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pitt Sun, Aug-31-03 12:33

Please Help!!!need To Lose 10 Pounds
I Am 20 Years Old And Weigh 140.. Waist 27.. I Need To Get Down At Least 1i30 And I Want My Waist At 25 Inches.. This Is The Best I Feel At That Weight...... Every Dr I Go To Tells Me That I Am Not Overweight.. But I Know What I Look Like In A Bikini ... Fat Around My Waist.. I Recently Started Going To A Dr Who Is Doing Body Restoration Therapy On My Thryoid.. ( I Would Appreciate Anyone Out There Who Has Had The Same Treatments.. Giving Me Some Feedback.. ) Well He Said All Protein No Fat.. A Version Of Atkins But Watch The Fat.. I Have Been Thinking About A Supplement Called 7 Keto.. I Cannot Lose This Weight Around My Stomach And Drop The 10 I Need To Lose I Have Been On This For 4 Months And Never Lost A Pound.. I Do Work Out ...cardio At The Gym .. Can Any One Offer Me Some Help Here!!!

red1cutie Sun, Aug-31-03 12:47

Hi Pitt!

First off, read the book and then decide if you want to do Atkins. Atkins is a high fat, moderate protein and yes carbs too. In the first stage you eat 20g of carbs (after deducting fiber) per day, you do this for two weeks. You need carbs for the nutrients and the fiber that they provide. Most people lose 10% of the amonut they wish to lose during the 2 week induction period and then 5% per month after that. This is not a fast weight loss plan but if correctly done the food choices keep you satisfied and keep your cravings under control so you can get to your goal weight.

Good luck!


Paleoanth Sun, Aug-31-03 16:45


Are you really 6 foot tall? If so-the doctor is right about your weight. I know you do cardio-but you might want to add some weights to your workouts. 140 pounds is normal weight for someone who is 5'4'-5'6".

red1cutie Sun, Aug-31-03 17:39

Pitt, I did not realize you were 6 feet. Or is that a typo? Maybe that's why your body does not want to go any lower because 130 is too low. If you want to reshape your body, like Paleoanth suggested try weights and continue your cardio.

If you were not eating the 20g of carbs and were hardly eating fat you weren't doing Atkins so that is why it did not work. How about trying it according to the book and see what happens? Click here: Atkins Site


hey_Neener Sun, Aug-31-03 17:42

Have you had children? Maybe abdominal fat isn't the problem. If you are only doing cardio-try adding stomach exercises to bring definition to your muscles. Pilates are great exercises if you don't have time for the gym.

pitt Sun, Aug-31-03 17:51

no,,sorry typo... i am 5 foot 9....not 6 foot sorry people....

tofi Sun, Aug-31-03 17:58

Please change both your profile and your stats to reflect your current weight and height. No one can be expected to help you if your numbers aren't right.

5'9" = 69 inches for your profile

And you state in your first post that you weigh 140 pounds. But your stats in your profile say that you are 159. Please change these if you are seriously seeking help in using LC to lose weight. The discrepancies often are the signal of a 'troll' who only seeks to cause trouble on an LC board.

There is also good advice above: at 5'9", 130 is TOO low by any reputable standards. If you are not happy with your shape, then exercise which targets a particular area is a much better idea. 5'9" should weigh from 145 pounds and above, depending on your frame.

Please be clear or people might be justified in being suspicious about the motivation behind these posts.

If you are paying this doctor many $$$, I wonder what his/her motivation really is? Why not listen to the doctors you have already consulted? Sounds to me as though they are right. Sorry to sound so cynical but there have been many people who came here with either malicious or unrealistic motives. I hope you aren't one.

Paleoanth Sun, Aug-31-03 18:12

Well, 5'9" is a bit better-frankly I am jealous you are so tall!

When I was your age I was 107 pounds and am 5'0"-I always have had a small pouch in the abdomen-even at that weight. The only thing I have seen work on that area is lower ab stuff. Tightening that area (although you cannot target lose weight!) will help shrink it and make it look better.

pitt Sun, Aug-31-03 18:29

sorry,, about the profile.. new to forums .. didnt know how to change profile.. i just changed it.. thanks

pitt Sun, Aug-31-03 18:35

i just want to say this is my first time to a forum and the lady really chewed me out because my profile was confusing.. well first of all .. i am serious and and i was confused on how to change my profile..once i entered in my numbers i didnt know how to change them when i realized i put the wrong numbers in the wrong place.. i sure hope not everyone is that mean to a new person on the forum.. someone like her makes me not want to even get on this web site postings.. i am serious and looking for answers and i get a reply like ..i thought that was not very nice.. i dont appreciate being called a troll.. i dont even know what you are talking about.

Paleoanth Sun, Aug-31-03 18:40

Hey pitt-

I just read and responded to another post you made about you being in the entertainment field. Interesting! I know you have a limited time to get into what the producers think is the right size (and why DOES the entertainment field demand such things, anyway?). You might want to try a really strict induction for two weeks and see what happens. I know that on Atkins I shrunk a lot faster that I actually lost weight-so you might get smaller at the same weight you are now. Make sure you keep measuring!

They have a website to go look at if you haven't read the book-

pitt Sun, Aug-31-03 18:47 you eat alot of fat ,,, the atkins book said fat, but he dr i am seeing said watch my fat and eat lots of protein, he said protein burns fat.. i wonder why he would say that when he is a atkins fan.

Paleoanth Sun, Aug-31-03 18:51

Atkins is a high fat diet-I ate between 65-75% of all of my calories from fat. I don't know why your doctor said that-but maybe he doesn't really understand Atkins. Lots of medical people don't.

Here is a website I found that might help you:

I know you are doing this for your job-but you don't want to permanently damage your system by going too low on the body fat %. Women shouldn't be below 18% body fat. It isn't healthy.

SarahO Sun, Aug-31-03 19:10

Hi Pitt, if you are wanting to do low carb but you're concerned about eating a lot of fat, you might try Protein Power. I think they put more stress on high protein & not as much fat. Atkins is a high fat plan, you cannot do it without eating lots of fat. I'm talking 60-70% of your daily food intake. Atkins just won't work if you try to restrict fat.

There is a link on the right side of the screen called "Which low carb plan is right for me?" that might help you find a plan that you'd be comfortable with.

Hope that helps! --Sarah

Rosebud Sun, Aug-31-03 19:40

Originally Posted by pitt
i just want to say this is my first time to a forum and the lady really chewed me out because my profile was confusing.. well first of all .. i am serious and and i was confused on how to change my profile..once i entered in my numbers i didnt know how to change them when i realized i put the wrong numbers in the wrong place.. i sure hope not everyone is that mean to a new person on the forum.. someone like her makes me not want to even get on this web site postings.. i am serious and looking for answers and i get a reply like ..i thought that was not very nice.. i dont appreciate being called a troll.. i dont even know what you are talking about.

Hi Pitt,

Unfortunately we do get "trolls" - people who are not serious about weight loss and just wish to cause trouble - posting here from time to time. If you go back and reread Tofi's post, you'll see that she was asking you to change your stats so we could establish you are not a troll. She did not call you a troll.

Calling her "mean" is getting dangerously close to flaming. I'm sorry you were so upset by her post, but being rude back does not help matters.

I wish you every success.


Lisa N Sun, Aug-31-03 19:54

Here's another thought....replace some of that cardio with weight resistance training. Cardio is great for the cardiovascular system, but it doesn't do a whole lot for toning your body. Weights can do that. You may find that with working with weights that you don't need to lose any more weight (and can possibly even carry a few more pounds!) to be a smaller size than you are now.
As Paleoanth mentioned, you don't want to get your body fat percentage too low as this is generally not a healthy condition for most women.
Another possibility is that some women have a genetic predisposition to carry some weight in their belly no matter how thin they get or how much they exercise. It's just how they happen to be built.
BTW, a 27" waist on someone who is 5' 9" is not fat by any standard that I'm aware of except possibly a very unrealistic one.

Tsve Mon, Sep-01-03 00:10

lol, I am in the entertainment industry, er, and 20 as well. but I just turned 20 so I still tell people I am 19...
ha, no one knows who I am anyway so I can reveal my secrets ;P
someone who is 140 pounds and is 5'9 can easily lose 10 pounds and not be unhealthy. but I do not think pitt is trying to starve her way to some unhealthy oblivion or troll us you all.
if this individual is anything like me, (I am 5 feet and 10 inches, 137 pounds atm) he/she could have concentrated fat, like in the waist or hips or thighs. I am by no means a professional, but I think exercise will bring off weight, eventually.
I firmly beleive in Low Carbing your way through life, but even though I follow the Atkins ideal, I am still open to the idea that a low carb and low fat is an alternative to a low carb and high fat. I would be interested in knowing the results you get Pitt because I am in that healthy body limit range too.
lately I have been studying about the combination of Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates. I have been looking for a secret formula, not really so much to lose weight, but to completely tone my body. I am shooting for low body fat. To do that, diet is essential. But so far, all I've managed to do is discover pilates, cardio, swimming and LCing :/
Oh well, everyone is different so that is something I think I will have to discover on my own.
Overall, I know limiting carb intake is the right path, and constant exercise is good. Maybe consider working out in the gym more. Actually, just move there :p
...just a little joke, that
actually, you may need to work out furitively everyday. I don't ahve anything to do but go to the gym and trainers and read mssg boards until my job starts again -_- so I can afford the time to do nothing but work out. It really pays off though.

SarahO Mon, Sep-01-03 07:20

Hi Lisa, I don't think it's unreasonable to have a 27" waist and want it to be a little smaller .. that's where I am right now actually. Although I don't think it can be done in two weeks, at least not in a healthy way. At that point when one is already at a sensible weight and wants to tone up one's shape, it just doesn't happen fast.

Lisa N Mon, Sep-01-03 07:44

I don't think it's unreasonable to have a 27" waist and want it to be a little smaller

That depends on the person and their body build. I'm 5' 3" and even when I weighed 112 pounds in high school and was into a different sport every season (track, tennis, swimming, softball), I had a 29 inch waist (BTW, my face looked gaunt at that weight). I'm just not built to have an hourglass figure and trying to get to a smaller waist size would have been unhealthy for me because I would have had to starve myself well below my ideal weight and body fat percentage to get it. OTOH, my mother was 5' 6" and had a 24 inch waist in college. *Shrug*...we're all built differently.
*Wanting* a smaller waist size is one thing. Trying to force your body into it when you're not built that way because somebody *says* you should be smaller is quite another. IMHO, fashion industry "ideals" are far from healthy and often unrealistic. I think if more women realized how many of those photos of models are airbrushed and touched up, they'd stop starving themselves to make themselves look like something that doesn't even exist in reality for the majority of healthy women.

Atkins05 Mon, Sep-01-03 09:40

Your going to have to have strength training and intense isolated abdominal training. That's the only thing that works for me......cardio does nothing but burn calories IMHO. You've got to add muscle and the only way to do that is weight train.

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