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randisue Sun, Jul-13-03 13:55

Looking for Christian buddy
First, I hope that no one takes offense to my request. I'm a Christian and that affects every area of my life. I like to share and interject my Christianity in my WOE, too. And that can be a bit too much for some.

So, I'm 45 yrs old, a grandma (my kids are all grown and gone), I live in NC, I'm unemployed - currently job seeking. My DH and I moved to NC last August. We're still not connected to a church and don't have any close friends.

I was on Atkins close to a year ago for about a year. I'd gotten under 200 lbs and felt super. Felt so good that I went back to my old habits. Like an alcoholic, I completely feel off the wagon and have had no urge to get back on it until now. I realize that I must make long-term WOL changes or I'm always going to be unhappy and probably die young.

I'd love some Atkins friends to check in with. I think accountability will really help all of us.

Hope to hear from you soon. God bless,

happyhat Sun, Jul-13-03 14:16

Hi Randi, I am also a Christian. I am 44 yrs old and live in Austin, Texas. I have 6 children, 3 of whom are still at home. I am a homeschool mom. My 17 yr old goes to public school and the 12 yr old and 10 yr old stay here with me. I hope you find a good church soon. Maybe we could be buddies.

randisue Mon, Jul-14-03 18:59

Hi HappyHat,
Glad to hear from you. How old are your older kids? Are they out of the house yet?

I'm 45, married, and kidless. Our kids are all grown. They are my son, 25; my daughter, 22; dh's son, 20, and dh's son, 18. Plus my son has given us a granddaughter.

We move to North Carolina last August. The kids and most of my family are back in WI and MN. I miss them all terribly.

About me: 246 lbs. Started ATkins today, although was on it for around a year, about one year ago. I'm looking forward to feeling good and getting all this weight off.

I used to live in Killeen TX in the mid 80s with my first husband. We were Army at Ft. Hood. I never wanted to go to TX due to all the spiders and snakes I heard about. But I loved TX, just like I loved all the placed I have ever lived.

How long have you been LCing. Which plan are you on? Atkins also?

God's blessings to you,

AngieT Mon, Jul-14-03 20:18


I'm a stay at home mom and a christian. I'm 36 with two small girls. I'm also looking for support.


randisue Tue, Jul-15-03 09:36

Hi Angie,

Glad to hear from you. Milwaukee, huh....I just moved from Eau Claire. Do you know where that is? I really liked Wisconsin a lot. Beautiful state....

How long have you been LCing? Will you still on it once you get down to your goal weight (which I see isn't far off)?

God bless and have a God-filled day.

Fat Tue, Jul-15-03 17:09

Hi Randisue, I am so glad you are here. I too am a Christian for 5 yrs. My youngest daughter of 15 and I came to the Lord at the same time. That was really nice too. I am 55 and care for my mom who lives here with the family. I have 2 older children, girl 34 and boy 30. I also am a grandmother of 9 grandchildren. I stay at home most of the time to care for mom so I have no one to talk to. Mom doesn't talk much. Love to be your buddy.

randisue Tue, Jul-15-03 17:18

Welcome Fat,

I guess we will just have to keep this thread going.

So how did you and your daughter ever come to know the Lord? How exciting to get saved at the same time.

I'm currently unemployed, so I have more time to be on the board. However there will come a day that I'll have to be back at work. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, I guess.

RickinTN Tue, Jul-15-03 17:21

I am a Chrisitan and have been for 15 years (since I was 18). I am married to a lovely woman and we live in TN. I would happy to be your buddy

Annie-Pie Tue, Jul-15-03 17:34

Count me in, too! God has brought so many awesome buddies my way since beginning in April. I started a buddies thread just like you and have ended up with about 4 or 5 great buddies. I made it clear from the beginning that He is the wind beneath my wings, and others have joined in on it too. The buddies are so awesome, btw, that they've given me their addys to mail postcards from Europe on Friday!

NC, eh? My girlfriend from church just got back and brought me 2 bottles of Texas Pete! Woohoo! Woo-hot ! :lol:

You don't ever have to worry about offending someone. God isn't offensive. He's always in our corner and always believes in us. No one can take offense to that, for sure!

I am very happily married, almost 22 years. We have 3 kids, and our oldest is making me a grandma. I'm 43 and can't wait to love that little girl due in early November! (I'm buying her a cute little Drindl, traditional folk German dress (Germany is one of our stops), to fit her when she's about 5 or 6. She and grandma already have a date to see the Nutcracker!

Ask any LC questions you have here and you'll get great responses. Randi you're gonna love the people here, they are precious.
Blessings and hugs, Annie-Pie :wiggle:

randisue Tue, Jul-15-03 18:03

Hi Rick and Annie-Pie,

I'm so glad to know who all the Christian are. It will be nice to have "family" to lean on.

Rick: TN - that's just a stone's throw from here. How far are you from the NC border? We've been up to Asheville a couple of times. Sure if beautiful.

Annie: I'm confused by you mssg. Are you going to Europe on Friday? If so, first time? How long will you be gone.

I lived in Europe for 5 years (Army) with my first hubbie. It was a wondeful time I will never forget. I actually wanted to go back. I'd have been happy living in Italy.

Thanks everyone for coming forward and answering my call for buddies. I will say a prayer for all of you tonight.

Atkins05 Tue, Jul-15-03 18:21

Count me in I love the Lord!!! God is my base/foundation and all that I am!!!

bdarwath Tue, Jul-15-03 20:24

Jesus freak
I am so excited about this thread. I too love the Lord. He is there for me no matter what.


Fat Tue, Jul-15-03 22:05

Hello again Randisue, and everyone else. Hey this is really great. I love this. In answer to your question, my son got saved, and he & his wife were sharing the Lord Jesus to me. In turn I shared with my daughter one night and asked her if she would like to accept Christ as her savior and live forever with him. She said yes, so as I was leading her in prayer I also asked Jesus to forgive me also and be my savior too. The next day I told my son and his wife, and my husband got saved shortly after that. I have been asking Jehovah God for a long time for a way out of this fat body, and one day on the net I read how Dr. Atkins passed away. After reading about him, I decided to see what his diet was all about and here I am. Lost 28 lbs in 89 days and I never thought a diet could be so much fun. I know people who need the same help, and I do try to tell them about this diet, but they just do no show any interest in it, do you have that prob?

happyhat Tue, Jul-15-03 22:14

Originally Posted by randisue
Hi HappyHat,
Glad to hear from you. How old are your older kids? Are they out of the house yet?

I'm 45, married, and kidless. Our kids are all grown. They are my son, 25; my daughter, 22; dh's son, 20, and dh's son, 18. Plus my son has given us a granddaughter.

We move to North Carolina last August. The kids and most of my family are back in WI and MN. I miss them all terribly.

About me: 246 lbs. Started ATkins today, although was on it for around a year, about one year ago. I'm looking forward to feeling good and getting all this weight off.

I used to live in Killeen TX in the mid 80s with my first husband. We were Army at Ft. Hood. I never wanted to go to TX due to all the spiders and snakes I heard about. But I loved TX, just like I loved all the placed I have ever lived.

How long have you been LCing. Which plan are you on? Atkins also?

God's blessings to you,

My oldest is a son who is 28 and my next oldest is a daughter who will be 26 in October. BTW her father and I lived in Killeen and Temple while he was stationed at Fort Hood during the late 70's. Then we were in Germany for about a year and a half. They both live near by. They have their own homes. My daughter blessed us with a sweet grand daughter who unfortunately lived only 6 days. She had turners syndrone and needed a heart transplant. I don't have any other grand children yet. I am looking forward to that someday. My 16 year old son lives near Dallas with his uncle.
My sisters lived in Zebulon NC near Raleigh for many years. I have been to NC a few times. It's beautiful there. But Texas has a hold on me! :)
I started Atkins on May 23rd this year. I had done a low carb plan twenty years ago and really lost alot of weight. But I haven't dieted since then and really packed the pounds on. This will be a way of life for me now. I want to be healthier and feel better. I already can feel the difference. :yay: I hope to feel good enough to become as active as I used to be but I have a back problem and I am not sure if it will be physically possible. I am hoping losing the weight will be enough to allow more activity. I am being very cautious about that though because I don't want to injure myself. :nono:. It's good to see all the Christians on this board. What a joy!
God Bless,

Annie-Pie Wed, Jul-16-03 08:50

Nice to meet you, Randi Sue. You've got a great response here from a wide variety of good friends! I can't put a price on the support I've found here. I think Rick would say the same thing. He is an all-around fun guy and his wife is awesome as well!

Yes we are planning on leaving on Friday. We are visiting our host son who lived with us last year from YoungLife's Amicus ministry. (I'm a YL leader).

We're headed to Munich to stay with he and his loving family.Grandparents have a house in the black forest, and they plan on taking us to Venice, Italy (A 6 hour drive) and Salzburg Austria. I love music, and classical is a hit with me. It woudl thrill me to see Mozart's house. Did you? Yes I do plan on buying many Mozart chocs. :nono:

Our oldest daughter gets to attend high school for a day. After hosting 20 foreign students, now she'll get a taste of what they go through here!My dream is to visit Royal Castle Newschwanstein, which you know as the castle that Disney modeled his Sleeping Beauty castle from. I read on their website yesterday that there are 165 steps to climb up in the caslte, and 181 down. Oh my! Glad I lost my weight! :lol:

I'd like the girls to see Dauchau. The youngest wonders why, and I tell her "because we cannot forget" :cry:

If you have tips for Germany, let me know. We'll be on our own for 10 days while school is in session. Also meeting a YL girl who just returned from North Carolina. Her host family runs Windy Gap.

Fat: First, can you tell us another name we can call you? Like sunshine, or cutie patootie, or something? :yay: About talking of Atkins, most of us here have found that our Way of Eating ("WOE") is the biggest example of Atkins. Which I compare to how we share Christ. If it doesn't show in our life, we better do a reality check. We can carry all the Atkins books we want, buy all the Atkins products we see at Walmart. We can also wear symbols and talk religious, but if it isn't genuine and meeting people's needs, then all it is is talk. Same comparison. So "Fat", you just continue to do your best. People will start noticing and that is the biggest seller. I know 4 friends doing Atkins WOL now because it is working for me. Please keep us posted how you do. About back pain, I have cysts on my lower spine with congenital scoliosis and a steel rod in it. No back pain but the cysts press on the tailbone and legs. talk about painful! The key to moving around is to know your limits, and stop before it hurts. Don't let "back pain" or anything else be a deterrent to staying with Atkins. Yes you are right, you will have more energy as you lose! You go, friend!
Happy day to all...Annie-Pie :yay:

randisue Wed, Jul-16-03 10:29

I'm so excited to get on the computer and see how many Atkins people love Jesus. It touches my heart powerfully.

We've traveled quite a bit and are living in a new community, so I'm shy on friends. It's reassuring to know I can bounce things off you guys. Praise God!

randisue Wed, Jul-16-03 10:33

Good morning Fat,

I sure loved your little testimony today. How exciting to lead your daughter to the Lord (and then to accept Jesus together!) Praise God that your family loves and is still walking with Jesus. WOW.

Your weight loss is great. It reminds me of Dateline from last night. You've done a wonderful job. Keep up the good work.

randisue Wed, Jul-16-03 10:41

Hi HappyHat,

Sure sounds like we have a lot in common.

TX was a nice state. It was fun to live somewhere that they took such great pride in their state. Yet everyone was nice to me, the young girl from the midwest.

Where did you live in Germany. We were in Stuttgart for three years. I worked at Nellingen Barracks.

Annie Pie is heading this week to the black forest, so she may be somewhat near to Stuttgart, as I know that is also considered to be in or near the black forest.

You said you went LC about 20 yrs ago. What plan was that? I'm not sure - has Atkins been around that long? You've got a real good start on your goals, I see. Thirty pounds is a lot to lose.

randisue Wed, Jul-16-03 10:54

Hi and God's blessings to you, Atkins-5 and bdarwath. Glad you checked in to say Hi.

Annie-Pie Wed, Jul-16-03 11:13

Hi Happy Hat and Randi Sue
Sorry, this comment has absolutely nothing to do with Atkins, but it would help me out...
We are meeting a gal who lives in Herrenburg. She says it is close to Stuttgart. From what I can tell from the internet, it looks pretty cheap and easy to get around Germany on the public transport. We will NOT be driving (I drive slow enough here to tick people off).

How much time on the bus or whatever to get from Munich to Stuttgart, and is there anything to see in Stuttgart? Also I hear Berlin is a 6 hr drive from Muenchen. Right? Where is Dauchau ?

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Annie-Pie Wed, Jul-16-03 11:14

One of my biggest goals is to attend a church of excited Believers. Do you know of any?

randisue Wed, Jul-16-03 12:33

Annie - Pie
I wish I could help you out, but one of the things I've never had to do was take public transportation. I've always has my own wheels at my avail.

Maybe you could look some of the info you want up on the Internet?... It's been years since we were there, so I won't be much help. Sorry.

About a good church...I think you may try the Internet on that one too. You could even see if there is a church who's got a streaming radio station. If you like what they say online, you might like their church too. Otherwise online chamber of commerce sights are helpful. Then I just call up the chuch and ask lots of questions. You get a good feel for a church that way.

randisue Wed, Jul-16-03 12:34

Forget to ask--
How do you send someone a private message. Can people dialogue back and forth there, too?

justcindy Wed, Jul-16-03 15:26

Hi all!
Another Christian checking in! :)

Fat Wed, Jul-16-03 18:57

Fat is my name cause that is how I feel and that is what I have been eating
Thank you Randisue it is wonderful. Better late, than never to know Jesus at all.

Hi Annie-Pie, thank you for your comments. I have a hard time expressing myself sometimes. I just want to show my family and others that they do not have to be obese if they do not want to be. Being over weight has put me in a place I choose not to be any more. I got a rude awaking when my daughter took pictures of me. I just wanted to hide. It is so embarrassing to have anyone see me like that. My husband is glad to see the weight come off even if it isn't all off yet. I can fit into some of my old cloths now too. I am thank ful to Christ for all that he does for me. I guess I have very low self esteem. I am sure there are a lot of people that have the same problems.

Annie-Pie Wed, Jul-16-03 19:24

Private Messaging
In case you haven't figured it out yet, go to "profile". When that comes up, click on "Private Messages". Watch out because it fills up fast, and they allow 10 messages unless you are a contributing member (which I"ll do after vacation). As soon as I send a PM, I delete from the sent box, and also delete the Inbox after messages are read.

Another simpler way to PM someone is when you read their posts. Just click on PM under their stats and you have it. No on can see it except them, so it's a great way to exchange emails.

Fat I am proud of you for your bright attitude and the credit you give back to where it belongs.

Thanks RandiSue for the info. Yeah I got a lot off the internet. Now we're ready to go. I came across a 2-car injury accident about 2 hours ago on a major freeway, stopped to help (lots of cpr/1st aid training) and it was so fun! (have been wanting to go into paramedic training). those people are fortunate that they had airbags and their seatbelts on. Praying for them. We never plan on what will happen in the day, but it's always an adventure for sure!
Hugs to all, Annie-Pie :yay:

randisue Wed, Jul-16-03 20:35

Hi JustCindy:

Welcome to the group. God bless, and thanks for coming by to say HI.

randisue Wed, Jul-16-03 20:38


I know what you mean about seeing yourself in pictures. I don't think it has to do with self-esteem as just reality slapping you in the face.

I look in the mirror at least 2-3 time each day. For the life of me the women that looks back at me IS NOT THE ONE I SEE IN PICTURES! The one in the pictures is scary. I, too, am horribly embarrassed and just want to hide at home until I look 40 pounds.

But God is good, I pray and get over it and go on. I know that I have no one to blame but myself. I also know it's a wonderful opportunity for God to do a great work in my life. We are all masterpieces in the making ;-)

happyhat Thu, Jul-17-03 09:29

Originally Posted by randisue
Hi HappyHat,

Sure sounds like we have a lot in common.

TX was a nice state. It was fun to live somewhere that they took such great pride in their state. Yet everyone was nice to me, the young girl from the midwest.

Where did you live in Germany. We were in Stuttgart for three years. I worked at Nellingen Barracks.

Annie Pie is heading this week to the black forest, so she may be somewhat near to Stuttgart, as I know that is also considered to be in or near the black forest.

You said you went LC about 20 yrs ago. What plan was that? I'm not sure - has Atkins been around that long? You've got a real good start on your goals, I see. Thirty pounds is a lot to lose.

Hello again Randisue,
I am glad you enjoyed your stay in our big beautiful HOT state!

My husband was stationed in Erlangen. We lived on the economy in a small village called Zecharn (please forgive me if I misspell some of the names because it's been a long time ago) which is located on a small mountain above Hemhoffen. After about 6 months we were living in military housing. It was the first time I had ever lived outside of Texas. I had no idea it could SNOW SO MUCH! But it was an experience I am glad I had.

I low carbed but I didn't really follow a good plan. Basically I was doing induction for awhile. I was much younger and it was easier to lose then. ha ha ha. But I am excited to be doing Atkins and losing again. When I started this time I didn't have a scale and had no idea just how much weight I had gained. Isn't it strange how we can gain and not see it! I thought I was much less heavy than I really was. So while thirty pounds is alot it really puts me where I thought I was at. That was a little depressing to learn but I can see progress and that motivates me. When I got my scale it was at the same time as when I had just finished induction and was at a slight stall. So for two weeks I didn't lose a pound. That really scared me. But now things are moving again. So if it happens to you just hang in there and be patient. Things will progress after a bit of time. :)
God bless

happyhat Thu, Jul-17-03 09:42

Originally Posted by Annie-Pie
Hi Happy Hat and Randi Sue
Sorry, this comment has absolutely nothing to do with Atkins, but it would help me out...
We are meeting a gal who lives in Herrenburg. She says it is close to Stuttgart. From what I can tell from the internet, it looks pretty cheap and easy to get around Germany on the public transport. We will NOT be driving (I drive slow enough here to tick people off).

How much time on the bus or whatever to get from Munich to Stuttgart, and is there anything to see in Stuttgart? Also I hear Berlin is a 6 hr drive from Muenchen. Right? Where is Dauchau ?

Thanks for any help you can give me.

I am sorry but I will not be of much help for you. I lived there when I was very young (18) and I didn't drive a car then, my husband did all the driving. So while I did go to Dauchau I can not help you find it. It was a humbling experience that I remember well. The smell was still in the court yard. I had never smelled anything like that. The photos were very moving. Do find it and spend the time there. You will not regret it!

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