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madmike Wed, Aug-27-03 12:10

What was your kick-start insult or event?
Most of us have been heavy for a long time, but could never muster the desire to do anything about it... then something happens, an insult (perhaps meant as a joke but hurtful), a glance of yourself naked in the mirror, an embarrassing moment in an airplane, etc. that kick starts us on a diet, hopefully THE diet that will solve our problem for good. My question is, what was that insult or event that got you started?

Mine was a dinner party my wife and I were having a few months ago. There were my friends and several family members gathered, including my Mother who is 75 years old. She knew that I had gone to the doctor that week. Anyway, everyone made their plates from a buffet we had set up, and then brought their plates to the dinner table. As I brought in a huge stack of food and sat down, my Mom asked "now son, what did the doctor say about your weight problem? :cry: I was so embarrassed, especially with that huge load of food I had on my plate. She didn't mean to embarrass me... she was speaking out of concern, but at her age didn't think before she spoke. It was very awkward, even though I tried to laugh it off. Ever since then though, I keep thinking about that evening and why I was the only one in the group that was fat... just look at my plate! madmike

sunspine17 Wed, Aug-27-03 12:18

I actually don't have one-- just sick of being overweight to the point where I finally went out and did something about it. I have a friend who has a great one, however. He was at the movie theater standing in the lobby. There was a father with a few young kids in the lobby too. One of the kids was asking his father where the bathroom is. The dad pointed near where my friend was standing and said "over there by the fat guy." My friend said the looked around and there wasn't anyone else near him. Suddenly it hit him that HE was the fat guy! He went on a "DIET" (low fat---ugghhh!) the very next day.

Sentoria Wed, Aug-27-03 12:21

For me it was the pictures we took Thanksgiving of last year! I knew I was big, but never realized how big until then. I was in shock!

skibunnie Wed, Aug-27-03 12:29

My friend asked me if i was pregnant. I saw pictures and I didnt recognize myself anymore. This girl who is alot bigger then me (even then) asked me if I wanted some of her clothes that were too big on her now (she said it to be mean)

Thanakar Wed, Aug-27-03 12:31

Mine was lying down on the floor to watch TV and not being able to see over my belly, plus this mouthy little 12 year old that kept asking when my baby was due.....

wendy858 Wed, Aug-27-03 12:36

I have a closet full of size 8/9 clothes that I haven't been able to wear for almost 2 years. :cry: I refuse to buy clothes that are size 12 or bigger, so I have been wearing some U G L Y, baggy, crappy looking clothes for some time. :rolleyes:

I hate it. I want to wear my smaller clothes and buy some new ones! I want to feel good about how I look. I want to be healthy and active.

Ashtaroth Wed, Aug-27-03 12:48

My kick-start
My best friend lost about 20lbs last year and looks great! I finally decided that instead of feeling insecure (and maybe a little jealous) standing next to her, that I should just get my butt moving and do it too.


rishamoon Wed, Aug-27-03 13:07

I had wanted to loose the weight for a long time. but I knew I couldn't do the typical "diet", I knew I would fail. I heard so many horror stories about people dieting, loosing, then gaining even more. Then my dad started doing Atkins, and having great results and I got curious and looked it up. I spent about 3 months thinking about doing it, but knew that it would be hard with all the "NO NO" foods in the house, my then hubby would still buy his twinkies and bring me chocolate.... So nothing happened till we split up. Here I was embarking on living alone, thinking of possibly re-entering the "dating" scene and I laughed, who would want to date me??? geesh. But I had the perfect chance to stock my kitchen with the RIGHT foods, since I was starting from scratch. I started Atkins when I rented my apartment, haven't looked back. :)

yvonne326 Wed, Aug-27-03 13:12

My "eye opener" was when I was watching video of me of Christmas 2001. I was probably at my heaviest there ... and I was shocked to really see how big I was (comparing myself to my rather large sister-in-law) and decided that before I hit 40, I will lose weight.

I did lose weight...not at goal yet...perhaps on my 41st birthday in March 2004.

hey_Neener Wed, Aug-27-03 13:25

My grandmother was walking behind me and said "My God your ass is wide!" But the clincher was when I went shopping with her and she held up a pair of pants saying "Janenne-these should fit-they're a 20 Wide." Have to love her.

smurf Wed, Aug-27-03 13:26

For me it was when we were in the car going to dinner and I was telling my husband how I was not able to find a dress that fit me for an upcoming wedding (I meant that all were too long, since I am short) from the backseat came this little voice that said "is it because you're so fat?" It broke my heart, not what he said but the tone, a matter of fact tone full of acceptance, just stating the truth. I vowed that my son would not have a fat mommy anymore, he would have a healthy mommy who would do things with him and who would hopefully be around a long time for him!

judi :)

mind-full Wed, Aug-27-03 13:37

After having my children and realizing that after each birth I lost the baby weight and then started to gain ... "cleaning up" after the kids eat by finishing their food, bingeing on cake (my ultimate weakness) and cookies and just not really monitoring myself yet always feeling hungry, I knew I needed to work at something. I have never had trouble with weight until my 30's.

What started by husband and I off was my own thoughts boosted by his sudden interest in giving up "white" foods, such as rice, potatoes, etc. I knew if I didn't take the bull by the horns at that moment I would lose his interest and I wouldn't be able to do the WOE by myself with a house full of tiny people who burn carbs like nobody's business, plus a carb-loading husband.

So, without even telling my husband, I put us into Atkins' Induction. He lost 10 pounds the first week. He was hooked.

Now, we have a plan and goals and can discuss portions, whereas, before this WOE, he felt as if I was depriving him if I suggested smaller portions.

This plan has been a saving grace in more ways that weight. :thup:

LovableLC Wed, Aug-27-03 13:41

I was going on and off of Atkins for the last year or two. I got really serious in July after I heard of someone referring to me as overweight. I know it doesn't seem like much but all my life no one had ever commented on my extra weight although it was my biggest fear. Hearing it from other people just really gets to you. Since then I've been trying my butt off to get the weight off.

MocaGyrl Wed, Aug-27-03 13:45

Good Q!
I decided to do Atkins when my Man told me in January he's doing it. I thought, great, I wanted to start a plan, lose some weight, so let's do it together. Seeing pictures of myself taken in Nov 02 made me realize I had to lose a few.

DaRockman Wed, Aug-27-03 13:49

I went to a pool party at my Mom's house about 2 weeks ago... The pictures came back yesterday... YIKES!

madmike Wed, Aug-27-03 13:52

Hi DaRockman! Welcome to the forum... this is a great place to keep your enthusiasm and confidence up. Let me know if I can help in anyway during your first few days and weeks! mad

suzieq Wed, Aug-27-03 13:59

amusement park
End of last summer went to Six Flags with my family, after waiting in line forever, for this rollercoaster, I couldn't get the belt around me. Of course I held up the ride for a minute or two while I tried, and then my slightly scared daughter had to ride it herself. I was so embarassed and humilated, I swore I would do better this summer. And over the past year have lost 35 pounds, and I rode that ride with my daughter last month!!

Now I want to be able to ride on the swings, next summer!!


Teaselus Wed, Aug-27-03 15:18

The clothes they have in the "plus sizes" department. I just can't look at them anymore.

Do they INTENTIONALLY want us to look even worse??? I mean, they are INCREDIBLY ugly.


IwillLose Wed, Aug-27-03 15:43

When I broke up with my boyfriend, he said, I think out of anger, "It doesn't matter, its not like it was easy for me to date you anyway. I got sick of hearing all my friends talk about how fat you are." I finally realized what a jerk this guy really was and was so excited to be breaking up with him, but at the same time, it hurt. I didn't do anything about it then, even after more and more insults about how big my butt was from friends. I separated myself from those people and got on my own and thats when I could finally start to lose weight, because I was doing it for myself and no one else.

katoman Wed, Aug-27-03 15:52

My moment came in July. I have been suffering from a form of psoriasis that had been getting progressively worse, along with my weight, over the last two years. I didn't care that I was fat. My bloodwork has only been slightly elevated and my blood pressure is perfectly fine. But the psoriasis...that's a different story...While on vacation in June, my symptoms had temporarily abated. While on the road I drank tons of water (wasn't really hungry at all), ate salads and nuts. When I got back from the trip, the psoriasis flared back up with a vengeance!!! It got so bad my socks were bloody. That's when I decided. It wasn't the weight that lead me here initially. It was the devastating attack of refined carbs upon my feet and hands...probably candidiasis as many of my other "problems" seem to have abated as well: no more bloating, no more hunger, less weight to carry on tender feet, no more swollen ankles..and so on. Since the Low Carb WOE takes away the food of the candida, maybe now I can heal and lose the weight. Oh yeah. And no more excuses.

lauracat28 Wed, Aug-27-03 15:53

I had a firbord removed and the only risk factor i had was i was over wait. that was it. The other main thing was i woke up after haveing that done and reilized i was in a fat person hopialt gown that they had two sizes and i need the fat person size. I vowed right then to do something about it i did. That was over 80lbs ago.

Arie Wed, Aug-27-03 16:01

well, three years ago we were redoing our website, and we needed updated pictures of us for it.. We brought a professional photographer, and they spent 2 days taking pictures.. I ask them to make sure they take my picture so it will minimize my weight (they have angles and tricks to do it)... and they did.
a week later we get the pictures and I was horrified to see my self.. I was so fat... of course we used my old picture.... But it did get my a$$ in gear. I started low carb (my own version) and started working out for the first time in my life...

Click here see "the picture that did it" and what I look like 32 months later.

EvenLower Wed, Aug-27-03 16:27

I think it was when I had to order xxl work shirts instead of xl

now I'm almost to a medium, woot woot

djkismet Wed, Aug-27-03 16:48

last haloween i dressed up as a nun for work, and somebody there said "you cant be the flying nun, youre to heavy" ughh... i felt my heart break..

Natkins Wed, Aug-27-03 16:53

My ex-husband said in marriage counseling that he was no longer attracted to me because of my weight gain. :(
It hurt, especially since he never encouraged me to lose or ever mentioned it! I feel like I never had the opportunity to fix it!! So it's too late for him, but it's never too late for myself!

Arie Wed, Aug-27-03 17:01

Originally Posted by Natkins
My ex-husband said in marriage counseling that he was no longer attracted to me because of my weight gain. :(
It hurt, especially since he never encouraged me to lose or ever mentioned it! I feel like I never had the opportunity to fix it!! So it's too late for him, but it's never too late for myself!

I saw your picture... too late, and too bad for him.. you look.. GOOD!

Natkins Wed, Aug-27-03 17:11

Thanks for the compliment!!
That pic is pretty recent. I didn't look as good at 193 pounds!!! :) And I didn't FEEL as good either.

cwbydeb Wed, Aug-27-03 17:25

Ok, my turn.....

In April of this year I watched my aunt die from her addiction. Although hers was very different than mine.... I realized I have a serious carb addiction. Not a food addiction, but cabs and junk. So here I am.


In ontario CA too!

Wenzday Wed, Aug-27-03 17:29

I catch my reflection and feel physically ILL! :(

the clincher though was being in the ER recently and having to tell the nurse my weight in front of my Father in law...I still want to die thinking about it!!! *sigh* well, at least I am on the right track now.

Caper Greg Wed, Aug-27-03 17:42

I overheard someone refer to me as Meatloaf. Enough said.

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