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wcollier Mon, Jun-23-03 18:57

Tests for Adrenal Fatigue You Can Do At Home
In Dr. Wilson's book, Adrenal Fatigue , he lists 3 tests you can do at home to help determine if you have Adrenal Fatigue (or Burned Out Adrenals, as Dr. S calls it). This might be helpful for those who can't afford a Cortisol test.

Test #1: Iris Contraction Test
Equipment required: chair, small flashlight, mirror, a watch (with a second hand), and a dark room.

In a darkened room, sit in a chair in front of a mirror. Holding the flashlight at the side of your head, shine it across one eye (not into the eye). Watch what happens in the mirror.

You should see your pupil contract immediately after the light hits the eye. The pupil will normally stay contracted, but if you have adrenal fatigue, the pupil won't be able to hold its contraction and will dilate. This dilation will take place within 2 minutes and last for about 30-45 seconds before it contracts again. Time how long the dilation lasts and record it along with the date. Retest monthly as it serves as an indicator of recovery.

Test #2: Blood Pressure Test
If your blood pressure drops when you stand up from a lying position, this almost always indicates low adrenals. This can be measured with a blood pressure gauge (a sphygmomanometer), which you can buy at a drug store. Make sure to purchase the type that doesn't require a stethoscope to take your blood pressure.

Make sure to do this test when you are well hydrated or it could give you a false positive. Lie down quietly for about 10 minutes, then take your blood pressure (while still lying down). Then stand up and measure your blood pressure immediately upon standing. Normally blood pressure will rise 10-20mmHg from standing up. If your blood pressure drops, you likely have adrenal fatigue. The more severe the drop, the more severe the adrenal fatigue.

Test #3: Sergent's White Line
This is only present in about 40% of people with Adrenal Fatigue, but if the test is positive, it's a "slam dunk" confirmation.

With a ballpoint pen, take the cap end of the pen and lightly stroke the skin on your abdomen, making a mark about 6" long. Within a few seconds, a line should appear. In a normal reaction, the mark is initially white, but reddens within a few seconds. If you have Adrenal Fatigue, the line will stay white for about 2 minutes and will also widen.

Cindy007 Mon, Jun-23-03 21:30

What a trip! I did the flash light test and my pupils immediately redilated. They stay dilated long enough for me not to want to be shining a light almost in my eyes anymore and stop. Nice to have some confirmation that I am on the right plan. As I read more of the links I find posted on here listing symptoms, I am amazed at how many of my ailments can be explained by adrenal fatigue. Thank goodness I found SP!! Thanx for posting those Wanda.


KoKo Mon, Jun-23-03 22:21

THANKS WandyBeiner,

I'll try the ball point pen trick - with my presbyopia don't know that I could do the pupil test and am not willing to spend money for a blood pressure device. But the pen trick I can do!!!!

m1whowaits Tue, Jun-24-03 09:59

Did the pen test and got a normal. I'll try the light test later.


wcollier Tue, Jun-24-03 10:18

Koko, don't you have glasses? If not, maybe get DH to watch for you in the mirror.

Heck, I don't need the blood pressure gauge either. When I stand up, I sometimes black out so I think that's a pretty sure bet that my blood pressure has dropped. ;)


m1whowaits Tue, Jun-24-03 11:39

I did the eye test. Gonna have to figure out how to watch the watch and my eye at the same time!! But initally it contracted for about 2 or 3 seconds and then it was like it couldn't hold it and dialated a little a kinda fluxed slowly like it was trying to hold it but couldn't .

The BP thing. I must have healed a lot in the last 3 months. I wouldn't black out upon standing, but I'd get so dizzy I'd have to grap something. Now I may just have a little "head rush." I can stand in place longer than I used to be able to. Once when I was preggers with #2. I was 23. I was in line at the commisary (45 min in line was not uncommon) I had to leave my cart and run to the bench in the front of the store. By the time I sat down I had lost sight & sound. If I had stayed in line, i'd been on the floor. Too bad I wasn't really showing yet. I'd got a little more compasion that I did. Sitting with my head between my knees only one person came over and asked if I was OK. And that was after I'd been there for a while. Done and gone. Just nice to not have to sit on the floor and get wierd looks when standing in line for something. I just rock a little to keep the blood flowing. Maybe they'll just think I'm hyper and can't stand still :D .

Lizzy B

wcollier Tue, Jun-24-03 15:03

I finally did the Iris test. I got the initial contraction followed by a dilation, but it continued to cycle with dilations and contractions. Not sure what that means. Maybe I'll try tonight when the room is darker.


lauren1960 Tue, Jun-24-03 16:47

When I went to my new Dr . a month ago he looked into my eyes and said that I probably have burned out Adrenal glands. Then he told me to read Schwartzbein and get on the program. I am
feeling worse than ever but on Thursday I will get the results of the 15 vials of blood tests he ordered :)

wcollier Tue, Jun-24-03 17:15

Lauren, that is totally cool. Please let us know the outcome of your tests.

Oh, I just noticed that was your first post. Welcome to the SP forum. We're a small group, but we have big hearts. ;)


KoKo Tue, Jun-24-03 19:56

Koko, don't you have glasses?

:lol: I have 6 pairs all purchased from the $$$ store :lol:

I only need them for reading or really close work, never got around to making an appointment for prescription ones, so I leave them scattered around the house in areas where I need them, and another pair in my purse for label reading when shopping. My son and his freinds dissolved in hysterical laughter when I had to put them on to read something at the party - I didn't realize wearing them provided amusement to others :o

I suppose DH might assist me - more likely he'd jot in down a notebook for proof that I am no longer just eccentric but heading towards total madness :D

I still haven't done the belly button test - must remember tomorrow.

ps I didn't think the test would work if the glasses were on -

Piano Tue, Jun-24-03 19:59

I think I'm too uncoordinated. I tried the ball point pen and ended up with a green line :lol: (the color of the ink)! Add that to the stretch marks and the test didn't work! I will have to try again with a different pen!


tigger64 Tue, Jun-24-03 21:55

I did not notice anything with the pen test, and my blood pressure went up like it was supposed to on the BP test--that really surprised me! I have been working on adrenal fatigue for awhile now. I have all but 2 or 3 of the symptoms on Dr. Wilson's cartoon "test" and lots and lots on Dr. Rind's. On the pupil dilation test, my pupil contracted but then went back and forth for a long time. I think if I had done all these tests at the worst of my fatigue, they would have shown more--I think I am recovering some but Baby Steps!

Tig :wave:

m1whowaits Wed, Jun-25-03 07:41

Tigg, me too. I haven't done the BP test, gonna have my chiro do it saturday. At my worst the symptoms were moderate to severe. Now they are either gone or mild to moderate. I did sit for 25 min in one spot this morning and when I stood I got very dizzy. Not good. But I didn't have to grab for support like before. Baby steps...


KoKo Wed, Jun-25-03 08:36

Don't it figure
I did the white line test - My results don't fit any description given - I got a red line and a white area - red line down the middle bordered by a white area on both sides!!!!

The line I made was vertical - did you others go horizontally or vertical :confused: Well now that the pen is in my powder room I shall no doubt perform other experiments each time I visit :p

mmoranmic Fri, Jun-27-03 15:46

I tried the line test and mine came out white then immediately red. I drew a horizontal line. I know that my adrenals were really burned out at the end of last year and it took a long time to get them healthy again. Good SP food and lots of the supplements she recommends for burned out adrenals.

wcollier Fri, Jun-27-03 16:02

Maureen, Congratulations! :clap: It's good to hear success stories.

I did the line test but I got the opposite of Koko. It didn't immediately turn red, but it didn't turn white either. Now many minutes later, I have white lines, but the surrounding area is red. :daze:


cbcb Sun, Jun-29-03 12:08

Thanks for posting these tests - interesting.

>You should see your pupil contract immediately after the light hits the eye. The pupil will normally stay contracted, but if you have adrenal fatigue, the pupil won't be able to hold its contraction and will dilate. <

Hmm... I wonder if this has anything to do with being really sensitive to light? I love overcast days and evening, wear contact lenses, and have very light-sensitive eyes - bright light hurts, I prefer dim.

But... last week on a long drive, when I had tons of energy (surprisingly) and it was bright out, I felt no need to use sunglasses and actually enjoyed it. This was after a few days of trying bee pollen and copper (copper's known as an adrenal supporter - but be careful with dosages as too much can be dangerous). Made me really wonder...

wcollier Sun, Jun-29-03 13:05

Hi Cbcb:

Light sensitivity is a definate symptom of adrenal fatigue. Dr. Wilson doesn't explain physiologically why the pupil doesn't stay contracted when the eye is subject to light. But it does make sense that people with adrenal fatigue would be light sensitive since the dilation of the eye would allow more light in.

Pretty cool huh? Glad your photosensitivity is getting better.


cbcb Sun, Jun-29-03 13:31


Thanks for the reply. You know, after almost two days of great energy and an abrupt change in sunlight tolerance, I wound up really tired again. (More evidence of the need to nurture the adrenals, no doubt.)

The only recent change in my diet was using a copper supplement, and trying some bee pollen. On the theory the change might be copper related, I went looking and found an interesting page on copper:

Among the things it mentions:

>An important way to reduce high copper levels is to enhance the activity of the adrenal glands. The adrenals cause the liver to secrete ceruloplasmin, which binds and removes copper. Adrenal underactivity causes a deficiency of available copper, and allows unbound copper to build up in the tissues. Adrenal glandular substance is also frequently helpful.
Exercise temporarily stimulates the adrenals, which helps eliminate copper. One needs to keep exercising or the copper toxicity symptoms, fatigue, mood swings and depression will return.<

Also... (just a few of those listed)...

>What Copper does in the body:
Helps oxidize glucose and release energy.
Aids the thyroid gland in balancing and secreting hormones.
Increases the body’s energy levels.
Aids in nerve and brain function
Associated with intestinal enzyme activity. .
Copper level in the body parallels estrogen levels.
Copper is a natural yeast fighter <


>Psychological Symptoms of Low Copper:
Binge eaters have been found to have lower levels.<


wcollier Sat, Jul-05-03 18:13

Hi CB:

That's interesting info about copper. Many of the low copper symptoms on that list are the same for adrenal fatigue. My multi doesn't have copper or iron. Hmmm....


Cicely Sun, Jul-06-03 13:25

Oh, wow, y'all this is great info. I definitely need to get the cortisol test now. I am way sensitive to sunlight and I believe I have a slight copper issue. When we first moved into this house, we made the mistake of putting a whole-house-filter on the system and leached a lot of copper into our water (which we were drinking). The low bioavailability thing along with the tissue build up is very interesting.

mmmbeads Mon, Jul-07-03 01:13

Pen test
I tried the ink pen test on my abs and the white line disappeared, with no red line and with no wider white line remaining. What does that mean? I am new to this, so please bear with me...

sunflower4 Mon, Feb-16-04 10:21

I know this is an old thread, but found this interesting. My pupils got small, then dialated. Interesting... No wonder I have to have my sunglasses outside even on a cloudy day.

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