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dirty-c Mon, Jul-07-03 14:44

Too much protein if on the PP diet?
I've read up on nearly all the LC diets now, and there seems to be a consensus that the body must eitehr use glucose or ketones as the primary source of energy. However, I also have read that if you consume more protein that your body can use for tissue repair and other vital functions, it must be broken down to glucose and used as energy. This could produce an insulin response. While PP may not be extremely high fat, it does seem to be moderate fat. If the fat is not being used for energy (ketone production) then it would seem that the body would be forced to store it as fat (NOOOOO!). This seems to be an inconsistency that is incompatible with very basic LC principles.

Am I misunderstanding something here or is this a valid concern? From what I've read of people's journals, I would think that most people on the PP diet are consuming more protein than their basic functions require. Only people who train with weights need even close to 1 gm per lb of bodyweight (or even more).

NovaGirl Tue, Jul-15-03 17:57

Umm.. what exactly are you asking? Have you read any low carb books?

Rosebud Tue, Jul-15-03 18:15

Hi Dirty-C,

Yes, if you actually buy yourself a copy of Protein power and read it, your fears will be alleviated. ;)

The Drs Eades very clearly state that you can eat more protein than your required amount unless you have damaged kidneys.

Arming yourself with information will make a big difference. :read:


skeeweeaka Wed, Jul-16-03 09:46

Well in the book they do stress calculating how much protein each individual needs.... So it depends on the person, however, I believe that you are much isn't good for you... I feel better when I consume at least 60 grams per day....including snacks....

Just my 2


lasert Wed, Jul-16-03 13:26

too much protein?
I guess I have the same sort of question which is basically:
how do I determine how much protein I should be taking in? Without buying yet another book that is.
I already have Dr. Atkins latest and both the complete and abridged versions of Corinne Netzer's nutritional count books.
In Dr. Atkins he says that excess protein can be converted to and burned as sugar which leads me to believe it is foolish to limit sugar intake and carb intake if I am taking in so much protein that my body can burn it instead of the fat which is the whole reason I am on this kind of diet in the first place.
O n the Protein Power site it talks about grams per Lean Body Mass. I got news for everyone, my body ain't exactly lean...that is why I dieting.
Seriously, I fit the very active category since I work out in the gym two hours each day, one a.m. and one p.m.. How do I determine an approximate quantity of protein that I should be taking in each day?

Rosebud Wed, Jul-16-03 17:50

how do I determine how much protein I should be taking in?

Hi lasert, this is from the Protein Power website:
How do you calculate protein requirements?

The minimum protein requirement ranges from 0.6 to 1 gram per pound of lean body mass depending on the level of physical activity. It is calculated like this:

Sedentary. A person who gets no physical activity needs 0.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass.

Moderately Active. Someone who exercises 20-30 minutes two or three times per week needs 0.6 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass.

Active. Someone who exercises 30 minutes or more three to five times per week needs 0.7 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass.

Very Active. A person who exercises an hour or more at least five times per week needs 0.8 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass.

Athlete. A competitive athlete who trains twice a day for an hour or more needs 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass.

We also recommend that if someone is more that 40% overweight they should increase their protein requirement one level.

To calculate your lean body mass, you have to find out your body fat, and subtract. There are many different ways of calculating body fat - you'll find a few in a sticky in the Body For Life forum. You'll find some more here. Different methods of calculation will give differing numbers. The best idea is to always use the same one, so you'll be aware of changes. :)



lasert Thu, Jul-17-03 02:45

Thanks very much Rosebud
According to those calculations, I have only been eatingabout three times the amount of protein I should be consuming. Might explain why my weight loss has been fairly steady, but much slower than one would expect when my carbs are consistently under 25 all the time, usually way under.

dreamer Fri, Jul-18-03 21:31

I don't get it. Calculating how much carbs / protein I should eat.

I did figure out I have 38% body fat (damn)
I am sedetary

Can someone help me out, my book got packed and put in storage. :cry:

Rosebud Fri, Jul-18-03 21:54

Hi Dreamer,

If you have 38% body fat (not all online or other calulators are totally accurate, so don't sweat it - just think of it as a guide), then your lean body mass (LBM) - muscle, bone, organs etc - will make 62% of 210. Therefore your LBM is (about) 130 pounds.

So if you want to make sure you are getting enough protein, you simply calculate your requirement from the info I posted above.
For example, if you are moderately active (and I hope you are at least that ;) ) you should be getting 0.6 X 130 (=78)g protein daily.

Just remember that these are the minimum amounts we need to eat. As the Eades make very clear, unless you have some degree of kidney failure, it is perfectly safe to eat more protein than your actual requirement.



dreamer Fri, Jul-18-03 22:38


You are so wonderful and I appreciate it with all of my heart. My question is should I eat the min everyday and try not to go over?
What if I eat under?

Once again you are a life saver.

Rosebud Fri, Jul-18-03 23:14

Hiya Dreamer,

You should aim for the minimum every day - it's just that - a minimum.
Going over is fine - as long as your kidneys in fine fettle.

Going under now and then won't be a big drama, but try not to do it too often or you may find yourself losing more muscle than you'd like.

Do you use Fitday to work out your levels?


dreamer Fri, Jul-18-03 23:26

When you say levels, what does that mean?
I log everything faithfully into fit day.

Rosebud Fri, Jul-18-03 23:34

Sorry to confuse you, matey. ;) All I meant by "levels" is the amount of protein you're getting each day.

Fitday will tell you if you are getting your 78g or more. :thup:



Skully Mon, Aug-04-03 21:38

Hi Rosebud
I ive in Sydney Australia and have just recently found this great site :) I would very much appreciate your input in relation to the amount of protein I should be eating. I exercise 6 sometimes 7 times per week four around 45 minutes to 60 minutes per session (high intensity) :wiggle::agree:. I am a female who is 49 years young and I currently weigh 71.8 kilos. Could you possible convert that into the amount of protein I should be consuming each day. I am terribly worried that I am over doing it and i don't want to do that:roll:I look forward to your response if you can spare the time. Take care and God Bless America :yay::yay::yay::yay::angel::angel::angel:

Rosebud Tue, Aug-05-03 06:14

Originally Posted by Skully
I ive in Sydney Australia and have just recently found this great site :) I would very much appreciate your input in relation to the amount of protein I should be eating. I exercise 6 sometimes 7 times per week four around 45 minutes to 60 minutes per session (high intensity) :wiggle::agree:. I am a female who is 49 years young and I currently weigh 71.8 kilos. Could you possible convert that into the amount of protein I should be consuming each day. I am terribly worried that I am over doing it and i don't want to do that:roll:I look forward to your response if you can spare the time. Take care and God Bless America :yay::yay::yay::yay::angel::angel::angel:

G'day Skully, good to meet another Aussie!

Okay, you currently weigh 158 pounds. From what you describe, I'd call your exercise regime Very Active, which requires a minimum of 0.8g protein per pound of your lean body mass (see my post above posted July 17th at 0950). You describe your fat as 34% - is that right? If so, your lean body mass will be 104 pounds. So your protein requirement will be 83g. Remember, this is a minimum. And that also assumes your body fat to be 34% - are you sure that is accurate? It seems to me if you are exercising, and you only weigh 158 lbs, that your body fat will probably be less than that.

Absolutely do not worry about overdoing it. :) See what the Eades say about eating more protein than the recommended amount:
Is it all right to eat more protein than my recommended amount?

Yes. You can eat more protein if you still are hungry, providing you do not have any existing kidney problems. We would monitor your intake more closely in that situation.

You will occasionally see people worrying about excess protein turning into glucose. Again, don't worry about that. You would have to be eating huge amounts of protein for that to happen.

Are you using Fitday? If so, how much protein have you been getting? I tend to doubt you've been overdoing it. ;)

All the best!


tofi Tue, Aug-05-03 06:30

And grams of protein DOES NOT equal grams of meat.

Meat has both fat and protein. So do look at the tables the Eades provide in their books and probably on their website as to how much of each meat has how many grams of protein.

Skully Wed, Aug-06-03 17:54

Hi Rosebud
Thankyou so much for your response :) My body fat is calculated on 74kg, I'm not sure how that equates in pounds. I have lost 3.2kgs already :yay:. Would you know the body weight ratio for me in pounds? Have a great day. I love your photo :roll:

Rosebud Wed, Aug-06-03 18:24

Would you know the body weight ratio for me in pounds?

Hiya Skully, I'm not sure what you mean by this? Body fat is only ever estimated as a percentage, so it doesn't matter whether you use kilos or pounds. (And as you probably know, 2.2 pounds = 1 kilo.)

I'm glad you like my photo. Flattery'll get you everywhere. :p


sasquatch Mon, Aug-11-03 18:41

2 things:
1- if you look in PPLP (protein Power Life Plan) thre is a chart that tells you your minimum protein req. WITHOUT doing the Lean Body Mass calculations. It uses current body weight- less math!!
2- As was discussed elsewhere, my protein requirements come in around 150gm/day, I usually end up between 200-225gm/day.Not only can I lose on that, but today I'm in moderate ketosis(today's protein total was 201gm), so if there's TOO much protein- It probably ain't that easy to find!! :roll:

skeeweeaka Tue, Aug-12-03 17:56

Thanks Refigured My Protein Requirements...
Hey thanks for the information, I refigured my requirements since I started exercising.... I have also been tracking in fitday and it is helping me... Although I did feel like I was consuming to many unhealthy fats...smoked sausage...italian sausage....and processed cheeses.... So I have eliminated the sausages...high carb cheeses.... I would imagine that the sodium was making me retain water...that could be why I had the 2 week stall...I was eating smoked sausage a lot...

What about has a lot of sodium...can anyone recommend a particular brand that they use that doesn't have the nitrates and sugars...and perhaps less sodium...

fionaminar Mon, Aug-25-03 01:18

how do you do this again
Hi I have worked out my lbm 28.5 how do I work out how much protine
I need each day thanks

fionaminar Mon, Aug-25-03 03:14

ok this is it
This is the break down of what i had yesterday. Cal's 1601
63% fat 3% cargs and 34% protein. What do i need to change to start the weight comeing off again. I am never in ketosis first thing in the morning , but I am by lunch time is this because the fat i am burning is not stored?

p_rosie Wed, Oct-15-03 11:43

Not that I am professing to be an expert but, I have read from alot of people that a stall can be undone by upping calories and slightly upping carbs. 3% seems like alot to little.

black57 Sun, Oct-19-03 22:19

The primary food source for Native Americans was protein, fat, and very little flora. They had mighty bodies that were lean and strong.Strong bones, straight teeth. They also had a kickass immune system. When they were forced onto reservations, the were also forced to eat foods that had a high carb content which weakened their bodies. Diabetes skyrocketed. That tells me something. You can read this info at:


I find it incredible that this article points our that by observing the high protein/fat diet of the Native American, it is obvious that mankind is by far healthier with this lifestyle.


black57 Sun, Nov-02-03 12:57

Correct me if I am wrong but, if your body is functioning well, can you assume that the amount of protein and fats that you are consuming is OK?

RobinBeBe Sun, Nov-02-03 21:34

To me, if you are doing well, and are healthy, then you are consuming proper quantities of the macronutrients/micronutrients.

Trust me, this is NOT a high protein diet. I have been on one of those. I was on Body Rx and Body for Life for a time. Body Rx is a bodybuilders diet, more or less, but the book fails to say that it is really meant for people who want to sculpt, not lose a lot of weight. I started out eating one gram of protein per lb of body weight which was 260 grams a day. The, after 6 weeks that was upped to 320 grams, then 400 grams a day! :eek: The carbs were slowly worked out during this process, and it was low fat eating, with some treats allowed. I could never get up that high....and, after about 10 weeks on the program I quit. I was not eating that much protein, mind you, I was drinking it in the form of shakes - about 2-70 gram shakes a day, and stuffing my face full of meat. I literally got ill on it.

My requirements on this plan are a minimum of 90 gms a day, much more doable!! I usually end up eating about 150 a day or so. So, trust me, this is NOT a high protein diet!!


adkpam Fri, Nov-07-03 12:08

This is a fascinating thread to me, since I wondered the same thing about too much protein, but it does seem very difficult to do so, unless one's diet consists mostly of meat, eggs, and cheese. Once you have your 2-3 cups of vegetables daily, I don't see how any but the most determined could eat so much it would affect them badly (though I could be wrong.)
What I read is that it is not just the muscle requirements, but your glucose requirements. The organs that need glucose, like your brain, get it from protein when you keep carbs low. I think protein gets converted to glucose as 1/ need twice as much protein to make the same amount of glucose.
When you figure all this out, you can tell why the Drs. Eade didn't worry about too much protein.

black57 Tue, Nov-11-03 10:58

My body definitely works more efficiently with more protein. I do not count the grams but I can definitely tell if I have not had enough for the day. If you should eat something that is a high glycemic you will need to add extra protein to slow its absorbance into the bloodstream.


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