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Agafia79 Thu, Jul-17-03 11:39

Fasting on Atkins
:help: I am thinking of doing a week of Juice/water Fast, for detoxification. I dont know how that is going to effect my Atkins diet. Im planning on only having fresh juice and from vegetables that I can have on Atkins.
If anyone has any info, I would appreciate it very much. :help:

FionaMcB Thu, Jul-17-03 11:44

One of the reasons I decided to lowcarb is because of severe blood sugar swings from normal to low, low, low. A juice fast for a week would kill me, and don't want that when I'm feeling so normal. Do you have a health care provider that you could ask, someone who knows you, might be good to get yourself checked out before starting anything so strenuous.

motis Thu, Jul-17-03 11:46

I personally think: Bad idea. Strict induction is all that is needed for detox. Also, I think you would lose a lot of weight quickly, and then gain that, plus some more when you go back to Atkins. Not to mention that it just isn't nutritionally sound to fast like that for a week. I would imagine that it could only have negative effects on the body.

My grandma used to do a 1 day fast every week. Suprisingly, that worked quite well for her in terms of weight loss and overall health (she was under a doctor's care, however).

Sorry I don't have anything scientific to offer you. Hopefully someone else can help. :)


Lonely Thu, Jul-17-03 11:49

Yes, I think it's a terrible idea if you're on Atkins. You don't want to start the insulin problem up again.

On a lighter note, I LLLLOOOOVE (love) your avatar! It is so adorable!!!! :)

Agafia79 Thu, Jul-17-03 11:50

I heard that the body only goes into detoxification after 48 hours so a one day fast wont work, maybe I can shorten it in half so its not so long. And I dont want to gain back and then some.

Thanks for your input,
I guess I need to think about it some more

Agafia79 Thu, Jul-17-03 11:53

So bad idea all the way around huh.

Thanks lonely Im not quite sure if its a bear or what?, but its cute lol

LadyBelle Thu, Jul-17-03 13:21

On Atkins you really should eat every 5-6 hours. If not hungry then a small controlled carb snack. There are some people who do choose to do 1 day fasts, mostly for spiritual reasons. If you choose to do that I wouldn't recomend going over 1 day. Also NO JUICE. Juice is the fastest way for the gluclose to enter your system and your insulin will shoot up. Instead of doing a detox you may actuly do more harm. Juice is one of the very last things that are added back in on OWL or premaintanance.

hippygal Thu, Jul-17-03 15:19

I fast.Water fasts though. I heard the same thing about the 48 hours. I do either a 2 or 3 day fast on a regular basis. Atkins does not clean all of the toxins out if you are not eating hormone or steroid free meat. I do this fast to clean all of that crap out because we eat so much meat with this woe. I never gain the weight back nor does my insulin fluctuate. I have never gone a week though.

Agafia79 Thu, Jul-17-03 15:31

at first I wanted to go on a water fast but I dont think I can go 7 days on water so I thaught maybe some juice.

Is it hard?

mammoth Thu, Jul-17-03 15:39

Heck...a ONE DAY water fast would be HARD! OUCH!!!!!!!
Good luck whatever the decision!
Best wishes;

faeriegirl Thu, Jul-17-03 15:43

I have many friends who occassionally fast, but none of them go over 5 days (and this includes juice) so i would say if you were doing a water fast, 3 days would be the very maximum! Why would you want to fast for 7 days? I think you might end up doing yourself more harm than good...

Agafia79 Thu, Jul-17-03 15:49

I heard that fasting has alot of health benefits, I just did not know how well it would work with this woe or even if it would work at all. I also heard that fasting brings on ketosis is that true?

SaturnStar Thu, Jul-17-03 16:21

Hippy -
Can u really go 2 -3 days on just water? I can barely go 2-3 HRS with just water. Are you able to exercise on those days? Very curious about this fasting thing....

bbanne46 Thu, Jul-17-03 17:40

A few years ago (1998) I went on a water only fast...for 28 days! Yes, it is possible, and it's not as hard as you think. After the first 4 days, your hunger is gone, just like Atkins. I lost 30 lbs in that 28 days. And kept it off, too.

I read a dozen books on fasting before I dared do it. My boyfriend had fasted several times before but this was my first. There were some health problems that completely disappeared!! I felt great during the fast.

Do you know what an animal who gets injured in the wild does? It finds a comfortable spot, stops eating, and allows its body to heal the injury. Lots of people think it's dangerous. Not really. Water is what we need to survive.

Thought you might be interested/

Barb :yay:

Agafia79 Fri, Jul-18-03 08:34

Thank you bbanne46
I appreciate all the info and opinions that everyone gave. Its good to know that theres a place you can turn to for help :angel:

Beadworker Fri, Jul-18-03 14:33

For detox from the outside, try this.

1c baking sofa, 1 c sea salt 1 - 3 tbsp of ground ginger.

Add it to you hot bath. As hot as you can stand. If you cannot get completely submerged, use a towel to cover the bits that are out of the water and a cup to pour the water over the towel. Relax. In ten minutes scrub yourself hard all over to stimulate the skin. Drink a big glass of water, Repeat for 20 to 40 minutes. You will sweat! This is a good thing. Sweating and breathing are the two main ways your body gets rid of toxins. The obvious way is not the most important or effective.

Do this once a week, more if you think you are coming down with something. Start out with a little ginger and increase in slowly, it is very stimulating for some people. The bath may make you feel bad. Be glad. That means the the toxins are being stirred up and are avaialbe to be eliminated. Be sure that your elimination pattern is good before doing this, so that you have that avenue available to the body too.


hippygal Fri, Jul-18-03 15:14

I have not tried to exercise while fasting. The info I read on fasting says you should not exercise on the days that you fast. It is really not THAT hard. It is also very empowering when you complete your fast. Actually they say the 4th day is the easiest. I myself have never gotten that far.

Agafia79 Fri, Jul-18-03 16:37

I also heard that you can take clay kitty litter without any perfumes dyes or anything else, just in its purest form, grind it into a powder in a blender and add it to your bath water. I guess the clay extracts through the pores

CarbsNoMor Fri, Jul-18-03 16:46

Fasting worked for me
Well, I have to disagree with the replies here (most of them, at least). While on Atkins (and I have been having great success with it, by the way....32 pounds in about 3 months!), I decided for spiritual reasons to go on a 7-day fast. All I had during those 7 days was water and some other drinks that I use while on Atkins (diet Minute Maid lemonade, Propel, etc.). During that 7 days, I lost 9 pounds, and when I went off the fast, I just tried to be careful how I came off it for a couple days. Result? My Atkins progress seemed just fine. I appeared to still be in ketosis, and I only put back on 2 of those 9 pounds, which I quickly lost again in my regular Atkins WOE.

Not sure why so many here seem to think fasting is such a bad idea. But I just wanted to share my differing view....

steve :)

Bon Fri, Jul-18-03 17:30

Very interesting thread... I wonder though, does a fast do bad things to your metabolism? And how about depleting energy for everyday tasks, such as working?

Saccharine Fri, Jul-18-03 17:47

in his book Dr atkins actually says that occationally trying a different diet can be beneficial. he mentions the "all fruit diet," but says that diets such as these should not be done for more than two days. whereas you had mentioned juice on your fast, i thought the two were comparable.

but now, im very interested in this fasting idea. i know many others here, who are experienced low-carbers, often suggest upping caloric intake if people are not losing weight. but, the body is complicated. i will have to look into this. :)
i think i'd like to try.

max Tue, Jul-22-03 10:11

Fasting does initially deplete your energy reserves, especially water ffasting. Some experts encourage you to start a water fast during a period when you can lie about and do nothing, because for the first few days your energy level will drop alarmingly.

However, oce your body 'switches over' you will experience an energy high like you're never felt before.

94513 Tue, Jul-22-03 10:32

Some people have the commitment for fasting, while others may bindge following the period of deprovation. Maybe asking yourself how commited you feel you can be? Also, I really hope you consider yourself in good health without any medical conditions. It sounds lame, but, maybe your health care provider can add some valuable input.

best wishes for success!

Jeanne Sch Tue, Jul-22-03 10:50

I do believe that a REALLY good fast would be one where you are sending fiber bulk through your intestines to clean it out (also, some use aloe vera juice to help with this function).

You may want to try using a teaspoon to a tablespoon of psyllium with your juices to slow the sugar reaction and also give your system a feeling of fullness (at the same time, it cleans out the *guck* in your intestines).

Aloe vera juice will help to *heal* the lining of the intestines.

I wouldn't suggest a week either. 3 days seems like MORE than enough.

hippygal Tue, Jul-22-03 11:04

I think people are scared of fasting because the government teaches us to eat 3 meals a day. People have been fasting since the beginning of time.It is not going to kill us to go a few days without food. It is very uplifting! Lets you know you can acomplish anything.

erbadger Tue, Jul-22-03 11:09

I would be interested in maybe trying thise for a day or two. I dont think I could actually do it though, I am so food dependant!

Vpeach Wed, Jul-23-03 13:00

i remember back in h.s. during christmas break..i slowly took food out of my diet and did 3week fast w/ water. It was weird..i didn't want to eat food after the first week. I didn't think it was possible. But when i tried to eat was hard. But a 3day fast sounds like it would be good. I want to try that bath idea though :)

drchickon Wed, Jul-23-03 13:05

I couldn't handle a fast, but to detox, I drink detox herbal tea. I found it in the health food section of the grocery store and it seems to be the best method for me. Plus, it is Atkins friendly.

motis Wed, Jul-23-03 13:08

Ok, I've done a little research and am ready to recant my original statement (I'm nothing if not open-minded. LOL). I've found that fasts CAN actually be beneficial to health.

One thing I could not find, and wish to know is...
What types of supplements would one take on a water fast to insure the vital nutriants? Is there a set regiment, or would that only be determined under a doctor or nutritionalists care? Just curious.


Agafia79 Wed, Jul-23-03 14:25

Well Im staring my 3 day fast today so far so good,
I had hot water in the morning with some decaf tea. Well I will see tonight how much self controll I really have when I have to cook dinner for hubby. Kinda nervous. I hope I can do this. Wish me luck lol

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