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Lacey O Sat, Nov-01-03 11:10

on vacation,want to eat at this one place,can i do it and then get right back on?
Hi, I'm leaving to go to Gatlinburg,TN Friday. I love it there, well there is this one place I have been dieing to go eat at it's a pancak ehouse and they are really big and good. Do you think it would absolutly ruin me. I started back in duction and Monday will make 2 weeks, and I have only lost 2 pounds on it so far. But hell I figure it's not like I get to go to TN everyday. I would like to enjoy myself while there and I know it's not all about food.It's just this one place.
So any ideas??????????????

Marieshops Sat, Nov-01-03 12:15

Hi Lacey O,
You need to do what feels right for you and makes you happy. For me, I would pass on the pancakes. Didn't you just get over a stall? It may sound silly, but I treat cheating on food the same as cheating on my husband. Just because a cute guy goes by, I don't have to jump him! I made a commitment and I refuse to cheat myself. Whatever. I hope you have fun on your trip. Gatlinburg is beautiful. Good luck.

Lisa N Sat, Nov-01-03 12:44

Lacey...I have to agree with Marieshops. You've been agonizing over not losing any weight and now that the scale has started moving downward again, you're considering eating pancakes?
I know some people use a "refeed day" such as you're considering to break a stall, but since you're not technically stalled at this point it just may backfire and bring you back to square one.
I wouldn't do it, but you'll have to decide for yourself if the price that you'll likely pay (weight gain) is worth the indulgence.
You might also want to think about why you would sabotage yourself just when you're starting to make progress towards your goal of weight loss again.

Deiesse Sat, Nov-01-03 12:53

My problem with using "I don't do this every day" as a rationale is that I can come up with a dozen separate things that I don't do every day, which taken together amount to quite frequent cheats.

Here's a thought: If that pancake house is so good, I bet they have delicious egg dishes, too. You might discover something really good you never knew was on the menu. Or, If you absolutely must have pancakes, maybe they have one of those combos with a few silver-dollar size ones on the side? Or you could have a few bites of someone else's. Either way, then you could just have a taste and the eggs and meat would help keep the GI down so it might not throw you off as much.

In any case it's really about what's more important to you. If the place is really that great, it might be worth starting over again. Then again it might not.


Wyreless1 Sat, Nov-01-03 12:56

Being that Gatlinburg is right down the road from me, I *know* there's no place there worth my cheating and undoing what I've accomplished so far. (Even if it is that TOM!)
I finally figured out that when I cheat, I'm only hurting myself. :nono:

sonnofa Sat, Nov-01-03 13:09

It may be more beneficial to you to pass on the pancakes. Not necessarily just because of the carbs, but also due to the fact that you are thinking about them. Might get a little more mileage in this case by addressing the craving. Not sure you would, but certainly wouldn't want to deal with any guilt afterwards for a couple a flapjacks. :D

potatofree Sat, Nov-01-03 14:45

I have to agree. You've been through a really rough patch lately, and now that you're finally making progress, I'd hate to see you throw it away and have to start over again.

Only YOU can decide if it's more important to eat pancakes or lose weight. Last time it was a few cookies out of frustration, now you are kind of rationalizing it as a special treat... is there a reason you might be unconsiously sabotaging yourself?

I don't have the answers. Only YOU do. And I only speak for myself, but I feel like we've been struggling along with you, and I don't know if I can keep my opinions to myself if you DO go off-plan, then come back complaining again that Atkins has failed you...

Bookiebell Sat, Nov-01-03 15:12

Today was the annual Kiwanna's Club Pancake Breakfast, and it is really good. It only comes along once a year! My DH brought home two ticket's, and I'm thinking OMG, what was he thinking. (He wasn't) anyway we went this morning. I gave him the pancakes and I had the sausage and cup of coffee. I looked around and watched all those people eating and pouring on the syrup and gusling down the orange juice, and it didn't brother me at all. I just kinda thought, look what they are doing to their bodies. Thank's to my higher power, it didn't effected me at all. Sure hope that means that my Carb. addiction is finally getting better.
Lacey, you can go and have a wonderful time, there are so many beautiful thing to see and do in those georgeous mountains. It doesn't have to revolve around the wrong food to have a good time, and just think how proud of yourself, you'll be when you come home and can say I triumped over temptation. Have a good time sweetie, we are all hoping the best for you. Sylvia

manucpa Sat, Nov-01-03 15:25

Pancakes ! Come on , you can do better than that if you're going to take a detour ! ; -D

skibunnie Sat, Nov-01-03 15:28

You should make yourself some low carb pancakes. I like the cream cheese recipe, I also tried the carb smart ones, they were great. I use the divinchi's maple syrup, tastes a little strange, but I personally love it. So treat yourself to this at home, and get yourself an omlette when you go out.

LadyBelle Sat, Nov-01-03 16:28

I agree with the above. There will always be something. No you don't get to TN everday. There is also thanksgiving coming up, and that's only once a year. Then theres xmas, new years (where you have to have champagne) and valintines where someone may give you candy, and so on. You have to decide how important weight loss is to you, and if this is the right plan for you, or if you need a less restrictive one.

A while back you were having problems with the fair I think it was, sharing cheese sticks with the children, and a few other high carb cheats.

It seems each time you get on track you start to sabatage yourself somehow.

Kaillean Sat, Nov-01-03 16:54

Are you serious? Sorry to sound bitchy, but you've been complaining for weeks how desperately you want to lose weight. You said only a few days ago you'd do anything necessary to lose it. How despressed it was making you.

Now you're asking if you should have pancakes?

I think the suggestion to do some thinking about why you're so ready to sabotage your efforts is a good one. Maybe you're not in the right place mentally to do LC right now, and that's okay. But this on/off business is only going to bring you down.

So Lacey, do you want pancakes more than you want to be at a healthy weight?

No one here can answer that question for you.

FromVA Sat, Nov-01-03 16:56

Have read all your posts about not losing, etc. Think you need to decide if you are going to change your way of eating or not. Doing both...low carb/fat and then high carb is unhealthy. Either commit or give it up.

KristiTalm Sat, Nov-01-03 17:05


I'm going to get railed for this. I always do when I go this route, but here is my suggestion.

Is anyone you are going with going to get the pancakes? I would suggest getting a healthy LC breakfast and taking a taste or two of somebody elses pancakes. This way you don't feel cheated, you've had a taste, but the majority of your breakfast is LC and healthy for you.

(don't shoot me anybody) This route has worked for me in the past. If you think you can control yourself and just have a taste or two, go for it. I would not reccomend a full blown pancake breakfast.

Hugs and have a great time Lacey!


skibunnie Sat, Nov-01-03 17:38

Kristi, I think that is a good suggestion, but alot of times its unrealistic for people. Usually a little bit turns into alot, sometimes entire weekends of eating junkfood. There are some apple pies sitting in my kitchen. I went to take one bite, then i spit it out. I knew that one bite would turn into eating a piece. But I think it just comes down to whatever it takes to make you not feel deprived. I can know you will feel more deprived after eating those pancakes, because it will cause carb cravings. Treat yourself to something really really good, that is legal, so you wont feel like you are missing out on anything. I know this stuff im saying seems sort of obvious, but this is the mind set that I have to use to keep on track.

LadyBelle Sat, Nov-01-03 20:36

Kristi - I do the one bite thing too. Sometimes it's hard because my SO guards his food like a bear and I have to sneak it ;p It's really funny when I tell him he has to order a certain something so I can have a bite, weather he wants it or not :) Most of the time things are so sweet they turn my stomach and I'm glad I didn't get any.

If there's something I really want to try like a new Lc bar or candy I'll get one and have maybe 1-2 bites, then my son gets the rest :) That has only caused problems once. Now we know to stay far away form the carbolite peanut butter cups :P

For me it works. I know some have very sever carb addictions though and even a taste can set off massive cravings that basicaly consume thier thoughts until they have more. Each person needs to find what works for them and go with it :)

potatofree Sat, Nov-01-03 22:12

You know, occasionally, we WILL feel deprived. It's not the end of the world! Sometimes I see someone eating something I want, and I feel a pang. But you know what? The sun still comes up in the morning, I'm still harm came to me from feeling deprived for five minutes.

Do I like the feeling? No.

Do I throw myself in front of a train because I didn't get a cookie? No.

I try to teach my kids that they can't have everything they want, and they get over it. I figure if THEY can, I can!

Porcellino Sun, Nov-02-03 01:48

Speaking from experience, it's better when you stop the excuses. If you want to cheat, cheat, but saying things like 'it's not everyday I go' , or using other special occasions seems to feed into a pattern of self destructive behavior. I'm not trying to put you down, I struggle with this all the time - tonight I totally cheated and I have no excuse other than I was being a big baby and wanted some cheesecake. This is how I have put on three pounds since starting - it's complete and total emotional unwillingness to deny myself and I have used every excuse in the book. I haven't yet found the answer, it's an ongoing process.

That pancake place probably isn't going anywhere, and you might want to at least give yourself a chance to come out of the stall before cheating or indulging in high carb foods.

Lacey O Sun, Nov-02-03 11:51

Hi I didn't want to get bitched at, I was just thinking maybe I could have a bite or two. If you guys would follow up on your reading, I have not got past a stall. I'm back up to 185, been on induction 2 weeks and still at the same weight. SO, I don't see why it would hurt me to have a bite when I can stay at the same weight. I'm glad for everyone else that is having such great success with this WOL. I'm trying my damn best and I have not had any results since August. I know when I get pregnant all this weight I have lost in the past will just come back, and prob. after I have the baby I will get back on induction and nothing will happen, cause I have had my one golden shot. I don't know why body will not get passed this weight. Yes, it is very discouraging, when you eat and exercise like this and you stay fat. I guess i need to get thru my head that I will always be fat, cause I have always been. So thanks alot for your replies.

Marieshops Sun, Nov-02-03 12:21

Hi Lacey
Sorry you feel that you are being "bitched at". You asked a question and I gave you the best answer I had which is no, I don't think eatting pancakes is a good idea. Sorry I was supposed to have read all of your prior posts before answering this one! What do you want? You ask a question that you already know the answer to and then get upset with us. Sorry. I do hope you have a good trip and that you decide what you want to do with your diet. It is your decision how to eat, not ours. I am cheering and hoping for you, just not saying "oh a little will not hurt" because I believe it will.

skibunnie Sun, Nov-02-03 12:24

I can understand, its hard to keep the motivation and inspiration going if you are working so hard, with little results. You should go down the book store today, buy an atkins book, buy the dr phil book, buy some spiritual book, that will help give you the perspective you need.

Lacey O Sun, Nov-02-03 12:30

i have the dr. atkins book

skibunnie Sun, Nov-02-03 12:34

well read it again! :)

MyJourney Sun, Nov-02-03 12:45

Hi Lacy,

I read through this thread and I didnt feel the answers you got were people bitching you out, but just answering your question.

If you have your heart and mind set on cheating and that will make you feel better and it means all that much for it, its your body and your priorities, do what you feel is best for you.

You asked a question and got answers, even though they may not have been the "oh well its just this one time so go for it you'll be fine and just make sure to get back on track when its over" reply that you were hoping for, but I dont think you should get upset at people for giving you honest replies and trying to help.

I know its frustrating.

Perhaps try giving yourself a different treat, like getting your hair and nails done or a facial, or some new shoes or a new book. Something else that you can enjoy and maybe have treats that arent food related.

Just think long and hard about this objectively -- realistically. Be certain your priorities are straight.

Also, make sure you dont get upset if you gain weight from it and be prepared for it, also understand that even if you are not losing, by cheating you are bringing yourself that much farther from your goal.

Good luck,


potatofree Sun, Nov-02-03 13:08

I really wish you well. I've given you my best advice in several threads, just to have it rejected out of hand and/or ignored.

I do NOT feel you are "destined to be fat", I do feel you're destined to struggle unless you deal with the underlying issues leading you to sabotage yourself and deny real responsibilty for your actions.

I really wish you would re-read the replies you got in ALL threads, and instead of searching for what you WANT to see...really pay attention to what you don't WANT to hear. That's where the truth lies.

Again, I wish the best for you.

Porcellino Sun, Nov-02-03 13:37

"I do NOT feel you are "destined to be fat", I do feel you're destined to struggle unless you deal with the underlying issues leading you to sabotage yourself and deny real responsibilty for your actions." - potatofree

AMEN! Lacey, this forum is so supportive, even when people disagree that I feel bad you are unable to let yourself feel the genuine willingness of people here to share their personal pain and to also continue to give you support even when it is consistently ignored, received with anger or argued with. All anyone can offer is what has worked for them. Good luck to you.

MaryToU Sun, Nov-02-03 16:02

I my mind, if taking a one day brake makes you feel good, as long as you are willing to pay the price , then it is totally up to you. I assume there are a lot of people out there looking to relax on Thanksgiving or Christmas, and think it is well worth the price.

Would I do it, well no but that is me. In the past I have taken days "off" on diet plans. Like after every WW meeting :) and it would keep me good the rest of the week. But boy the thing I ate during that day!

On this WOE I don't feel deprived I guess, so I no longer have the need to surcome to a cheat day.

It is your own choice, and you already know what you are going to do, even before you asked the question. But one can hardly think that you would get anyone from these board to tell you "its ok, go for it" you already knew the answer to that one.

If you decide to stick to plan, the best idea seem to be to take a few bites from someone else plate.

MamaSara6 Sun, Nov-02-03 18:59

Lacey! You've been having a rough time, haven't you? You ought to put your starting weight and current weight in your stats so we can "keep track" better! ;-)

I know how you feel about not being able to lose weight. That bit about being destined to be fat sounded just like me. There were even times when I was exercising hard 2x per day and not losing, or even getting smaller!

I just started doing Fitday last week because I needed to see how well I was doing. I also put my Cheatfree shield on to keep myself accountable. All those times when I thought "one bite or two won't hurt. I'm not losing weight anyway!" were my undoing. There was always a reason to cheat. YOU have to decide that you're only cheating yourself of good health and thinness when you have that one bite.

Also, if you're not doing it, use Fitday. I found out that my "induction" was really more like 35g of carbs. I lost some then, but not much. Now I know who to blame for that and for all those months when I wasn't losing because I'd have a bite of something here or there. This WILL work if you stick to it strictly for a long enough time. Just do it for 5 lbs. Tell yourself you're not going to cheat until you lose 5 lbs.---and see how long it takes. Most likely, you'll find that you can go that long again if it means another 5 lbs.

Good luck!

Wenzday Sun, Nov-02-03 19:54

you've gotten some great advice!!! such caring people on this board. Do with it what you will. Good luck and have a fun trip!

Lacey O Sun, Nov-02-03 22:02

Thanks Mama S . I don't cheat, I did once about two and half weeks ago cause I was pissed. Everyone else thinks I don't take their advice to heart, but I do I have tried all of there advice and the scales don't move, I'm sorry if they think I'm out to hurt myself,. I have tried so hard. Exercising too.

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