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Optimist Wed, Aug-06-03 21:06

I'm ready but...
I have the BFL book and journal and have contemplated starting many times but needed to get my diet under control before I added even more confusion to my life. I also read the wonderfully complete thread by Nat but I have some newbie questions still:
  • Do you all keep the 6 meals about the same size? IOW, can they be the regular three plus three snacks? The planning involved to consistently get in the 6 meals is off-putting.
  • I love cardio and hate the idea of limiting it to 20 minutes. I know too much can actually impede progress but is anyone doing BFL while maintaining their biking or running schedule? I'm doing this for health, not that a stupid statement? I know Nat said too much cardio can diminish muscle.... Guess I'm still a little confused about this issue:confused:
  • Do you do the exercises exactly as spelled out in the journal? It's boring to do the same sets (sorry) and there are other options that target the same muscles. It shouldn't matter that much as long as I'm targeting the right muscle, right?
  • They're LONG training sessions, aren't they?? I have lots of playlists but am curious about others' lifting soundtracks. What are you all listening to?

Natrushka Thu, Aug-07-03 06:29

Hiyah Optimist :) Doing this for health reasons is one of the prime reasons many of us picked up this little book. Definition is just a bonus! Getting all your ducks in order before you started was definitely a good idea. If you like structure and order you should enjoy the next 12 weeks - and you've definitely found a great place to get answers to questions. If you scroll back a few pages in this forum you'll find posts from when this area first started up - lots of good information is burried back there. As for your list of questions:

Originally Posted by Optimist
Do you all keep the 6 meals about the same size? IOW, can they be the regular three plus three snacks? The planning involved to consistently get in the 6 meals is off-putting.
The idea behind the 6 meals is to consistently be supplying your body with the protein and energy it needs to repair the tissue you're shredding with your resistance workouts. I realize that getting your head around eating that many meals a day can be daunting, but I can honestly say that after 18 months of eating this way I can't imagine not doing it. The biggest hurdle for me was planning out meals that were smaller - you're trying to make it through 3 or 4 hours, not 6, so you need less fuel. I found using fitday to preplan 4 or 5 common meals I enjoyed made this easier - I could just mix and match the meals throughout the week. Having a protein shake post workout set to deliver x amount of carbs / protein also made life easier - one less 'meal' to deal with!

I love cardio and hate the idea of limiting it to 20 minutes. I know too much can actually impede progress but is anyone doing BFL while maintaining their biking or running schedule? I'm doing this for health, not that a stupid statement? I know Nat said too much cardio can diminish muscle.... Guess I'm still a little confused about this issue:confused:
Too much HIIT will definitely be catabolic. Doing slower long cardio occasionally isn't as big a deal - just make sure you're eating your 6 meals with adequate protein ;) (do you like how I snuck that one in again? lol) Something else to think about - if you've been doing long slow cardio for years (like many of us had) then this is going to be big change (i.e. shock to the system). Shocks to the system can often result in dramatic results.

Do you do the exercises exactly as spelled out in the journal? It's boring to do the same sets (sorry) and there are other options that target the same muscles. It shouldn't matter that much as long as I'm targeting the right muscle, right?
The best advice is usually to do the sets / exercises as described for your first 12 weeks - until you're very familiar with the different exercises and how they target your muscles. Keep in mind that you are to change the exercises you do every 4 weeks or so (this is about how long it takes for your muscles to adapt to what you're doing) By the time week 5 rolls around you'll have done some searching and you'll have 2 new exercises picked out that target all muscle groups. Remember, you're not working out those areas more than 2x a week - sometimes only one time a week. I never really found myself bored.

They're LONG training sessions, aren't they?? I have lots of playlists but am curious about others' lifting soundtracks. What are you all listening to?
They should run between 40 and 50 minutes - well under the 60 minute recommended limit. They will take longer at the outset as you get used to the routine, though. I never listend to anything, to be honest - I would have the TV on although I didn't pay much attention to it, sorry can't help much here!


Arnie_g Thu, Aug-07-03 17:40

As always Nat has gave a great reply. Thanks

I'd just like to add my way of getting in the 6 meals. I prep my breakfast lunch and dinner juat as I would before doing BFL, then cut each meal in half and have half now and half 2-3 hours later.

I've just bought so protein shake for the first time. I'm going to use it only after my workouts.

I'm just the oposite of you Optimist, I hate cardio. But I haven't missed one cardio day yet in 8 weeks. This is definately a record for me. I was feeling a little ill this morning and really didn't want to go for a run, but I did it cause there is no way I'm not going to make it the twelve weeks now.

I'm like Nat. I don't hear the music or TV when I'm working out, so tunes don't matter much to me, I just listen to whatever is on at the gym. But I recently read an article that said listining to music helps people lifting and doing cardio, because it acts as a distraction and gives people something other than themselves to focus on.

Good luck to you.


Optimist Thu, Aug-07-03 23:22

Hiya, Nat! Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my very newbie questions. I feel sorta like I've been graced with the presence of a celebrity since I devoured you posts and followed every single link! I have tons of books and videos yet I'm still a lump so, obviously, expert advice was desperately required!

Originally Posted by Natrushka
Too much HIIT will definitely be catabolic. Doing slower long cardio occasionally isn't as big a deal - just make sure you're eating your 6 meals with adequate protein ;) (do you like how I snuck that one in again? lol) Something else to think about - if you've been doing long slow cardio for years (like many of us had) then this is going to be big change (i.e. shock to the system). Shocks to the system can often result in dramatic results.


Okay, I can live with all that you've said - maybe even SIX meals a day (who has time to stop six times to eat???) - and I can live with shorter cardio...for 12 weeks. I have one tiny question re the post workout protein shake: I prefer Nature's Plus Keto Shake which has 2g carb and 23 g protein with two T flax meal or a healthy oil. How's that?

I've got a bang up play list planned, btw, full of some kind of music I can't classify, I think it's called Chill Out or something. When I firsted started training on my spinner it was Trance (did I mention I was 45?!) and now it's R&B and jazzy stuff for a nice steady pace at high tension. I even found a CD of Mozart against a background of trickling water that I've cycled to (slow hills)! It's such a retreat after a hectic day, a chance just to move without thinking, thinking, thinking! :) Will I defeat myself too much if I just cycle at a light tension for the heck of it...? It'll be like having to walk an extra couple of blocks every now and then, right??

Optimist Thu, Aug-07-03 23:34

Originally Posted by Arnie_g
I'm just the oposite of you Optimist, I hate cardio. But I haven't missed one cardio day yet in 8 weeks. This is definately a record for me. I was feeling a little ill this morning and really didn't want to go for a run, but I did it cause there is no way I'm not going to make it the twelve weeks now.


Arnie, you're so inspiring that I'm now completely torn! The six meals thing (count 'em, SIX), is a sticking point but you and Nat have somehow managed to convince me I can do it. I was just going to secretly do the weight training along with my regular cardio escapades but after re-reading Nat's good works and your post I may actually do this challenge as laid out. And, I'm not good at following directions! :eek:

What is it about BFL that has you sticking with the cardio even though you hate it? Besides you and Nat, leafing through the book again and reading the success stories is what's keeping me heading toward the challenge. Did you take a before picture?

Really, you have no idea how much of an impact you've had on me regarding this. Thank you for taking the time to respond, Arnie! And, congratulations on your great success!

Natrushka Fri, Aug-08-03 07:32

Originally Posted by Optimist
I have one tiny question re the post workout protein shake: I prefer Nature's Plus Keto Shake which has 2g carb and 23 g protein with two T flax meal or a healthy oil. How's that? [/size]
18 Months ago I'd have said, "good plan" - but with time comes wisdom, right? Let's hope so ;)

I'd say, go with the Keto shake, but add some berries for carbs - just a few ounces. I'd skip the flax oil post workout, however. 2 reasons. 1) fat slows absorption, and you want that protein and those carbs getting to your muscles ASAP. 2) flax oil is very unstable, adding it to a blender can damage it. If you have to use it this way, throw it in last and only for a quick pulse.

I'd toss the flax on veggies or (icky face here) slurp it in the evening off a spoon. Or... use it in an evening shake as per #2 up above.

No before pic here... Oh how I wish I had. The thing about BFL that I've noticed most of all is that it gets people on the right track - the weight lifting is not bad for you track. For years I thought if I wanted to lose fat I needed to eat less and do hours of cardio. Even to this day I limit my cardio to one session a day (I used to do two) 3 times a week. It's the weights that change your shape. I tell you there is nothing like discovering you have delts and triceps :)

Hiyah Arnie :wave:


SarahO Fri, Aug-08-03 07:58

Hi Optimist! I just finished my first week of BFL today! Have you started yet? Maybe we can help each other stay motivated to stick with it on "blah" days.

I'm having a hard time with the six meals too. What I've been doing is eating my 3 regular meals and adding a snack in the afternoon and something small before bed. I've been wondering if that will have me eating too much food, but I wasn't eating a huge amount of calories before, and for the past few days I've been really hungry, and I am working my body harder than ever before. So I'm not going to worry about reducing calories.

For cardio I run in my neighborhood, and I have some nice fast-paced mixes on my iPod. I lift at home and my soundtrack is soap operas! They don't require my full attention, I can listen along without watching.

Arnie_g Fri, Aug-08-03 08:53

[QUOTE=Optimist]Arnie, you're so inspiring that I'm now completely torn! The six meals thing (count 'em, SIX), is a sticking point but you and Nat have somehow managed to convince me I can do it. I was just going to secretly do the weight training along with my regular cardio escapades but after re-reading Nat's good works and your post I may actually do this challenge as laid out. And, I'm not good at following directions! :eek

What is it about BFL that has you sticking with the cardio even though you hate it? Besides you and Nat, leafing through the book again and reading the success stories is what's keeping me heading toward the challenge. Did you take a before picture? :

Hi Optimist,
I think that the thing that has me sticking with the Cardio this time is HIIT. I can do anything for just one minute and this is broke up into one-minute intervals. So I just do it one minute at a time. That makes it a little easier for me to get out the door than thinking, " Oh damn, I have to go running for an hour now." Plus, now it has just become determination to make it through the twelve weeks. And finally the real clincher is that it is working! My body is changing shape and I can see the results in the mirror, after only 8 weeks. I love having a chest and shoulders, and my big belly is way down.

I did take a before picture at the beginning of the twelve weeks. I weighed 175 then. I've lost 10 lbs in the eight weeks, but I know I've gained a lot of muscle so I must have lost more than 10 lbs. of fat.

Don't let the six meals bum you out. After two weeks it'll be easier and you'll have no problem with it. Sometimes I miss the sixth meal and only get in five, but I don't worry about it. I also do what Nat suggested and add some berriers to a protein shake for a meal sometimes.

Good Luck!

Arnie_g Fri, Aug-08-03 08:56

Originally Posted by SarahO
Hi Optimist! I just finished my first week of BFL today!


Optimist Fri, Aug-08-03 09:03

Nat, phew, I dodged a mistake with the fat in the shake, thanks. I only use flax meal though so should I still leave it out of the shake?

Y'know, I kinda believe weights will reshape me but I'm way over the top skeptical because they haven't in the past...when I followed my own plan. My expectations of visible results are so low my signs of progress will be progressing to heavier weights. I'm undecided about the 'before' pic - no way am I having someone snap a shot of me in my underwear or bikini. Heck, I don't even want to be subjected to THAT sight right now!

SarahO, cool artwork! Is that your back or your work?

And, oh yeah!, I'd love to both lend encouragement and have help when I start on Monday. I'm going to follow this thing (gulp) to the letter as much as possible and I've got to shop for the meals so I have things ready to just eat and then I'm (shudder) ready.

I love the iPod! Do you have a Windows or Mac version? I use my PDA with a 1/2 gig flash card but it's nearly full and I think a 'Pod can be considered 'necessary' exercise equipment, don't you??

Optimist Fri, Aug-08-03 09:11

[QUOTE=Arnie_gI think that the thing that has me sticking with the Cardio this time is HIIT. I can do anything for just one minute and this is broke up into one-minute intervals.
Good Luck!

Thanks, Arnie!!

The HIIT thing is something I forgot to ask about before. What do you do, memorize the intervals?? I can use my stationary bike and a stop watch with the book on the handlebars, how do you do it when you're running??

Natrushka Fri, Aug-08-03 09:28

Originally Posted by Optimist
Nat, phew, I dodged a mistake with the fat in the shake, thanks. I only use flax meal though so should I still leave it out of the shake?
I'd keep that flaxmeal out as well - it's fat and fiber, the two things that slow absorption! If you're using flax seeds ground up try sprinkling it on your salads- adds a great nutty flavour.

Re the weights not reshaping your body - what type of plan were you following? Were you lifting to failure and how long did you wait in between sets? Also, how did you eat? As much as we like to think the exercise is key, it only account for about 20% of the results. The biggest factor is the nutrition (yes, this is me needling about the 6 meals a day thing yet again!)


Optimist Fri, Aug-08-03 09:53

I admit it, Nat, I wasn't eating well. The more I worked out the less apetite I had, which I thought was truly peachy. Over time I wasn't progressing in the amount I could lift and really didn't have the energy to lift to failure and, of course, didn't gain any muscle mass of note. DUH, talk about a light bulb moment - I get the food thing now! (Jeesh, I'm soooo slow sometimes!)

Natrushka Fri, Aug-08-03 09:59

Originally Posted by Optimist
DUH, talk about a light bulb moment - I get the food thing now!


I swear it's that low fat / low calorie mentality. Less is not better - but it can takes years of deprogramming until you believe it.

It helps to think of food as fuel and your body as the machine. Garbage in... garbage out.

Optimist Fri, Aug-08-03 10:23

Yeah, and when I look at your stats (are those your body fat percentages?) and see how long you've been at it, I think, 'Hmmm, maybe this is possible...' No more food complaints from me!

Natrushka Fri, Aug-08-03 10:42

It is possible!
Jan 2001 / Jan 2003

red1cutie Fri, Aug-08-03 11:19

OMGosh, you look amazing!


Arnie_g Fri, Aug-08-03 12:28

Originally Posted by Optimist

Thanks, Arnie!!

The HIIT thing is something I forgot to ask about before. What do you do, memorize the intervals?? I can use my stationary bike and a stop watch with the book on the handlebars, how do you do it when you're running??

I have a digital watch with a stop watch function that I use when running. But I'm not in great shape so I start with walking, then walking fast, then jogging, then I break into a run, and repeat this four times. At the end I run for one minute as fast as I can (and still make it for a whole minute). Then I always have a couple blocks to walk home for a cool down.

I don't know if this is the right way to do HIIT, I just kind of started doing this and have stuck with it. Comments are welcome.


Arnie_g Fri, Aug-08-03 12:29

Wow Nat! That's an amazing transformation.


SarahO Fri, Aug-08-03 14:33

Hi Optimist, I already stopped by your gym log. So glad to know somebody who's starting BFL at almost the same time as I am! I really, really want to do this to the letter too. On Wed. I was so sore from LB lifting that I could barely walk, but I walked a mile to loosen up and then did my run. I wasn't going to skip my fourth day of the program!

Glad you like the tattoo! It's real, I just finished it yesterday. I'm really happy with it. Now I just need a toned body so I can feel comfortable showing off the tattoo in a halter top!

re the iPod: Mac all the way, baby! I know we're not supposed to use MP3 players while running for safety reasons, but I run in the morning in a nice neighborhood, so I think I'm OK.

Arnie, I do the exact same thing: walk on the lowest intensity minutes, then run faster and faster until I hit the peak, then walk again for a minute. I have a heart monitor (got one used for pretty cheap), so I decided that 140 would be my level "5" and 180 would be my "10." I haven't yet got the hang of modifying my running speed, so I end up hitting level 10 at every peak, not just at the end.

Is there a chart somewhere of how many calories a day I should be eating? Before starting BFL I was usually eating around 1400 a day, now it's more like 1700-1800. Is that too much? I said I wasn't going to worry about calories but I can't help thinking about it :)

Nat, wow. Wow! Your photos are so inspiring.

Natrushka Fri, Aug-08-03 14:45

Thanks, everyone :) The good news it only gets better with time!

Arnie, I'd say you're doing HIIT spot on. Keep it up.


shpgrl03 Fri, Aug-08-03 15:14

WOW Nat! You look FABULOUS! It's people like you that keep me going and totally encourage me not to STOP. Way to go and good luck on more progress!

Optimist Fri, Aug-08-03 21:11

Originally Posted by Natrushka
Thanks, everyone :) The good news it only gets better with time!


Nat, you look OUTSTANDING!

And, so healthy! Woman, you glow! Did you start off with BFL right away or sometime down the road? And, you're still doing the whole thing - the lifting, the six meals, the HIIT? Have you always been consistent with things you set out to do? Did you send in your pics for any of the challenges?

THANK YOU for posting the pic. I'd have trusted you based on your wisdom alone, seeing the proof of that wisdom is a big bonus!

Damn, I'm impressed!

Optimist Fri, Aug-08-03 21:41

Hey, SarahO!

YOU go girl, it's great you're making it through your first BFL week! How'd you adjust your schedule to fit in the sessions? Are you working out in a gym? I'm so grateful to have found another beginner here!

I see you're at goal (actually below), congratulations!! How long did that take you? And, was the body art your reward? It is SO gorgeous, much more graceful and artistic than what I usually see. How long did it take? And, does it hurt A LOT? You already look good to me, I mean your waist indents....that's not something I've experienced for awhile!

You're tempting me too much with the Mac stuff, Sarah! I'd just talked myself OUT of getting a Mac to play with! I'm going to stroke some iPods in person this weekend and will be simmerin' on which version to buy. How full is yours? At first I was going to go for the 20 gb version but I think I can get away with the smaller one.

Arnie, thanks for explaining your HIIT to me. I don't think there's a right or wrong as long as you're getting the interval effect and it's obviously working for you if you've lost 10 lbs while gaining muscle! Are you taking supplements? How often do you weigh yourself.

Can't wait til Monday!!

Natrushka Sat, Aug-09-03 08:09

Originally Posted by Optimist
Did you start off with BFL right away or sometime down the road? And, you're still doing the whole thing - the lifting, the six meals, the HIIT? Have you always been consistent with things you set out to do? Did you send in your pics for any of the challenges?
I am not sure if you know how tough it can be accept compliments, even when a part of your warped brain knows they are deserved, when your body image has been that of an obese person for sooooooo long. So I'll say thanks and just answer your question, OK?

I started BFL on Nov 11, 2001. There was a member on this forum who started a challenge a few months before that - Jon Rys. He inspired the hell out of me. Prior to that, I was doing what I thought was resistance training (from the PP book recommendations) and cardio (am. empty stomach). I started the whole LC thing on August 3, 2001 - so roughly 3 months later I began BFL.

Am I still doing it? Yes - of course! It's not exactly the same, but I do lift (3 or 4 workouts in around 8 days) and I do both slower cardio and HIIT and every 3 months or so I take a week or two off and do nothing. I eat when I am hungry - which after seven 12 week challenges is every 3 - 4 hours (this is, IMHO, how the body was meant to be fed).

Have I always been consistent? Hell yeah - I'm a control freak ;) If I say I'm gonna do something, it get's done (or I don't talk about it). This isn't a mission anymore, though - it's part of my everyday life. It's destressing, it's self motivating and it's oh so empowering.

Pics for challenges? No Ma'am. When I began I didn't take pictures - I regret that now. In fact, even finding those before pictures was a fluke - I didn't allow many to be taken, and I didn't keep the ones that were.

Shpgrl03, Thank you as well :)

Thanks again to all for the morning spirit lift ;)

shpgrl03 Sat, Aug-09-03 08:21

Nat, I know this is a stupid question.:rolleyes:What is BFL???????:blush:

Natrushka Sat, Aug-09-03 08:28

Originally Posted by shpgrl03
What is BFL???????:blush:
Not stoopid! BFL = Body for life, the program that Optimist is starting on Monday!

Sorry - Sometimes I think I'm the queen of acronyms!


Arnie_g Sat, Aug-09-03 09:16

Originally Posted by SarahO
Arnie, I do the exact same thing: walk on the lowest intensity minutes, then run faster and faster until I hit the peak, then walk again for a minute. I have a heart monitor (got one used for pretty cheap), so I decided that 140 would be my level "5" and 180 would be my "10." I haven't yet got the hang of modifying my running speed, so I end up hitting level 10 at every peak, not just at the end.

Is there a chart somewhere of how many calories a day I should be eating? Before starting BFL I was usually eating around 1400 a day, now it's more like 1700-1800. Is that too much? I said I wasn't going to worry about calories but I can't help thinking about it :)

Nat, wow. Wow! Your photos are so inspiring.

SarahO, Thanks for sharing your HIIT routine. It's nice to see what others are doing. I have a heart rate monitor somewhere. If I can find it, it would be interesting to see what it says.

I try not to worry about calories too, but I've been entering my meals into fit day, so I can't help but see it. It sits around 1800-2000/day. I weigh 165 and am 5' 8" tall. I'm really trying not to use calories as a guide though. The whole calorie thing is way to confusing for my little brain. I know some people like to say that it is as simple as, " if you burn more calories that you take in you will loose weight." But to me it is not that simple. Saying that, takes into account activity level, metabolism, thyroid function, etc, etc. All that stuff moves it into a very grey zone. That is why some people eat like crazy and never gain weight and other people look at food and gain weight. So to me there is no magic calorie number.

I'm just eating as described in body-for-life, with modifications (I don't eat the starchy stuff) to stay on Atkin's and it's working. For me that's the magic bullet and it's simple enough that I don't have to factor in a whole bunch of unknowns.

I hope this didn't sound preachy, I just wanted to share my thoughts.


Optimist Sat, Aug-09-03 09:20

Originally Posted by Natrushka
I am not sure if you know how tough it can be accept compliments, even when a part of your warped brain knows they are deserved, when your body image has been that of an obese person for sooooooo long. So I'll say thanks and just answer your question, OK?

Have I always been consistent? Hell yeah - I'm a control freak ;) If I say I'm gonna do something, it get's done (or I don't talk about it). This isn't a mission anymore, though - it's part of my everyday life. It's destressing, it's self motivating and it's oh so empowering.

Pics for challenges? No Ma'am. When I began I didn't take pictures - I regret that now. Nat

But, even though the compliments are hard to accept you KNOW you've 'won', right? And, it must be enormously satisfying to have set a goal and met it.

Consistency hasn't been in my vocabulary before so I look at this opportunity as a Discipline Bootcamp, if you will. I'm so clear-headed eating this way I (secretly) hope it's going to easier not to be distracted. But, I can't blame every wrong turn and broken exercise promise on sugar so....

I've measured my fatty parts and am about to - all alone - snap a digital shot of myself for the BFL Journal. It will immediately be deleted from the card after printing and I'm gonna hide that sucker so well I may never be able to find it again. If you don't hear from me it'll be because I'm too mortified to go on.

C'mon Monday!!

Arnie_g Sat, Aug-09-03 09:24

Originally Posted by Natrushka
Am I still doing it? Yes - of course! It's not exactly the same, but I do lift (3 or 4 workouts in around 8 days) and I do both slower cardio and HIIT and every 3 months or so I take a week or two off and do nothing. I eat when I am hungry - which after seven 12 week challenges is every 3 - 4 hours (this is, IMHO, how the body was meant to be fed).

Hi Nat,

Thanks, you answered another one of my questions. I was wondering about taking a week off at the end of the twelve weeks. I think I'll do that. I know many power lifters often take a week off before a competition. It gives their body's a chance to recuperate and they are actually stronger after the week off.


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