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cmwig Thu, Sep-04-03 06:54

Wher to buy LC in Germany?
Hello All,
Does anyone know where in Germany you can buy low carb foods? I live in Stuttgart. I've been to a health food store, but the prices were out of this world 20+euros for half a pound of almonds - crazy! I've been buying from which isn't bad, except when I run out of something and have to wait a week or two to get it replaced.
I'd love to find out how many other board members live in Germany. Afterall, from what I understand, LC dieting is supposed to be much more popular in Germany than in the States.
Thank you!

Sooike Fri, Sep-05-03 15:43

Hi cmwig,
I don't live in Germany, but in Belgium. I buy almonds and grounded almonds in a Chinese shop (3 € for 400g). Maybe they sell it in Asian shops around you to.

pattie Sat, Sep-13-03 09:16

Hi there
I live in Dü can get ground almonds and hazelnuts at Lidal and Wal-Mart. Prices very good.
You can get whey protien powder (I get Champs brand),ground flax seed & wheat bran at DM prices fantastic! Pork rinds can also be found at Wal-Mart and chinese stores along with coconut,cocnut milk,and ground nuts.
Da Vinci sryups go to you do not have to buy in quantity. search under aroma syrups.
That is about all I have been able to find so far.
Good luck and if you find any please post and let us all know.


Charlif761 Sat, Sep-13-03 14:20

Hi All!
Hi Dana! I was wondering where you had wandered off to!!! Glad to see you are still with us!! How are you doing there in Antwerp??? Write and let me know.

Hi Pattie! Man, you have been holding out on me!!!! LIDL has ground nuts in Germany??? WOW! The Lidl and the Aldi's here are not so good. But, my German girlfriend tells me she never even goes in them here because they are TERRIBLE compared to German ones!!! So, I guess I want to go shopping with you when I come to visit...SOON!!!!! I think I am going to feel I have died and gone to heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw the link for the Davinici syrups...are these SugarFree?????

OK....gotta go make some coffee...BAD LOW CARBER, BAD LOW CARBER! Oh well, I will drik a bottle of water when I finish! lol

See ya'll soon!


mthrmayi2 Mon, Sep-15-03 06:09

Hi! I just asked the same question question a few days ago. If you find out any good information please let me know. I live near Ramstein.

cmwig Mon, Sep-15-03 06:20

Since you said that you live near Ramstein, I thought that you might be US military. If this is the case, then the best place to buy low carb products is from If your order is over $50, then shipping is free. But of course, this is only the case if you have a US military shipping address.
Good Luck on your diet!! By the way, I used to live in Spangdahlem. I now live in Stuttgart.


mthrmayi2 Mon, Sep-15-03 12:50

At my weight I'm not military :) but my other half is. Spangdahlem and Stuttart?? Does that mean you're here because of the military too? I love it here!!!
I'll try the website. Thanks for the tip. Look me up on the boards sometime. It's neat to know that there is someone near by in the same boat.

cmwig Mon, Sep-15-03 14:17

Hi mthrmayi2,
I was active duty in Spangdahlem, but now only my husband is active duty. I think that I liked Spangdahlem better, but then again I had my own car, my own money, and a lot more sleep back then. Of course I was single then also, and now I have a nine month old that takes up my days and nights. I'm certainly not complaining though - my little Boobala took his first step today !!! so exciting !!!
so how long have you been in Germany? three years for us - two in Spang and one here.
Wow - you've knocked out 12 pounds pretty quickly - Congratulations !! :cheer:
Doesn't Ramstein have a really big BX? and if so, I wonder if they carry LC products. Let me know what you find.
Good Luck!

mthrmayi2 Mon, Sep-15-03 23:10

Your baby took a step!!!! How exciting!!! We've been in Germany for almost a year. I love it, but we we're in England before that and it was gray and flat and I didn't have a car or a job for the first time in my adult life. I had both of my kids there back to back. People say that our BX is big compared to other bases, but I don't think it is that great. No LC foods here. The commissary was thinking about carrying some, but the military doesn't want them to. There is some debate going on over it. Can't wait to hear from you again, Good luck!!! Have to get one of my little ones up for preschool.

Charlif761 Thu, Sep-18-03 14:30

Hi guys
My friend Pattie lives in Dusseldorf. She said you can buy ground nuts at WalMart...And, you might be able to find other things there as well. It might be worth it to ask Walmart if they'd consider carrying some LC things there....especially if you can guarantee to purchse so much of it.... It is worth a letter right??? You can find WalMarts in Germany by looking on, I think....Good Luck from an American in Holland!!!


britty Fri, Jan-09-04 07:10

Hello there,

I hope y'all feeling good in Germany. I am a German, married to an english-man and I am living in the south of Germany too. I know its hard to survive over here (I've been looking for LC-goodys all over the place). Here are some adresses of shops near Stuttgart. One of them is Marktkauf and the other one is Kaufland. They both got things like: LC-bacon crisps, low sugar ketchup and no sugar peanut-butter. I usually bake my own bread - I love it, but it includes lots of corns. If you want I post you the recepie. If you can talk a little bit of german: there is a good homepage of german Low Carbers with lots of nice recepies for all kind of foods and lots of tips.
If you have a Lidl nearby: I do buy theire Coke light - it is really not bad and very cheap (cause Coke light is my sweet treat for the day...).
Are you guys doing LC on your own in your family or do you get some support?
Love to hear
Have a nice low-carb-day

70469 Stuttgart / Feuerbach | Stuttgarter Straße 46-48
Telefon 0711/8 90 50 Fax +/8 90 52 00
Mo. - Fr.: 08.00-20.00 Uhr
Samstag: 08.00-18.00 Uhr
........................................................................ ....

Rembrandtstraße 47
70567 Stuttgart
Augsburger Straße 460
70327 Stuttgart
Stuttgarter Straße 70
70734 Fellbach
Aldinger Straße 70
70378 Stuttgart
Schwieberdinger Straße 100
70825 Korntal-Münchingen
Merowingerstraße 5
70736 Fellbach
Schwieberdinger Straße 94
71636 Ludwigsburg

70771 Leinfelden/Unteraichen | Hohenheimer Straße 7
Telefon 0711/1 60 65 12 Fax +/75 66 67
Mo. - Fr.: 08.00-20.00 Uhr
Samstag: 08.00-16.00 Uhr

Bananie Mon, Mar-15-04 10:56

New low carb store in Germany!
Hi all,
good to meet you.
I, too, have been lowcarbing since last summer and also live in Germany.
I am sooo fed up with not being able to buy low carb foods in Germany and have therefore decided to open up an online low carb store.

I hope you can help me with a little survey:

If you would decide on buying low carb products online in Germany:

Which lc products (or type of products) would you like to see?
Which lc products would you never buy online?
What services would you hope for?
Would you pay by credit card?
Would you pay in advance?
Within how many days would you expect to receive your goods?
Do you have any other advice for me?
And finally: Considering the price/products/services are right, would you consider buying from me store?

I hope you feel that I am not too pushy, but I want to do this right and would appreciate any input from fellow "losers"!

I can't wait for your responses.
Thank you all in advance...


tashinpa Mon, Mar-15-04 12:49

Being German I am not so sure what the problem is. Pretty much any of the regular foods allowed on lc diets are available in Germany, such as meats, fish, poultry, cheese, nuts, veggies, fruit....

They're probably not as evolved on fake sugar treats, but aren't we supposed to stay clear of that kinda stuff anyway?

Monika4 Mon, Mar-15-04 13:47

I agree with Tashinpa (Hi, here we Germans meet again!) - and in Germany you find Vollkornbrot which is whole grain bread that is really whole grain, not enriched afterwards stuff, and no high fructose corn sirup in anything from Joghurt to what not.

You won't find Atkins shakes and bars, but you might want to look out for items for the Glyx Diet- that is similar to South Beach and is the new German low carb diet based on glycemic index (the word is a pun because it sounds like happiness diet when you pronounce it). LC food might be sold as Glyx-compatible.

superflat Wed, Apr-14-04 15:51

I German and a member of the above mentioned lowcarb board (offical URL:, which is IMHO the best German LC board. Of course it is in German, but it has almost any information about LC and I don't think you won't have problems, if you post a question in English there. The people on the board are extremely kind.

In Germany you cannot buy Atkins products in local stores and there are only a few online stores with LC products:

Unfortunately the prices for special LC products are terrible. Therefore most people don't use any of them, but for example bake their own LC bread (me too). There are fantastic recips with German products to be found in the subforum "Rezepte".

Chynna Sat, Jun-19-04 08:20

Great place for info!
Hi everyone,

I'm an American living in Mannheim, Germany. I have been searching EVERYWHERE for Atkins products to buy online. Thanks to Superflat, I have found what I am looking for! Thanks for the tip on! You mentioned in your post that they don't sell Atkins products, but I found plenty, so they must've just got all of that in stock!

I just started my Atkins diet, so I am currently in the induction phase. It's a bit tough tryíng to count my carbs, so I am using to do that for me. There's also a carb-counter on, in case anyone would like to know!


jklowcarb Thu, Jan-27-05 14:33

carb counter
By any chance, is there a carb/nutrition counter website in German? Something similar to

I just started and sometimes I don't know how to translate the foods to English.

I share everyone's frustration with the scarce labeling. Seems like Germans don't really care what they eat, so they don't care about the labels! Anyway, I just end up not buying the product if there's no labeling.

I just started with Atkins a few days ago and I'm in a small town in southern Bavaria. Talk about no low carb help around here! ;)

superflat Thu, Jan-27-05 15:13

I haven't visited this site since months since I don't do any diet at the moment, in contrary I life a quite unhealthy lifestyle. :bash: :help:

Anyway, as far as I know there is no page like in German with local products. The ony help that I can give is that there is a software called Bodycap with 11.000 products which might be very useful for you. You can download a free trial version at their homepage.

Good luck in Bavaria where the people love potatoes and other high carb products and the people probably think that you are starving yourself to death. :lol:

jklowcarb Fri, Jan-28-05 13:55

Originally Posted by superflat
Anyway, as far as I know there is no page like in German with local products. The ony help that I can give is that there is a software called Bodycap with 11.000 products which might be very useful for you. You can download a free trial version at their homepage.

Thanks! It works great.

Originally Posted by superflat
Good luck in Bavaria where the people love potatoes and other high carb products and the people probably think that you are starving yourself to death. :lol:

Thanks! I'll neeed it. My German boyfriend is going crazy already.

GlobalGirl Thu, Feb-03-05 15:27

Hi all,

I'm an American living in Karlsruhe for nearly a year now. I've been doing Atkins for 2 1/2 years, but haven't done much changing for the past 1 year. Except upwards! ARGH!

I moved here from Poland actually, and it was so much easier to do LC there because it was more difficult to get junk there.

Anyway, just wanted to give a shout. Noticed someone in Stuttgart. My bf lives in Ditzingen so I'm out there once in a while. But we prefer Karlsruhe.

I just found pork rinds at Karstadt (I'm sure I paid through the nose for them, but oh well! Don't have a car to get to Walmart).

Ok, gotta go, but would love to hear from people!



Meg_S Fri, Mar-11-05 14:10

Just jumping in and saying Hello!
I'm not in Germany now, but probably will be by September...

Before staying here for a year due to school, I used to visit twice a year - I found Germany pretty easy to low carb in, the fresh produce there is much high quality than in the US (thus, more appetizing), the cheeses are to die for ;) What makes it hard is that the baked goods are so delicious it's hard to stay away.

Meg_S Fri, Mar-11-05 14:25

Just responding to the question post below.....

If you would decide on buying low carb products online in Germany:

*Which lc products (or type of products) would you like to see?
Low Carb tortillas
Shiritake noodles (an asian noodle with about 3 carbs per cup.. all fiber, besides that they have no nutrition!)
I have no problem buying ANY food online, given the price is competitive and it is a quality item.

*Which lc products would you never buy online?
The ones I'd have to pay a lot in shipping for. Sometimes the shipping isn't worth it. I'd also probably never go for the fake breads and keto products, I've tried them and they don't taste good. What's the point? I'd have some delicious veggies or cheese any day.

**What services would you hope for?
Decent shipping price and time period where it reached my house.
A customer service address which actually responds to concerns
Proper receipt and possible tracking of package
Refund or replacement for damaged or spoiled goods

**Would you pay by credit card?

**Would you pay in advance?

**Within how many days would you expect to receive your goods?
Depends on how much I paid - if I chose the cheapest rate, then within 14 days. (10 work days)

**Do you have any other advice for me?
Offer incentives.. perhaps a discount for referrals, if someone makes a first time purchase over $40 then the person who referred them gets a 5% discount, over $100 then a 25% discount...
Try to make the prices competitive.. I know it is difficult with low carb products but it's a major put off to see, for example, those delicious little "just the cheese" bites in a TINY package selling for $2.99. There is no way I'd buy it.
Orders might be bigger if other things are offered as well.. once your business grows. For example, flax seed is something I can get anywhere.. but if it's competitively priced I might as well get it while I'm ordering from your site. Other things of interest to dieters - green tea, vitamins - although I believe supplements are more regulated in Germany than the US - Maybe strips for measuring ketosis, and a variety of low carb books?
Supplements such as low carb whey protein powder and caffeine, esp for the people who work out.

**And finally: Considering the price/products/services are right, would you consider buying from me store?


martine47 Sun, May-08-05 01:03

:wave: Bonjour from France, I'm starting ATKINS today, after having tried WW many times. It works but takes too much time to lose weight and with summer coming up...I don't have time! Does anyone know where I can buy low carb and ATKINS products in France?

Chynna Mon, May-09-05 03:55

Hi Martine,

I used to get my Atkins products through Supermass, but they have eliminated most of them from their website. No problem though, since I was able to find a Dutch website that delivers Europe-wide. Here is the French link for you:

I hope this helps!

Happy low-carbing!

Astra Sat, May-14-05 11:40

Hi all! I'm new here but I have some news for you. I found a great low carb on-line store. The down side, it's in Holland but they ship in Germany. I live in frankfurt and the postal cost to here are 12EUR. They deliver within 5 days. The url is

they have been great so far.


P.S Stay away from the carbophobia products except for the belgian chocolate cake and the "original bread mix" eberything else is unbelivebly discusting!

Meg_S Sat, May-14-05 14:44

Originally Posted by martine47
:wave: Bonjour from France, I'm starting ATKINS today, after having tried WW many times. It works but takes too much time to lose weight and with summer coming up...I don't have time! Does anyone know where I can buy low carb and ATKINS products in France?

To lose weight FASTEST just stick to the basics - cheeses, meats and vegetables - which I imagine you can find anywhere. Low carb specialty products generally don't help with the weight loss, they're there for maintenance or for people who cannot change their lifestyle long term...Or just for something different on occasion.. Personally, I've found that I've always gone back to real food after trying the low carb products. They end up just sitting in my cupboard.

Sabinemaus Fri, Feb-10-06 07:28

Hi ~ all,

you can also by some good things in the "real,-" market.

A lot of "Tip" Products have a "nutrition label".

0Carb Protein Powder "Power System Protein 90 Plus" 750g/Box 13,95 Euro
(Important: just the nature one is Carbfree.Vanilla and Chocolate has Carbs")

Flax seed with 0 carb "Bleib Fitt" whole grain or whole wheat flour
200g/Box 0,49Euro

Pork rinds 0 carbs --> Knabber Krusten "Xox" 50g/Bag 1,09 Euro
(They are peppered like normal Paprika Chips,the original Danish Pork rinds from Walmart not.)

Soya Milk "alpro soja" Natural without sugar and Salt 0,1g Carb per 100ml --1Liter/Box 1,68 Euro.

To Order DaVinci we use the online Shop from Buddystuff

To buy KoolAid we use American

Well there are a lot of things you can use for a Lowcarb life.

My favorite Online Carb Counter is

Greetings from Hockenheim :wave:

Meg_S Fri, Feb-10-06 07:33

Hi Sabinemaus!! Hehe I am a Megmaus.. just saying hello from Erlangen :)

pipsqueak Fri, Mar-31-06 06:10

:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

binki Tue, Apr-04-06 13:58

Guten Tag!
i just found out, I have tickets for some World Cup games! Of course my first thought was: what am I going to drink there?
Can anyone tell me if I can expect to find mixed drinks most places? I really don't want to drink beer.
Do they have Diet Red Bull there? Is it common? How do you say "club soda" or "seltzer" there? Vodka and mineral water, maybe?

I am sure I'm going to have a lot of questions in the near future. I am going to check out that German forum listed above, but may want to ask some advice for useful phrases that aren't in any guidebooks..."is that breaded?" "Is there sugar in that?"

I took some German in high school. I sure hope it comes back to me.
- -
on edit: I went to and found this:

Daheim mach ich mir auch manchmal Wodka-Red Bull Sugar Free. Hat keine Kohlehydrate und schmeckt lecker :D

so there's one question answered already!

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