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Alexxa Sat, Aug-02-03 10:21

support buddy?
hey every one i started this diet again two weeks ago and i'm worried my craving are going to get the better of me. is anyone looking for a buddy to support, encourage, challange who will return the gesture?

Fat Sat, Aug-02-03 11:08

Hello Alexxa, I would love to be your buddy and your friend.
Your Stats look really good. Wow a whole 22 lbs since July. I started in April and have not lost that much in just one month. I have a lot of health problem that keep me from being a rapid loser.
I don't have cravings anymore. That all stopped after my first 2 weeks into induction. Still am on it too. I am only 5'1 so 169 lbs looked pretty ridiculous on my short body. Talk later

Alexxa Sat, Aug-02-03 20:03

great i have a buddy! well i didn't lose that 22lbs from july, i was on the atkins a year a go and went down to 130lbs then i went off the atkins and binged on carb (couldn't resist! force of nature) any way i really messed up my motabloism from starving and binging on carbs, thankfully i didn't gain all the weight back. i just started the diet again two weeks ago and i haven't lost any weight, however i should probly give my body some time to heal before i complain.
you must be so proud of your self getting down to 136. have you lost weight quickly of slowly.

Fat Sat, Aug-02-03 20:32

At first it was fast, and then after a month, I would stall for a week or two, lose a lb , stall for another week and so on. It is slow, but you know what they say, the slower you lose the longer it stays with you. I am really excited about all of this eating. Used to starve myself and not even lose a lb, and couldn't figure it out.
I hope you are feeling better about everything.
So you are back into induction right? I never went off. I have a thyroid problem plus my age is against me.
By the way I love your cat. I have 10 neighbors cats that come over to eat, because they are not being feed. I do own a tabby...his name is Buddy.
Good thing you never gained it all back huh? That really would have sucked.

Alexxa Sun, Aug-03-03 20:48

hey there fat, i don't really like calling you fat (even though thats your user name) i feel like i'm being a bully. anyway yesterday i cheated and binged on carbs i feel really guilty but i'm back on the atkins today. i figured out that tuna in oil trigers my binging, i'm so glad i realised that because now i can contol my hungre.

Fat Sun, Aug-03-03 21:19

Thats wonderful news, not the binging part....LOL Do you like pork rinds? That is what I eat when I feel hungry at night. Ya I use the tuna with water. Now behave yourself tonight...

Alexxa Wed, Aug-06-03 02:04

yay i haven't binged since!! i don't know what pork rinds are, i think its an american thing. anyway, i'm finding it really hard to find things to eat with out having to cook it. i mean i have tuna and carb free chocolate but thats it i'm getting a bit board. do you cook your meals or have you found an alternative.

Fat Wed, Aug-06-03 13:13

Don't you eat, eggs, cheese, pork chops, hamberger, meats of every kind, sausages, bacon, buffalo wings, chicken, turkey?
I do a lot of snacking on these foods. I do not sit down and stuff my face, like I used to with HC foods. If I get hungrey I grab something I cooked in advance, like a hamberger or a piece of steak, or bacon, and eat it. It satisfies me until I get hungry again later. I don't do a big dinner for myself ever. It doesn't bother me....because that is how I used to eat my HC sweets and chips....snacking all day long. You know when I look back on how I used to eat it makes me sick about how I abused my own self. I learned my lesson and will never go back to the old ways of fat carbs, how about you?

Alexxa Thu, Aug-07-03 02:16

well in the old days i too ate lots of carbs, i would eat 6 finger buns for lunch somedays, but at the time i didn't think i would gain weight i thought since it was low fat i could eat as much as i wanted, HOW STUPID! i can't believe how nieve i used to be, it makes me cringe looking back on what i would eat.
any way my diet is pretty boring
breakfast: small can on tuna
lunch: low carb chocie
dinner: large can of salmon
snack: two slices of chesse and a large bowl of jelly
i only have about 980 cals a day, i know this isn't enough but the first time i did the diet it was all i could eat to lose, if i upped my cals i'd stall or gain, its pretty sad, i'll probly be hungre forever. whats your diet plan?

Fat Thu, Aug-07-03 08:08

All of the meat, cheese, eggs, pork rinds, heavy cream, fat. You have to eat more meat and fat to lose on this diet. I am never hungry....I have to force myself to eat. I guess you haven't got to that point yet. Don't you like to eat eggs and ham, or bacon for breakfast. I don't even eat breakfast or lunch, I hate to admit it, but I am just not hungry. I do it later in the evening. Last night I had a sausage with cheese and pork rinds. Evening before that I had eggs and chees. I do sip heavy cream all day long with my diet drink. I am trying to eat more...but it is so hard....

Clybella Thu, Aug-07-03 08:17

Hello folks.

I would like to invite you to join us in the "Buddy Club". It's a small group that got together when we started the program in June. So we all have just started, struggling with ups and downs and "cravings". You'll find us in this category under "Buddy Club". There were 6 of us but a few seem to MIA :cry: so it would be nice to have some folks who need support and are there to offer some too.

Please come and check us out. We are a good group. No pressure, lots of encouragement and we even share some good recipes. Hope to see you there.


tina-mich Thu, Aug-07-03 09:02

I'm getting discouraged. The scale doesn't seem to get under the weight I am now. I was upnorth for awhile on vacation and didn't weigh at all while I was there about 5 days I really thought that when I got on home that I would of lost at least a couple of pounds instead I stayed the same. Don't get me wrong I'm happy being on vacation and I didn't gain weight but I was following LCing. Help I need encouragement!!!!!!!!! Thanks Tina

Clybella Thu, Aug-07-03 09:08

:cry: That's too bad Tina, how frustrating. Any chance that you went off the diet without realizing it at the time? May it's TOM. It's natural to have plateaus. I know I went about 6 weeks and battled up and down and then withdrew a number of things and started again. Now I am losing again. Did you drink plenty of water? Just thoughts.


tina-mich Thu, Aug-07-03 10:00

Thanks Clybella for your reply I made sure that I drank my water as for TOM I,m 53 and I haven't had that Tom of month for a couple of years and don't miss it lol. In the past when I don't see the scales move I get discouraged and start eating carbs and I would gain the weight I lost and then some. However this time I'm really trying to keep myself focused. What has helped me is the support from everyone. Thanks Tina

Clybella Thu, Aug-07-03 10:55

Like you, I am too old for TOM. :yay: The best part of being 50. :yay:

I too, would go for carbs when I didn't seem to lose, but I have discovered that if I hang in a day or two, or sometimes a week, I feel slimmer and low and behold, I drop a couple of pounds. I did well my first month, as people do, in June but July was awful. I seem to be back to losing again.

I have a great dessert I rely on. It fills you up and feels decadent.

Cream Cheese Delight

1 8oz pkg of cream cheese, softened
1 cup of sour cream
1/2 cup of Splenda
2 tsp of vanilla
1 cup of whipping cream

optional: 1 tsp of no sugar added jam

Soften the cream cheese, add in the sour cream and stir until there are no lumps. Add the splenda and the vanilla. Mix it all up well. Whip up the whipping cream and fold it in. Place it in 6 individual cups and add the jam if you want. Without the jam it's about 5 carbs each. I haveone everyday and I'm still losing!!! I just stir in the jam like yogurt. I love it. It makes me feel like I'm cheating without cheating.

Hope this helps. Hang in there.


Fat Thu, Aug-07-03 15:19

Hello everyone, glad to see some new LC's on this thread. I also am in my 50's...55 to be exact, and I am very strick with what I eat. I lose at lest a lb a week. The week goes by really fast too. Next thing I know I lost a lb. The cream cheese delight sounds really good...but alas...that would stall me big time. When I am in maintenance one of these yrs. I will try it...LOL... Any way best to all of you.

Alexxa Thu, Aug-07-03 18:56

hey fat, i don't know why i'm like this, but i don't lose if i eat more, its so unfair! i wish i had your problem, i'm always hungre, i hope this goes away. maybe i'll add something next week, but i'm a bit scared, i have a very sensative metabolism and i worried that if i eat more i'll gain weight.

Fat Thu, Aug-07-03 20:09

I used to be the same way. It is all the brain washing since childhood. You know what I mean...don't eat that you will get fat. I am glad I brain washed myself into thinking, eat that, you will get healthy and lose weight. Once you get started into not being afraid of gaining, and you see that you do not gain, just keep going with it. Have you tried eating a lot of fat and meat, and the end results was weight gain? Or are you just afraid that you will gain if you get with the program?

Alexxa Thu, Aug-07-03 21:19

hey fat, i haven't lost anything! and i'm on the exact same diet i was on before when i did lose wieght,, i'm so frustrated!! i think i'm going to start the egg and meat fast to kick start my weight loss, i pray it works its nearly summer and i want to look good. have you tried the meat or egg fast? do you know anything about it?

Fat Fri, Aug-08-03 15:39

Yes, now that you meantion it, I go on that every single time I have a week stall. I just realized it. Thanks Alexxa...Isn't it funny how you can do stuff and it be the right thing without even knowing what you are doing...LOL

Alexxa Fri, Aug-08-03 20:28

i've just eaten 4 boiled eggs, ewwwwwww! it was ok when i was eating them but the indejestion is the most horrible feeling in the world!! i hope i lose weight!! i'm not going to weigh myself until i've been on this fast for 3 days, i get back to you with my results. wish me luck!!!

Fat Fri, Aug-08-03 20:58

Yes, good luck. Try eating them scrambled with bacon or ham. Boiled is not my favorite way either.

Fat Sun, Aug-10-03 21:10

Hi Alexxa, I started my journal today. It was kind of fun. Want to join me. That will give us a way to vent and yell at ourselves. We can visit on one anothers journals too.

Alexxa Mon, Aug-11-03 22:23

yeah i'd love to do that! how do i get started?
i'm actually having alot of problems controlling my hungre, i ate 12 eggs in 30 mins, thats right 12 eggs!! and i would've eaten more however i ran out. i have to stop binging! today is the last binge ever, i'm going to start eating normaly.

Fat Tue, Aug-12-03 12:29

A dozen eggs. Do you love eggs or something? Is it your favorite food?
Go to the main forum and go down to the journel section in A-s pick A and start a new thread, and that will be your beginng of your new journal.
I said stuff about myself and what I ate and a few other things. One good thing is the topic on there will be about you. You can write how you are feeling, things you don't like about things in you life or just any thing you want to. Please, if you want to.... go to mine and see how I did....

Alexxa Wed, Aug-13-03 01:43

hello! i just read your journal, you've been through soo much! your journal has also given me a few ideas. what is DD and DF? i've been trying to figure out what they stand for but nothing makes scence. any way, no i don't like eggs that much i had an uncontrollable binge and the after affects were horrible!!
i'm beinging to control my appetite though as i only ate 10 eggs today, which is pretty good.
i'm glad you have to same problem as me, continuing to eat even through your stuffed!
anyway i have i told you your dog is adorable, i've always wanted a little dog, their so friendly,

Fat Wed, Aug-13-03 13:48

Ok....DD means Darling Daughter, I think you meant DS means Darling Son, and DH means Darling Husband.

I would gag on 10 eggs. I would probably never want another egg again.

Thank you...I have the sister to her too. The one in pic is Feather 9, and the other one is Squeaky 8. I always wanted one too. My DH's mother gave Feather to us. Now that she is gone, she is our keep sake from her. Squeaky, was being misteated by some one in the family, so I told them I would not mind taking her off their hands. She was being kicked and hurt for wetting on the floor. It was their fault for leaving her in the house all day long. What else is a pup to do. Right? Some people can be so cruel. Any way she is very timid.

Alexxa Mon, Aug-18-03 01:51

hey! i lost 8 pounds on the egg diet!!! woooooooo hooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
only one problem, today i was really stressed from my exams and ate 2 BBQ chickens in 15 mins (which i think had suger on the sick cuz i was craving carbs after, lets just pray i don't go so far latter tonight!), but tommorrow i'm going on the egg diet again, until i get to 132lbs, well maybe every 3 days then a tuna day then the egg and so on.
eating 10 eggs isn't that bad, and i'm surprised that i'm not even sick of them, in fact i love them and doubt i'll get sick of them, thats probly cuz i love eating , no matter what it is.
i'm becoming very optimistic about reaching my goal before summer!!
what are you gonna do when you reach your goal?
p.s thanks for the translation

Fat Tue, Aug-19-03 13:06

:Party: ON :Party: On Girl :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party:

Wonerful :Party: Great :Party: News :Party:
I am very, very happy for you Alexxa.

Tell me... how long did it take you to do this?????

When I reach my goal I am going to go into mantenance...for the rest of my life.... If I do not stay on LCing I will get fat all over again. What about you?

Alexxa Tue, Aug-19-03 22:55

well it was very fast i lost it in about 6 days!!! except i gained 4 pounds back because i ate heaps of carbs (stress related of coarse)
but i'm going back on the egg diet until i lose 15lbs then on normal low carb.
i just wish the cravings would go away, plus its hard to diet during exams when all your concentrating on is work and don't really think about dieting.
anyway, when i reach my goal i'm going to buy my self heaps of new cloths then change my hair style compleatly, maybe anther colour, i'll decided closer to the time.

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