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suganomore Tue, Aug-05-03 09:20

HELP!!!! Sweets...I need(want) Sweets (Chocolate to be exact!!!)

I just wanted to know if there was anything that anyone could recommend for curbing the cravings for sweets, specifically chocolate, while in the induction phase. I haven't cheated, but I feel like a fiend ready to run to the vending machine. I am constantly thinking about a good 'ole Hershey bar, and a bag of M&M'S, and choc chip cookies, and..well you get the point. This is my 5th day, and to be honest I don't know how in the world I have made it. I really do feel like a choc addict right now. I have never wanted something so badly that is so bad for me. I drink water all day, and when i get home I may have a cup of Crystal Light, and that is as close as I get to sweet. I feel like I am going to upchuck from eating so much meat. It's to the point where I will eat meatballs for dinner with some cucumbers and that is all. I am full, I couldn't eat more meat if you shoved it down, but I still crave chocolate, cake, donuts...anything!!! Help, is there something to take this craving away. If so I need it bad. I am afraid (honestly I am) that I might not be able to say no for much longer!!!

jazzmess Tue, Aug-05-03 09:39

Cheese can help with these kinds of cravings. Also, one thing that works for me is drinking flavored decaffinated coffee with heavy cream and using Atkins flavored syrup for sweetness (because the syrup is zero carb, as opposed to any other non-sugar sweetener you could use). That tends to satisfy my sweet tooth. If those things don't work for you, and you find you absolutely _have_ to have a sweet, I strongly suggest going out and getting some sugarless candy. Heh, I keep saying this, but I guess it's because for me it really works... sugarless candy may cause a stall on your diet, but it's much, much, MUCH better than the alternatives. Atkins makes a variety of candy bars and candy manufaturers also sometimes make sugarless versions of thier popular candies. (ex: sugarless Reese's peanut butter cups, sugarless Hershey's chocolate, sugarless Jelly Belly's, etc.) Even though these things aren't strictly kosher while on Atkins induction, it's far better than eating refined sugar. I don't even feel guilty when I eat those kinds of treats, kosher or not.

Hope this helps.

gawdess Tue, Aug-05-03 09:48

I eat sugarless candy, watch out for the kind of art. sweetener used though...Avoid the ones sweetened with Fructose...

kellyuk Tue, Aug-05-03 09:49

Try and stick to Induction for a minimum of the 2 weeks, the whole point is to break your carb cravings so try your hardest to stick with it!

suganomore Tue, Aug-05-03 09:56

I am determined not to give up, and I also know that if I slip and cheat I wouldn't forgive myself and have to start this awful battle all over again. Don't get me wrong, I love not being bloated, sleepy in the middle of the day, or just worn out and unable to walk because of all the carbs, I just never knew I was this addicted to them. And the craving really hit when I am in a place where I would normally munch on candy bars, such as at work. I know bars of all kinds are a no-no :nono: right now. I also know that on the Atkins site you 'can' eat his bars, but I know if I touch anything it is down hill from there. I will do this, and do it the right way. By the way which is the bad fat, saturated or unsaturated? Anyway, Thanks for all of the advice. I hope you don't mind me whining,its either that or curse. :lol:


fviegas Tue, Aug-05-03 09:58

Try using nuts, or bake a cake with almond flour
and cocoa powder. Exercise moderation on these!!

RoseTattoo Tue, Aug-05-03 10:10

The good fats are monounsaturated (the best kind) and polyunsaturated (to a degree). Also moderate amounts of saturated fat can't hurt you. The only really bad fat is trans-fat, which is included in processed goods, margarines, and the like. Avoid it completely.

As for cravings, I'm with you! What helps me is to have a salad with LOTS of olive oil. The rich, healthful fat really cuts down on the sugar cravings--trust me, it works, and it's completely legal on induction.

Good luck! :)

stacey rae Tue, Aug-05-03 10:23

When I have a desperate craving for chocolate - I have sugar-free Jello pudding. I make it with equal parts half & half and water. I prefer the pudding that is cooked, but the instant works in a pinch. I ate this in induction and occasionally afterword. I have consistantly lost weight - so, I don't think it does any harm. Certainly not as much harm as a Hershey Bar cheat!

suganomore Tue, Aug-05-03 10:29

You all are so wonderful for responding. I think I will try the sugar-free jello. At least it will help take the edge off. I don't think I need alot. Actually I don't need any, I just want it.

The Jello thing sound great. Thanks All


drchickon Tue, Aug-05-03 10:36

There are certain times for me (ie. TOM) that I must have chocolate. It is not an option. I keep it to very small amount, but I eat sugar free chocolates and last week i got some sugar-free reeses peanut butter cups. I expect the little bag to last me for at least two months, as I said, I only allow myself a tiny bit. BUT, it fulfills my need for chocolate, and keeps me on the plan.

suganomore Tue, Aug-05-03 10:40

The idea of getting sugar free chocolate sounds good to me, but i am worried that it will cause me to stall. I have only been doing this for 5 days now, but I already can tell I will be in the turtle club. I have PCOS and I think we (fellow Cysters) may tend to lose more slowly than others. Yes, I have visited the PCOS forum also, which is full of usefull information and support. I just don't want to do anything to send me back to square one. I expect to lose something within the next, at least, 9 days. Even if it is just my mind!!!!


LadyBelle Tue, Aug-05-03 10:42

On of the reasons people crave chocolate during TOM is the need for extra iron. Try having a 4oz steak and 1/2 cup spinich maybe. There are sugar free chocolates out there, but they can stall some people, and during induction you do need to be breaking the sweets habit. If it is a matter of you need something or you will cheat though, I'd say pick up a low carb protien bar. You can also try Chocolate DiVincci syrup to sweeten tea or coffee to see if that helps.

There is also a suppliment in the Atkins book to help with sugar cravings. L-Glutamine I think.

RCFletcher Tue, Aug-05-03 12:48

I try to keep the chocolate monster at bay by offering sacfriices of a cup of cocoa every night. I buy natural unsweetened cocoa powder, put a teaspoon in a cup, stir in boiling water add some cream and artificial sweeteners and there you are. Count about 3 carbs.

Cocoa powder can be used to make all sorts of chocolate flavour goodies - but wait till you're out of induction.

drchickon Tue, Aug-05-03 16:51

Hmm, thanks for the tips on chocolate cravings.

Suga- I also have PCOS, and I have found that this WOE has helped the symptoms of that tremendously! Also, for the first 2 weeks of induction, I didn't eat any SF chocolates or anything else. I stayed exactly to the acceptable foods list. And these chocolates DO slow me down, which is why I keep them to the bare minimum. I am still on induction, but since it has been almost two months for me now, I do indulge in a few things I would not have touched during the first two weeks, or the first month and a half for that matter.

I think I will take the advice given and try steak and spinach and see if it cuts the need for chocolate.

Jeanne Sch Tue, Aug-05-03 17:05

Hi SugaNoMore:
I hear ya hon!!!
If you feel you cannot take it anymore and feel weak at the knees....
...march yourself right over to Wal-Mart (or your local foodstore) and purchase low carb chocolate bar or two :lol: Sure, this is not the greatest thing but I'll tell ya, it is MUCH better than regular sugar because after you have a bar or even a few bites, you may decide it *wasn't all that* and get right back on the wagon (I know I did).

Good luck to ya! You can do it!! :yay:

whyspers Tue, Aug-05-03 17:12

The best craving buster I have found is cream cheese with splenda and cinnamon nuked in the microwave. Yuuuummmmm, and takes the edge right off. In fact, I think I'll go have a


okiebo Tue, Aug-05-03 17:12

I have some "Fifty50" brand chocolates (found in the diabetic section) that work in a pinch. Their effective carbs are fairly low (esp. if you only have one), although they do use sugar alcohols so it depends on your tolerance for those.

stashyc Tue, Aug-05-03 18:45

I had a sweet-craving phase for about two weeks, and I got chocolate whipped cream in a can and just sprayed it in my mouth! It's 1 carb per serving, as long as you have just one or two puffs, it's ok. It's easy to stop after 1 or 2 puffs, cos you feel such a fool doing it! (Seriously, it tastes awesome, especially after 2 weeks induction, when previously it would have taken a cake or something to curb the craving!)

Alexxa Wed, Aug-06-03 02:01

i live in australia so i'm not sure if americans have this product but i eat chocolate every day, it only has 0.2 carbs for a bar (50g) i get it at darralle. i know how you feel i couldn't live without my chocolate. if you can't buy darralle chocolate in ameriaca i think you can order it over the net.

suganomore Wed, Aug-06-03 06:02

Thanks everyone. I know now that I am not alone in my frustration. I didn't cheat yesterday, but I really wanted to. I tested my DH yesterday and told him to get me a choc bar off of the top shelf in our kitchen (I can't reach that shelf w/o a step stool, which is under the crawl space of our house, which I refuse to go in), even though they are all low carb bars (I purchased them on my 3rd induction day, for a treat for myself after induction and made my DH hide them on the highest shelf possible, I can't even see them!). But he knew better, and said, nope, not until after induction. This coming from someone who could do 100 situps and lose 10 pounds (exageration, but you get my point). I just smiled and said ok, and proceeded to bake my salmon. I did all right. The cravings only come when I am in a place that I would normally grab a candy bar or cookies and just munch. Like at work. But I think I can hold out until then. I will also try the cream cheese and spenda thing. Sounds good. I'm still not gonna get on the scale until the last day of induction, for fear of disappointment. I hope to really get down the pounds on the WOE/WOL. I actually feel a lot better today, and my skin looks radiant! I don't have the usual circles around my eyes b/c of all the water I have been drinking. Anyway, thanks for the advice and the Just Do It responses. I needed to hear (read) all of them. There is so much wonderful support here, and you all have no idea how much that means to a person who feels all alone sometimes. Thanks guys,


LadyBelle Wed, Aug-06-03 08:57

But he knew better, and said, nope, not until after induction. This coming from someone who could do 100 situps and lose 10 pounds (exageration, but you get my point). I just smiled and said ok, and proceeded to bake my salmon.

That sounds like my SO. There are times he can be a real jerk about not letting me cheat, such as when we go out to eat or are shopping. But there have been times it has stopepd me from grabbing a treat, so it does work, even when I want to kick him in the shins. Tough love I supose :)

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