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RoseTattoo Mon, Sep-29-03 17:13

RoseTattoo's Gym Log
Now that I'm working with a trainer and lifting weights, I decided to start a log. :) At least there's some variation in my daily routine.

But I don't know the names of anything, so please excuse me and feel free to chime in with corrections.

Monday: Weight lifting session--1 hour

3 sets of 15--machine that involved lying down and pushing slab type thingie with my legs and feet. :lol:

3 sets of 12--a different machine that involved lying on my stomach and pushing out one leg at a time on a smaller slab type thingie

3 sets of 15--walking lunges, without weights

3 sets of 12--weight-assisted chin ups

lots and lots of arm thingies with free weights. And when I say lots, I mean lots. :p

3 sets of 15--some sort of shoulder and back machine (rower?)

a ton of abs work--floor exercises, including some Pilates

Followed by 20 minutes of power walking.

I have no idea if this was a good workout or not, but I was very tired when it was over.

Must learn the names of things and the weights I'm using, right? :lol:

RoseTattoo Tue, Sep-30-03 13:22

Today is cardio day. Walked at 4 mph rate for 50 minutes. Everything HURTS from yesterday's workout. :cry: But today's walk was lovely, because I did it on the grounds of a beautiful old estate, which has a variety of paths, some paved, some just packed dirt, some up and down steep stairs, some hills. And the weather is absolutely perfect. :)

RoseTattoo Fri, Oct-03-03 16:36

Another weight training session on Wednesday. Am using heavier weights now, yay! The trainer says I'm doing very well and will tone up quickly. However, my back is beginning to hurt a little, so I think I have to take it more slowly.

Yesterday was cardio day. Three miles on the treadmill and an additional half mile on the track. I have the settings at 4 mph and a 2.0 incline. I actually find the incline easier on my feet.

Today I was planning to lift weights without the trainer, but chickened out. I think I still need LOTS of guidance, lol. So I did my walk instead. New Radiohead CD, this one of B sides. My review: two thumbs down. Definitely prefer OK Computer, although that tape of the 1997 live MTV concert is also terrific. :lol:

RoseTattoo Sat, Oct-04-03 17:41

Raining. Gym closed. So the fallback was my Beginners' Pilates tape, which I haven't done in about a month.

And I'm proud of myself. The last time I tried this tape, I couldn't even do the MODIFIED exercises. Today I did the entire tape, the unmodified way. The weight/strength training is obviously making a big difference. :)

Shadow01 Sun, Oct-05-03 10:20

Yeah RoseTattoo - Isn't it wonderful to realize the improvements you're making?!?! It can be quite the head rush - and do wonders for the self esteem and ego :D!

Sorry you didn't like your new Radiohead CD - I thought you liked everything they did :(. But the walk on the estate grounds sounded marvelous and I'm sure it was thoroughly enjoyed!

Love the weight descriptions :p! I knew what you meant, but for your comfort level, learning the names might be a good thing ;). It'll also be easier to keep track of what you do once you branch off and do it without the trainer being present. Which, BTW, I think it was wise of you to not do the weights on your own until you're more comfortable with them.

You're doing absolutely great, RT - I'm very proud of you :yay: !!! You should mention the back pain to your trainer - she will be able to tell you which moves to modify or lighten up on to relieve the pain.

Hang in there RT - you're doing great and have made wonderful progress thus far :D!!!!

RoseTattoo Sun, Oct-05-03 13:35

Thanks, Shadow! It's always so nice to read what you post--I feel cared for. :) I appreciate your words so much. :rose:

This morning I did try the weights without the trainer. She had written everything down for me, and there was another trainer there to help when I got completely stuck. Which was frequently, since I have no kinetic memory at all. :lol: I felt a tad buffoonish standing there and staring at the weights as if I'd never seen them before, but everyone was very helpful. So I managed to get an almost complete workout--although I did cheat on one of the upper body exercises, in a complete fog over what I was supposed to do. And I avoided the chin up machine since I did't want to fall off it again without the trainer to assist me back on. :lol:

Nope, no Radiohead for me today. The air is getting too chilly for depressing music. I need to find something warm and fuzzy, lol.


Shadow01 Sun, Oct-05-03 13:51

RoseTattoo - Not to worry! In no time at all, you'll have the weight terms and moves down and will be able to zip thru a routine with no assistance needed :). I think if it were me, I'd avoid the chin-up machine at all costs - I never could do those darned things ;).

And, you ARE cared for - that's why I follow you about all over the forum :lol:!

:heart: :wave:

RoseTattoo Thu, Oct-09-03 15:31

Thanks for following me, Shadow. Now if you'd just strt your own journal, I could follow you! :heart:

I'm trying something new with the trainer this week, which is to split up my workouts between upper and lower body exercises. Today was an hour of lower body, interrupted by a fire drill at the gym :lol: , but even so, I liked to died! :p By the time we were done, my legs were moving of their own volition, shaking and quaking and jerking all around, lol. But I've increased the weights and just know I'm getting stronger, slowly but surely. Wht a nice feeling. :)

So, because we couldn't schedule earlier in the week, I'm going back tomorrow for upper body work. It can't be quite as exhausting...can it? :confused:

Shadow01 Thu, Oct-09-03 15:58

Wow - RoseTattoo - an hour of lower body work?!?! Boy - you're going to be feeling it tomorrow :eek:! But that's good, huh? Build those muscles, girl :cheer:! As to the upper body - let's see what tomorrow feels like, huh? I'd hate to psyche you one way or the other. I personally FAR prefer upper body work to lower body, so I would be looking forward to it :)!

Ah - but I do journal already, that's why I don't repeat it here. I have a doc at home with details, a couple of spreadsheets - one for my HRM, one for different workouts & weight sizes - one for my daily intake, etc. I danged near micro-manage myself to death already ;)! And, unfortunately, my workouts wouldn't make much sense to you since I do taped workouts by the Firm, Fit Prime and Cathe.

I am so proud of you for sticking with this!!!!! You are doing a fantastic job - keep up the good work :D!!!!

RoseTattoo Sat, Oct-25-03 12:19

New obsession this week. :wiggle: I've decided to try BFL. It's an amazingly thorough and rigorous workout, IMHO, making what I'd been doing before look relaxing. :lol: Time will tell whether I can keep this up, although so far it's been quite enjoyable. I do miss my daily power walks, but I've been sneaking them in whenever I can. Did one today at moderate speed, because it's a BFL "day off."

Big confusion about what to eat while BFL'ing, however, but Nat's been very helpful. I think it's a bit of trial and error. I took the plunge and ate half an apple today. First apple since beginning low carbing in June. Boy, did it taste divine! :) So NO NUTS of any variety for me today. :nono:

Shadow01 Sat, Oct-25-03 14:41

Hey, RoseTattoo!!! I hope you have a wonderful evening celebrating your anniversary!

I know there are quite a few low-carbers who have done BFL - there used to be a separate thread on the exercise forum here for it. What inspired you to try it? I'm sure you'll do just great at it, though! Is your trainer going to help with it? You have a couple more sessions with her, right?

Nat is such a great wealth of information!!! I wish I could retain even half the knowledge she has - then I'd know something :lol:! I really enjoy reading her posts here - she was gone for a while but I'm so glad she's back.

So many things in life are trial and error! I wish it were all cut and dried - eat this much fat, this much protein, this many carbs, this many calories, do this exercise - and you'll never have to worry about your weight ever. Ah, Utopia, huh?

BFL is quite a bit different than what you've been doing, isn't it? But I do think you get more carbs on it. I had read quite a bit about it sometime ago, so of course I've forgotten it all by now ;)!

I am doing another MAF test tomorrow and then hopefully moving on to the next 4-week phase of ABB. That's my plan, anyway.

I hope you have a marvelous evening, RT! Keep me posted on how you're doing - you know I worry when I don't know what's happening!

Edited to add: Is there such a thing as having an apple without PNB????? I thought they were inseparable ;)!

RoseTattoo Sun, Oct-26-03 09:26

Hi, Shadow. I never mean to make you worry! It's so kind of you to care about my wellbeing. And I feel the same way about you. :)

I'm doing just the exercise part of BFL and am still low-carbing. The only carbs I'm adding are on weight lifting days, where I have a moderate portion of oatmeal or another low glycemic carb right before I go to the gym. I'm also occasionally going to be eating low glycemic fruit, like apples. But otherwise, the WOE is pretty much the same.

Actually, I'm probably going to modify the BFL somewhat. The trainer I work with insists that following the plan to a t will build muscle mass on my legs, where I really don't want it. So I may just do 3 sets of 15 reps at a moderate weight for the leg exercises, and then follow the BFL pyramid style for the arms and back only, where I am very scrawny, lol.

Just got back from the gym this morning and that's exactly what I did, without the trainer, so heaven knows whether I did anything correctly. But it felt so good!

And I really like the HIIT as an adjunct--not a substitute--to the walking I was doing. It's a challenge, and it's over quickly! :lol:

BTW, what's the MAF and ABB you referred to?

So what's new with you, Shadow? How was your treat day? My husband and I did finally celebrate our anniversary (number 27, if you can believe it) b by having dinner out at a Pan-Asian restaurant. He's on Weight Watchers maintenance and did very well for himself. I, on the other hand....(well, everything was ok until the ice cream). :lol:

Take care! Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

Shadow01 Sun, Oct-26-03 11:30

Hey RoseTattoo! So glad you and your DH got to celebrate your anniversary! If you didn't misbehave until dessert time, I think you did just fine ;)! I would have probably counted the whole meal as a right to splurge :nono:!

Sounds like you're built like me - tiny on top but bulking easily on the bottom. It doesn't take me long at all w/ heavy weights to build up my legs and then I need to either scale down the poundage or decrease number of times per week. But nothing seems to help this upper body :rolleyes:. But it sounds to me like you have a good, reasonable thing going with BFL! I'm very impressed with you RT :D!!! And this is a great way to get in some of the carbs you've been missing like fruit! You have come so very far in such short time - you have done me proud, my girl :D!

I'm sure you did just great at the gym, ye of little faith :lol:! You've been doing it long enough now to know the basics so I'm sure you did just fine :)!

I need to optimally quit having my free meal/day - or at least move it to a different day of the week. It's too hard to be motivated to workout on Saturday after a decadent dessert on Friday :rolleyes:. As I said, the *optimal* thing would be to stop altogther, but...I just don't know that I'm woman enough for that :rolleyes:! BUT my treat was very good - le carb ice cream with PNB (of course), sunflower seeds and Da Vinci chocolate sauce :yum:. It would actually have been okay at a much smaller portion size :lol:!

ABB is Aerobic Base Building. It's done in 8 week cycles and I've just finished my second cycle. Nothing above 80% MHR and at least one day of low-intensity. Today I got to move on to the next phase which thankfully is only 4 weeks and one time thru. After that, I can go back to my anaerobic workouts twice a week :yay: ! MAF is Maximum Aerobic Function - a test you perform every three weeks to make sure you're improving aerobically.

Okay, I must be off to do chores... Have a marvelous day, RT - I look forward to hearing from you on how your other session went this week :)!

RoseTattoo Mon, Oct-27-03 06:26

Good morning, Shadow! I've been thinking of you today as I can barely move from my workout of yesterday morning. :) And yes, we do seem to be built similarly--I am really tiny in the shoulders and arms, and have been up to 3 sizes larger on the bottom (but not anymore, I'm proud to say). Your fitness plan intrigues me--can you tell me more about it? And I'm quite impressed that you have the self-discipline to do this all at home. If I don't force myself to go to the gym, I get nothing accomplished--I need the motivation of other people sweating and grunting to get me going. :lol:

It's funny that you say you might have to move your treat night. I find that having the treat is the one thing that motivates me to do even more exercise the next day. Just a guilt-ridden soul, I guess. :) And your treat doesn't sound like too much to me--it seems just right. :lol: Last night I had a bit of the Breyer's low carb ice cream. It doesn't taste good enough to finish the carton in one sitting, which is a marvelous thing. But it's nice for a small refreshment.

Anyway, today is HIIT and abs day, except that it's pouring out, which rules out an outside session, and I may not have time to get to the gym. So it certainly won't be a morning workout.

Take care, and let me know how your day goes, please. :)

Shadow01 Mon, Oct-27-03 07:07

Hey, RT :D! Very good morning here on my end. The time change just does wonders for me - 4AM isn't nearly so early now :lol:!

Hmmm - good old DOMs, huh? But doesn't it feel good to know that you worked hard and your muscles know it? Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment, though ;)! Some people do need the gym to get motivated - I'm just lucky I don't like people and want no one to see me grunt and sweat :D!

Well, normally I do feel more inspired to exercise after treat night - except now I really suffer from those extra carbs and just want to stay in bed and hide my head under the pillow in shame, ya know? Back when I ate high carb, I felt like crap all the time so it didn't matter. Now I can really tell the difference. Does that make sense? I'm so glad that you don't think I did too poorly with my treat - but I failed to mention the *quantities* involved :lol:!

I know exactly what you mean about different sizes on top and bottom! Very irritating when things come in sets... What would you like to know about my fitness plan? This latest thing with ABB is pretty lengthy - I'll mull it over in my mind and find a condensed version to e-mail you - then if you have more questions I can go into more details. How's that sound? Or if I can get it really condensed, I'll post it here. But you know me - I am a very wordy person :lol:!

Okay, my friend, I must zip for now. Felt so energetic this morning that I did some extra on my workout and now am a little behind. I hope you have a marvelous day and I'll be in touch :)! Am still waiting to hear how your other session went this week ;).

RoseTattoo Wed, Oct-29-03 15:34

Midway through my second week of BFL. And boy, am I glad it's midway and not the beginnning, lol! This is a real commitment, of time and energy. But it's worth it, I think, in that it gives me a discipline and a focus. :)

Had a decent but not grand weight lifting session yesterday. For some reason I was quite tired, and pooped out after about 45 minutes, with the ab work not quite complete. But then did a lovely 10 minutes of relaxing stretches. And rushed home to eat Smarties, drink a protein shake, and submerge myself in my bubble bath. :lol:

Woke up this morning also very tired, and I told myself that instead of HIIT I could just do some moderate pace aerobic walking. But once I hit the treadmill, the lure of the challenge (or is it the guilt??) was just too strong. I was really worn out by the third cycle, and probably didn't quite hit a 10 during the fourth. But I did finish, and then walked comfortably for another 10 minutes or so.

Tina (the trainer) is really ramping up the weights tomorrow--she's already warned me, lol. So I'd better get a good night's sleep tonight. :D

I bought a pair of skin tight hip hugging jeans over the weekend, too. Who says I have to act my age? :lol:

Shadow01 Fri, Nov-07-03 16:57

Hi RoseTatoo :D! Jeez, it's been a while - how are you doing? Miss "chatting" with you! Hope all is well :)! :heart:

RoseTattoo Sat, Apr-17-04 13:25

OK, here starts the incredibly boring and repetitious BFL gym log, not to be responded to unless you have a lot of time on your hands. :D

I've just ended week 1/2 of BFL challenge 1. Even though it wasn't a full week, I'm counting it as the first week for consistency.

Sunday: UB workout, futzing around. But did a pretty thorough workout.

Monday: JCC closed.

Tuesday: I forget what I did, lol. Oh yes, the JCC was closed, and I had to go to the Y, and the equipment was nasty and I didn't like being in the basement with the heating pipes hanging overhead, so I did 40 min. of moderate cardio. :D

Wednesday: First official day, LB workout, but didn't make a record. I recall that I have to raise the weights on the leg press, 50 was too low for the set of 6. Have to learn lunges better, too, since I can't always count on getting a machine. Abs need to be more challenging--maybe raise weight.

Thursday: 20 MAS. Used perverse EFX with very high resistance setting. : Don't use that one again. :D Hit 10, maybe 20. :p Strung out for rest of day.

Friday: UB workout. Bonked on shoulders--don't use machine, use freeweights instead. Don't even try to raise weights for 6. :eek: Everything else was reasonably ok, given that UB is pitifully weak.

Saturday: 20 MAS. Used much nicer EFX machine. Use that one again. Not sure about hitting 10, but 9 isn't bad. Don't feel like cripple today. :p

RoseTattoo Sun, Apr-18-04 13:40

25 min.moderate cardio--it's my free day.

Shadow01 Sun, Apr-18-04 13:55

Hmmm - not much of a "free" day if you're exercising, huh :lol:???

RoseTattoo Mon, Apr-19-04 11:01

Just knew you'd say that, Shadow! :D

It's apparently ok to do an extra couple of moderate cardios per week, according to one BFL guru. And since I like that advice, I trust that guy. :D

Today was LB and it was ok except for the hamstring part, which was done entirely with free weights. I can't do lunges without falling over, lol, so that part didn't go very well. The other hamstring exercise was a straight leg deadlift, which I *think* I executed properly, except maybe I was rounding my back a little too much. Need to focus on looking ahead, not down. It would help to find an exercise to substitute for those dratted lunges. :D

Quads are fine, did really really well on the leg press (45 on each thingie) and higher on the leg extension than I've ever gone (40). I think next time I can go even heavier. Calves were ok, mine are for some reason unusually strong, so neither exercise was a problem. Abs were fairly easy--I think I need to find a more challenging exercise.

Worked out on an empty stomach and didn't throw up or pass out, so I guess I'll do that again. :D

Tomorrow is my favorite, 20 MAS (HIIT), and then Wednesday I have to figure out what to do about having weight lifting and Pilates on the same day. :eek:

Shadow01 Mon, Apr-19-04 11:33

RT - How are the hamstring deadlifts done? Until your balance improves on the lunges, you should either do them with NO weights or do them as stationary lunges. Some find dips to be easier than lunges if you would like to try those instead :). But even if you go for the dips, do them with NO weights too until you get your balance. It's very easy to tear your knee doing these with weights and no balance!

Glad you survived doing it on an empty stomach :p! I've done it for years and trust me, it's not fatal ;). It may not be for everyone, but I couldn't imagine doing it any other way!

The abs are probably easy for you because of all the Pilates you've been doing :).

Take it easy on that HIIT tomorrow! We don't want you feeling like you've been hit run over by a steam roller :lol!

RoseTattoo Tue, Apr-20-04 16:34

OK, slight change in plans. I did UB instead of HIIT today because I didn't want to do UB on the same day as Pilates (tomorrow).

Chest: machine chest press, weight range of 1 to 2.5. Tried a set of 4 at 3, but only got 2 reps. Last set of 12 at 2.5. Dumbell bench press, X12 at 10.

Back: Wide grip lat pulldown, range from 2.5 to 4. At 4, form was off, so lower next time. Last set of 12 at 3. One arm dumbbell press, X12 at 12. Go heavier next time.

Shoulders: Seated dumbbell press, range from 5-12. Last set of 12 at 10. Bent over raises, X12 at 5. Form is way off. :( So fatigued that even 5 was a problem. :(

Biceps: Seated dumbbell curl, range from 7.5 to 12. Last set of 12 at 10. Incline dumbbell curl, X12 at 8. This was fine, assuming I was doing things right. :rolleyes:

Triceps: Crash and burn! Bench dips, who knows if I was using right form. Extensions, same problem.

I'm not sure I have the stamina to do all five exercises in one day. Anyway, improvement today in the way the chest and back went, also shoulders for the most part. Think I have the size of weights right.

Shadow01 Tue, Apr-20-04 16:47

RT - You're doing great, girl :D! And remember - a couple reps done with good form is much more advantageous than many reps with poor form :). Give yourself time to adjust to these new exercises and to learn them - nothing worth knowing comes automatically :). When your form starts slipping, it's time to stop. In no time at all you'll be cranking out the sets on each - but if you push it too soon, you'll get frustrated, possibly injure yourself and burn out. How about just setting a goal of just one set of each exercise with 8 - 12 reps? Then if you're sailing right along, you can add another set. And you can always re-direct your focus: for example, chest and shoulders on Monday, lower body Tuesday, biceps and triceps Wednesday, and so on. Rearrange the workouts however it takes to work for you :). You can always change it in the future as you get stronger and feel more at ease with the program ;).

But hang in there - you're doing a wonderful job :heart:!

RoseTattoo Wed, Apr-21-04 14:28

Thanks, Shadow! I always appreciate your advice!

Progress ground to a halt today, as I tried to do Pilates and HIIT on the same day. Obviously a stupid mistake on my part. I got through 10 minutes of the HIIT and quit. I *may* attempt it tonight, or I may just chalk it up to experience. Anyway, the Pilates felt GREAT--just what my sore muscles needed. :)

Shadow01 Wed, Apr-21-04 15:18

I think chalking it up to experience sounds like a winner :D!!! You can exercise again tomorrow - you don't need to do it all today ;).

RoseTattoo Thu, Apr-22-04 10:45

Thanks, Shadow. :)

Today just a little cardio--honest. :D 30 min. moderate pace on the EFX, average hr 137, max hr 154.

Then did a bunch of situps while complaining to Tina about my cholesterol results, lol.

Shadow01 Thu, Apr-22-04 11:02

Okay - I guess that's not so bad :p!

RoseTattoo Sat, Apr-24-04 17:03

Friday, LB workout. I don't feel like reproducing the numbers, but it was a good one. :D My legs are getting strong. Wish I could say the same for my UB, lol.

Saturday, 20 MAS (HIIT). Except it was only 18 minutes and not much of a solution, as I fagged out during the final 9 and 10. :D

Did I mention how much I detest the 20 MAS??? :D

Tomorrow is a free day. Right now I am baking bread. :D

Shadow01 Sat, Apr-24-04 18:14

Hey RT :). What's MAS?

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