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kmarie1351 Sun, Jun-29-03 12:04

Firm Forum
Anyone interested in starting a daily thread about The Firm? I'm really convinced that I was thinner than I have ever been while working out with The Firm... why did I ever stop?

Anyway, I got back on the Firm wagon today with Tough Tape 2. I didn't get all the way through it, but I didn't do too badly, either. I'm going to use my hips measurement as a guide to how I'm doing. Today, they were at 40 inches (approx.).

Do you do The Firm? Let's try it! I've never done it while on a LC WOE - maybe the results will be spectacular!

kmarie1351 Mon, Jun-30-03 07:15

I know you're out there...
I'm going to do one of my Firm tapes this morning before my meeting... this rwill be day 2 of recommitting to the Firm workouts.

Come on, all you Firm people! Join the Firm Forum thread!

Update - did the Lower Body workout, and then had to quit. It's exhausting!

day966 Mon, Jun-30-03 11:21

hi kmarie! :wave:

i'm using the firm also. i started back again last week. i have the new tapes with the stick. i've found that i do better if i alternate firm tapes with walk away the pounds tapes. this gives my body a little more time to recover from the firm tapes. i love how well the firm works my muscles. hopefully my butt will get back up where it's supposed to be.

kmarie1351 Mon, Jun-30-03 11:32

It's a Brand New Day!
Hi, Day! I tell ya, it's amazing how quickyl I get out of shape... I used to be able to do a Firm Tape all the way through, no problem. Now I can't even get through one! I'm hoping to fit back into my skinny jeans within six weeks... think I can do it? I do! Welcome to the Firm Forum - two people on a mission!

day966 Mon, Jun-30-03 11:37


i have no doubt that you can reach your goal. the only problem i've found doing the firm while lcing is that i often don't have as much endurance as i did before. other than that, it's been great! still working on getting all the way throught the abs sections of the videos. i hate doing ab work but would love a flatter tummy!

kmarie1351 Mon, Jun-30-03 11:45

I hate ab work. >:-(

janetkind Mon, Jun-30-03 12:30

firm tapes
iam also going to do the firm tape.
i would love to join in with u gals. hope i dont forget we have this one. ha.
iam going to see what i can do. i dont have the stick. do both of u?? i got mine at walmart.
all three tapes.
i do have wts. 1/2 /3/ 5 lbs.
8 and 10 are to much for me right now.
think next week will add the 4lbswts.
iam short and have a time getting on my steps. do u gals.
am also thinking of getting out my rubber bands to do to.
the weather here in IN. is nice. going to get hot this week.
if u gals need a firm buddy to keep going let me know and iam with.
i a;lso have a tredmil do u??
iam training on it to run.
but havent for week or so and have to get that going. one thing on exersicoing u have to keep it going.
good luck

kmarie1351 Mon, Jun-30-03 13:46

Welcome, Janet
I'm in IN, too, Janet - it's really nice today. I only have weights (no stick) - 3, 5, 8, and 10 lb. I'm pretty tall, so sometimes I think the steps are too short! Some of the ladies on the tapes are quite petite, so keep at it, and you'll be doing great in no time.

Iowagirl Mon, Jun-30-03 14:01

Been Firmin' for awhile!

Kmarie - use a broom handle if you have no stick.

Cardio this morning but yesterday I did Upper Body Split.

Anyone do Fitprime as well?

kmarie1351 Mon, Jun-30-03 14:05

What's Fitprime?

Iowagirl Mon, Jun-30-03 14:12

Some former Firm members have branched off. As good as the Firm is, I find Fitprime even tougher.

They just put out a new video with a rebounder (mini trampoline) - weight training and cardio. I ordered it this morning!

kmarie1351 Mon, Jun-30-03 14:30

It's harder than The Firm? Whoa. I think I have to work up to it!

Iowagirl Mon, Jun-30-03 14:34

Come on! Push yourself! (said in best drill sargeant voice) :p

Iowagirl Tue, Jul-01-03 08:43

Ok - check in time! I did tough tape 2. Anyone else?

day966 Tue, Jul-01-03 08:51


thanks for checking in and keeping up honest. :lol: i couldn't do my tape this morning because of nausea. i'm hoping it will pass soon and i can get busy. what are the fitprime tapes and where do i go to check them out. i'm sure that even the firm tapes will get boring after a while. :yawn:

Iowagirl Tue, Jul-01-03 08:54

They have a - some of the women you will recognize as they are former Firm instructors. A good place to get videos is - you can actually view some of the tape online and read reviews of what others' have said. I find that part especially helpful. I know they have some Fitprime tapes but not a lot.

day966 Tue, Jul-01-03 08:59

thanks, i'll check it out.

KittyKat2 Tue, Jul-01-03 10:03

Count me in!
I bought the Firm 3 video set about a month ago. I went to WalMart and bought a couple of steps and some dumbbells. I have used all of the tapes at least 3 times. It's hard for me to get into a routine. I'm so busy in the summertime. I don't like the cardio tape. I'm not very coordinated if you know what I mean! I seem to gravitate towards the ab sculpting and the total body sculpting tapes the most.
I'm going on vacation this Friday so I won't be able to start a weekly routine until I return. I will check back in when I do.
I must say I noticed a difference in my legs with the workouts I have done. The most work I need is on the back of my arms, back, stomach, abs, and inner thighs now.

kmarie1351 Tue, Jul-01-03 15:33

No workout today
After returning to The Firm from a long break, my legs are KILLING ME! :wiggle: So I skipped my workout today. It hurts just to stand up!

shelly104 Wed, Jul-02-03 09:53

I am using the Firm also. I am glad that there is a forum about the firm. Knowing that there are others out there sweating away and suffering through the fanny lifter leg press with me makes me feel proud.

Iowagirl Wed, Jul-02-03 09:57

I take Wednesdays and Saturdays off! This week it will be Friday and Sunday as well - going out of town for the holiday.

cori Wed, Jul-02-03 09:58

Hi! My name is Cori and...
...I'm a firm-a-holic. Except that I haven't been doing them. I have like 25 firm exercise videos. I can't do them this week. I'm on vacation and they are NOT with me. But I swear I will get back to it when I get back!

kmarie1351 Wed, Jul-02-03 10:16

Did it!
Did my Total Body this morning (gotta love the 80s!), even though I didn't want to. I got up and started working at 7:00, and thought I might just skip the workout. But no, I got on that fanny lifter at 9:30!

What time do you work out? I'm really more of a mid-morning person... I can't stand getting up at 6:00 and working out. I need my coffee and a bit of the Today Show first.

Also - I HATE ab work. HATE, HATE, HATE it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hate ab work.

day966 Thu, Jul-03-03 10:24


did my total sculpt plus abs this morning. i'm a mid-morning person too. usually 10:00a.m. is a good time for me to exercise. this works great during the summer but i'm a teacher so i don't know what i'll do when school starts back!

i have the new set of videos with the stick. this is my first time doing the firm but i find it gives me a great workout. i like to total sculpt plus abs best because i can follow it better. i even got all the way through the ab part - following the beginner example.

Iowagirl Thu, Jul-03-03 10:27

Kmarie - are you sitting down? I get up at 4:30 so I can start exercising by 5. Yes - and I am NOT a morning person. Just happens to be the only time I have to myself and can wo uninterrupted.

However, I slept in this morning - planning a drive to St.Louey in an hour or so - figured I should get some shut eye. Next week - back to the grind! Have a great long weekend, everybody! :Party:

day966 Thu, Jul-03-03 10:33


you're an inspiration to us all! i doubt i can get up at 4:30 but maybe 5:30 or 6:00 when school starts back. have a safe trip and happy 4th!

janetkind Thu, Jul-03-03 10:58

:yay: :wiggle:

Hi gals.
i must say that when i read all your post on doing the firm sure makes me want to do it.
I got firm tapes at walmart and got two rubbermate steps. that work ok.

i have wts. 1-2-5-3 and 10 lbs.
10 is to much right now and so would be 8lbs.
i am going to get 4lb this week.
but i seem to use the most 3-5lbs.
after this weekend i hope i can join in with u gals too.
i do find that when i did abs which i like and the body S. one i like the best to. other one hard. But would like to try the last one were u put a small wt. in back of legs and lift when u are over step?? that is why i got 1lb wts. to try that.
do u gals find it hard to keep getting on the steps when 14 inck hes high?? iam short.
sometimes my body doesnt move like they do. ha. but i know i should get that going. so pull me along. ok.
were are u gals from. iam in in.

lets get toning and help me get on with u gals. i read this site alot. have a losing week end.janet-

day966 Thu, Jul-03-03 12:08


i find getting up on the fanny lifter is my biggest challenge. i'm 5'2". i don't think i could do it without the stick to balance with. at first i was worried about hurting my knees but i try to pay close attention to form. that way, hopefully my knees will be safe.

kmarie1351 Thu, Jul-03-03 12:33

All you morning people make me ill. I'm not working out today... I spent part of the day in a scene shop building a set, and that was enough of a workout for me! I'm pooped.

irisda Thu, Jul-03-03 14:25

I just purchased the firm set but do not have the fanny lifter. Can anyone suggest an alternative to the fanny lifter. Do I really have to spend 40 more dollars for this thing it just looks like a step to me.

I really wanted to purchase the latest firm product with the sculpting stick but alas when I went to the firm webiste it said 4-6 weeks! for delivery. I am ready today. At any rate I went to best buy and purchase a 3 set DVD but did not buy the fanny lifter so once again anyone have any alternatives I can go and purchase today?

If anyone else is using this series please let me know how you are doing.

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