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jaybird Tue, Sep-09-03 14:31

Breastfeeding mothers...
Hi ladies, I am looking for other breastfeeding mothers on this forum. I'm starting this thread for any mom who is nursing their baby. I would love to hear what low carb plan you are doing, how low carb you are going while breastfeeding, and if you find it easier or harder to lose wieght right now.

I'm finding it slightly harder to lose weight overall. I lost 8 lbs in August, and haven't lost any this month yet. Feel free to check out my journal and comment on anything you notice that could help me (Jaybird's Digest).

Well, my baby is sleeping on me in his sling right now. I'm going to attempt to put him down to finish his nap while I do pilates. Looking forward to hearing from more breastfeeding moms!

champion67 Thu, Sep-11-03 13:23

I'm a nursing Mom on PP

I'm a nursing mother of a 9 month old. I started at 55-65 carbs and dropped gradually to 30-40 carbs in about a month. My daughter is taking a lot of solids plus some formula now as I wanted to slooowly wean her. I haven't noticed any milk reduction, but if I'm under 30 carbs she seems to get cranky and I tire more easily. I'm following Protein Power. The weight loss has been moderate. I've lost about 10-12 lbs in 5 weeks. I just figure even if it's slow, it's better than gaining or even staying where I am. Even 1 lb/week is 52 lbs in a year! I try not to get frustrated or hurried, but as you know with human nature, sometimes I do. Best of luck to you. Keep me posted.


champion67 Thu, Sep-11-03 13:28


I notice we have almost the same stats too.

jaybird Thu, Sep-11-03 17:15

Wow that's right, our stats are very similar.

I did pilates the other nite, and I need to do it again today because I didn't do it yesterday. It's really rough on my back if I'm not careful. I know it will get easier as I lose more weight.

I also noticed if I go too low carb Jakob seems cranky too. I've been staying between 50-75 grams of carbs. I think I need to stick closer to 50 to see my weight come off faster. I've also eliminated fruit for a while and am sticking to veggies for my carbs. I did finally see a pound come off this month..that was after eliminating diet rite and atkins bars. I need to try not to weigh myself every day...I guess that's the downfall of having your own scale. I think I would be less stressed if I weighed once a week instead.

Gosh, the baby is sleeping so I guess I need to peel myself from the chair and do some pilates again.

champion67 Thu, Sep-11-03 22:07


I love how you spell Jakob. How old is your little one? I've been sticking mostly to veggies too. Occasionally a strawberry or two in my salad is a great treat (adds a lot of flavor). Our bodies need more calories anyway so we do have one advantage there. Just don't get too tired or run down. The weight will come off. Hey, I figure I didn't get fat overnight, so I won't get thin overnight either. Weighing once a week works well for me. I don't own a scale and I'm not going to buy one. I weigh at my Mom's on Tuesdays. I have a pilates tape too and it's ok, but I might try Windsor Pilates next. Rebekah doesn't like it if she's not the center of attention constantly, and she's not a good sleeper either.

Today was the first day that I had a blow out per say. I ate a sub sandwich, but I don't feel guilty because I've done so well sticking to the program this far. I'll get right back on in the morning with LC breakfast. I'm very careful not to stray becasue cravings will bombard me then. I'm so hungry now a couple hours later, because of the bread!! Yuck.


jaybird Sun, Sep-14-03 00:48

That's cool how you spell Rebekah, I love that. Somehow I think the letter k makes the name so much stronger (for Jakob too).

I've decided I won't weigh myself until the end of this month. We'll see if I actually stick with the decision.

This weekend I treated myself to rum and coke (diet rite). Not very much of course since I'm still breastfeeding, it was just nice to have something "bad". A splash of coconut rum gave my diet drink a nice flavor. Usually I would treat myself to a glass of wine once in a while, but it's too carby for me right now.

I'm feeling better and better on this diet. My cravings for sweets are so much less than they used to be. My fruit of choice has been blueberries with a little bit of table cream (no sugar added). It's pretty good. Today I indulged a little and made a low carb dessert of chocolate mousse made with heavy whipping cream and instant cocoa mix sweetened with splenda. It was so easy to make and I loved it, and so did our guests..10 carbs for one serving, not bad. I try not to use too much splenda because it's still artificial, but it's nice to have some indulgences.

Jakob had two bottom teeth, and now FOUR teeth are coming in on top. Ouch, once in a while he bites me when I feed him, but I think what I'm doing is working. When he does it I pull him into me so he has to let go to breathe, and he's starting to learn pretty quickly.

I was just looking at your goal for Christmas, that's a good goal. My goal is 178, but I really need to step up the exercise if I'm gonna get there. The Windsor Pilates cd's I have a re great, but they are really hard! And I'm being way too inconsistent. I only did one 20 min workout all week. I have to be careful because it seems to be hard on my back. Some of the modified versions I can't even do..but I do what I can. I figure if I just keep doing what I can, eventually I'll be able to do more.

About your blow out, I did something similar. I had some kumiss (yogurt drink) that I wanted to finish so it wouldn't go bad. It had a little sugar in it. My carbs went a little over a hundred for the day from that..I had two cups of it. And I also got the hungry feeling soon after...and got a sore throat too, wierd huh? I'm becoming so more in tune with my body.

Rebekah likes to be the center of attention, I understand. Lately Jakob has been the same way..he just constantly wants me right there. So it is very hard to work out, especially when he is teething too. Well, I worked out once this week, so my goal next week is to work out twice.

Let's keep each other updated, this is kool (with a k , lol).

jaybird Sun, Sep-14-03 09:45

It doesn't seem to matter that I decide not to weigh myself...when I wake up in the morning and I see the scale, I just decide, "Hey, why not?" Next time I say I'm not gonna weigh myself until so and so time, just laugh, cause it seems likes it's just a joke, haha!

Well, this AM I am 205..down another pound. And even better than body fat percentage is down a whopping 2% from the beginning of this month. I suppose even the inconsistent exercise is better than none at all and I must be building some muscle.

Well, gotta go...gonna be at my mom's today babysitting my brother Luke (10), doing laundry, etc. I think I will take a swim at my mom's....

champion67 Sun, Sep-14-03 13:43


Ooooh teeth ouch. Rebekah still doesn't have teeth yet. I know that some babies start as early as 4 months. She used to clamp down and "bite", but she doesn't seem to do that as often any more. We'll see when the teeth finally come in though.

The 183 goal is due to the Christmas challenge that I joined shortly after coming to this board. Checking in keeps me on track so much better. The thread starter challenged 25 lbs by Christmas. I had already lost 8 so I thought the 25 was a good goal. I too don't exercise with any regularity. It's so nice here today in WI that maybe my older kids and I will take a bike ride. I fixed my bike wheel the other day and so now I have no excuse. It has been a scorcher here in the midwest for the past 3 months and drought too. I have bad allergies and asthma so I'm hoping with the rain the past 2 days, some of the dust and pollen has settled.

I too don't like to use Splenda a whole lot. I'm trying to get away from artificial sweeteners for the most part. I won't touch aspartame and Splenda gives me a headache. I've been fortunate that sugar alcohols haven't bothered me. I ordered some stevia max 80 from Canada a week ago, but I haven't gotten it yet. It is suppose to have no aftertaste. I've been using regular white stevia in some things, but it is nasty with unsweetened chocolate. The bitterness of the two just doesn't mix well. I'll keep you posted on how the new stuff is. It wasn't too expensive either considering 1/32nd of a teaspoon (or 48 drops of liquid) is as sweet as a cup of sugar.

I've been doing a lot of recipe experimenting. In fact there are several people that would like me to do a LC carry out for lunches. I'm tossing the idea up and I guess if it's meant to be the doors will open. I was thinking that I could work 10-2 or something and only do carry out so I don't have the tables & serving to mess with.

I have made some outrageous Peanut butter silk. My husband and kids love it and I took it to a party and everyone liked it there too, and they weren't LCing. I seem to have a knack with the desserts. The bread products are still in progress. I have some "acceptable" recipes for rolls that I could do sandwiches on. I might just do Christmas goodies and sell them by the plate to see what response I get.

I'm really glad that we found each other for encouragement. It's fun to find someone with similar stats/situation/ and lifestyle choices.


jaybird Sun, Sep-14-03 15:07

I will have to try the Stevia max, but I think first I will wait and see how you like it. I also have been experimenting with stevia because Splenda also gives me headaches and does things to my stomach as well. And I totally agree with it being a horrible mix with unsweetened chocolate...I tried making lc peanut butter cups with it...yuck.

I ended up sitting in the pool with Jakob, not swimming. I forgot to bring his floaty that he can sit in and I was going to push him around while I swam. Instead I just sat on the steps with him...and the water was a little too chilly for him so we were only out there for five minutes. It was nice to get some sun and soak though.

Yes, the encouragement is great and we share much in common.

Hope you enjoy your walk today.

aidawedo Mon, Sep-15-03 08:38

It really works
I am nursing an 8 month old, and occasionally a two year old - they both eat solid food and take bottles, so nursing is only for "comfort." They don't seem to mind it, but they aren't depending on it, either. When i started Atkins at about 25-30 carbs/day my milk dropped off almost immediately. I am also exercising, something I couldn't do as much when I was nursing more regularly. Most important, I really started to lose weight. It really does work, but it seems that at least for me, my milk lost too in the end.

I just wanted to say that it was a hard decision, but I had to do this for me! And I feel great now!


jaybird Mon, Sep-15-03 10:35

Jakob does eat some solids, but only a few tablespoons a day..and he nurses about every 2-3 hrs during the day, and every 4-5 hrs at nite. I'm really not pushing the solids too much as formula or breastmilk is really all they need for the first year, and I really enjoy my nursing relationship with him. If my carbs are too low my milk decreases also so for now I just don't go that low. Around 50-60 carbs a day is good for me and him. My weight loss may be a little slower, but I will be patient. And really my weight loss hasn't been that slow....10 pounds in six weeks is a nice steady wieght loss.

champion67 Mon, Sep-15-03 11:45

Hello again,

I didn't get my bike ride in yesterday like I thought I might. The day seemed to get away from me after all. That seems to happen so often. I do "dance" with Rebekah to her baby dance CD, so I guess I should count that as something. My clothes are starting to fit better. I weigh tomorrow and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I could step on the scale at the dr. too as she has a check up tomorrow, but I think I'll just stick to the scale I've been using. When Rebekah goes in for her 1 year check I'll jump on the dr.'s scale. It ALWAYS weighs more! I'm hoping to be 25 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight by then. My dr. is a GP so he's mine too. I hope he notices then. He has never said anything about my weight, but I would think that he would feel that it's healthier to lose some at this point. Silly to want my dr.'s approval??? It would be nice if my hubby noticed too. I suppose he will as more comes off. He's not one to say though. He has never complained whether I'm a size 9 or 18. He's great that way. I guess he truly loves me, not just what I look like. Well I better get something done as baby is napping.


jaybird Mon, Sep-15-03 20:18

Hey, dancing is great exercise! That definitely counts for something. And if your clothes are fitting better that's definitely a good sign. I'm lucky to have a great hubbie who also loves me no matter what my size. He's doing Atkins as well, and that helps too (he gained weight with me while I was pregnant).
I got out for a nice walk this evening along with my friend and her twin boys who are almost two. We walked for about an hour. So, I feel good about my exercise for the day.
Although ultimately you really don't need approval from anyone, it sure is nice when someone notices something I know what you mean. That's cool you have a GP doc. I would really like to have a family doctor so we could all just go at the same time.
Well, Jakob is fast asleep and I'm heading to the kitchen to do dishes. Good night.

champion67 Mon, Sep-15-03 21:00


Well I did get out for my bike ride tonight with my older daughterl. My son rode along with his skateboard. We had a really fun time. I'd rather get in my exercise that way then an aerobics tape or something. The pilates I have isn't too hard if I watch the beginner exercises. I just have a hard time sticking with the same thing over and over.

I just finished dishes too. My hubby usually does them, but he took the baby downstairs to watch TV. I don't know why, there's not much on these days anyway. I'm not into a lot of TV. I do like HGTV though. I love to watch "This Old House" and programs on older homes. I also like the landscaping programs. Soon here we won't be worrying about landscaping. We'll be shoveling instead in a couple months. Well maybe not. The past two years we only had a couple of snowfalls per year. That's probably why we're in a drought now.

Well I'm going to check out my other threads. I see you're still on. Have a great night!


jaybird Tue, Sep-16-03 21:59

Well, I've been feeling awful with a cold today. Didn't do any exercise. Just moping around the house and comforting Jakob who is almost done cutting his top four teeth...just one left, and that should probably be through by morning. I'm exhausted, going to bed very soon after I write in my wieght loss journal.

champion67 Tue, Sep-16-03 23:09

Sorry to hear about your cold.:there:
I had one last week too and it's been lingering still a little. I'm very tired the past few days and my carbs have been in the 30's. I think I'm going to up them to around 50 again. I didn't lose anything going this low so what's the point of feeling lousy if I can get good results at 50 or so? I hope you're feeling better soon.

jaybird Wed, Sep-17-03 18:30

Oh, thank you (and what a cute icon). My sweetie Jakob let me take a 2.5 hour nap today (he slept right along with me)...and I have been feeling somewhat better. Sleep really does wonders. My hubbie on the other hand just called me and he is coming home early from work with a now I'll have another baby to take care of
Today I weighed in at 203.6! My carb level has been between 50-75grams a day and it seems to be just fine for weight loss. My exercise is somewhat consistent. I did take a fifteen minute walk to the store today with Jakob in his sling. I think I will use my free weights tonite and do some curls.

champion67 Wed, Sep-17-03 19:05

Good evening,

That's great that you're little guy sleeps so long. My Rebekah is a cat napper. She doesn't sleep well ever. Not days or nights. I read that it can affect weight loss if you're not getting your proper rest. Maybe that's why I stall sometimes. I have been so faithful for 6 weeks except two days I had higher carbs. Like today I had 91 which is way more than usual. But I wouldn't call it a full blowout where I just don't care at all. I've been craving cinnamon rolls since I started. I found out that they have 182 carbs!! Someday when I want to have a full blowout day that's what I'll have. For the most part I can resist cravings. I know that if I give in, I feel bloated and just plain yuck. That keeps me on track. Plus I have seen the scale move.

I was so frustrated yesterday. I weighed at the dr's office even thought I said I wouldn't. That scale was over 6 lbs heavier. I'm going to go with my Mom's scale even though it's probably not accurate. Just to measure pound per pound progress though it will be fine. I figure it's the one I've been using ans to compare several different scales could drive a person crazy.

The weather here was beautiful today, but very windy. Not quite as windy as the Bahamas though!:lol: Are you seeing any effects of the hurricane?

Well my son needs to study spelling so I will check back later.


jaybird Wed, Sep-17-03 23:49

Not really any effects of the hurrican over here, no. It's actually been nicer than usual, less rain and not as hot. It had been a bit breezy...very nice walking weather.
Yeah, that long nap isn't the norm. I was surprised (happily).
Wow, 182 carbs for a cinnamon roll...but that sounds very yummy. Definitely a good choice for a carb blow-out. Probably my blow-out carb of choice would be chocolate or icecream, those are my two favorite bad carbs. I'm really not craving things much, but I just really enjoy those two things immensely. When I do crave chocolate I'll get an Atkins Advantage bar or Endulge. On my one year wedding anniversary I am planning to really cheat though, when we take the top tier of our wedding cake out of the freezer to eat (that's going to be in November).
Oh gosh, I know how you feel about the scales being different. Back in July I had used my mom's scale and compared to the one I was using at the grocery store I had weighed a lot less...turns out hers was inaccurate. I finally just bought a scale so I would always the same readings.
All four of Jakob's top teeth have poked through now. He is biting much less today thank goodness.
Well, I'm up late again, I've been bad about staying up until 2-3am lately. Catch you later.

jaybird Thu, Sep-25-03 19:27

Haven't written here in a while. What a long week it's been. Jakob has been wanting me a lot since he teeth are coming through so quickly he is fussy especially for the last part of the day. Went to the Florida Aquarium on Monday, went to my brother-in-law's bday part on Tuesday and cheated by eating a piece of birthday cake. Wednesday I took Jakob to the park and met other mom's and babies/kids for a play group (he went on a swing for the first time). Today I did laundry all day at my mom's (she lets me do it at her house since I live in an apartment comlex). I had way too many carbs today..i had fruit plus I had some potatos at my mom's. Yes, I was bad this week. My weight has been hovering between 204-206 all week. I know I just need to get disciplined again about my carbs. And of course, exercise. I did get a nice walk at the Florida Aquarium. I did some weights yesterday and today, and today also did some callinetics exercises..they are much easier for me right now than the pilates.
Well, hope things are going well for you.

champion67 Fri, Sep-26-03 19:18


It's been a long week for me too. My older kids were off school Wed. so we went to the River museum in Dubuque, IA. It was really cool! It's in partnership with the Smithsonian. Pretty impressive for the midwest! Nothing like Florida aquariums though. We spent 6 hours there so I got my walking in that day too.

Rebekah got her first tooth Tuesday. She's been really crabby today too. I think the other upper is coming in. I gave her some Tylenol. I hope it helps her feel better. I feel so helpless when I can't comfort her.

I've been "ok" with carbs but not great. We've eaten out more than usual so I haven't seen the scale move the past two weeks. I do have a sliver of bread and a bite of dessert when we go. I guess it's still better than I used to be. I've been frustrated and still craving a cinnamon roll. One of these days I'll just go ahead and get it and be done with it. I've noticed if I eat anything with sugar in it I get a buzz. Even a bite of a candy bar. So that deters me from the roll. It would shock my system waaaaay too much.

Well it was great hearing from you again.

Talk to you soon,

jaybird Sat, Sep-27-03 20:10

Okay, I was really bad yesterday. My mother in law made chicken curry with rice with texas toast and for dessert brownies and cookies. I indulged in it all. I felt awful later! Bloated and sick to my stomach. Today I have just stuck with meat to get myself back on track. I'm feeling much better already. I didn't dare weigh myself today.

Jakob has four new teeth and we think he is cutting more...I can't beleive it! So he has been pretty crabby.

Well, nothing else new really. Just got myself through the week and now I'm just enjoying the weekend. Had lamb chops for breakfast and steak for lunch and dinner. I think I will have a salad too.

So Rebekah got her first tooth...which one? And yes I can totally sympathize how you feel when you can't comfort your little baby. I know! THere's been a lot of that this week for me too. We just have to hang in there and just be there for them. Jakob bit me a few times! He hasn't for the last day or two at least.

champion67 Sat, Sep-27-03 20:56


I had my first official "carb blow out" day! I indulged in everything too. Remember I kept saying the cinnamon roll....Wellll I decided to have one and be done with it. But I made a whole day of it! I had brats on the buns (yes more than one), fries, and BBQ pork. Oh and a regular soda and frozen custard. Wow I wouldn't even want to KNOW how many carbs I had today. But the funny thing is I don't feel guilty at all becasue I have gone nearly two months with very little cheating. Surprisingly I didn't get bloated. Right back on tomorrow AM. The one thing I really notice though is how hungry I am when I'm not eating low carb. I could've ate a horse today! At least the horse would be low carb!!:lol: Sorry that was gross. I think the sugar has affected my brain! I got another LC cookbook today that I ordered. I now have 4 with one more on the way. The neat thing that it says is that having a base to return to is better than not having a base at all. Therefore when we have an occasional off day, and we will, that we have our guidelines to get right back on. If I never have a blow out day, I'd never be able to stick it out in the long run. My Birthday is the end of November, so that will be my next scheduled blow out. It just so happens that it's on Thanksgiving too so I get a double whammy for that one! Or should I say a single because they're both on the same day. No excuse now to have two days in Nov. But with Christmas in there too I'm sure that there will be a couple of higher days. Usually even on my higher days, I'm still well under 100. Considering my former carb addicted life style, I probably used to pack in 400-500 or more per day. Well anyway I've rambled on enough! Glad you're back on today. I will be tomorrow!


jaybird Sun, Sep-28-03 11:35

Oh, feel free to ramble anytime. That's mostly what i do these days whether I am talking or writing.
I didn't actually feel too guilty about my blow-out day, but my tummy was a little upset and yes my hunger was monumental as well! I think it was worth it though...everything tasted sooo good. And you are right, having that base to come back makes it a different game. I think being "bad" once in a while is healthy in it's own way. I mean, the longer you tell yourself "I can't have it, I can't have this or that" you are just going to want it more and more and crave it more and more. So, if it's always understood that you can have it and even do once in a while, I think it really helps things. I know some people who will never touch sugar in there life, but I just don't see the point of being that extreme unless you have a very serious health condition that demands it.
I am trying to make pemmican today and tomorrow. I am babysitting my brother today, so Jakob and I are at my mom's for a while. When I get back home I am going to dry the meat, and the butcher is saving some suet for me that I can pick up tomorrow morning. Have you ever made pemmican? I had it once when my grandmother made it.
Jakob is whiney today....he doesn't want to go to sleep since he's over here with his uncle Luke (his young ten year old uncle, it's so funny).
How's Rebekah doing?

champion67 Sun, Sep-28-03 16:32


I've never heard of pemmican. What is it?

Rebekah is doing better today. Her other top tooth has broken through and that has seemed to help. She has days where she doesn't want to go down for a nap at all!

I'll pm you and check out the web site that you pm-ed me about a little later. I've got a meeting for church tonight that I have to get to. Talk to you later.


jaybird Mon, Sep-29-03 12:02

Pemmican is this stuff that native americans have used as a staple of their diet especially when travelling. It's basically ground up dried meat with rendered fat added and dried berries of your choice. It will keep forever ( a few years at room temperature). It's a great snack or meal, it's compact, and really nutritous. It's really good for hikers and campers....and low carbers. I have never made it before. I just sliced my meat and was about to put it in the oven but realized I need something else from the to get some baking racks. It takes 6-12 hours to dry the meat depending on the oven, so I think I will get the rest of what I need and do the actually drying tomorrow so I can start first thing in the AM. Plus, I think I have come down with a stomach flu.....or quite possibly my body is just trying to rid itself of the garbage I ingested this past week, lol.

linilinda Mon, Sep-29-03 12:46

Another LC Breastfeeding Mother Here!
Hi everyone,
I am new to this low carb lifestyle and to this forum. I have a 8.5 month old baby boy named Alex that I am still breastfeeding. He is on limited solids and the occassional formula bottle, but so far so good.
I decided to go low-carb in order to lose the rest of my baby weight plus the extra weight that I started with when I got pregnant in the first place. I started at 118 (I'm only 4'9.5" so I was chubby even at that weight). I topped out at 151 at delivery time, and am down to 130 after low-carbing on and off in the past 8 months. My ultimate weight goal is 107.
My husband is actually my main reason for changing my (our) eating habits. At 6'3", he weighed in at 279 3 weeks ago. After following a low carb eating plan of 3 meals of 30 carbs each and 3 snacks of 15 carbs each, he's lost 16lbs in the past 3 weeks! I've dropped 7.5 in the same time span. Now, we're on to the next phase of following Atkins more closely.

jaybird Mon, Sep-29-03 17:09

Good to meet you linilinda! Good to hear you are still breastfeeding too, it is so good for our babies.
Your husband reminds me of mine a little...he gained a bit of weight while I was pregnant. So, he is doing Atkins as well. If I go too low carb it does effect my milk production...I notice the difference and so does Jakob...he is 7.5 months now and almost exlusively breastfed. He has solids here and there, but it's nowhere near routine.
It's better if I stick between 40-50 grams of carbs a day. My milk production seems fine at that level.

champion67 Mon, Sep-29-03 18:59

Hi Linilinda,

Welcome! I notice a difference in my dd Rebekah if I go too low. She gets crabby!! She's 9 months and on solids and some formula too. She still loves to nurse so I'm not in a hurry either. Easier than trapsing downstairs at night to make formula! And now that she's more "vocal" it's funny to see her reactions to every day things. She has her different sounds and inflections in her voice for certain things. She does say Mom and Mama a lot and other "words" too. She does look at me when she says Mom though so I'm pretty sure that one is ligit! Well it is to me anyway!:lol: It's funny when I ask her if we should go nurse she makes a cute little grunting noise. She sure doesn't like to lie still anymore though. At night she does to nurse but during the day she wiggles all over the place.:wiggle:

When you said your hubby eats 3-30 carb meals and 3-15 carb snacks is that 45 carbs/day or 135?? I sometimes get frustrated by counting ALL the time and wonder if I would lose if I just ate low carb. I've been doing it for two months so I know what's good and what's not. I guess I originally started counting to make sure I was getting ENOUGH carbs because of nursing.

Well, anyway I've got to run. Welcome to our group!


linilinda Tue, Sep-30-03 13:20

I'm so glad that I found this group of breastfeeding mothers! I was worried about the effects that this WOL would have on milk production, so I really appreciate the advice to stick with the 40-50 range.

On another note, my son, Alex, is also starting slowly with solids. He's eating dinner every night and a couple of lunches throughout the week, otherwise, he's exclusively breastfed. My concern with this is his iron intake. His ped. also said that breastmilk is all they need in the first year, but I've read that their reserves of iron are depleted after the age of 6 months. Is this a concern the you have as well?

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