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wordlady Wed, Oct-01-03 16:26

Thread subjects: biggest turnoff
When you read a thread title, what's an example of the biggest turn off for you?

wordlady Wed, Oct-01-03 16:39

bowel movements?
Let's hear it!

hey_Neener Thu, Oct-02-03 00:23

"Help! I'm not losing!"
"what's wrong with me?"

and especially anything related to being new and not doing the required reading-but wanting us to write out the plan for them.

AngelaR Thu, Oct-02-03 05:51

It's a matter of perspective
I have a very different perspective. I don't look at titles as "do they turn me off". I look at them as "is this of interest to me" or "do I have something worthwhile to share on this topic". If not, I don't read it. If yes, I do.

We all have different interest points, curiosities and triggers. We all have different ways of interacting with this community. Some people pop in, stay behind the scenes and are voracious readers. Others are active posters, sharing a wealth of information, tips, thoughts and ideas. People interact here the way they feel most comfortable.

Sometimes responding to a "turn off post" could be the difference between losing someone who is struggling, and sharing that tiny tidbit of information that will help a poster find their way down a difficult path.

I guess the bottom line is we all have choices about which posts we read and respond to. We also have choices about how we title a post. We have good days and bad days. Some days we may have a difficult time expressing thoughts, and so a post title may not be appealing to someone else. The wonderful thing about this community is that no matter how well or poorly we ask for help, there is usually someone there with words of encourgement.

yvonne326 Thu, Oct-02-03 15:28

"Frustated" "This is not working" "Stall"

Seems that many people who write these threads are doing something wrong. BUT BUT BUT...if anything, I am glad we have this forum to voice our frustrations because there are so many that can offer advice :)

MetilHed Sat, Oct-04-03 00:01

The ones that bug me (not just here) are the ones with totally non-descriptive titles like "question" or "Help" or "Hi" (except in the intro forum of course).

I would much rather have the title be descriptive so I'd know if I want to read about it or not.

"constipation" or "TOM" or "Ketosis halitosis" are much better, even if they're "things people don't really like to talk about" because I'd much rather know the post is about someones bad breath and not read it, then to take the time to read one that says "question" and then find out it's about someones bad breath. And not that I'm unwilling to post helpfull answers either, just that I'm usually here late at night and it's been answered by 6 people already.


EDIT: the "STALL" thread title usually does kinda bug me too, because people are all like "I didn't lose any weight yesterday, help me get out of this stall"

potatofree Sat, Oct-04-03 10:19

I hesitate to really answer this one, because I don't want to discourage anyone from asking WHATEVER they need to know.

It is frustrating when people don't seem to want to do the required reading. There will always be some that want others to do the thinking for them, and seem to need to be given hourly feedback. There's still hope, though, that if they can gain some confidence they'll take off on their own.

Admittedly, I get put off by demanding titles and the posts that follow... "Help me NOW!" "I need answers." Then you see a post from them a half-hour later sniping about how nobody gave them the answer.....and the answers that may have BEEN posted aren't good enough.

Just like "real life" there are many personalities, and we won't always mesh well... that's why it's a good thing there are so many of us to offer help.

Quest Mon, Oct-06-03 07:21

I've noticed there are very few really annoying posts on this board: do the moderators remove them?

Having said that, I suppose I'm turned off by thread titles that imply the poster has less than 5 pounds to lose. I've read a few posts my such people that are sympathetic, though, and my understanding that we all have eating problems has increased my tolerance.

Kristine Mon, Oct-06-03 07:34

There are no thread titles that bug me per se, but... well, some advice to everyone: try to be specific in your subjects. No one could possibly read all of the new posts in a day, so it's a good idea to be specific. This way, the right people will take note and reply. :thup:

"Help" and "Question" are two examples of a bad subject. ;) "Help With Drinking More Water" and "Question About Caffeine" will get you better answers. :thup:

Quest, posts aren't removed unless they violate the forum rules. I suppose "no annoying posts" would be a little too vague of a rule to adopt. :D If they're way off topic, they'll get moved to the appropriate area.

Quest Mon, Oct-06-03 08:15

Originally Posted by Kristine
Quest, posts aren't removed unless they violate the forum rules. I suppose "no annoying posts" would be a little too vague of a rule to adopt. :D If they're way off topic, they'll get moved to the appropriate area.

I was thinking of posts that seem to have been planted for the purpose of stirring up trouble (and not just war zone type posts). Or ones in which people portray themselves as deeply ill, suicidal, etc for attention getting purposes (I know, it is difficult to tell when these are real or fake, but sometimes you have a pretty strong idea).

Kathy54 Mon, Oct-06-03 22:13

Hey thanks Potatoefree, you saved me a bunch of typing, you said everything I was going to say! lol :thup:

Hey Wordlady, congrats you are at goal, :Party: :dazzle:
I have'nt seen you around much.

Cheers Kathy

korry1977 Mon, Oct-06-03 22:33

None really bother me, actually...

If people are in the pursuit of knowledge and info... then thats great...

I like to see people empowered with corect info and knowledge... it helps make them a better person...'

It all starts with a ?

LovableLC Tue, Oct-07-03 00:39

I agree 100% with you Korry. It's kind of like the only question that is stupid is the one that goes unasked. I say whats it matter how the person asks? I suck with putting things into words and I'm sure others do too.

paradise Tue, Oct-07-03 08:40

originally posted by AngelaR:
I have a very different perspective. I don't look at titles as "do they turn me off". I look at them as "is this of interest to me" or "do I have something worthwhile to share on this topic". If not, I don't read it. If yes, I do.

lynneuk Tue, Oct-07-03 19:11

I agree with Korry. If you think back to when you first started this WOE, didn't you have questions that now seem so obvious but at the time you were confused, even after reading the whole book?
The whole benefit of a board like this is to make people feel welcome and comfortable. Don't scare people away by making them feel like their questions are "annoying"!!!

Angel66668 Wed, Oct-08-03 07:13

anything with "TOM" or "ladies only"
"Help, I cheated and my DH makes fun of my diet"
"I am so sad I am not losing any weight Boo boo hoo"

mudknife Thu, Oct-09-03 10:28

Any posts that contain:

- I've been on Atkins 2 weeks now....I think I'm a turtle...

- I've been on Atkins for 2 months and have lost 59 pounds....How do you break a stall?...

- I'm so discouraged. I started on Monday and already I've cheated 3 times...

- Help! I need motivation. Can YOU hold me by the hand and nursemaid me?

- I went off this woe BIG TIME! Help me.

DWRolfe Thu, Oct-09-03 11:04

I don't want to scare anyone off, but I find it really annoying when people aren't specific in naming threads. The worst are those you have to open to find out what they are about. Why make people work that much? Just be specific. Don't name a thread "I need help" or "What does this mean?"

In general, I try to show respect for the time of others using the foum and space. :idea: I also use the search function for topics that may already have been covered.

Donald :wiggle:

madmike Thu, Oct-09-03 12:05

Sometimes I will see a post that I think is a little too personal and I wonder if its necessary or appropriate for a public forum. Recently there was one about a particular personal and private area odor problem and what to do about it. I thought, "geez, do we really need to be hearing about this?

Arie Thu, Oct-09-03 17:13

Since there are more posts here than any one could read, I am looking for post that look interesting, or funny, posts I could learn something from, or contribute to. And the only way to know what the post is about is the SUBJECT. But some people playing trick with misleading subject, or subjects that are so vague ("When will I?" or "I was told"). So when I open the post and see that either the subject was bogus or the post is a whine or something I do not want to read, I get pissed.

So there... :)

korry1977 Thu, Oct-09-03 17:21

I do admit the post that an :mad: angry smiley :mad: in front of it is kind annoying...

But effective in getting my attention though...


P.S. sometime I laugh when I see :mad: but i know i shouldnt :daze:

P.S.S. I saw two :mad: :mad: today at the newbie section, -=wait=- 3 :mad: :mad: :mad: smileys, and one lady just posted "no weight loss" as the thread title and nothing after that... Well if we dont know what you are doing wrong then how can we give you advice? Just food for thought :bash:

LadyBelle Fri, Oct-10-03 06:33

It's not the subjects that bother me. What bothers me is when someone posts looking for permission or reassurance that what they are doing is ok, even when they know it's not. "I know we're only suposed to have 20g of carb a day and my icecream at night only has 18, so that should be ok. Why am I not losing?"

While the post has a question, anything but what they want to hear,. "Oh no, youre icecream treat is fine. The diet is messed up", will be either ignored or blasted as being too mean or wrong.

If they really have an honest question or concern and are seeking advice and different opinions, there isn't to much of a problem.

Egypt_Isis Fri, Oct-10-03 07:46

The posts I love to hate are "HELP - Need to lose 10 lbs by next week." These are typically posted by someone with less than 10 lbs to lose :lol:

Bayrat Sat, Oct-11-03 06:56

I have to say most questions, if anyone should ask a relative short timer to this board such as myself, flatter me. I attend tons of meetings in my business and it is interesting to see how many people love to answer simple questions to make themselves feel good and appear to be an expert on a particular topic. I love to listen, not a big talker but always want to seem more knowledgeable on a subject than I am, that is human nature. I have received plenty of help from the members of this forum as well as on other ones I use that are geared to agriculture, home repairs etc...You can absorb only so much from the book and many topics just are not covered adequately enough, sounds like a stupid question for a veteran but it's not to the poser.

So in summation, easily answered questions give the newer low carb "experts" a chance to participate and the brain teasers are challenging to the veteran members, something for everyone to digest so to speak.

As far as the title is concerned, specificity is paramount to gain the initial attention of board members if you want participation from them. I would look at a post titled "can't poop" faster than one titled "what do you eat to remain regular". First one is a call for help from someone in need that obviously can't retain the contents of the book but is doing a great job at retaining his meals. Second title sounds like a boring subject, IMHO.

potatofree Sat, Oct-11-03 16:34

Bayrat--ROFL, your last point.... I've never heard it put QUITE that eloquently before......

I guess my biggest pet peeve is offering advice, just to be told you're WRONG, that won't work, I've tried everything....<sigh> obviously not EVERYTHING, or we'd have found a solution, wouldn't we? I firmly believe that there IS a solution for every problem, it may just not be an EASY solution or a pleasant one....

Bon Sun, Oct-12-03 15:27

:lol: Bayrat :lol:

I don't have anything to add to this post that hasn't been covered. Stalls, What Can I Eat On Induction, Ketosis, The Scale, yada yada...

Bayrat Sun, Oct-12-03 18:21

Something changed?
Has something changed in this forum?

First I would like to thank you both for you kind words :thup: as well as your appreciation of humor :doah: . I don't visit often due to time constraints however I recall being able to click on my (or someone else's) picture or perhaps profile button at the bottom of each post and see a profile. It seems to me there was a way to view a thread in a compressed mode as well as flat, was there not? Might be associating memories of another board with this one don't know, but I appreciate options such as those and after reviewing my personal settings do not see a selection for either of the aforementioned subjects.

Might be the tired setting is as well, too much tree trimming today and a rather bouncy ride on my four wheeler towing trailer full of brush back and forth. I can see why people live in condos, just can't make myself do it. Always have that desire to be able to run out my back door and dive into my pool naked any time day or night, probably be arrested in a complex, don't you suppose :eek: ???
Tried juicing up my posts with some icons. By the way, I noticed a post not too far from here titled "constipated" or something like that. May have to go there :lol: One other thing, I can't find the abbreviation help list, help!

Rosebud Sun, Oct-12-03 18:31

Hiya Bayrat,

As far as I know, there has never been a way to see the threads here in compressed mode.

You'll find a list of abbreviations and acronyms in Low Carb Lingo, which is in Low Carb Tips on the orange bar that runs across the top of the screen. :)


wcollier Sun, Oct-12-03 19:43

When someone spells Atkins as "Adkins". I assume they haven't read the book. ;)

Nadz Sun, Oct-12-03 20:30

Well from someone who recently posted "I need help" I must say that sometimes people post what's most pressing on their minds at the time. Having read this thread I agree that my post was vague. I'll take that into consideration next time.
Personally, I'm not easily irked by the posts I see. I guess it's different strokes for different folks.

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