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JeannieM Sun, Jul-13-03 16:46

Do you check out the stuff in other people's grocery carts?
This is a really strange habit that I have developed since starting LC on 6/15. I just can't help it. I'm not normally a nosy person but I find that I am fascinated by people's buying habits. I have NOT, however, started to lecture the people buying Cap'n Crunch (yet) -- but it's tempting. :lol: :lol:

I was shopping yesterday and I kept passing this woman in every aisle -- I noticed that she had Splenda, cream cheese, bacon and a few other "dead giveaway" items, so I finally caught her eye and said, "Atkins??" And it turns out that she is starting LC today -- she had just finished the book. We talked for about 15 minutes. Funny. :daizy:


cincin11 Sun, Jul-13-03 17:04

I also look into everyones baskets. I can't help myself. I am looking to see if there are other low carbers out there. But I haven't found any.
I did feel sorry for a heavy woman I saw reaching for the low fat ranch and I grabbed the regular one. I am just glad that I can eat the real stuff and not that yucky low fat or fat free junk.


MaryToU Sun, Jul-13-03 17:32

Not only do I check out other people's cart, I wonder what they are thinking when they look at mine. Mmmm...look at all those nice fresh veggies. Now that is the way we should all be eating. Wait a minute...what? Three packages of bacon! And will you look at all that dressing! Nuts?!? Who eats there packages of cream cheese?!? Dam that woman is going to have a heart wonder she is over weight! Ha... who is she kidding, diet ice cream! As if.... :lol:

Iwilldoit Sun, Jul-13-03 17:41

LOL MaryTou
I often think that as well. People must look in my cart/basket and think 'no wonder she's so big, look at that bacon..and cream cheese, and whipping cream!!'... hehehe, let'em keep looking ... as each ten pounds disappears ;)

summer*rai Sun, Jul-13-03 17:42

So funny...YESSS I do look into carts....Most are filled with all kinds of junk...sweetened cereals, pasta's etc...cokes.....Something funny actually happened the other day in the check out line....A lady in line with me watched as I took out my food and put on the check out table....She said "I want to go HOME with YOU>>>"....and I smiled...she said, bacon, sausage.steaks...and I told her that "I have lost 40 lbs eating this way"...and she told me that I must be on atkins...She had been thinking about going on the plan...I also had some russell stovers low carb chocklates i....when I left, I opened the package and gave her one...Maybe she'll become a low carber like the rest of us....I am finding that wal-mart is always low on the whipping cream fridge...I'm thinking lots of people are doing atkins....They have lots of sugar free candies, low carb breads etc....If a WOL way of life for me....Trisha

alwazbuzy Sun, Jul-13-03 18:13

Not only do I check out stuff in other people's carts, but they peek in mine too.
On several occassions people have leaned over to me in line and asked,"Atkins, huh?" I just smile when I say,"Yes!"

Lonely Sun, Jul-13-03 19:40

The best is watching people who are obviously trying very hard to lose weight the low-fat way. Their carts are always piled with fat free pringles, popcorn, sorbet, bananas, orange juice, bread, fruit jam, dry cereal, skim milk...occasionally a few chicken breast fillets. I almost never see fresh vegetables in there...

Often, these low-fatters will look into my cart to see if I'm trying to lose weight, too. I guess my cart doesn't give away the way I eat - it's full of paradoxes. Mayonnaise...romaine lettuce?

cc48510 Sun, Jul-13-03 21:18

I occassionally notice peoples' carts. I was in line once and noticed this waif thin, drop dead gorgeous girl in line. I looked in her cart and it was loaded with get this: Cake, Bread, Ice Cream, Chips, Salsa, and Lots of Other Junk Food. I wish I had her metabolism.

Then again...she'll probably have a heart attack or get diabetes at a young age. I haven't seen any Atkins baskets yet. Saw one guy yesterday in Wal-Mart. He was probably close to 400 pounds. In his cart were several bags of Potato Chips and nothing else.

saltnpeppa Sun, Jul-13-03 21:46

you know, I do the same thing. But also, remember, that everyone doesn't shop for themselves only. for example I shop for my elderly parents, who love all that junk food. So I buy my stuff and their stuff, and people must be thinking.. no wonder she's so fat!! chips, bacon, cheese, bagels, frozen pizza, etc..

But I never touch their stuff-- just short of 9 weeks.

hey_Neener Sun, Jul-13-03 22:26

I've also had store checkers say they'd like to go home with me. I've had people say they'd like to try Atkin's but it's too expensive. I don't see how! I save quite a bit not buying all the carby cereals, bread, goodies and side dishes that I have more than enough for butter, cream, veggies, cheese and extra meat. The house is still full of carby stuff I'd stocked up on for the kids-and I've tried to cut the majority of sugar out of their diets, and we eat out much less so they've lost some too. My cubby kids have definitely leaned out over the last few months. :yay:

Going2doit Sun, Jul-13-03 23:26

I too look in baskets. I have had mine all WW stuff, local this that and the other, masses of fruit, pasta, lite mayo, lite butter. :Puke: Chemical heaven. Shows how indoctrinated we have all become. Here we are saying NO to GMO and we are already filling up on chemicals :bash:
I still haven't really decided which plan I am going to really follow but I think it will be Protein Power/Aitkens. I saw a young beautiful face not bad body with a basket full of Aitkens type foods the other day and asked her "Aitkens". Well it wasn't exactly Aitkens but a mix of it and another but she had lost 28kg and only had 5 more to go. Very encouraging :clap: SO when I get to do the shopping next weekend I will have a great time buying LC things that actually tast good.

oregano Mon, Jul-14-03 06:49

The thing I'm always amazed at is how much junk there is in the grocery store. Like, 99% of that stuff I wouldn't touch! So many artificial snacks with hydrogenated oils, etc. YUCK.

Luckygurl Mon, Jul-14-03 08:38

Hah !!

That is SO funny ! I find myself doing the EXACT same thing !! I look at what people throw into their cart and do my own analysis of what kinda of regimen they may follow - it's amazing how almost all seem to navigate towards high carb items by the loads. I also pay attention to how the low carb items at the store seem to be goign much faster then their high carb alternatives - I just rarely catch anyone buying the same items I do - you think they go in at weird hours of the night so as not to be noticed? :lol:

Anyways, it's interesting and I agree with you - I dont try to preach to anyone on LCing, just like I dont try to preach for anyone to quit smoking I like did. If they are curious though, I am always willing to go into conversations about it.

Good, so i am not the only "nosy" one at the store!!


Blairwitch Mon, Jul-14-03 08:44

I have a habit of looking also and have been lucky and found one older couple in Sam's. I passed by them at one of the stations giving out samples of cheesecake. I heard the man say something about 2 carbs, I stopped dead in my tracks and asked him if he said the cheesecake had 2 carbs in it. He chuckled and said oh no I said 52 per slice. I said, are ya'll doing Atkins, and sure enough they were. I left the store happy.

erbadger Mon, Jul-14-03 10:41

I am always checking out other peoples carts, but I really wonder what people think when they look in mine! I have all my regular low carb things, a ton of natural foods like soy milk tofu etc tons of veggies, then the stuff for non-low carb DH (he is 5'10, 145lbs...shouldn't lose a pound) like pop-tarts, cereal, cookies, and doretos... What an interesting variety it is at the checkout!

atiaran Mon, Jul-14-03 13:39

OMG!! I always look at the cart of the person ahead of me at the grocery store and if they are buying high carb sugary stuff I really have to restreain myself from telling them how bad the stuff is! What's worse is that since I am now househunting, I have started looking in the food closets at the houses I go to see! I don't touch anything but just look. Yesterday I saw Atkins bake mix in one house, and told DH we had to buy that one since it would be good karma!! :)

Luckygurl Mon, Jul-14-03 13:47

LOL !! That's hillarious !! Whatever floats your boat though, I also believe in things happening for a reason and seeing that bake mix could be it for you.


LoLa Girl Mon, Jul-14-03 14:03

Oh is that funny! That house must be meant for you! hahaha

RealityS Mon, Jul-14-03 14:45

Yeah, i check out other people's grocery carts. Wandering the aisles of Safeway and overhearing a man saying to his wife "is whole milk lower carbs than cream? I can't remember". Stopped in my tracks and turned around. we started discussing atkins, talked for about 10 minutes.

other day at Starbucks, there was a guy who wanted splenda (which they didn't have), but refused the sugar and aespartame (sp?). Made a joke about him being sweet enough already... He said he's on atkins, has lost 45lbs. so cheering to find others who are sucessful.


calico32 Mon, Jul-14-03 23:16

I'm so guilty of looking in other people's carts at the store. I've yet to be asked if I'm on Atkins anytime except when I'm at the healthfood store ( when I'm buying bars or shakes ).

Paris Tue, Jul-15-03 06:03

After reading Sugar Blues and getting low down on how sugar is addictive and kills... I just cringe when I see little children with carts full of candy and processed foods whose main ingredient is the white stuff.

mammoth Tue, Jul-15-03 06:31

I just walk in the store...find a cart that already has most of what I want....and when they are not looking , I TAKE it!

After a year of doing this, there is one person who shops very much like I go on THEIR shopping day now!

Saves time on shopping! :yay:
Problem is wife keeps complaining about all the kids we NOW have!

Best to all;
Cart-Theif Jake

sheaman Tue, Jul-15-03 07:59

All the time!....
I also hear myself shouting (in my head).."It's the carbs, stupid!"..I read this on a Tshirt that is available on this site, and I swear, it runs through my head while

I haven't resorted to lecturing, either, but when I see someone eating carbage, I FEEL like telling them I know the secret to health and wellbeing. Everyone should have the chance to feel this great!


LadyBelle Tue, Jul-15-03 10:26

Shame on you Jake. I knew men hated to shop and usualy rush in, go strait to item, then rush out. But being lazy enough to one stop shop at someones cart, tsk :)

My cart usually has one or two children in it, so I don't take my eyes off it for a minute. Anyone reaching in would probably have the worst assumed of them and walk away with a broken wrist :)

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