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VanCityGrl Mon, Sep-22-03 14:39

Calling all couch potatos -- From couch to 5K!
Do you know you should be exercising regularly, but dont't?

Do you have a hard time motivating yourself to get moving?

Do you wish you were able to jog a few miles or kilometres without huffing and puffing?

If you've answered yes to the above, I challenge you to join me in the "couch to 5K" running plan. You alternate periods of walking with periods of jogging, gradually increasing the ratio of jogging as you progress. If you follow the schedule, you can be running 3 miles or 5K in 9 weeks.

Check out the plan at: You just need to print off the schedule and start moving!

Does anyone want to join me? We can post our progress here, and offer words of encouragement, suggestions, etc.

Who's up for the challenge?

JenofWi Tue, Sep-23-03 11:50

Ok. I'm game. I tried to run a couple of months ago but then went out of town for a week, slacked off for a week after that and then it was like starting from scratch. It was disheartening. I'm willing to try again.
I'll start tomorrow morning. Yeesh.

VanCityGrl Tue, Sep-23-03 18:08

Hi Jen,

I'm glad I'm not doing this solo. I know what you mean about trying to get back into it. I actually did this plan about a year ago, got to week 6, and then fell off the wagon.

When I tried it last year though, I could barely make it through the first run. I think I only ran half of it. Even after slacking off for so long, when I started back up yesterday I was able to finish the whole thing.

Hopefully you will also find it's pretty easy to pick up where you left off, or at least not tooo far behind!

Good luck tomorrow!

JenofWi Thu, Sep-25-03 13:55

Well. I ran yesterday. It was harder than I thought it would be. But I did do it. I always feel like patting myself on the back after I run.
How do you keep track of the time? I ran around a track and tried to use the clocks they had there to keep track but it was a little challenging. I don't have a watch with a second hand.
I did like the fact that because I was concentrating so much on the seconds I didn't watch the minutes very closely.
I'll run tomorrow morning, too. I think I'll actually call next week my first week since it'll be my first whole week.
Which week are you on?

VanCityGrl Thu, Sep-25-03 19:28

Well done! I think there are two options you can choose on the website--run for time or run for distance. I use time because I use the treadmill at the gym--I can set the time and the speed.

If you are running on a track, it might be easier to go by distance (so your not constantly checking your watch). For week one, just make your walk intervals one and a half times as far.

I think, when we get stronger/faster and are, say, running 5 min, walking 5 minutes, using a watch would be easier.

I just started on Monday, so I am on day 2, week 1.

Take care!

JenofWi Fri, Sep-26-03 17:49

Thanks. I ran again today. I was thinking about doing distance instead of time, but it went a little better today. I'll think I'll stick with time.
I think I'll just start my weeks on Wednesday since that's when I started. How's it going for you?

VanCityGrl Sat, Sep-27-03 11:08

I think I pulled something the other day, and so I am going to have to miss my run. I don't want to end up doing more damage.

Hope things are going better for you.

JenofWi Sun, Sep-28-03 08:46

I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you recover quickly! Let me know how it goes. I plan to run again on Monday. Have a good weekend - rest up!

JenofWi Tue, Sep-30-03 10:29

How are you doing? Do you feel better?

Candles Tue, Sep-30-03 10:44

Hi JenofWi and VanCityGrl, are you looking for more members here? If so do you mind if I join in? Please let me know. I just starting going to the gym and working out on the treadmill walking and running, thought this would be great for me. Look forward to hearing from you to.

lots of luck


JenofWi Wed, Oct-01-03 11:01

Hi Candles.
Please join in - the more the merrier.
I ran today, it was the beginning of my second week.
I've added the challenge web site to my favorites. That seems to help.
Let us now how you are progressing!

Candles Wed, Oct-01-03 15:36

Thank you JenofWi, tonight is gym night for me so I will let you everyone know how that all goes..... I am going to check out

Thanks again post soon:)


JenofWi Sat, Oct-04-03 18:59

Hi. I ran on Friday and it went well. Monday will be my last day to do the beginning "light" runs. On Wednesday I start the next phase.
I just looked at Cool Runnings again and realized that I was running for five minutes too long. Oh well. Maybe that will make the next part easier.

How's it going for you?

Candles Mon, Oct-06-03 08:31

Good Morning all today is Monday 10-6 hope everyone is doing well. Had a great weekend. And today I weighed in since I started my venture and I have lost 7 pounds I was shocked but happy:). Let me know how you guys are doing. Hope to hear from you soon.


JenofWi Tue, Oct-07-03 05:48

Congratulations!! That's great. My weight loss has really slowed. It's still coming off though. I had a really busy day yesterday and couldn't run. I'm going to run today.
How are your runs going?

Candles Tue, Oct-07-03 15:00

Thank you JenofWi let me know how you are doing.

Love Candles

JenofWi Thu, Oct-09-03 06:58

Hi, The runs are going well. I really need new shoes! My shins hurt even though I stretch. My shoes are old and I'm pretty sure it's their fault. I have to wait until the end of next week when my husband gets paid.

VanCityGirl will you ever come back? How are you?

Candles what point fo the plan are you on?

Hope you are all doing well!

Candles Fri, Oct-10-03 08:57

JenofWi, I am still in induction stage. Hope everyone has a great weekend......Had visitors all week very hectic wasnt able to go to the gym so it looks like I will get back on track starting Monday :yay:

Love Candles :)

Candles Tue, Oct-21-03 14:47

Where is everyone here? There hasn't been any activity......

Hope to hear from everyone here and that everything is doing GREAT!!!!

love Candles:)

JenofWi Fri, Oct-24-03 18:16

Hi. Had to take a week off as my daughter had a nasty cold and I couldn't take her to the health club day care. I started again today at the beginning of week three. The second three minute run was kinda tough but I got through it. I've been listening to "Flood" by They Might be Giants. Have you ever heard of them? They a really fun band. I was listening to disco before. "I Will Survive" is great to run to.
Are you doing the cool runnings program? When I asked which part of the program ou were on that's what I was referring to.
I hope you are doing well.

JenofWi Mon, Nov-24-03 19:26

Ok. I know no one is doing this with me anymore but today I ran for twenty minutes straight. That's like 2 MILES!!!!
I'm really proud of myself.

:yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay: :yay: Yay Jen :yay:

Kayakker Mon, Dec-01-03 17:41

Hey Jen!!

I started the Couch to 5k about 3 weeks ago!! I didn't know there was a thread for it :)

My dd had some minor surgery on her foot and as caretaker my routine has been abbreviated....but I am still working the program.

Congrats on your 20 mins. that is awesome!!

Hope you keep it up...and if you have already given up..then let's get motivated again!!


korry1977 Mon, Dec-01-03 18:37


ok this must be the thread... Duh! :doah: well I gonna start this program tommorow...

have a good one everyone,

JenofWi Thu, Dec-04-03 08:37

Hey. I'm so glad this is active again!!!!!!!
I was supposed to start the 25 minutes runs on Monday but this week has been freakishly busy. I can start - right where I left off - on Monday. I really like this program. There were a couple of runs when I thought I would stop running early. I kept up every time, though and felt so proud of myself.
I never thought I'd be able to run, much less start running at 35. Sorry I lost track of this challenge thread. I'm so glad you're both here. Tell me how it is going for you both.

Kayakker Thu, Dec-04-03 09:11

Hi Ya'll~

Still going slow here! But Jen, I am sooo glad to hear that you have been keeping up with the program...even with a few glitches. This time of year it is murder to keep up a program, let me tell ya!

korry1977 Thu, Dec-04-03 09:12

I finished the first workout tuesday... plan to do #2 today... seemed alright... the longest I ever ran was 14 miles... 2 years ago... took me about 3 hours to do... LOL... still a beginner...

korry1977 Sat, Dec-06-03 12:28

jogging today 1st week w/o 3

JenofWi Wed, Dec-10-03 18:55

Yikes. What a week. I think it's getting better (knocking wood!). My daughter has been too sick to go to the gym's day care. I think we'll make it in on Friday, though.
This is the longest I've gone without running since I started and I hope it won't be too tough. I plan on doing 25 minutes even though I've taken almost 2 weeks off.
How is everyone else holding up?

Kayakker Wed, Dec-10-03 21:14

Going good here! Just came in from a late evening run in the pouring rain. Whoo hoo. Now I feel like a real runner!!

Jen I did okay after a break...seemed like I picked right up where I left off!!

korry1977 Fri, Dec-12-03 12:26

Last night:

ran for 5 min, with 4 min breaks in between for 30 mins...

sprinted 2 x 50 yards...

After I did those sprints... was literally gasping for airs...

I miss that feeling... lol... reminds me of what I came here for and what I need to do!

here is jogging routine I am doing now:

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