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mammoth Fri, Jun-20-03 21:02

Atkins Weight Loss SURVEY RESULTS
June 20th, 2003

Note: These results are non-scientific and are based upon data collected from
67 Atkins forum members who responded. There is no "X" factor variable
as to respondants sex or age or other factors. Numbers used are composite averages for the stated
period of time. "Fast" losers and "slow" losers were combined for any given
period of time to create the composite totals and averages. Not enough
information was obtained to determine induction losses for first 14 days, and
that will be done via another survey.

AVERAGES are as follows (based on those who responded):

Up to 30 days on Atkins:
16 people
157 pounds lost
9.813 Lbs lost per person average
16 pounds was greatest weight loss for a person
.327 Lbs lost per person per day

Between 31-60 Days on Atkins:
22 People
447 pounds lost
20.318 Lbs lost per person average
36 pounds was greatest weight loss for a person
.339 Lbs lost per person per day

Between 61-90 Days on Atkins:
6 people
145.5 pounds lost
24.25 Lbs lost per person average
36 pounds was greatest weight loss for a person
.269 Lbs lost per person per day estimated

Between 91-120 Days on Atkins
10 people
314 pounds lost
31.4 Lbs lost per person average
43 pounds was greatest weight loss for a person
.262 Lbs lost per person per day

Between 121-315 Days
13 people
678 pounds lost
52.15 Lbs lost per person average
102 pounds was greatest weight loss for a person
.166 Lbs lost per person per day

Conclusions: Based upon data collected:
1) It can be seen that weight loss slows over time.
2) Not counting induction, the greatest dailey average loss of
weight occurs during the 31st and 60th days.
3) After the 60th day, the average dailey loss diminishes, slightly.
4) There were those who did better and worse then these averages...
these are simply "averages".
5) Totals: 67 people surveyd lost a total of 1741.50 Pounds!
6) Other conclusions could be made...I kept it brief!
7) finally: There are MANY variables that were not able to be
considered due to the informality of this survey. This is for
"fun" only...and should not be taken as an indication of what your own results may be...but rather to show what a composite illustration may look like and the possibilities based upon "averaging". To view the respondants to this survey go to
Atkins is an effective means of weight loss, and 67 people lost alot
of weight!
Best always;

Coriolis Fri, Jun-20-03 21:34

Yay, I'm a loser, too!
I wonder if this should be made a sticky topic for a while? I think this will be extremely valuable for the newer members to get an idea of what to expect.

A job well done, Jake! :)

Smudgie Fri, Jun-20-03 21:37

Reading that survey was fun and informative, and the results are encouraging.

Thanks for putting in the time and effort to post it!

LadyBelle Fri, Jun-20-03 21:40

Darn it, I knew I was a turtle :)

J.J. Fri, Jun-20-03 21:50

:D Excellent!! I'm a newbie and was wondering the other day just what the statistics were about weight lost!!

Thanks! This really does give me *a light at the end of the tunnel* to look forward to!!!

Thanks for taking the time to post these results!!!

jac1965 Fri, Jun-20-03 22:11

Great idea, jake...I'm soooo excited...I'm getting in to days 31-60....looking forward to more weight loss!

motis Fri, Jun-20-03 22:19

Well look at you, you little busy bee!
This was very, very cool, my friend. I'm also nearing the 30 day mark. Can't wait for that .339 lbs/day. :)
Nice Job!


Elixia Fri, Jun-20-03 22:57

Thanks for that Jake
It is so good to see some real life figures to base realistic expectations on!

Bon Sat, Jun-21-03 01:11

An "L" On My Forehead :-)~
Great idea Jake. Thanks for all the effort you put into this.

Your conclusion of the greatest weight loss being from days 31-60 is VERY encouraging to me. Ending week 3, I have had no weight loss this week, but I am encouraged that more WILL come if I continue doing just what I'm doing.

ahhaba Sat, Jun-21-03 02:05

Thanks for that. Very creative and informative.

So many ppl say that not enough studies have been made on Atkins and other lc WOLs but this forum is an ideal place to start, fun or no fun it helps us gauge stuff and even answers questions in a scientific way all garnered from this very forum.

Please think up some more. Maybe we can all post our thoughts on what we'd like an internal "study" on and your whizzo mind can then work out if its plausable or not, or indeed if it can be done.

BTW you carry your weight well Jake

PLEASE keep up the "fun studies"


flutterbye Sat, Jun-21-03 02:59


mammoth Sat, Jun-21-03 07:22

Your WELCOME! Don't forget to participate in the other on-going survey about Induction! Your data will be very useful, and the more we collect, the better the rusults will be!

Best always;

manucpa Sat, Jun-21-03 09:43

Good job ! I can say that those stats are very much in line with my own experience.

Annie-Pie Sat, Jun-21-03 09:46

Thanks, Happy Jake, for all your efforts! Took a lot of work and time, but the scientist in you made it happen.

I wonder, if I start again today, and it's my "first day", will I lost weight fast? LOL

Appreciative for your efforts--Annie-Pie :thup:

flangee Sat, Jun-21-03 11:02

Good Stuff! umm i noticed that between 60-90 days there was a stall period it was very similar to 30-60 days... oh no i feachin 60 days. :confused: what can i do to prevent a stall

thanks for the survey :wave:

mammoth Sat, Jun-21-03 11:33

Nah! NO the data. There are only 6 people in this 61-90 day "class" the data was limited, more so then the other groups. Here are the six peoples data used:
26.5/63 days
25/80 days
30/63 days
15/68 days
13/73 days
36/63 days

So, you is due to the classification of time period , 61-90, and having to divide out by "90" (the longest time possible in the class) that made this number lower (the average quoted above in the results post)...Had I made this class, say, 63-80 days...the average quoted weight loss would have been HIGHER per day, as the divisor would have been 80 instead of 90. But, as I had to come up with "classes" went 61-90 days.

NOTE: The person who lost 36 pounds in 63 days, actually lost .571 pounds per day for 63 days...INCREDILBLE! So it is all relevant....

The averages listed in the results post are to give you INCENTIVE to adhere to your Atkins plan, so you WILL get results! They are not meant to cause you worry...and remember...these are AVERAGES ONLY.

Your weight loss will vary, of course, from these.

SO DON'T FRET!!!!! You WILL be fine!
Best to all;

roadman Sat, Jun-21-03 13:56

Nice study Jake. I see I am at where I should be approaching day 60 on Tuesday. I have lost 22lbs so far, I had a 2 week stall because I increased my carbs by 5 and then 10.

Smartly, I went back on Induction and now I will stay on Induction till I get somewhat closer to my goal weight.

Nice Work!! :thup:

Annie-Pie Sat, Jun-21-03 19:07

Am I ok?
So Jake, am I ok on my stats, if today is approx. day 65 for me and have lost 27 pounds? Am I losing too slowly?

I feel like my body is adjusting inch-wise and a weight loss is noticed by others. Should I get more strict though?

:confused: Thanks for the suggestions, Annie

RandiS Sat, Jun-21-03 19:11

Great information Thanks for putting it all together for eveyone to read!

caveman Sat, Jun-21-03 19:14

How about a scatter plot?

mammoth Sat, Jun-21-03 19:36

Re: Am I ok?
Originally posted by Annie-Pie
So Jake, am I ok on my stats, if today is approx. day 65 for me and have lost 27 pounds? Am I losing too slowly?

I feel like my body is adjusting inch-wise and a weight loss is noticed by others. Should I get more strict though?

:confused: Thanks for the suggestions, Annie

Hiya Annie Pie!
These numbers are averages...and if you are at 27 ounds after day 65 you look to be ahead of the average with 25 days yet to continue to lose before you reach day 90! Looks like on AVERAGE you might lose 6.725 pounds in the next 25 days.

I am NO authority on this...but thats what the averages show. Of course you get really "tough" and maybe lose a bunch more! :daze:

Between 61-90 Days on Atkins:
6 people
145.5 pounds lost
24.25 Lbs lost per person average
36 pounds was greatest weight loss for a person
.269 Lbs lost per person per day estimated

Caveman: Thought about a scatter plot chart/graph...Hmmmm
EVERYONE: THANK YOU all for your very kind comments!
Best to all;

Annie-Pie Sat, Jun-21-03 19:40

Jake, thanks for all your help!!

hotirishdi Sun, Jun-22-03 09:51

loser, here!
It seems so much different when one is called a "loser" here. LOL!

Jake, great job! I know I'm being redundant, but your compilation is really appreciated. Thank you for your time, effort and continued support of all on the thread.

Gwyn Sun, Jun-22-03 13:09

Thanks Jake, you did such a great job on this!

I only caution people to remember that this is, as Jake says, averages compiled from those that replied to his inquiry. Do not assume that the diet isn't working for you or that you are in a stall just because you don't track to this average.

Also, I offer this as a case in point. I was slightly distressed that I had gained two pounds this week. And then I took my measurements and found that I had lost another inch from my waist! I realize now that I must have converted some fat into muscle, or maybe even strengthened my bone structure; the body will do repair work when you feed it the protein it craves.


Operaghost Sun, Jun-22-03 13:18

Atkins Survey Results
My first post! I just found this forum last night and joined this morning.

That was a great survey and I wish I had joined in time to contribute my success (loss). Thanks for taking the time to compile that info. It obviously is helping newcomers and those in the first few months of LCing to know what to expect.

One of the problems with a survey like this though is that everyone has different body types and some have more to lose than others. A 20 pound loss for me would be equivalent to a 10 pound loss in someone half my weight.

Perhaps instead of reporting total pounds lost, maybe percent lost would be more meaningful. For example, I can say I have lost 97 pounds but what does that mean to someone that only needs to lose 50? But if I say I lost 28% of my body weight in nine months, that is a number someone can apply to their situation.

Looks like I have a lot of reading to do as this site is bursting with info. I look forward to sharing my experience with everyone here.


mammoth Sun, Jun-22-03 14:22

VERY good ideas...unfortunatley, the survey was very brief in its questions.

With more individual information, many other questions could have been addressed!

Problem with any survey would always be individual's that vary from the "mean"...those that are in a stall altering the data...those that are losing faster, altering the data, etc etc...

Questions could arise about the loss differences between the sexes...age groups...and of course, weight loss versus how much weight one had to lose to begin with.

SO MANY little time! Thats why it was kept very simple and basic and done as an AVERAGE based upon the 67 persons responding.

Thanks All!

Annie-Pie Mon, Jun-23-03 20:39

Welcome, OperaGhost! Congratuations on your LC'ing success.

You'll find so much support here on this site. We all have our 2 cents to say, a lot of humor and tons of "Been there, done that's".

Annie-Pie :wave:

summer*rai Fri, Jun-27-03 19:22

I have been on the plan for 5 m onths...a total of 163 days and have lost 40 I'm pretty much on schedule...and hope to be 150 by Christmas...I'm wondering if we can better the averages by adding exercise.....I had wanted to be 120 by christmas, but I'm thinking that this goal is unreachable this year...Maybe a year from now...One thing though..I have gone down 2-3 clothing sizes and am now in 14-16's instead of 18-24' christmas, I would like to be a solid 12p....This is where I was 6 years ago....and have some wonderful levi jean's hanging in my closets with the tags 12p still on them...When I started I couldn't pull them past my least they go over my butt now...and only 10 inches away from being able to button them...

LadyBelle Fri, Jun-27-03 20:00

I'm wondering if we can better the averages by adding exercise

Exercise is very important. By building lean muscle mass you increase your base metabolism, meaning you burn more cals even when sitting on your duff or sleeping :)

You also really tone up. That means when you reach your goal weight you can wear 2 dress/pants sizes smaller or more then you could have at your goal weight with out. Muscle is much more dense then fat so a pound of muscle takes up a ton less room then a pound of fat.

Muscle also has much better circulation then fat, which helps with the apperence of cellulite and overall well being :)

farmgirl1 Fri, Jul-04-03 00:46

Wow Jake, I can sure tell you are a scientist! I'm a wee 'ole elementary music and experiments scare me! I'm just starting a class for my master's degree that is all about statistics - I'm having freak out spasms, but I bet you'd be jumping for joy!

Thanks for all of your hard work, it was neat to see and compare..


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