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Travel Gal Fri, Aug-29-03 15:18

Anyone in Reno, Nv?
I wonder if there are lowcarbers in No. Nevada especially Reno.
I'm starting Atkins again after being on a emotional roller coaster for a few years. (who hasn't had those things?) I comforted myself with carbs while watching my mother fade with Alzheimers. I have a griip on myself now and want to get this weight off.

Travel Gal Mon, Sep-01-03 17:38

I'm a happy girl. I have lost 5 pounds. Wahoo!!!
My energy is back. I shopped at Trader Joe's
yesterday. My fridge is full of things that are good for me.

stacey rae Sun, Sep-21-03 09:48

I am in Sparks. Does that count? Would have responded to your post sooner - but I don't get into this area of the forum very often

Did you read in last week's paper about the new low carb store that will be opening in South Reno soon? They have future plans for a low carb cafe. That should be great.

Enjoy the warm weather!

Travel Gal Tue, Sep-30-03 19:11

Hi stacey rae,
sure Sparks counts! Glad to hear from you. I have been on vacation since Sept 18 and just got home.
I went to Branson on the train with a tour group and had a wonderful time. Best of all I stayed with LC and didn't gain.
Yes I did read about the new store but I forgot where it is going to be. Please refresh my memory.
i find lots of Atkins and othe lc products at The Good Earth Healty Food store on Plumb in Reno.

stacey rae Thu, Oct-02-03 10:21

Travel Gal-
I think that the new store will be in the area of Longley and Virginia. I'll check it out next time I'm in that area. Have you been able to find flavored pork rinds? I have only seen the picante (super hot) flavor and would like to find a BBQ or maybe nacho cheese. I've never been to The Good Earth. Where on Plumb is it?

Did you take the train all the way from Reno to Branson? Congratulations on no cheats during vacation. That is always a weak time for me.

Travel Gal Fri, Oct-03-03 11:35

Stacey Rae
I apologise for giving you the wrong name for the health food store. It's Great Earth at 75 Plumb Lane.
On Plumb between Virginia and Lakeside in the Lakeside Plaza Shopping center. I haven't found any other flavors of pork rinds except the ones you mentioned. I do like the Cinnamon Crisps recipe for home made cinnamon flavored pork rinds. I found
Carb Solitions high protein chips at Walmart. They are Nacho cheese chips and I like them. They are 3carbs per 1/2 a bag. Look in the drug store section and on the top shelf.
Congratulations on your weight loss! It's inspiring to me.
Yes, I went to Branson most all the way by train with a tour group. There are sections in Calif from Sacramento to LA where Amtrac uses Coaches. Also from Kansas City to Branson was by coach.

stacey rae Fri, Oct-03-03 12:06

Travel Gal

How did you like the accommodations on the train? I took the train from Reno to Elko once and was a little disappointed. Of course, I sat in the coach section - so maybe things are better when you have a sleeping compartment. It is definitely a nice way to get a different perspective on the scenery.

I also saw low carb shakes (the same as are sold at Walmart in the silver carton) at Costco. I like having those around.

You have done very well on your weight loss! I wish that I were starting where you are and didn't have such a large mountain to climb.

I have been a little scared to try the sweet pork rind recipes, but I'm sure that their natural blandness makes them work with many flavors. I just love the recipe forum! I became obsessed with making the perfect cheesecake.

Travel Gal Fri, Oct-03-03 13:16

Stacey Rae
The train accommodations were less than satisfactory. In the sleeping car the roomette is suppose to be for two people.. No way! It's cramped for one. The private room has more room and it's own shower but it costs too much for what you get.
The meals in the dinning room were included in the cost of the roomette. The food was good and I was able to follow lc. My father and grandfather worked for the railroad and I use to travel a lot on the train. It is not the same now.
I have Atkins shakes in the fridge but haven't tried them yet. I assume you like them if you buy them. what is the best flavor? Do they slow down your weight loss? I will look for them in costco. I have found the bars slow my weight loss so I don't eat them.
I like the cheesecake recipe in "Dr Atkins New Diet Cookbook" by Atkins and Fran Gare. The cookbook is not new now. It was published in 1994. I'v had it for years and don't know if it is in the book stores now.
If you are interested I can give you the recipe.

stacey rae Fri, Oct-03-03 13:46

Travel Gal
Just got back from lunch at Red Robin. They have this great chicken platter. It is called Chicken Ensenada - it's chicken breasts with a lime dipping sauce.

I have only had the off-brand of the shakes so I don't know about Atkins brand (I'm too cheap to buy them). The only flavor that I have tried is chocolate. They don't bother my weight loss as long as I use them as a meal replacement and not a snack.

I have the Atkins cookbook and have made that recipe. I also made Karen's recipe with an almond crust, but I messed up and did not add enough cream cheese (3 pkg instead of 3 lbs - duh!) I think that it would be wonderful if made properly.


Travel Gal Sat, Oct-11-03 21:51

Stacey Rae
I'm sorry to be so long in writing. I have been so busy I haven't checked in lately. I had four family birthdays and then a wedding comming up. I needed a dress for my grand-daughter's wedding and had a hard time finding one. Most of the stores in town don't carry dresses that are appropiate for a wedding in plus sizes. The few dressier ones were black. I ordered a couple from catalogs and finally found one that fit and I liked. I waited too long to get a dress. I never thought it would be a problem.
She is getting married on the 18th. You can tell I'm a procrastinator.
I like the Red Robin. I'll try the chicken platter.
I made a meat loaf today using ground up pork rinds instead of cracker crumbs for a binder. It was delicious. I don't know why I waited so long to try it.
Have you tried the chop house? I haven't but I heard an advertisement say they have low carb
things on the menu.
I hope yu haven't given up on me.

stacey rae Mon, Oct-13-03 15:23

Travel Gal-
It's nice to hear from you again! I agree with you about the lack of plus size shopping options in this area. I usually shop at Catherine's, but the choices there are limited. I find myself shopping from catalogs too.

I'm glad you were able to find something to wear to the wedding.

Do the pork rinds change the taste/texture in a noticeable way? My husband is kind of a picky eater, so I have only used parmesan cheese as a binder.

I love the Chop House! My husband and I have gone there a couple of times. They have a daily Atkins special, but you can also just order your meat and substitute a vegetable for the starch. I love the spinach. The prices are a little steep, but it's a great place for a quiet dinner.

Travel Gal Mon, Oct-13-03 23:25

Stacey Rae,

I use a recipe for meatloaf that has hamburger and saugage with onions, eggs, garlic, salt, pepper,tomato sauce and cracker meal. i put the ground up pork rinds in place of the cracker meal.
The texture was the same and the same taste. If there was no saugage in it, it's possible you might taste a difference and then again you might not.

The wedding is in San Diego and I'm leaving Thurs morning and returning Sun. I might not be on the net much until I get back.

Have a good rest of the week and week end. I'll
check in next week.

stacey rae Fri, Oct-17-03 10:29

Travel Gal-

Have a nice time in San Diego. I'll talk to you when you get back.

Oh - by the way - my mom had an interesting experience with meatloaf. She used some flax seed that I had given her as a binder. She said that the look on dad's face when he took a big bite was priceless. So, we can scratch that item off of our list of ingredients.

Travel Gal Fri, Oct-24-03 09:59

I'm back from San Diego. The wedding was beautiful and I had a wonderful time. I developed a bladder infection on the way home so the plane trip was not fun. I'm surprised that I haven't gained since I got back because I've been drinking lots of cranberry juice. Even the kind with splenda is 10 carbs for 8 oz. How are you doing? The tough times are ahead. Thanksgiving and Christmas. How do you deal with all the holiday foods that we avoid? I'm looking for a lc pumpkin something to have instead of pie. Have you tried a pumpkin cheesecake? I seem to remember seeing one somewhere. I will do a search for one

stacey rae Mon, Oct-27-03 10:37

Travel Gal-

Sorry to hear about your illness. Airports and sickness just don't mix. Have you tried the cranberry tablets? I used those once a long time ago, but I don't remember if they had carbs. Hope you feel better soon.

I am worried about the holidays too. I am in the middle of a terrible stall. I keep gaining and losing the same 3 pounds. I will have to be careful during the holidays.

I am thinking of trying to do a low carb pumpkin pie with an almond crust. I might also do a pumpkin cheesecake. I know I saw a recipe somewhere. I will search the recipe forum and let you know what I find. I will probably experiment before the holiday.

They are opening a new Curves by my house (Spanish Springs). I am planning on transferring my membership out there. I have had trouble getting over there these past few months and am hoping that I can go in the evenings after the kids have been fed. I really need to make it a priority because I don't think I'll be able to meet my weight loss goals without an exercise program. Do you exercise?

I found BBQ pork rinds at the new Walmart Superstore by Sam's Club. They are pretty good.

Have a nice day!

Travel Gal Mon, Nov-10-03 12:16

I had unexpected out of town relatives with a very active 2 yr old for the past week and a half.
My house is not baby proof and they were not low carbers. I was stressed to the max. I gained weight and now am trying to get back on track. Phooey, I wish I had not given to food. I am a stress eater and thought I was going to be able to make it through ok but didn't.

I'm sorry about your stall. Have you had success getting past it? The holidays are a tough time for most of us. Especially when you have children. I think having a lot of low carb treets for your self around seems to help.

I am happy they now have a curves close to you. We need all the help we can get and exercise is the best. I mostly walk. I have a bad knee and can't walk up and down even small
inclines without problems. I use a treadmill but it is so boreing (even with tv) I prefer the out doors. I like to walk around Virginia Lake but it takes me so much time to go and come back(I now live in the northwest) that I don't go often.
I live in a hilly neighborhood so the treadmill is best. I need an attitude adjustment. I find myself putting off exercise.
Keep smiling, you will make your goals.

stacey rae Tue, Nov-11-03 11:49

Travel Gal-

Little ones can be trying when you aren't used to them - and sometimes even when you are! My two-year-old certainly makes life interesting. I can be a stress eater too, so I know how it is.

I wouldn't worry too much about the weight gain. I've found that any weight I gain due to a cheat comes off pretty quickly once I get back on track.

I have finally broken my stall, but it has taken some work on my part. I have been either going to Curves or doing 1 mile on the treadmill every day. I have decided that I just have to make exercise a priority if I want to lose the weight.

It is very hard hard for me to keep my enthusiasm for exercise over the long run. I think that I will have to adjust my attitude regularly. Have you tried walking in the malls? At least you have something interesting to look at and you don't have to worry about hills or the winter weather. You could also try a water aerobics class. That shouldn't bother your knee and might be more interesting than just the walking. I used to go to a class at the Y on Valley Road. I think they also have them at Alf Sorensen. It's pretty fun and easy on the joints. I did it when I was very pregnant.

Good luck on trying to get back on track. Try to get out and enjoy the sunny weather while it lasts!

Travel Gal Wed, Nov-12-03 22:44

Stacey Rae,

Thanks for the suggestions and encouragement about exercise. You are very right about water exercise. I have gone to several of the pools for exercise classes in past years. I liked them and they do help. I didn't have the time during the last number of years because I was taking care for my Mom and she has alzheimers. Sadly the time came to place her in a home a few months ago. I am able to do more things for myself now and I have been thinking about
water exercise. I live on the slopes of Peavine Mountain so the YMCA near Reno Highschool is probably the nearest to me.

I actually love children. I was blessed with 7 children and have 12 grandchildren. They were all a joy to me.The happiest time of my life was when my kids were small.
The little one that visited is difficult to be around and it's really her parents fault as they can't bring themselves to say no to her.
They mean well but other family members besides me dread to have them visit and that's a shame.
Did you make it through Halloween with out getting into the candy? Thankfully I did. I usually buy small Milky Way bars to give out because I don't like them. There better not be Snickers or Mr Goodbars around or I have a hard time staying out of them.
The weather has been georgous hasn't it? I love the autumns here. If only it didn't get dark so early.

stacey rae Thu, Nov-20-03 12:23

Travel Gal-

So sorry to learn of your mother's illness! What a difficult situation you are in. You have my sympathy.

I am proud to say that I made it through Halloween without eating one single piece of candy! I feel that this was an achievement when you consider the fact that I was surrounded by kids and husband who were all eating it. I am with you on the Snickers bars - they are my favorite, with the exception of Sees candy.

I have enjoyed the long fall season this year too. I think that winter is finally here to stay, though.

Are you planning on cheating a little for Thanksgiving? I may end up doing that because I will be at a high-carb feast at my aunt's house. I plan on getting on the treadmill in the morning and then just enjoying myself. It's only one day. I hope you enjoy your holiday.

"Slots" Sat, May-08-04 01:03

Are you guys still out there ?????????
I'm in Reno, but noticed that you guys last posted in Oct 03

stacey rae Mon, May-10-04 09:57

Hi Slots-

I'm still around, but on a temporary break from low carb due to my pregnancy. I am due in August and plan to resume low carb as soon as my baby is born.

Are you new to this WOE? I lost a lot of weight and felt great while eating low carb. I can't wait to get back into the swing of things so that I can continue to pursue my goals.

Please feel free to post again! I get an EMAIL whenever there is a post to this thread.

Good luck and have a great day!


"Slots" Tue, May-11-04 00:16

I'm not new to Atkins. I used it from 1973 to 1989.
I've had a weight problem since I was born, and have always tried every new idea that came along.
Just before Atkins came along, I think it all started with a book I read, called "Calories Don't Count" They actually outlawed that book.
Then came Atkins, and I was hooked. It worked !!
I had started from about 220, and for more that 15 years, I kept my weight between 117 and 119. I consumed 10 carbs or less a day, and back then, didn't know about "fiber".
Then one day, I started taking medications that caused weight gain (which they didn't know back then either), and even though I went off (my form) of a maintence diet, the weight kept creeping back on, so I said " if I'm gunna gain anyway, I'm gunna EAT !!, and I gave up. Well, not completely .... after spending 15 years eating a certain way, it "sticks" with ya. I knew by heart how many carbs were in what, and I was still aware of what I ate, so my weight never went up that high again.
Now, I'm going at it again because I just got sick of myself, and I read Atkins "new" book, and found out everything they have learned since I quit ... mainly about the meds.
They have learned Soooo much since "the ol days". I've learned now that it was the medications that threw me, so I weaned myself off the medications, and decided to give it a 'go" again.
Also there was no such thing as counting off the fiber like nowdays. They didn't even know about it. There are so many new products in the stores, and recipes available on the net that I didn't have before.
Someone once asked me how I stayed so slim, and I said "caffeine, nicotine, and protein" .. and it was the truth, and just about in that order.
I'm still resistant to weight loss, and it's slow, but I will have no problem keeping it under control now days, and this time it will last more than 15 years (if I have that many left)
Since last August 21, I've lost 33 pounds of the 50 pounds I want to lose. I'm not sure where my weight will end up, but I've settled into what I will eat from now on, (my WOE), and when I reach the point of not losing any more, ... that's were I'll be !
I CAN keep from eating any more, but I refuse to eat any less than 10 to 15 carbs a day for the remainder of my life.
I looked really good at 119 pounds, but I was starving the body.
Besides, I'm 64 years old now, and that's a rediculess weight for me, and there's NO WAY I'm trying to get there now.
It was great at the time, but I'm a lot smarter now (I think) :bash:
Now I'm just after a way to eat the rest of my life that will keep my weight down, more than trying to reach a certain "goal".I know what I would LIKE to weigh, but if I don't reach it, I'm not going to cut down of what I'm eating now

"Slots" Tue, May-11-04 01:05

Got carried away, and forgot to tell you, that I'm out in the North end.
They just opened a Curves out here in Feb. and since I retired four years ago from a very active job, I decided to join. I just turned into a slug !
I've worked off 12 inches and I HATE exercise. On the job was one thing, but to exercise on purpose !! ... forget it.
Well, after 4 years of retirement, I knew that, like it or not I was going to have to do somthing that I have avoided my whole life.

My diet went well from Aug to Dec, but then I hit a stall, (this was when my body caught on to what was happening)
and since then I've only lost about 7 to 8 pounds.
Since I started back on the diet, I have not had one bite of cheating, holidays or not, so I know it wasn't "my" fault.
I'm only losing about 2 pounds at the most, a month.
I have good ketones every single day, but I also have a metabolism that gets thousands of miles to the gallon !
Some people say I need to eat more, to shock the system, ( and I used to do that), but I'm scared too... when I'm losing this slow. The ol'body just doesn't work like it used to.
Guess I've talked your ear off eh ???
I see that you have done some GREAT losing so far, and congrats on the baby ... is this your 1st ... or last ??

KoKo Fri, Aug-06-04 00:35

Hey Slots come out in the open, I'm not from Reno but am AWAKE :lol:

"Slots" Sat, Aug-07-04 11:20

Wow ... you surprised me.

I'm not "hiding".
It's just that this was a real old thread, and when I did write, no one answered, which didn't surprise me due to the date on the last post.

Whatcha doing on this thread, if your not from Reno ???????

tufluv Sat, Aug-21-04 19:55

I just joned and I live in Dayton and work in Carson City. I read all the entries and was trying to figure out how old the last one was. Was it in winter of 2003? Or 2002? Today is August 21, 2004. Are you both still on program?

tufluv Sat, Aug-21-04 20:28

Boy I messed up. I don't know why but I didn't notice the date of the posts. duh and I'm not a true blonde either. Slots, I'm thinking about retirement I'll be 60 next year but I'm afriad I'll put on all kinds of weight. My time won't be structured and I have no descipline of my own. It'l be winter soon and being outside will be a rarity. I hope I can get the gist of this board. There are so many places and I'm so forgetful about where I've been on here. I was triing to get to my journal when I found this thread. Hope I can find me way here again. I put it in my favorites. But that is no guarantee.

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