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Greeneyes1 Thu, Nov-06-03 14:07

My hubby
:doah: [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed]HI everyone. A few weeks ago I decided that I was going to do Atkins and I was going to be very strict. No cheats. I stopped eating potatoes but continued to cook them for hubby. I also stopped eating hashbrowns on the weekends but we still made them for hubby. A couple weeks ago he told me to stop buying potatoes and hashbrowns for him and he would eat whatever I did. Yippee! I was so happy.
Same with potato chips. He told me not to buy them for him anymore. He used to love to eat them at night in front of the TV. He hasn't had any chips and they are his favorite. He stepped on the scale last night and he has lost 14 pounds so far. I'm so proud of him. He's not totally low carb because he still has sandwiches at lunch but it's a start and it sure makes things easier for me when we can sit down and eat the same food for dinners. I'm so happy!


silverfang Thu, Nov-06-03 14:38

yes it really helps to have your SO do this WOE with you. It sure does me. I started 2 weeks before my GF and it was hard to watch her eat french fries and know I couldn't have any. It also shows your hubby loves you, cause he is willing to change, even though you may not have asked him to :) happy for you!

jaddles Thu, Nov-06-03 17:31

Thats so great Laurie!!

I bet he's thrilled too! :yay:

adkpam Thu, Nov-06-03 18:14

It sounds like he's doing great too. I'm so happy for both of you.

ian559 Fri, Nov-07-03 07:03

I did this by myself for a while. Now my wife and daughter are doing it too. It much much easier. By keeping them on track I dont even need to think about myself loosing.

4beans4me Fri, Nov-07-03 12:00

That's super Laurie! How wonderful that your hubby is LCing too!

SpecialK Sun, Nov-09-03 00:34

How wonderful for you. Would love to have that kind of support. I've been LC'ing pretty much for 4 years and I almost dread having to cook for family. They will not eat LC and don't want to have strictly meat & potatoes, or meat & rice etc... every day. They want the old things I used to make (like carb laden caseroles and lasagna and will not eat LC versions). You are VERY Blessed. Karen

LoveSong Sun, Nov-09-03 18:09

I am very lucky too... my daughter and our roommate are on Atkins with me, so I don't have to worry about cooking more than one meal. We're lucky to have each other for support and encouragement.



dancermom Tue, Nov-11-03 13:38

A couple of years ago, both my DH and I were pretty big. We went on Weight Watchers on-line together, with me doing almost all the cooking. He did great, I did OK. Now I am still battling it with LC'ing, he has maintained and lost more. It's kind of unfair that a 6' man only has to cut back on beer consumption to keep weight off! But several nights a week, he and DD eat what I eat, a large salad with meat. Sometimes when I fix a protein main dish with veggies, I will fix a small side of pasta or potatoes for them. DH is now skinny, DD is a very fit dancer. I'm not sure she even notices when she gets a LC dinner, no complaints. I've got to keep going to look like I belong in this family! Diana

LisaUK Tue, Nov-11-03 13:48

My way of it? If they won't eat LC versions of things and they simply MUST have their old versions, let 'em cook! Once I told DH to do that, he ate what I made. :D

ichihuahua Wed, Nov-12-03 09:17

I wish I could do that! I have three kids who are too skinny for me to feed them what I eat. I still have make potatos, mac/cheese, lasagne and corn on the cob etc. Oh, so hard sometimes!! I try to compromise by making LC main dishes and fixing them HC side dishes. Then I fix a veggie for me to have. It works pretty good ;)

SpecialK Wed, Nov-12-03 10:48

I guess I can't do that either. One of my responsibilities in this family is to provide the meals. We eat as a family and try to use this time as part of our family time. I guess I do not want to make it a miserable experience for all. My husband works very very hard to provide for the rest of us and I do not have to work outside the home. I consider that a tremendous blessing. The least I could do is provide meals they enjoy. So very sorry I complained earlier. I guess I just needed to vent some frustration. Bottom line I don't want to cause discontent just so my life is easier. Our relationship thrives on give and take. Guess I'll give in this area. There, now I feel better. I've chastised myself and have my priorities back where I want them. Thanks, Karen
P.S. I know this absolutely would not be my mindset if I had to work outside the home.

serrelind Wed, Nov-12-03 11:21


serrelind Wed, Nov-12-03 11:21

Laurie, reading that made me smile. That's great! Congrats to you both for your weight loss!

Hellistile Wed, Nov-12-03 12:52

Laurie-You are truly blessed to have a supportive family, and in the long run you have done yourself and them a great favour healthwise by low carbing.

SpecialK and others who prepare special meals for each family member: Now that you are low carbing and have realized how much more healthy it is (and how bad all that other stuff is), how can you watch your loved ones eating stuff that is bad for them?

My son eats what I prepare whether he is low-carbing or not (the only concession is bread-flax or sour rye-because it will do the least harm). Otherwise if he wants anything else, he has to buy the ingredients and cook them himself. He has elected to eat what I prepare. lol

sunspine17 Wed, Nov-12-03 13:03

Laurie-- That is AWESOME! My DH cooks LC when either myself or the kids are included in the meals (he’s the house cook). After seeing the benefits of low carb, we’ve decided to up the kids protein, give only good carbs and cut out most of the sugar. DH still eats a slice or 2 of white bread each day and drinks real Coke, etc. He eats chips occasionally but that’s really the only thing he’s consciously tried to cut down on (used to be an everyday thing). Since June he’s been eating 2 LC meals a day and not purposefully cutting anything else besides so many chips. Last night he announced to me he’s lost 20 lbs!

Isn’t it great how our healthy habits have rubbed off on others?

Congratz to both of you!

SpecialK Wed, Nov-12-03 15:14

I watch family members smoke and drink too much also (I used to do both). I see them drink water that has flouride (which is a chemical waste) in it (in the 1930's it could only be buried in gvt approved landfills). Our towns water supply is contaminated with coliform fecal bacteria and has been for several weeks before we found out (husband wouldn't even boil before using it-I just get bottled which also can have health related problems because it is bottled in plastic and can increase a certain unhealthy kind of estrogen level).

I see people get immunizations that are loaded with mercury (possible link to rise in autism-very possible) although we are warned about eating fish that has lesser amounts of mercury.

I see loved ones drive way too fast in lousy road conditions. Girlfriends husband recently driving drunk and killed a family member.

I see a lot of people doing things that I don't choose to do for health and/or safety reasons. They are responsible for their decisions. Not me. And if we knew allllll the things that are unhealthy and tried to avoid them we'd all become pretty parinoid. LCing is what is right for me. It has taken a terribly sick individual and made me much better. I would wish them to eat better. But there are other things I would wish for them, too. God has given them the right to make their own decisions. I may not like their choices but i respect their right to make them. Right or Wrong. Of course they'll have to face the consiquences. I'll always be here if they ever want to know more about the LC way of life. Hope this helps you understand how I can let my loved ones make their own decisions. BTW, they have been given all the info on the health benefits, I haven't held anything back. Blessings, Karen

sunspine17 Wed, Nov-12-03 15:54


Sorry to hear your family does not like LC. I see where you are coming from though. My DH is the cook in the house (we reversed roles and he’s the house hubby at the moment) and although reluctant at first, he began cooking LC for me. There are just some compromises your need to make for each other whether you like it or not. You have to pick you battles in a family. If food is going to cause tension it’s just not worth it! There are much more productive things to bicker about than food.

Funny thing happened though with us. The whole family LOVES it now (even DH the former Mr. Skeptic). We’ve always been big on food and trying new things, we all love to cook. With this new WOE we get to constantly experiment with new recipes—we all find it exciting and tasty. I was SHOCKED that the kids took to the no sugar thing so well. My 8 yo is really into it and is actually refusing sugar when it’s offered because it makes her feel sluggish and upset to her tummy a bit now if she eats too much. We did this for the kids mainly due to some behavior problems of my DD (the 8 year old). She’s sick of not being able to concentrate and being tired all day which causes her to zone out in class and get in trouble. Her concentration has improved dramatically and she LIKES it. The 2 year old really had no say in it, she’s 2 after all! But she seems to not have a problem or miss her old foods either. This transition was soooo easy that I can hardly still believe it!

It’s too bad your family isn’t into the LC thing. But such as life, I guess—to each his own. You are doing a great job providing for your family what they want (even if it’s something you don’t agree with). That’s a hard thing to do. I applaud you for that. I hope your kids and DH come home and give you a big hug for that one!

P.S. Do you think you can slowly start sneaking LC foods in, they may never know the difference!? Okay, ya can’t blame me for being hopeful :)

SpecialK Wed, Nov-12-03 18:57

Hi Sunspine, Thanks for understanding. And you're right for wanting to keep trying. I do introduce quite a few LC things to them. As a matter of fact Donalds Quiche Pizza has become a staple here. You know what is really funny.

My 16 yr old daughter LC's when ever she needs to control acne. She knows there is a link. She had quite a few warts on hand that would not freeze off after multiple attempts so on Mom's advice we LCed her (she was willing) and took herbal anti-fungals for about 2 months. WooHoo! Warts gone. She went back to SAD because in her words "I want to eat like regular people". About 2 years later one (wart)was trying to appear so she asked me to help her LC again and would I get the anti-fungals again? Just a couple of weeks and all was OK.

You see, it's not that they don't know........ Just don't want to adopt the lifestyle.

DH is tall and thin and very muscular and has no medical problems EXCEPT cholesterol. He LCed for about 1 month to try to control it and said he would rather control with med's. Urgh!!! But that is (unfortuantely) his choice. I will definately help when and/or if he wants. If I try to dig in and insist it would just make him more adament about not eating this WOL. So I'll just let them suffer the consequences and hope they will eventually come around.

I prowl the recipe board for more meals I can sneak in and will continue to do so on a regular basis. Blessings, Karen

erbadger Thu, Nov-13-03 10:55

Laure, Great job that must be great to have such wonderful support! Like mentioned above, I cannot possibly have my DH eat only atkins, he is so thin now! I think if he actually went on atkins as I do it he would seriously only weigh 120#, and he is 5'10! so, we try our best. He is wonderfull enough to not complain about the main dish and new veggie concoctions I eat, and even takes all for the cookies, chips etc out of the house so I am not if the peanut butter was gone too...

m1whowaits Thu, Nov-13-03 11:24

Actually erbadger, Eatting anything you want and being thin is not necessarily a good thing either. If hubby went on Atkins and got healthier, he would probably put ON some weight. I went through a period of my life where I could eat whatever I wanted and I weighed practically nothing. I was very unhealthy and was sick all the time.

And you can get all natural peanutbutter with no sugar added. I love it!!

purekc Thu, Dec-04-03 19:21

that is great that your hubby has adopted the lifestyle, at least partway. My hubby is thin and had never had to watch what he eats. He doesn't eat low carb, but I notice he is eating less high carb than he used to since I have been on atkins.He is fully supportive of my choices and is thrilled with my "new look", and my new attitude. The support of family members is probably the most important tool we have in our new lifestyles.

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