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prmichel Fri, Aug-08-03 15:02

calling all Lesbian low carbers...
Maybe we can start our own thread.
My gf and I started Atkins aprox 8 weeks ago. I have lost about 15lbs, she has lost about 10. I absolutely love this WOE, I feel much more energetic and healthly.


tholian8 Sat, Aug-16-03 14:09

You rang?

Tried to pm you, but I couldn't. (I think you have to make 25 posts before they turn it on.)

Come over to my journal and we can have a chat about it. Lots of family members on this board.


angelhugs Sun, Aug-17-03 03:28

hi :) i'm in portland and would love to start a lesbian chat group, please tell me how and when u do. thankyou, Angelhugs

prmichel Mon, Aug-18-03 08:18

I'm new to this site and only have a few posts, so far. How do I get to your journal Emily?

AntiM Sun, Aug-24-03 20:59

Hi Priscilla,

You and your GF are doing great!

To get to Emily's Journal, click on the little Journal icon at the bottom of her reply.

I've been a happy fat dyke for many years - until illness made carrying around extra poundage harder. I've been doing LC for over five months and really enjoy it ... my blood sugar is in control, I've lost some weight (regardless of needing steroids occasionally) and I feel much better. My girl is doing even better, so it's a happy household.

Keep me in mind if you start an 'official' thread!

ms.michele Sun, Oct-19-03 15:14

Was there an official chat/thread started?

prmichel Mon, Oct-20-03 07:55

Hi Michele,
No official thread that i know of. What is Allergy rotation?

ms.michele Tue, Oct-21-03 10:45

Hi prmichel,

My doctor suggested I get tested for over 100 foods. The idea is that we are senstive to certain foods and if we eliminate them for a few months and then rotate individual foods into our diets slowly it will make our bodies metabolize better. He took about 4 small vials of blood and within 3 weeks I got a whole booklet of what I was sensitive to and what I wasn't.

For example, I found out I am extremely sensitive to chicken (which I used to eat everyday!) - since eliminating it I don't have the gaseous occasions I used to blame on carbs!

I was on atkins for a long time and lost so slowly that I thought I was in constant stall. After the change in diet (I had to eliminate both chicken and pork products, but was able to add more beef and dairy), I have lost pretty steadily!

It worked for me. But I would read up on it before going to your doctor since they may not know anything about it. It's about a $350 test but can be covered by your insurance. Here's the website


ms.michele Mon, Oct-27-03 05:47

C'mon now this can't be all of us!

prmichel Mon, Oct-27-03 09:01

I guess it's just you and me Michele.
How was your weekend?
I was pleasantly surprised to discover I lost another 3lbs.

ms.michele Wed, Oct-29-03 19:00

Congrats on the loss!

I haven't been a very good girl lately but I am getting back up on the horse!

Yup, just you and me!


MsDad Sun, Nov-02-03 07:25

Hey, would you guys be opposed to having a Gay man as part of this thread? I seem to be the only one around...

tholian8 Sun, Nov-02-03 17:43

There are quite a few gay folks on this forum, but for some reason we seem to hang out in one another's journals.


TarHeel Sun, Nov-02-03 18:14

Not gay myself, but at least 1/4th of the folks in my "subscribed threads" clearly there are more of you around. I don't feel comfortable giving out names. Maybe they will find /you, I hope. Not sure it makes a difference, eating wise.... Listen to Emily, she will tell you what's up.

I'm attracted to lesbians because in my experience they have a great sense of humour and are more articulate than the average bear. Having worked in the mental health field, I know a lot of them.

There of a lot of us "straight folk" around who are happy to listen and be interested in what you have to say, regardless of orientation.

I am having trouble with your posted height in your profile, though.

All best,


MsDad Sun, Nov-02-03 19:01

Trouble with my height?? Did I miss something??

MarzipanCT Mon, Nov-03-03 06:26

Hi, Can I join this thread too? This is my very first post, so I'm not to sure how it all works yet, however I did figure out how to subscribe to this particular thread. Thanking you all in advance.


prmichel Mon, Nov-03-03 10:35

Hello to Eddie and Marzipan.
I don't get the height comment myself.

JYounginer Wed, Nov-05-03 16:29

I truly do not know how I missed this before, but it's great to find some "family". :hyper: Alot of you look familiar, since I've read your comments in other posts, and I'm glad to join this group.

My name is Joni, I'm 24 years old and recently followed my girlfriend Charity from Atlanta, GA to Little Rock, AR. After 2 and a 1/2 years of being together and quickly gaining 75 pounds each of "comfort weight" (that is on top of the bulk that we allready had) we decided to start on Atkins around the end of August. Charity started at 337 and I was at a hefty 343. As of last weekend, we are both down to 304 and looking forward to getting in the "200's" again! :cheer: Our goal weights are within 30 pounds of eachother, Charity wanting to be at 140(or so) and me being totally good at 160 (I'm 5'11 so I don't think I can go much lower than that). For our reward for hitting our goal weight we are going to have a commitment ceremony in Las Vegas hopefully in the end of 2004, but we'll see. :D

Well, I guess that I've rambled on enough, so I'll end this now. It'll be great to get to know all of you. We really should start a "main" thread! :wave:

With Pride,

MsDad Wed, Nov-05-03 18:07

Hi Joni,

From the "Honorary Lesbian," welcome! It sounds like you guys are doing awesome! You put my lousy 3 lbs since 9/22 to shame. I was starting to get really disgusted and considered giving up. But when my DH and I went to the gym last night I asked one of the trainers to do a body fat analysis on me. I've actually gained about 1 1/2 lbs of muscle. So at least I am losing fat. Since we're working out several times a week and I'm taking a thermogenic supplement) both should keep my metabolism up) I'm going to try cutting my caloric intake and see if that will get the scales moving. If that still doesn't do it, I may get out the kitchen shears and the vacuum and do a self-liposuction! (Just a joke!) :lol:

JYounginer Thu, Nov-06-03 07:27


Congratulations on your results. I have the same thing happen sometimes when I think I've lost nothing and then get really shocking results from my measurements alone. Also, thanks for the warm welcome. Charity and I actually just changed the way that we were doing "low carb" just two weeks ago to try and increase the amount of weight we are loosing(especially since we have so much to go). We've cut out "grains" and all "sugar alcohols" and it really seems to be making a differance. We're also adding in alot of excersize and are considering trying "Body for Life" in a few months. It was hell for us to cut out most or the LC convenience products that we have been using, but in the time that we cut all of that out until now we've actually lost 10 pounds.. so it must be working!

Talk to you soon!

tholian8 Sat, Nov-08-03 18:52

Originally Posted by JYounginer
I have the same thing happen sometimes when I think I've lost nothing and then get really shocking results from my measurements alone.

I had that happen to me today--the scale said I'd gone up a couple of pounds since my US trip, but when I tried on a ring I haven't been able to wear for 13 years, it went on easily. :yay:

We're also adding in alot of excersize and are considering trying "Body for Life" in a few months.

I recommend it highly. I've been lifting weights for years, but BFL is a whole 'nother level of effort. I stay mainly LC but I do the workouts, and I do take one free meal a week.


PilotGal Sun, Nov-09-03 10:45

Hello sisters and brothers!!!! I found you!!!!
Looking forward to becoming part of this thread.
did induction for 3 weeks, lost 11 lbs. went off lipitor, cholesterol sky rocketed.
read in other threads not to panic, as this will surely drop in a few weeks.
g/f and I are doing a modified version. We've removed most carbs from our life, although we love our veggies. I miss my salty popcorn snack. any suggestions on substitution for salty popcorn? I eat pork rinds in abundance.
Glad to have found you! Looking forward to becoming part of this family.

PilotGal Sun, Nov-09-03 10:48

Perhaps we should identify ourselves here as "Gay & Lesbian" ?

PilotGal Sun, Nov-09-03 10:57

Ms.Dad, loved the link you posted in "civil marriages." had to send that out! Thanks!

PilotGal Sun, Nov-09-03 11:26

Calling All Gay & Lesbians Ready * Set * Go *
:yay: :yay: :yay: I want to find a buddy or two or three to be deligent with food intake and weight loss by the time NYE rolls around.
Anyone want to do this as a group?
I registered over at and doing my reality check of daily carb consumption.
Anyone game?
I'm here!!!! :yay: :yay:

DWRolfe Sun, Nov-09-03 14:01

I have the power (by that I mean the Moderator tools ;)) necessary to change the name of this thread to Lesbian & Gay or Gay & Lesbian or whatever, if y'all wish. Just say the word(s)...or send me a PM... Or maybe it would be better to just start a new thread with the name of your choice. Whichever you decide, this is the right area of the forum in which to post!


JYounginer Tue, Nov-11-03 07:44

Good Morning! Thanks for the comments Emily! I am really excited about trying out BFL. And welcome to the thread pilot, glad to see more folks on this thread! Well, I fell off the wagon on Sunday and again yesterday... but once again have climbed back up and I'm on induction again. Pilot, I'm willing to do a weight loss countdown until NYE and then we'll just start up another one after that! What is it that you want to do?

Oh yeah, one more thing, maybe if we start a "main" thread we should do a "GLBT" name. Let me know and I or someone else can contact DW and let him know that we're ready.

Have a great day!

TarHeel Tue, Nov-11-03 20:27

I don't belong here, orientation-wise, but I'm friendly....and I thought I would point out that if you really were contemplating the name GLBT, someone's likely to stop in and ask for the recipe for the sandwich.

All best wishes,


tholian8 Wed, Nov-12-03 05:47

Originally Posted by TarHeel
I don't belong here, orientation-wise, but I'm friendly....and I thought I would point out that if you really were contemplating the name GLBT, someone's likely to stop in and ask for the recipe for the sandwich.

Oh, the places I could go with that idea....

Emily ;)

JYounginer Wed, Nov-12-03 07:12

HA HA Tholian! The sandwich... Ok.


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