I have it in my head that if I want to cheat I can and I will just get back on track and it will all come back off. I think that is the bad thing about atkins, it spoils you because you can lose weight so easily and without exercising and it gives you the excuse to not exercise. I hope that makes sense. Today will be my first day on this WOL instead of just a WOE when I want to.
I have done well with the weight loss but since I have lost so much, I dont want to put forth the extra to lose more when I still need to. Everyone says, "YOu have lost so much already" but to me I am only about 5'4" and still over weight by at least 25lbs.
You guys have been wonderful and I love reading the posts. I dont always respond to each and everyone but I read them all. Keep up the good work and wish me luck. Birthdays are all over and no more holidays for 3 weeks so I have no excuses this month and dont be nice to me. Send me a big kick in the booty if I mess up this month.
Thanks to all of you for being here.

stacysheil Mon, Dec-01-03 05:59

Hi Heather, we must have been posting at the same time and what a coincidence, my thoughts exactly. I did the same thing, I just kept saying, "well I've already blew it, I might as well go ahead and get it all out of my system" which is totally the opposite, it only keeps you wanting more. I did the same thing, ate so much I got sick. We can do it, today is a new beginning for us both.

want2bfit Mon, Dec-01-03 06:18

Welcome rodmick & 2beable. So glad you joined us!!!

Okay everone. We are starting a new month, new goals, new friends. We just got off the wrong exit of the journey. Let's get back on the highway and travel to our destination. My suggestion is to have ample appropriate food on hand. We are going to be busy, stressed and not want to make descisions about what to eat. How about gift #1 to ourselves this month is to have a meal or 2 prepared and in the freezer so we can just pop it into the microwave.

Don't forget to finish off the November challenge. I had a 3 lb loss which was really great for me. I actually had gained weight during the month so I feel like I lost 5 lbs. It is really amazing and scarey how easy we fall back to our old WOE. The sad part is it's not even with anything that is spectacular. I liked when Heather said to plan your cheats.

Blessings to all, Maureen

want2bfit Mon, Dec-01-03 06:32

Sheila, you might want to post your new weight. Your loss will greater for the month. We are here to support everyone.


rodmick Mon, Dec-01-03 06:40

Staci and Heather, gee you two just described my attitudes and actions since last march! I held in a size 5/6 (down from 18)for 2 years before going nuts! Ok girls were in control now! Just think how crappy we feel when we binge on bad carbs! I'm going to keep chanting" I'm allergic to carrbs! They make me breakout in FAT!"

Thanks for the welcome Annie and Maureen. WEIGHT TODAY WAS 166.

stacysheil Mon, Dec-01-03 06:56

Do I have to Maureen?
The last time this happened to me, I went up 10lbs. and back down 13lbs. for a total of 3 lbs. lost.
Ok I will as soon as it gets 9:30, thats my weigh in time every morning.
Welcome to all the newcomers and to all the oldies who have stuck it out with us.

TerryLynne Mon, Dec-01-03 07:46

GOOD Morning Everyone! I just love you all so much! and am SO Thankful for each of you!

Sheila and Heather you brought tears to my eyes with your honesty. Thank you. You two are my inspirations, you have both lost so much! You are the proof that this is the answer. Thank you for the warning to stay faithful and not slip because even big losers can have a hard time getting back onboard...

We WILL be here for each other and help each other give ourselves the BEST Christmas Present we've ever received! (excepting the One True Present, of course :angel: ) We CAN get a hold of this WOL and glory in it. We KNOW it is the answer we've all been praying to find for so many years. Now we just have to embrace it and enjoy all the wonderful, satisfying, nourishing foods we can freely partake of and thank God we've found the cause of all our problems--CARBS. (spoken in heart felt love:) )

Welcome Michelle and 2B Able you are going to love our awesome group!


Zuleka Mon, Dec-01-03 08:33

Good Luck everyone. Hope your Thanksgiving was as wonderful as mine.

Zuleka..wk-1 169..wk 2

angieK Mon, Dec-01-03 09:36

Okay we have 23 days to be good and eat the right things. The 24th and 25th maybe carb spurges and then back to basics on the 26th to 31. With all the Christmas shopping going on we are sure to walk off some pounds--not to mention having to park miles away from the mall because of so many people.
Nov. was a great month for me because of all of you encouraging me to keep going. I was ready to lose it when I could not get past 201.5. But you all were there to help. Thank-you for that. My goal is to be about 190 by Christmas and I think it will be a reality.
Shiela and Heather--You can get back on track and we are here for you.
Terry the way you write just inspires all of us.
Welcome Michelle and 2B Able this group is fantastic.
Zuleka , Tina, Maureen you are doing great keep it up.
Annie hopefully you will get all those articles done so you can come play with us more often.

Zuleka..wk-1 169..wk 2

swsunny Mon, Dec-01-03 10:08

Ok, here I am!! Ready to spring back into action after my little "vacation"! Now that my musical is finished, hopefully I can get into some sort of exercise regime. That should help a bit! And hopefully I won't have to hold my head in shame on Monday mornings like I did this morning!

Michelle and 2B Able-- WELCOME!! I know you'll love it here!

Annie-- I'm so glad you started another challenge for this month... this has helped me so much! Even if I don't always lose a ton, it's really nice to have support from everyone!

Anyway, I hope everyone has a good and successful week!

Zuleka..wk-1 169..wk 2
Jill ..wk1..241..wk2

fishburg Mon, Dec-01-03 10:10


I am here!!! I am sorry for not posting often. Things in my house have been a bit depressing and I do not want to spread the gloom.

Good News - my daughter got her cast off Wendsday and she has arches in her feet now!!!!! Her Doctor saids she will be able to run in two weeks!!!

I have been stuck at 241 since September!?!?! December is the start of a new month and the rest of my life!!! I am going to reevaluate my eating habits and exercise routine (which is none).

Good Luck To All!!!


Zuleka..wk-1 169..wk 2
Jill ..wk1..241..wk2

stacysheil Mon, Dec-01-03 11:44

OK here I go.............

Zuleka..wk-1 169..wk 2

So far so good today for me. The good thing is that my DH is on dayshift so after supper I wont be tempted with more food. EAt my supper and nothing else but water til bedtime.

Thank you all for being so kind.

CindyLynn Mon, Dec-01-03 12:32

I want to join you guys again in December. I'm frustrated to say that I am holding about 5 pounds of water weight from my higher carb weekend and the fact that my hormones are being crazy again. I'm back on track this morning, and eating as I should. And I've realized that on top of my carbs, I also need to keep my calories in check. This week I'm going to stick with 10x my current weight, and then see about what changes I need for next week. I'm doing ok food wise today, except I was a tad tempted by the chocolate chip pancakes my sister made and waved in my face. I'm sticking to my salad for lunch, and savoring it. :)

Zuleka..wk-1 169..wk 2

want2bfit Mon, Dec-01-03 12:53

Angie, you are doing so great. I was going over the stats for November. Congrats to you and everyone else who stuck with it whether they lost, gained or stayed the same. Sheila & everyone else, please please please don't post anything that you are uncomfortable doing. That is not why we are here. We just love your company and inspiring words. Terry, your words just touch my heart. You all are the greatest. Thanks, Maureen

rodmick Mon, Dec-01-03 14:01

I keep noticing my name at 148 in the list. Unfortunately I am 166. I was 148 last spring when I joined(up from 134).

I edited my profile. That should do it.

Ya'll are so welcoming! :dazzle: What a great group!

I won't weigh until next monday but I feel a woosh in the making!

rodmick Mon, Dec-01-03 14:14

Cindylynn, I bet your going to see that 5 lbs of water zip right off.

Annie-Pie Mon, Dec-01-03 16:02

Sheila and Heather: We all have been where you are. I totally understand how you feel. It is so easy to say "what the heck" when we've kinda' gone overboard and then done ourselves in. The key is that you know you did it, you felt bad afterwards, and now you are still committed! You deserve a big hug--both of you!

Since LC'ing in April, Thanksgiving was my first time of eating "stuff". I didn't eat too much. Since walking into my sister's house is like a trip into Southern Living magazine complete with recipes, I decided without guilt to enjoy the meal. Except for eating fresh pretzels in Germany last summer, this was my first carb day. I still feel ok from it. But I must confess: although I ate nothing excessively (I made Karen Barnaby's no-bake Vancouver Cheesecake, so I ate that)---still I felt "yucky" afterwards.

Funny how our bodies are not used to sugar anymore.
Does anyone else ever feel like, "How could I ever have gotten off sugars?" But we did, we did! Now our bodies know the chemical reaction it has when we have them (and white flour).

Angie---I love your pic. You have done so remarkably well. In fact everyone has by looking at your stats.

Let's continue to do our best this month.

I have personal news to share: I am now a published author. A magazine in Northern Canada bought one of my articles. Many are out now on the market under submission. Time will tell.

Hope to get here and play more with all of you. We are moving Mom in this week (she has Alzheimer's) and will do my best to at least pop in twice a week.

Hugs, hugs, hugs!

rodmick Mon, Dec-01-03 19:43

Congratulations! A published author in our midst! What was it about if you don't mind?
My Grammie has Alzheimers. She is a joy. Very childlike. She's 92. I just love her and am thankful she has such a sunny disposition.

I had a great day eatting wise. I feel really energetic. I was going to have some brussel sprouts later but the micro went POOF!

angieK Mon, Dec-01-03 22:43

Yes Annie Congrats on your published article--we Canadians know a good thing when we see it.

2B-ABLE Tue, Dec-02-03 00:19

Congrats Annie!! Getting published is amazing!!! Im just checking in. Thanks so much everyone from all of the warm welcomes. i look foward to the next few weeks together. I did well again today.. I excecised by playing tennis for around11.5 hrs.. it was good.. ttyl on tues. cya

want2bfit Tue, Dec-02-03 06:18

Annie, Congrats.:dazzle: Whooo Hoooo :dazzle: Those of us that have been around for a few months knew it would happen.

2B-ABLE, did you really play tennis for 11.5 hours? Yikes I hurt just thinking about that!

We have snow on the ground here!!!:) Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Blessings, Maureen

Zuleka..wk-1 169..wk 2

addicted2s Tue, Dec-02-03 08:29

Oh Annie how wonderful.

Welcome to the newcomers. I have found everyone here to be so nice.

Well I had a bad Sunday pizza and cereal . A lot of last week wasn't good.
My weight went up and down but thank goodness it stayed the same at the end.
I am having a hard time staying on track now though. I kept wondering into the kitchen last night. Luck for me we are out of groceies!

I'm sure I'll be fine , its just going to take a few days to get it out of my system.

Do they make sugar free cough medicine? I am also battling a cold. Which I'm going to chalk up as punishment for being so bad last week.

Everyone have a great week.


angieK Tue, Dec-02-03 09:01

Tina I think they make a sugar free/alcohol free cough syrup--just look in the medicine section.

So what are everyone's plans for Christmas.
I am going to Victoria to be with my DS,BIL . I will be going there around noon on Chistmas eve and coming back on the 27th. Her apartment is right on the water and there is a fantastic view of lights of the city unless it is foggy. Then on the 26th my daughter will talk her cousin Jason into taking her to the stores for the boxing day specials.

stacysheil Tue, Dec-02-03 09:10

Good Morning everyone,

Maureen: I was only joking about posting my weight. If Im gonna be mean, I have to own up to it and I cant be in a challenge if Im not gonna post my weight. Good news tho, 1 lb. already gone.

Congrats Annie. Writing is a hard job, not everyone can be good at it either.

Tina join in with me and Heather, we are both having a rough time. I think its the holidays, gives me something to blame it on besides myself. It is hard to get back and get all the bad stuff outof your system. I guess what keeps me going back to this woe is that I never want to weigh 233 again and I know I will if I dont stick with it. I think everyone has their slip ups every now and then. Like I told me husband, "Keep me out of the kitchen and I dotn have to eat", lol. Thats my way of trying to get him to wait on the kids instaed of me.

Angie: My Christmas plans went out the door yesterday when my brother called and said he wasnt coming. I just have one brother and my dad. I have aunts and uncles but thats not the same. We are planning on having a family get together with all my dads family the weekend before Christmas. My dad and brother had a falling out last Christmas and it was really important to me for my brother to be here but he has to work. My DH has a Christmas dinner with his work in which they give away all kinds of tvs and vcr and things like that so I am hoping to win one this year. Wish me luck.

I know I havent posted to everyone and Im sorry. Ill get you next time. Everyone have a good day.

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