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rice_boi Sat, Nov-22-03 10:40

What's your version of Modified Atkins? (i'll bet most people modified a bit)
I've stuck to Atkins since day one (or so i thought)... just realized that i've modified it to suit my body and lifting routine...

Since i started atkins i've been eating a lot of meat (not very lean), eggs, etc... I loved all of it but the only problem was, that i'm very sensitive to the Ana-watchamacalit Acid (I read this in Protein Power and from other posts on the forum), soooo i had to cut out eggs and meat with fat (like bacon, beef, etc)... if i don't cut them out, i'd get this terrible rash bellow my chest... but since i've stopped eating too much fat (i guess that's where the acid comes from) the rash is slowly going away... It's not that i'm scared of the fat, i'm scared of what the acid does to me (the darn itchy rash)... so basically i eat pork (lean) in moderation and try to stay away from the beef and egg yolks...

How about you?

LadyBelle Sat, Nov-22-03 13:11

The thing with Atkins is induction is the only strict phase. Even then there is such a long list of acceptable foods everyone can customize it to thier tastes.

After induction when you move on to OWL it is your responsibility to make good food choices. You have to learn what your personal carb level is, what foods you can and cannot tolerate and so on. Once past induction most people have a modified plan because there is no set plan.

NYorker Sat, Nov-22-03 13:16

I drink coffee and booze and probably don't get enough veggies. Other than that, I try to just eat meat, eggs, cheese and salad.

black57 Sat, Nov-22-03 13:23

You are correct, everyone makes adaptations to suit their needs. I did not want to cut out caffeine from my diet so I have my coffee. It makes me feel bad though that Dr. A said that anyone drinking caffeine was not really doing Atkins. I feel that I am doing Atkins even though I include Maxwell House in my diet. I don't consider this a modified Atkins. I think people who say they are on a modified Atkins diet, do so because they think that Atkins is nothing but meat and eggs and nothing else ( so they add their veggies and some fruit to the diet, which is another phase of the Atkins diet ) or because they don't want any negative replies from naysayers.

Sango Sat, Nov-22-03 13:41

I don't know...I don't think I've modified it much...other than thinking of myself on a modified Induction. Which means I'm really in OWL, but whatever. I started adding some of the LC ice cream and nut butters in over the last couple of days, even though it's only like day 10 for me and not 15 :) I do drink caffeine, in my coffee and tea. It's not so much that I need the caffeine as it's just a pain looking for decaffinated everything. Other than that...I'm pretty strict with the plan. My main modification is avoiding splenda as much as possible -- it seemed to break me out terribly the first time I tried Atkins, so much that I had to quit after a month when it just wasn't going away. Some people say that breaking out at first is normal, but it wasn't showing any signs of slowing down after a month and I couldn't take it anymore. And this time around, I've cut out the splenda and sugar alcohols for the first week or so, and I've found that I'm not breaking out. Now that I've been off of sweet things for a while, I find that splenda is too sweet. I'd rather drink sparkling water than a diet rite, and I'd rather have my coffee with just cream and no splenda. It's weird. The atkins shakes seem too sweet for a snack now, and before I was drinking them every day at work because they were easy, and I really liked them. Go figure.

capercop Sat, Nov-22-03 15:27

Modified ... Hmmm ...

I have one or two cups of heavily leaded coffee most mornings, I have 1 diet coke a day ...thats about it.

2bthinner! Sat, Nov-22-03 15:58

I started out on Atkins,
but, I modified myself right into another "diet". And I'm not even following that one "precisely". I'm using TKD in that I eat a small 25-50gr snack before I work out. Then I have two small meals consisting of a green salad and about 4oz of meat, then I eat "whatever" for dinner. I don't mean it's a free-for-all. I just eat a regular meal (Reward Meal, but I don't like that name. Food is not a "reward"). That part is CAD/CALP. I'm supposed to eat 1/3 protein, 1/3 lc vegetables, and 1/3 other carbs.. I've been doing this since Monday, and have lost part of a pound.. Even though my calorie count was way up there. I had lost some on induction, but then I stalled. If I run into that again, I'll probably try induction again. I guess I have to keep my body guessing, just like in weight lifting. Where you change your routine every so often to keep your muscles from getting aclimated to the workout.

brobin Sat, Nov-22-03 16:46

I drink coffee, diet pop, and occasionally alcohol. If that means I am not doing Atkins, well then I should write a book myself. :)


DerBlumers Sat, Nov-22-03 17:56

I drink coffee...I do not eat red meat (a holdover from my "vegetarian" days....I just have a genuine distaste for it now)....and, presently, I'm on the tail end (I hope) of an anti-candida regimen...and that means no sugars or sugar substitutes (except stevia) mushrooms....nothing with yeast....etc....

YukonSun Sat, Nov-22-03 18:06

I lost my first 40 pounds with straight Atkins. Struggled with it after that. I've bounced around with low carb and body for life for a while.
Recently I found Tom Venuto's book (bodybuilding) and really found it a fantastic read. I suggest it to anyone who really wants to learn about nutrition and how are bodies work.
I think in order to fully understand it you need to read it so I won't go into much detail, but basically when you have a lot of fat to lose you work on a 3:1 low carb/high carb days.
It takes 72 hours for your starvation hormones to kick in. Don't allow that to happen and you don't allow your metabolism to slow.
If anyones interested its

tammay Sat, Nov-22-03 18:15

I actually put out a post a while ago asking about this (as I was wanting to do a modified Atkins myself). It surprised me how many people responded. It made me feel better about tayloring Atkins to suit my own lifestyle.

I started out doing a modified OWL which only meant for me that I wasn't counting carbs in legal veggies (and also not adding legal fruit to my diet - fruit doesn't appeal to me :) ). Now I've modified it further where I basically don't count carbs in anything I eat although I've been lcing for a while so I know I'm keeping to about 30-40 carbs a day. This has a psychological effect on me - I feel much less restricted that way. I'm still eating mainly low carb foods - meats, poultry, dairy (though not yogurt), eggs, lots of legal veggies, fats, nuts (not going overboard on these). It seems to be working well for me.


kyrasdad Sat, Nov-22-03 18:34

I drink Diet Coke, but tend to stay below 35 carbs a day most days. After induction, I never measured anything. If I wanted a big salad, I had a big salad. If I wanted cheese, I ate some. I do keep kind of a mental ledger on it, but the days I've run it through Fitday, I've been more or less in line with the 35CPD limit.

There are also days when I'm probably 20 or less, and some where I'm 50+. I don't eat stuff that isn't on the diet, other than LC stuff like tortillas and taco shells.

When I break it (which has happened only once), I break the bejesus out of it.

LilaCotton Sun, Nov-23-03 00:49

Both of my girls are on sort of a modified version. The oldest wasn't losing weight very well, so just completely quit counting her carbs. Now she's losing like crazy! I think she eats between 30-40 carbs a day. The other one is on a 40-carb day for the next while.

My modifications? Hmmmm, does one tiny bite of breading from a fried shrimp count? Or, oh yeah, I've got it! One or two decaf Diet Pepsis a week when I'm in town and fill up my mug at the gas station.

For the most part, I stick with legal foods.

etoiles Sun, Nov-23-03 01:08

I have modified atkins by not eating meat. Dr. atkins said it was near impossible for vegetarians but by now I've seen things very differently.

also like kyrasdad after induction I haven't really measured anything.

WendyC Sun, Nov-23-03 12:49

How did I modify Atkins - let me count the ways:
Never gave up coffee;
Didn't give up alcohol - DH and I regularly have a drink after work - but I did switch from beer to wine;
Switched breakfast to an apple and cheese (before the end of Induction) to get the added fibre and to satisfy the craving for fruit;
Had occasional very small servings of potatoes during OWL - potatoes with skins on are a good source of potassium which I need because of my BP medication
Allowed myself occasional treats, i.e., cheesecake while at a restaurant, chocolate (dark, bittersweet, in small portions) to avoid feeling deprived

My main strategy for dealing with the "forbidden" foods was to limit the portion - counting out 4 rice crackers at 1.5 grams of carbs per cracker, buying a small single-serving bag of potato chips, etc.

I may have slowed down the OWL because of the above but even when I stalled, I could tell I was losing fat because my jeans kept getting more and more droopy. Eventually the whoosh fairy would visit and I would drop 2-3 lbs in a hurry.

Emly Sun, Nov-23-03 13:27

I never include carb count of legal veggies in my daily count. I eat as many of them as I want. I try to keep my daily count (other than veggies) between 20 & 25. I also try not to eat anything refined to make that 20 grams. For instance - I would not save it up so I could eat a peice of real bread or some candy.

I try to make sure my 20 comes from legal things such as from the 1 gram in cheese, lunch meat, cream, small amounts of fruit, low carb bread, peanut butter, nuts, etc. If I do this most days I don't even get to 20.

This seems to work great for me. I have no idea how many carbs of veggies I'm eating in any given day. I imagine some days it's very few and some maybe up towards 20-30. (After fiber). However, I feel it's better to eat 30 carbs of veggies that are low on the GI and full of fiber and nutrients, than to eat even 10-15 coming from white flour or sugar. And as long as I feel good and continue to lose, why not?

rice_boi Sun, Nov-23-03 23:54

I guess we're all just modifying the diet to our personal needs, goals, our health conditions :D atkins rocks! 42lbs gone woohoo! Sooo i guess we're not really modifying atkins, but incorporating atkins into our lifestyle... long live atkins :)

beachjen Mon, Nov-24-03 00:42

I think I eat more bars than I "should" but it keeps me going. I still LOVE chocolate and the bars let me fulfill my chocolate needs. Also, I am still losing. I am working on trying to eat less bars though, which is helping me lose a bit more. I guess it depends on how fast you want to lose the weight.

jedswife Mon, Nov-24-03 11:49

when reading atkins book - i felt all along that his plan was one that not only could be modified it SHOULD be modified. that is the whole point of CCL and trying out foods to see how you personally metabolize them.

just like someone else said - they are certain things that I can eat and not have to count them - veggies mostly. sugar alcohols sometimes - some sugar alc. i need to count some i dont.

patriciar Wed, Nov-26-03 13:30

Hi rice_boi,
ive read your messages here and how you lost a lot of weight in atkins.. Congrats! i HOPE THAT you could give me some tips or advice. i've been on atkins for several weeks now and i haven't seen any shedding yet,, im very anxious and im scared to take diet pills and i'm too busy to go to the gym coz of school and work . When you have time please reply or email me *************.. thanks again!

4beans4me Wed, Nov-26-03 13:53

I never gave up my coffee in the morning, in fact I enjoy it even more now with heavy cream ;)

I've pretty much stayed at induction levels, but with the food variety that comes with OWL.

babydoll23 Wed, Nov-26-03 17:20

I never gave up orange juice, even during induction. i also ate a small cup of yopliat yogurt everyday. sometimes if i want a burrito or burger with the bun, i will have it. i just don't feel right being super strict, i'm not eating a dozen candybars but if i want one then i probably will have one.

tholian8 Wed, Nov-26-03 17:57

I never gave up coffee or alcohol, even on Induction. Although I did cut out beer entirely.

Eventually I got sick of my poopy workouts on Atkins, so I switched plans.


mb99 Wed, Nov-26-03 20:27

Hmmm... 'modifications'..

* I eat tomato almost every day.. some ppl think that's bad
* I deliberately don't use any artificial sweetners every second day...
* I use aspartamene, problem free (I don't buy the hype against it)
* I drink caffeine tea. I have it with a drop of milk. I don't have it every day though.
* I stop eating 3 hours before I go to bed

addicted2s Wed, Nov-26-03 20:56

I eat more fruit . The carb bars I have every couple of days, they don't stall me at all. I don't actually count my carbs , I just don't eat pasta ,bread , flour,or sugar and very little dairy.Compared to what I use to eat I'm doing great.

Quest Thu, Nov-27-03 13:02

Let's see. I never stopped drinking black coffee, about 2 cups a day. I cut out diet soda for a few months, then reintroduced it with no apparent problems (about one glass a day).

I haven't used any LC bread or pasta, but I do eat an LC hot cereal. I eat a small amount of diced beets as part of a tossed salad almost every day.

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