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EWENJ Thu, Aug-21-03 11:58

A Christmas challenge ??
Anybody fancy getting a buddy to have a go at losing some of these unwanted pounds for Christmas?

I was hoping to lose maybe 25 pounds before then!!! Is this a realistic goal? Let me know, I would appreciate some advice and support....

champion67 Fri, Aug-22-03 09:24

I'm game
I think 25 lbs is very realistic! I've been averaging 2 lbs/week. At that I'm hoping to be about 35 pounds lighter by Christmas. I'd probably drop more if I exercised more often. I've been trying to work in Pilates once/week and walk 1-2/week. My goal is to step both those up or add weights in the next month or so. I'll do the Christmas challenge with you!


IceChic Fri, Aug-22-03 18:52

I haven't lost but 2 pounds in the last month~ I'm not at all sure what is realistic to loose by Christmas. I'm not sure I'd bet on 10 pounds... but I keep telling myself I'm ready for a BIG woosh.

I guess 10 pounds sounds good. I have 30 + left to lose.
Need lots of inspiration!!


champion67 Fri, Aug-22-03 19:51

Originally Posted by IceChic
I haven't lost but 2 pounds in the last month~ I'm not at all sure what is realistic to loose by Christmas. I'm not sure I'd bet on 10 pounds... but I keep telling myself I'm ready for a BIG woosh.

I guess 10 pounds sounds good. I have 30 + left to lose.
Need lots of inspiration!!


Ice Chic,

I think the closer you get to your goal weight the slower it comes off. Keep plugging away! I hate plateaus too. At least you're still seeing some progress. I look at it this way 1 pound a week is 52 pounds in a year. Some weeks are more, some are less. Since I have 70# to lose it's coming off faster in the beginning. I'd be happy with 50# though. I plan on making low carbing a lifestyle change because I lost 4 years ago and gained back. There's so much more products and resources now.


champion67 Fri, Aug-22-03 19:55

Ice Chic,

I see you're from Iowa. what area? I grew up in McGregor (up in the NE corner) along the WI border. Now I'm a cheesehead but I'll always be an Iowa girl at heart.

IceChic Sat, Aug-23-03 08:33

Hey Campion! I'm in Des Moines.
Going to try and do some cooking this weekend and get things stocked up. I work at school so just started back this week. Need to get my life organized.


crysania Sat, Aug-23-03 08:53

I am game for loosing at least 25 lbs by dec 25th
i have two weeks of vacation in oct but i still think i can do it :P


Passiflora Sat, Aug-23-03 13:25

Hi! May I join your challenge? I have just started Atkins and am doing well. I hope it's going to be a WOL. We (husband, me and 2 boys) are visiting our very close friends in Virginia for Christmas and they are going to take us skiing. I've never done it before and am sure it will be twice as hard when I'm so overweight. I want them to meet me at the airport and notice a slimmer me! I'd like to think I could lose 25 more pounds by then. So, let's go for it!

By the way, I live in London, England. We've had some adverse statements about low-carb diets here on the media, but I'm standing my ground.

EWENJ Sun, Aug-24-03 12:19

Christmas challenge - Up and running !!!!
I'm so glad that I have had some replies to this thread. Sorry I haven't been back since my first one, but I have been away for the weekend. I still managed to stick to my WOE over the weekend though and feel great. My only downfall was I had a few "drams" (drinks) on Friday night and boy did I feel ill on Saturday. I have never had a hangover like it before and I only had maybe five vodka and diet coke. That will definitely teach me a lesson. I have been really good over the rest of the weekend though. My first mini-goal is to lose a stone, but I am really struggling. I feel as if I am doing it right, but I have PCOS and REALLY struggle with any diet. I know that I need to start some exercise and that will be my goal this week, to try and go to the gym at least once and have a long walk another day (I always seem to find an excuse though).

So looks like this challenge is up and running ... let me know how you all get on. I'll be back ......... Joyce

IceChic Sun, Aug-24-03 20:27

Slowly losing...

I lost a pound or two. I'm so fussy I hate to count it until it actually stays off a couple of days. But it's looking good. Of course 'that time of the month' is almost gone so that might be helping.
I've had a good day. Snuck a few bites of apple sauce and some strawberries, but not too bad.

hugs and good luck!

Cheryl R Sun, Aug-24-03 20:58

I was going in to see if anyone wanted to start a Christmas challenge...but it's already here. Christmas is 4 months away...
I think 25 pounds is a great goal. That's about 6-7 pounds a month.

Can a California girl like me join. This is my 2nd attempt at Atkins, I've been on it one week so far. I let people talk me out of it in about know Doc's, nutritionists etc. Doing it there way, I was hungry all the time, and before I knew it I slipped back into my old habits. I weigh in every Tuesday night at a weight loss group (About 5 in our group have fessed up to low carbing, and they are the 5 that have been loosing weigh steadily) So, I'm back at it and feeling great after the first week.

I weighed 278.75 last Tuesday, I'm using that as my starting weight even though I weighed 9 pounds heavier the week before, but I was retaining a lot of water then. So now you've help me set a 1st goal, ohhh, that would get me close to 250!!!! That's exciting. I'm going to stick with this and make the challenge!!!! That would feel so good to start the new year out at or below 250.

Thanks for the challenge.

Cheryl :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
I'm so excited

champion67 Sun, Aug-24-03 21:19

Originally Posted by Cheryl R
I weigh in every Tuesday night at a weight loss group (About 5 in our group have fessed up to low carbing, and they are the 5 that have been loosing weigh steadily) So, I'm back at it and feeling great after the first week.


I too weigh myself on Tuesdays. I don't have a scale so I weigh myself at my Mom's on Tuesday nights because we get together for a Bible study. I feel great too. I've been back on LC for 19 days and am sticking to it pretty well. I've lost 8-10 pounds already! I'm not sure exactly what my start weight was either but I went by my last weight at the dr. I'm sure the dr.'s scale is a couple pounds heavier than my Mom's but now that I'm weighing on hers every week I can track pretty well. Do you want to encourage each other on Tuesdays?


Cheryl R Sun, Aug-24-03 21:30

You bet!!!
My home scale is inacurrate, it never weighs me the same if I step on it 2 times in 3 minutes.
The weight group I go to is at night, but I just use that as my official weights. I forgot to take my blood pressure meds for 2 days in a row at my weigh in on 12th, so I had a gain of 5 pounds, the next week I had a loss of 9 pounds, and that was on my 3rd day of Atkins.
One lady at our meeting reached her goal, and as we had a meeting to celebrate her goal, her sister came and read her success story. That's when I found out she was doing Atkins, then a few others fessed up. Some of the older members of our group were in it when it was a no-no to do anything but the exchange diet. Now the rules have changed and we are incouraged to do what ever our health care provider thinks is good for us (Including those who have decided to have surgery).
I love my group, because the sole purpose is to give each other support. I thrive on support, and my husband and daughter support any effort I make for weight loss, wether I fail or succeed, they just like seeing me succeed.
OK...I talk too much.

crysania Sun, Aug-24-03 22:24

i have gotten 3 pounds already of my 25 :P I should probably up my goal but with a two week vacation to texas thrown in around halloween, I guess I will let in stay just in case

not that I am complaining mind, but the weight has been melting off lately! and i am not even on induction anymore (and even have cheated a few times) 36lbs since I started in june

maybe i should hush before the stall deamon hears me lol

Cheryl, i have two friends with that name, my best friend's is spelled with an S though :)


rishamoon Sun, Aug-24-03 23:33

I am all for joining in, I just hit the under 200 mark, 175 sounds like a good goal for Christmas. :)

I'll have to add it to my list.

EWENJ Mon, Aug-25-03 02:25

I was reading some of you guys weighing in on a Tuesday, I think I'll post my updates on a Tuesday as well, (if you don't mind that is). It would be good to see how we are all doing. I think a wee bit of competition is good for us, I know it will hopefully help me. I have been really good as well. When I started this thread last week my weight was 190 lbs. Look back tomorrow (Tuesday) for my updated weight (please let it be less!!!!). Great to hear how everyone is getting on, keep it up!!!


Tortie Mon, Aug-25-03 08:01

I've had Christmas as a milestone in my mind so this seems the right group to join to get some support and companionship. I've been doing Atkins since 29 July - and been cheat free apart from my one indulgence - a cup of tea with milk in the morning but without that life is just not viable! I have lost 6lbs so far - a bit disappointing but compensation is feeling so much better and having more energy. The exercise was not happening so I have bought a rebounder which lives in my sitting room so I can use it easily several times - it is fun and I can do it to music or watching TV. :yay:

As the weight has come of so slowly (even though I am definitely in ketosis) I am not sure what goal to set for Christmas but I guess if I keep up the rate I have lost so far, 25lbs should be reasonable.

Looking forward to getting to know you all

Athena123 Mon, Aug-25-03 12:31

I'm definitely in. I'd like to be down to 275 by Christmas, but anywhere under 300 would be THE best Christmas gift.

nitwit Mon, Aug-25-03 13:46

Can I join too?!?!? Xmas is a great goal and would love to fit into a slinky black dress for my works christmas party - my starting weight is 190!!! Would love to be 160'ish for xmas!

Let me know - but will keep checking!!!


kellyuk Mon, Aug-25-03 14:21

I'm up for it too, thanks for letting me know Lindy, I was going to use my birthday in November as a goal but xmas seems more attainable!

champion67 Mon, Aug-25-03 14:48

I like the idea of short term goals like Cheryl mentioned. Maybe I'll change that on my stats so I have a number to shoot for. Otherwise I might forget as my mind seems to blank out a lot these days.

I think it would be great if we weigh in on Tuesdays. It's always good to have support.


champion67 Mon, Aug-25-03 15:01


My Birthday is in Nov. too.


EWENJ Tue, Aug-26-03 03:23

Yippee !!!!
I am finding a lot of UK support in this forum and after so much bad press here (UK) lately I am glad that we are all sticking to it. I also have a birthday in November !!!! Well, I weighed myself this morning and I am down to 184.5 lbs :yay: I can't believe it, I have been really good but still haven't managed to get any exercise in. I will try though. Seems as though we have a good challenge going on here, keep it up girls !!!!

pattie Tue, Aug-26-03 04:36

Xmas Challange
HI All :wave:
I would like to join also..Christmas was my goal date I had set in Fitday. I think 25# is very doable. :agree:
I have been good since I started no cheats days.
I will also change my weigh in day to Tue. I usally wiegh in on Mon. So the weigh in time works well also. That would put me at aound 187, would rather see it at 170 by then.
I have read all the threads looks like we are a Great bunch who are really willing to work at the challange.. LET'S DO IT!!! :thup:


Cindyrella Tue, Aug-26-03 06:00

Ready To Start AGAIN
Hello All, Here I go ONCE AGAIN teheee, Im willing to take this challage, I will be restarting the Atkins diet again tomorrow (already been bad today) I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to drop 25 pds by Christmas, and show everyone back home that I can do it!! Not to mention how great I would feel about myself! This will be my 2nd time trying this, but I know with the support of the board I can do it!! You all have done soooo well, It gives me the encouragment that I too can do it!! I am so proud of you all!!! My starting weight is 150 i will check in and report my progress every Wed. ... Anyone in on this challage around the Charlotte NC area? Good Luck everyone I KNOW you all can do it!! :Party: :wiggle:

Tortie Tue, Aug-26-03 07:20

Tuesday check-in - good news!
Welcome Cinderella - look forward to hearing from you. What went wrong last time? Did you reach your goal or did you get sabotaged? It seems to me that losing weight is all in the mind - unless you really decide its time to change, there are so many things that can distract and stop you achieving. I know for me - now is the time - I have been thinking about dieting for at least 9 months and until 29 July I was stuck in "I ought to" but don't want to. Then my attitude changed to - 'this is something I must do and am chosing to do it now'. That attitude and Atkins has made it easy, particularly the fact that I can eat food that tastes good (compared to low-fat dieting).

Well, I weighed myself this morning on my rather old set of scales and it said I had lost 2lbs in past week :yay: I won't believe it until its been that way a few days cause I find scales do go up and down. What I know is, I am sticking with it. I would put a Cheat Free 28 days sticker if I could work out how to do it. :angel:

Hope everyone else has good results at their weigh-ins.

All the best,


Cindyrella Tue, Aug-26-03 07:29

You are doing great!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!!! What happend was, I cheated and it was all down hill from there, and i got so aggervated with myself and felt like such a failure that I just quit :( But now i realize the only thing making me a failure is thinking I was one, and that i had done it before and there is no reason why I cant do it again! I was feeling so great about myself, buying new clothes, I even got my navel pireced as a gift to myself for doing so well, and now it looks silly lol and i cant show it off :( I want to be able to do this again for self esteem reasons and health reasons, my father recently passed away due to a stroke, everyone in my familiy has health issues, and i recently found out that diabeties is what killed my grandmother, I never knew it. I just want to be healthy and proud and by golly im going to do it this time!! :)
Thanks for the welcome and the reply

Cindy :yay:

champion67 Tue, Aug-26-03 08:33

It felt like cheating
Hello All,

I just wanted to tell you that I made the French Silk (recipe section) yesterday and I felt like I cheated because it was so satisfiying. I still ended up 2 carbs BELOW my daily count by the end of the day.:yum: I'm still feeling incredible and will have another piece today. Just wanted to pass that along.


Shellyf34 Tue, Aug-26-03 11:16

I wanna join, too! :yay:

I am making a goal of 170 by Christmas! I think that is about 22 pounds for me. When I did Atkins before I made goal right after Xmas (started the beginning of June '98), but I know that is a bit far-fetched this time. I am going to make a schedule in me signature...

MissyK Tue, Aug-26-03 11:44

I would love to join you guys!

I have been LC'ing since Easter and have lost about 24 pounds. I find that I average 1/2 to 1 lb a week weight loss, so I don't think that 25 lbs is realistic for me. However since my current weight is 167, if I could get down to 150 that would be excellent! I have done Atkins on and off for almost 4 years. This time is much better due to 1) dh is doing it with me and 2) all the support and encouragement I get from this forum. Also, I do cheat on occasion but try to use some sense about it and jump right back to Lc'ing the next day. I'm really trying to view this as a permanent WOL this time. It seems to help.

Best of luck to you all!

Missy :)

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