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Blondie28 Wed, Aug-01-01 21:38

WARNING!! Venting frustration.. Explicit language
Why the f*** do parents act the way they do??? I called my mom this evening.. yes the same mom who gave me sh*t 3 weeks ago for wearing a bikini.. the same mom I told, " Hey fat people get hot too"

I called her and said HI I started a diet and have lost 5 pounds so far, I feel good and I am really positive about this diet and it's changed my whole way of thinking about food and I am taking strides to change my whole WOL. ( just a note I have only ever been on one other diet in my life)

then she says what kind, and I say well I reduce my carbs and eat more protien... well that was it.. she went off and told me how this diet is stupid and it will kill me and clog my arteries, and how lots of protien will make my cholesterol high etc etc etc etc..
And that I will loose it fast and then when I go off the diet I will gain it all back,... she went on about how I need to eat fruit and so on and thats why they recommend 5 servings a day etc because they are good for you!! BLAH BLAH BLAH I told her this is a long term eating habit change and not a diet and I dont plan on going off it after I reach my goal........Well forget it!!

HOLY F*** talk about discouraging... I am convinced she is brainwashed, and that is why she will remain overweight... she can go on and off her weight watchers as much as she wants.. but I was like " MOM, look!! That is not true.. and you have been listening to too much gossip instead of the facts... then she got mad at me and said well just watch yourself.... Geez thanks mom... I really needed a little more support from you.

Like what the f***??? What is the matter with people......

Sorry for the language.. just needed to vent... and thought this would be a good place I am sure you have all met some resistance to this new WOL....

moms... ARGH!!!


tamarian Wed, Aug-01-01 21:49

C'mon Shannon, don't be shy, tell how you feel! ;)

No, really. Your mothers reaction is quite the norm. All I can say is better get used to it, from her an others as well.

There's no use arguing with the closed minded. But if you sense they are willing to listen, rather than be brain-washed like the masses, site some of the research proving low-carb is safe, and low-fat , low-cal isn't.


shelley Wed, Aug-01-01 22:38

Hi Shannon
Are you sure that was your mom you were talking to? I think it was mine. LOL

doreen T Wed, Aug-01-01 22:41

non-support from family and friends ..
Shannon, I hear ya on the frustration. It would be so nice to get a little support and understanding, instead -- negative, criticism and "you'll be sorry" .. Aaarrghh. And, if you were to stop lowcarbing because she said it's bad for you, etc.... bla bla .. and you gained the 5 lbs back ... would she take responsibility?? No. She'd probably tell you you can't do anything right.

Of course you want to share your success and happiness at feeling that you're doing something right and good for yourself. But sometimes parents have a hard time seeing you and relating to you as anything but a 5 yr old. Trust me, this I know. So, you need to tell yourself that it's ok for your Mom to be wrong about this, and love her anyway .... and know for yourself that you're doing the right thing for YOU, but you just might have to do it "alone" ... without her approval.

And maybe, just maybe ... as she see's you being successful, and staying healthy ... she might change her mind.


p.s. - I've edited a few letters in your post. I understand and empathize with your sentiment perfectly, but our Registration agreement is very clear about language.

Karen Thu, Aug-02-01 00:08

Ah, resistance from others. Just ignore her and lead by example. Take your frustration by the horns and throw the energy into your new way of life.

The ones closest to us are always the worst, but it's your life, not your mother's. Hang tight! :D


Blondie28 Thu, Aug-02-01 00:12

Re: Hi Shannon
Originally posted by shelley
Are you sure that was your mom you were talking to? I think it was mine. LOL


(rollin on floor killin myself laughing)

Thanks I needed that one.. Hahahahahaah

Blondie28 Thu, Aug-02-01 00:14

Originally posted by tamarian
C'mon Shannon, don't be shy, tell how you feel! ;)


LMAO again... thanks!

Blondie28 Thu, Aug-02-01 00:17

Re: non-support from family and friends ..
Originally posted by doreen T
p.s. - I've edited a few letters in your post. I understand and empathize with your sentiment perfectly, but our Registration agreement is very clear about language.

Hi Doreen, Thanks so much for your words, Yes you are right this is about me... not her....and thanks for re-affirming my thoughts.

As for the bleeps in my language.. I'm really sorry, I guess I never seen the part about swearing. I hope I didnt offend anyone.


Blondie28 Thu, Aug-02-01 00:19

Originally posted by Karen
Ah, resistance from others. Just ignore her and lead by example. Take your frustration by the horns and throw the energy into your new way of life.

The ones closest to us are always the worst, but it's your life, not your mother's. Hang tight! :D


I think I am gonna just keep my mouth shut!! If someone see's I have lost weight and is truly interested I might shed some light on them.. otherwise.. mums the word.. or should I say mom? LOL


numberonewendy Thu, Aug-02-01 03:24

You could always just say if someone notices you losing weight. "Yeah, I have cut out all the bad stuff, you know, rice, potatoes, pasta etc. :)

MDukes Thu, Aug-02-01 07:10

Venting frustration
My mother at first expressed concerns, fortunately for me she is not overbearing with her opinion, but now she is trying this WOE after seeing my results. However, I have other people from work, church, etc. who feel the need to impress upon me the dangers of this WOE. I have just learned to ignore them, at first I would feel defensive but after really thinking about it, I thought - what have I really changed and given up???? I NEVER ate fruit before and very few vegetables, the only things I have given up are the items that are not good for ANYBODY -sugar and starch! I always ate meat, I always ate eggs and cheese and I now eat MORE vegetables than ever before. So that's how I look at it and tell others when they start questioning!

My previous diet was mainly starch and sugar! No wonder my system went into shock and caused my hair to fall out!

mtnlaurl Thu, Aug-02-01 08:26

Hi, Shannon:

I didn't tell my mom about the diet, I waited until we were in the midst of one of her fantastic Sunday dinners.

The table was loaded - she had been cooking for at least two days. Around comes roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, macaroni & cheese, applesauce, jello salad and green beans. I put only roast beef and green beans on my plate. You should have seen the looks that brought!

Without saying a word she went to the kitchen and brought out what she thought was a "diet" food - cottage cheese. I didn't take that either!

Finally she asked "Are you dieting?" [The only other alternative was that I was really, really sick to turn down her great cooking!] I said yes and told her I was doing lo-carb.

Here's where I was lucky - she said that she always loses weight when she eats protein and we had a good conversation about what a carb actually was and what foods had them!

She's been very encouraging and I'm getting ready to go to her place again for dinner this week-end. She's already told me we're having steak, a green salad and green beans - amongst other things. She's doing her best to accommodate me.

Geeze . . . why wasn't she that understanding when I was 16??????? ;-)

Hang in there! She'll get the idea when she see's how well you're doing.

Good Luck!

Mrs. Y Thu, Aug-02-01 11:20

Hang In There!
Blondie, look at you, you're gorgeous.

Just keep your mouth shut and don't give out any info - just tell 'em you've been working out and avoiding starch and sugar.

No need to go into the details if people are going to be threatened by them.

You're doing great.

Sarlye Thu, Aug-02-01 11:50

Hi Blondie:

You are gorgeous and forget about what anyone says, especially my mother. (I mean your mother :P). My mother used to spend tons of money on 'unknown' miracle diet pills for me. Usually, I just stashed them in a drawer since I have no clue what is in it. Later I found out it was phen-fen from her friends in the states, scary, eh! It doesn't help either when my mother used to be the Beauty Queen and the most popular person on the planet.

What it comes down to is how you feel and the good results that has been happening to you! Most of our parents are 'pre-programmed' from their time. I remember I have to sit through a dietitians' recommendation for my bad liver about the 4 food groups, blah blah blah... :(

I did not say anything to anyone when I first started and just eat the protein and some veggies when I was invited out to dinner.

Some times when my friends (who loves Pasta) invite us over, I just tell them that we are cutting starches from our diet and will bring some pot-luck. Or I will bring Karen's fab cheesecake and suggest a BBQ.

So far, my husband had seen the results of this WOL and have changed his eating habits, my closest friend is on it just from seeing how well I am doing. So this WOL have some very positive outcome other than the effects it has on you. But most of all you meet great people on this Support Forum.

Keep your chin up and be proud of all that you have accomplished.

Blondie28 Thu, Aug-02-01 12:14

Ahhhhh... well I am so glad to see I am not alone here.. Thank you Mrs. Yogi and Saryle for your words and everyone else who answered this thread, rats I cant go back and see the names! But you know who you are... Well I am off to take my before picture... I only wish I would of taken it on sunday when I started! RATS! oh well!

I guess this diet will just be our little secret then?? lol


Sharon Thu, Aug-02-01 14:07

eatng words
When your mother sees your results, perhaps she'll take back her words. Just stick with this WOL, don't think of it as a diet, it's a lifestyle change.

You get to know the people you can explain how you eat to and you very quickly learn those not to discuss eating habits with!!

For me, I mostly just say I avoid sugar and flour and everyone thinks that's great.

Keep up the good work.

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