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kellyp Thu, Oct-02-03 07:19

Hello. I wanted to check out this sight in search of others like myself who have a BUNCH of weight to lose. Looks like I'm in the right place. I have been on and off Atkins and CAD for over a year now. If you check my journal you'll see the results are nil. That is because I haven't remained consistent.:( I get so frustrated with myself for going off the woe so much, it's ridiculous. I have wanted it since I was a teenager but never had the perseverence to stick with it. I realize now that alot of times it's the FOOD that's to blame, but I'm no angel when it comes to cheating on a diet. I've read the books, tried the diets, etc. Now, I THINK I'm going to be on CAD. My problem with the decision is that I know Atkins gives quicker results and probably cuts out most cravings but you can't eat "fun" foods to speak of ever. I also know that CAD is slower, but you have one great meal a day, so the worry about straying is less. I have a mentor in my journal, Tracy, who has lost almost 100# on CAD and she is what keeps me going! However, I would love more input. The only objection to CAD besides the slower weight loss is that after the Reward Meal, I am zonked and ready for bed. I know it's the carbs and am trying to fine tune that meal now.

So, any takers? I'd welcome advice and comments. I am curious who in the forum is on CAD and who is on Atkins and your success on each. Thank you. :)

TerryLynne Thu, Oct-02-03 07:30

Good Morning Kelly, WELCOME! I am doing Atkins for the first time(started July 24) I am thrilled with my progress. I have found this the easiest program I have ever been on. Being a severe carboholic, it is amazing to me to not have cravings. In fact, I don't even put splenda in my coffee anymore. :yay:(amazing since I used to put a ton of sugar in my coffee)
I know that whatever plan you choose, you will find wonderful moral support here from an inspiring, encouraging group of fellow journeyers (?sp):)

MisterE Thu, Oct-02-03 07:42

Gotta suggestion for you!
Check with your mentor who has obviously lost a great deal of weight (100 pounds is no small feat no matter which food plan you are on!) about her AVERAGE weekly meal plan broken down by days and further by meals. I have a dear friend on CAD who's reward meal is nothing like what I thought a "reward" meal would be. Heckfire! My "not reward" meals beat hers on almost every occasion! (I will put my Atkins brownie with whipped cream up against most of her "desserts".)
Then check with any other low carb plan member who has/had about the same weight as you to lose and check their meal plan.
Speaking only for me (and your mileage may vary!) there was something way ABOVE dieting when I found a program where I could eat good food in healthy quantity and lose weight on a regular basis.

I am no expert on any food plan. Not even Atkins which I have followed every day for almost 5 months. I learn something new every day. And I certainly have nothing against ANY food plan which works for you or any one else.

I am an expert on being morbidly obese. I do know that to be able to eat until full helps me to lose weight. I do know that my portions are way bigger than any of my failed diets in the past. And I do know I eat great food.

I wish you success on whatever food program you follow. Someone far wiser than me used this line in my early days on these forums and being the smooge that I am I borrow it often: all food plans work...but only if you work them!

Gook luck! I know you will find better health in whatever you do.

mudknife Thu, Oct-02-03 09:14

I do know that to be able to eat until full helps me to lose weight. I do know that my portions are way bigger than any of my failed diets in the past. And I do know I eat great food.

I agree. That is the main reason I follow the Adkins WOE. I know for a fact that when I eat sugar and too many carbs, my appetite goes out of control. I can eat something now, even a small snack, and feel it in my stomach, feel satisfied, and not be hungry for more.

I also realize, if I continue long-term on this WOL my health will improve and my body weight will keep reducing. It will just take some time for that to happen.

Good luck on whatever plan you decide to stay with.

redawn Thu, Oct-02-03 09:42

Welcome! I am with MrE on this. . .I don't know if I could eat some carbs at night and not crave them horribly during the day. . .Atkins is working for me. . .so I figure if it ain't broke don't fix it. redawn:)~stick to it, you'll do it!

kellyp Thu, Oct-02-03 11:17

It's noon here and was checking back in, anxious for some response. Wow! Thank you all for giving me some sound advice.

Terry, the sweet TEA is my downfall, I am avoiding it but it's calling my name! I have been subbing with splenda in it, but probably too much.

Mr. E, I love your quote, that cracks me up! The brownie sounds wonderful. Maybe I'll go back and re-read some of the stuff after Induction...

Mudknife, What kind of name is that?lol Yeah, like Mr. E. said, eatting 'til your full definately has it's benefits. Also, I am sure it's alot easier for the cravings to leave on the woe. Plus, the Reward Meal makes me feel sooooo tired afterward. I'm thinking long and hard about this Atkins thing:)

Redawn, I am doing good at my l.c. meals but look at the goodies that are around for the kids and hubby and just drool.;) So, hopefully, the Atkins way will subside those cravings. By the way, is that a painted rock you made yourself for your icon? I paint them myself!
Thanks again guys.

ivorylady1 Thu, Oct-02-03 23:39

Hello Kelly,
I've just started also and have been on atkins for 7 days now.I would say today is the 1st day that i have really followed the diet word for word. This past week I was trying to use some of my 20 alotted carbs for LC candy bars, cookies, tortillas, etc.Some one was kind enough to tell me that you really shouldn't use those on Induction.
Believe it or not, by following the diet exactly I ate less today that I did all last week.
Have you ever tried chicken breast dipped in egg, rolled in parmeasan cheese, and FRIED?? Well, i'm going to tomorrow night for dinner!!Sounds soo good to me!! I'll bet that beats any LC cabdy bar. lol.
I have realized that the headaches I used to get all the time were from my up and down carb binges!!I have had no headache for almost a week now.
C'mon girl....we can do it!!

LittleAnne Fri, Oct-03-03 01:45

Hi Kelly

I wish you well in finding the way forward for you. I am a slow loser, but have kept my focus for over 2 years now and have lost 65 pounds so far. At then end of the day you need to be in control of what you eat. Look again at where you are and where you want to be and use this site to be motivated. Eat enough, but not too little or too much. Drop by my journal if you have any specific questions.

diemde Fri, Oct-03-03 04:17

Originally Posted by kellyp
I have been on and off Atkins and CAD for over a year now. If you check my journal you'll see the results are nil. That is because I haven't remained consistent.

Hi Kelly and Welcome to the TDC. I also had trouble with consistency. I'm not following any particular plan but am probably closest to Atkins OWL. I found that using helped me to become much more consistent. Right now I'm averaging about 50 carbs per day and it seems to be working for me. It was such a good feeling to weigh myself today and find that 1.2 lbs have just disappeared!

I think the key is to learn what works for you on a daily basis. Since you said the carbs at dinner make you sleepy, then cutting back on the carbs for that meal would be in order. I find that if I have my carbs spread throughout the day, then I don't get nearly as sleepy. There used to be many Saturdays and Sundays that I would take a nap every afternoon. It is so good to be free of that!

Good luck to you in whichever plan you use.

Plagiomom Fri, Oct-03-03 05:07

Hello Kelly!

I just wanted to say and welcome to the TDC! I don't have any words of wisdom as I have never tried anything but Atkin's --- I know for me that any type of "reward" or "treat" would put me in a downward spiral, so I stick close to the Atkin's Induction and am loving it's rewards! I honestly do not miss anything now and I have been sugar free for almost 47 days.

I'm sure you will find the plan that works for you - we are all different and we all have different strenghts and weaknesses, but there is a plan for everyone if you want it bad enough and work it hard enough!

Best of luck! :thup:

Wenzday Fri, Oct-03-03 06:07

I agree with all of the above. I would never consider CAD for myself because when I eat sugar I BINGE....

I dont want a reward meal because to me it makes the others sound like "punishment" meals.... when really all of my meals can be amazing and what I want them to be...its all in what you put into it really.... I want to lose the weight bad enough to do whatever it takes to stay on track.... use the support here..its amazing!!! 2 times so far in 6 weeks I've had a weak mentality about me and after a couple days of good friends keeping me going I was able to come out and be back on track.

Good luck!!!

maryb55 Fri, Oct-03-03 20:43

Hi Kelly

I think you have made a break thru just getting started in the right direction!

Everyone has to weigh the pros and cons of different plans, but I want to say that after being on Atkins since 7-16-03 I have lost my cravings for the sweets, and they are my biggest devil! My energy level has gone up and I can walk or exercise and find I actually enjoy it.

Welcome to the TDC!

Mary B

carichie Fri, Oct-03-03 21:12

Hi and welcome
Nice to see you here. I don't know much about LC, but I do know I come here when I have questions. There are many experts here who are knowledgeable and motivational. Just browsing the different forums gives you lots of info.

If you haven't done so, take a look at the recipes forum. I just did that recently, and we have eaten a variety of things this past week and enjoyed every one of the recipes we tried.

I have to say that following the LC at about 20-35 carbs per day, has eliminated the craving for any high carb foods.

Look forward to seeing you around the forums.


kellyp Sat, Oct-04-03 17:38

Wow, thank you everybody for your support. I feel like it's really important to have alot of input from those who have lost weight doing the same thing you are wanting to do. I feel so lucky to have found you! I AM going to start induction tomorrow, as today was a family reunion and behaving was not in the plans:) Too many family members bringing goodies. I do feel much more energetic when I skip the Reward Meal, so am determined to do it. I am going to check out the recipe forum now and get some yummy ideas for the family. Maybe I can trick them into going on the woe too!;) Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Lose2Win Sat, Oct-04-03 19:38

Hi Kelly, welcome to the TDC from another newbie. Don't despair - none of us are 100% perfect. Just hang in there and give yourself some time to explore what works and what doesn't work for you. For some folks, sticking rigidly to a particular plan is the best way; others like me can take the best of what we find in all plans and make it custom fit. You know yourself better than anybody else would, after all. The main thing is to get into the mindset that the HC stuff is not good for you and should be avoided as much as possible. For me, looking at is as a health issue as well as a weight gain one seems to make it easier to say no.

I hear you on the family reunions though - the DH's family is big and they all live in the area. They used to get together for just about every holiday, and each time it was a food blowout - torment for me because there were so many good tasting, tempting dishes and most of them were HC. You could go around the table and put just a dab of this and that on the plate and still wind up filling it twice. :rolleyes: I just had to get past the mindset that it was necessary to have even a taste of everything - I mean how often have you taken stuff just because it's Aunt Elsie's specialty and not because you really like it? Been there/done that, got the waist size to show for it too. :agree: Now I can go to those gatherings and just be choosy about what I eat and have a good time without all the stress. And of course I always bring something LC as my contribution - that way I know I'll have something healthy and satisfying to munch on. But I don't knock myself out about it - if I want a bit of something HC that I might not see again for months, I'll probably have it and get it over with. I just make sure I don't go overboard with the serving, or take a whole bunch of tiny portions of this and that! ;) But you'd be surprised at how many times I've just looked at something and said forget it because it's not worth the price I'll have to pay later. Eating LC consistantly will do that for you - you can resist temptation a lot easier and really be choosy about your food. It feels so good to be able to step away from food and not have it haunting me all the time. I cook things for my family I won't eat and that doesn't bother me, and even my old nemesis ice cream (especially mint chocolate chip) doesn't even enchant me anymore. I move it all the time in the freezer when I'm hunting for my hamburger patties or individually wrapped portions of cube steak or chicken. And I'm a life-long foodaholic and sneaky comfort-eater, so if I can do it, I bet you can too! :thup:

kellyp Mon, Oct-06-03 20:26

Thanks a bunch Nancy for you reply. Yeah, the reunion was okay, but nothing fabulous. Most of the people I am not very close with, they live so far away. Food looked good, but too many flies!:P As I said in my journal, I have been abandoning my woe this past few days due to a tragedy. I'll be back on though in a few. I am READY to change this time. Yes, mint chocolate-yum. Can't wait til THAT doesn't sound tempting.:) Take care all.

BelmontLil Tue, Oct-07-03 08:08

Hi Kelly! Welcome.

This is my first real diet. I lost a bunch of weight during my first four week of induction. I havent lost much since then, but I have lost inches, I think my body is kinda catching up.

When I feel depressed about a "stall" I read the success stories. also, I feel so much better physically, it gives me the strength to make my dh's carb filled lunch every day and not crave it.

And trust me.. just handling chips, a devil dog, a piece of fruit and a couple sandwiches is enough to test willpower.

You're in the right place and everyone here is very nice and helpful.

Welcome and remember everyone WE CAN DO THIS!

LCchickFL Tue, Oct-07-03 10:58

Personally, I am a severe carboholic and I could not handle CAD when I tried it (twice). It seemed like a great idea (I could have my cake and eat it too), but in the long run, it was not for me.

Since I started Atkins, I have lost all cravings for HC foods. I don't even think about them any more. My snacking is minimal. I'm just not hungry between meals. This is the first time in my LIFE that I've ever felt 'not hungry'. I could always eat something, even if it was only 1/2 an hour since my last meal and I ate till I was stuffed at that one.

When I was on WW, I was constantly snacking. I'd be eating one thing and thinking about what I'd eat next. Atkins has freed me from all that. I don't even browse the refrigerator or pantry anymore. It's amazing to walk through the kitchen and only open the fridge if I need to refill my water glass or prepare a meal. :)

Good luck with whatever plan you choose!! About the only advice I have is to look at this as a way of life and not as a 'diet' to go on and off of whenever something out of your routine happens. There will always be stresses, parties, and unexpected events. You need to prepare for those as much as possible. If you were a vegetarian, that wouldn't change just b/c you were at a family bbq and there was a ton of meat there. It's the same w/LC. You need to commit to it and stick with it regardless of what is going on around you.

I just went to a BBQ at the neighbors' this weekend and almost everything (other than the meat) was high carb and even some of the meat had coatings that weren't on plan. I just chose what I could have and left it at that. When people cajoled me to try this or that or "just have a little", I just said no thank you. The more you give in, the harder it is to make this a way of life.

Just my 2 cents.

mikemcginn Tue, Oct-07-03 11:29


CAD works for someone somewhere I guess. Most people I have met are just fooling themselves that they can eat the stuff they want and still get the results they long for. I think it would take an incredible amount of discipline to follow that program correctly and I don't see very many who actually do follow it as written..

Everything works sometimes. Nothing works all the time, so I guess it really is whatever works for the individual.

If I overdo the carbs, I really know it the next day. To not have

the hunger reduction of low carb on a daily basis would wear me down in time. Just like following the low calorie diets did. I get tired of being hungry all the time.

LCchickFL Tue, Oct-07-03 12:47

I hear that, Mike!! Compared to WW, I thought CAD was great at first, but once I found Atkins, I knew what true FREEDOM really was!! I don't even need any willpower on this plan b/c I just don't have the cravings I had every other time I've tried to lose weight.

I guess there are different degrees of carbohydrate sensitivity and someone who is less sensitive to them might be able to handle the reward meal but, that's sure not me. I also agree with the person who said that referring to it as a 'reward' sort of demeans the other meals as 'punishment' meals.

I'm changing my mindset as well as my eating habits and I don't want to think of food of any kind as a 'reward' or entertainment or companionship or anything other than fuel for my body.

kellyp Wed, Oct-08-03 07:40

:yay: Thanks guys! Now this is what I was talking about. I see your stats and see that you all have lost a BUNCH of weight on the Atkins woe and seem to be very happy with it. I want that happiness too.:) I can really understand about the carb cravings being reduced with this woe because even after a few days, I always feel full and satisfied and STRANGLY enough-no urges.

I agree with you, June, I can't keep making excuses for my straying. If you've read my journal lately, you'll see I have strayed big time this weekend. It was legitimate in MY mind, but I know it was really a bad idea. I am still feeling the affects of it today. Mike, low-calorie diets are aweful and SO unrealistic, aren't they? They say that a smoker or alcoholic can quit their habit easier than a person who has to lose weight because they don't NEED those things to survive. EVERYBODY needs food to survive, so it's not like you can quit cold turkey.:) Atkin's woe is realistic, comfortable and satisfying and I KNOW I am going to succeed-FINALLY.

Thank you all for your comments and support. I appreciate it and need it alot. Take care.

mikemcginn Thu, Oct-09-03 06:15


I am learning that it takes more than just finding a combination of low carb foods that I can live with. It takes a mental change, what I call a flip of the mind to deal with that part of the weight loss.

I have lost weight before but always regained and added even more

I was 385 not too long ago and I don’t want to go back there. It will be over 400 pounds if I don’t change both my eating habits and the MENTAL habits that always resulted in the regain. It is a lot of work, but I really believe it is worth it. Also I am getting older and If am ever going to get fit, I had better do it pretty soon. I say that because I am fighting the exercise, which is absolutely necessary for me to not only lose the excess weight but really be fit. Lists like this can really make the difference.

TerryLynne Thu, Oct-09-03 06:38

Mike - I really enjoy your advice.:) I just realized how close you are to your goal!!!! :dazzle:Congratulations and please keep encouraging the rest of us:wiggle:

kellyp Thu, Oct-09-03 13:16

Hi guys,

This is wonderful advice. Mike, I KNOW I need to exercise as well. I have been toying with the idea of just starting by walking around town a bit. That will build up my endurance. My dream is to eventually get to a healthy weight where I can participate in a marathon. That would be WONDERFUL. Terry, you have lost quite a bit yourself young lady. Pat yourself on the back!
June, I looked at your webpage and I am IMPRESSED!!! :yay: It is very inspiring. I'm proud of you. You seem to be very dedicated to this woe and I appreciate the words of wisdom you may throw my way. :agree: You know what my dream is? I know, you didn't ask, I'm gonna tell ya anyway. :lol: I would love to hit my ideal weight for ME and open up a low-carb cafe, deli, diner, whatever. Wouldn't that be cool? I live in a hick town of 4,500 or so and no such thing is around. I could be a walking talking example.
Anyway, it never hurts to dream...

Take care everybody.

TerryLynne Fri, Oct-10-03 07:17

Kelly, make your dream happen and not only will you be thin and healthy, but RICH to boot!!! I truely think LC is the miracle we've all been praying for. When the rest of the world catches on - just look out!!!! I think you have a great idea! :clap: Just think, if we all started a restaurant in each of our towns - we'd have quite a nice coverage of not only our country but world wide... :thup:

diemde Fri, Oct-10-03 16:40

Kelly & Terry, My daughter and I were just talking about the same thing. I know there are a lot of good restaurants around, especially in the bigger cities, where you can "make do". You can order meat & veggies and hold the bread. But what about a restaurant that serves sandwiches on lc bread. Or makes pizza on a lc crust. Ohh, that would be so nice. And I do think that this will catch on and we could all be rich. Well, at least if not rich, we would be sharing this WOE with a lot of folks. :wiggle:

maryc Fri, Oct-10-03 17:26

Hi!! Kelly!!
I am doing Atkins And Sometimes I have a hard time keeping my carbs below 20g BUt I usually never get up to 40g. I like pasta dishes but I have found the wonders of Zucchini and Spaghetti Squash and Eggplant instead of the noodles. And I looked at all of the Spaghetti sauces to find the one with the least amount of carbs.
The dishes are quite filling and I find that I'm not hungry for a long time after eating them.

Good Luck on your WOE. :)

kellyp Sat, Oct-11-03 19:28

:) Hi Everyone,

Hope you all are doing great this weekend. I am. Been very busy but that can be a good thing. However, my body is VERY sore and I don't know why! My neck and upper back and ANKLES! :rolleyes: It's not like the typical arthritis pains I get in the knees. I don't know if I'm getting a flu or just diet changes have me hurting like I'm lacking some nutrients. I am taking some liquid vitamin stuff today which is TERRIBLE tasting, but I choke too easy on pills, so it was a good alternative. It has a million things in it that are supposed to be good for ya. Oh well, enough whining, things are pretty good here.:)

Terry, thanks for the encouragement. I thought somebody would think I was crazy for getting the cart before the horse. Yes, being rich WOULD be nice. Never known what that was like, and would like to find out. :lol:

Diemde, YUMMY:) I would LOVE to see some Pizza Place have a carb-friendly menu. You know, low-fat caught on very big in the 90's so I don't know why this new way of thinking won't do the same thing. Around a small town like I live in, the pickins are slim to none finding a l.c. product on the shelf. I have to REALLY think. I think the most impressive thing I've found is LeCarb ice-cream. The vanilla is the greatest. I don't like the chocolate. I can't find low-carb bread, tortillas, etc. I also wish they would invent some low-carb frozen entrees, like WW does or Lean Cuisine.

Hi Maryc, Have you lost 40# in a MONTH??? That's what it looks like to me. That is awesome.:) Maybe I'm misreading. Yeah, I've heard about spaghetti squash, never tried it. I bought an eggplant one time but had no idea how to prepare it. I peeled it, sliced it, BOILED it...anyway, it was a mess of mush. :p So I haven't tried it since. My intention was to make eggplant lasagna. Oh well, I'm trying out a lot of new things now and your ideas sound great. Thanks!

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