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Nadz Mon, Jun-09-03 19:02

Pros and Cons of switching?
I'm considering switching from Atkins to PP. Any advice? Thie is in the early stages yet.

florida Tue, Jun-10-03 05:44

Hi Nadz.
I made the switch about a month ago from Atkins to Protein Power , and i will say it made a huge difference! Protein power is more fruit and friendly per say- with the emphasis on the plan being protein of course.

On atkins, i kept losing and gaining the same few pounds, without really getting anywhere. (I didn't have much to lose.)But still i was very frustrated because i wasn't losing body fat either. I really think the bottom line was that i was taking in too many calories, and too many calories coming from fat. With Protein power the basis is to figure around your protein requirement(which makes sure that you get enough-important for trying to get leaner, not just weight loss.)

With Atkins most of my calories came from fat, which definitely works for some people, but fat racked up too many calories for me despite the fact that i was still in ketosis, i wasn't doing much.

Some people have a problem with fruit setting them off into a binge, but fruit actually makes me feel healthier, and with a balance of protein doesn't set off any cravings for me.

I was a little nervous making the switch, but it has very much paid off, especially with losing fat. Hope this helps you.

Karen Tue, Jun-10-03 09:30

I don't see any cons with switching.

I follow PP with my own modifications - eating very little fruit and no grains because grains just set me off. The one big advantage is starting and staying at 30 grams until you are close to your goal weight. Lettuce and other leafy greens are unlimited so are not counted towards your daily carb intake. Making a point of spreading carbs and protein out evenly throughout the day helps keep you in balance too.

One thing to note is that there is a restriction of high fat dairy products like whipping cream, sour cream, etc.

I love PP! :)


Debi Warne Tue, Jun-10-03 12:41

I love PP also -- I have found a lot of help from the book the 30 Day Low-Carb solution -- it has helped me get more structured as it has a 30 day plan and also recipes for many of those meals. I had gotten in a rut eating the same thing over and over.

If you haven't read the book I think you would enjoy it and find a lot of interesting things in it.

Shadow01 Wed, Jun-11-03 06:36

Could someone (Karen?) please point me to where in the book it goes over the dairy restrictions? I have read PP, PPLP and the 30- day book but don't recall seeing a dairy restriction. I've even gone back and re-read the chapters on fats and didn't see it. I would appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction. The majority of my fats come from mono's but if there's a restriction, I need to make sure I'm not getting too many sats. TIA :)

Karen Wed, Jun-11-03 10:23

Could someone (Karen?) please point me to where in the book it goes over the dairy restrictions?

It's at the bottom of the protein equivalency charts. Also in going over the menu suggestions and recipes from PP and PPLP, you'll see that very little high fat dairy is used in any of the suggestions and recipes.


Shadow01 Wed, Jun-11-03 11:37

Thanks, Karen. I didn't look at the recipes and only scanned the meal plans - I'll get out the books and look closer :D .

klawrence Wed, Jun-11-03 13:17

This is great!
I was just wondering the exact same thing (if I could switch ti PP) and the thread was already here waiting for me. Karen, how long have you been low carbing? And Florida, why did you decide to make the switch?

Nadz Wed, Jun-11-03 15:01

Thanks so much for all the great replies :) I do plan to read the book, but I won't be able to do so till next month. I won't change till I do. Is weight loss slower than Atkins? Also, how small is a small amount of fruits? I'm currently in OWL. I live in the caribbean and so it's hard not to have ANY fruits. I'd love to have one or half a day of say, a small mango or orange or banana. I know that these have a greater effect on the glycemic levels, but what does PP recommend?

Karen Sun, Jun-15-03 09:24

Is weight loss slower than Atkins?

It wasn't for me so I would say no, it's the same.
Also, how small is a small amount of fruits?

You have 30 grams a day to play with - but in your case it will probably be 55 because you're close to goal weight - and you have to fit it in to carb allotment for the day. The best choices are still the lower carb fruits because the principles of low-carbing don't change no matter what plan you're following. You don't want those insulin spikes to happen.


florida Sun, Jun-15-03 13:44

Hi Klawrence!

I decided to make the switch mostly because I was getting frustrated with my lack of results. Overall, i feel better on a low carb plan, but i really felt that my fat intake was too high-thus taking in too many calories. I feel that protein power is a more balanced way for me to go. And i know that on this plan i am getting adequate protein. And it's nice not to be so obsessed about being in ketosis.It gave me an all or nothing mentality. Either i was on or way off.
Ultimately, this is something i feel that i can live on.

Iwilldoit Mon, Jun-16-03 17:59

I seem to have a foot in each camp of Atkins and Eades at the moment. I'm holding myself to the 30 grams of carbs since I have a long haul yet on the fat loss. And I calculated my LBM (plus what I thought I should increase here from 106lbs to 115-120 since I'm very tall, 106 seemed too low and I figure more muscle mass should also increase my metabolism) and try to shoot for around 140 or better in daily protein - with the rest made up from fat. And I'm finding that sticking around the 70% fat calories does seem to be assisting me in continuing weight loss - I'm averaging right now about 1/2 lb per day it seems - will have to see if that continues.
Using FitDay, I'm also finding that if I let my calories drop too low, ie under basal rate? - I seem to stick weightwise!.

I also keep to low carb fruits if I have fruit at all ie. berry fruits. I don't worry about high fat dairy, I just don't have a huge amount of it but when I do use it, I used heavy cream in stead of milk, full fat sour cream etc.

sernya Tue, Jun-17-03 16:44

Me too!
I'm going to give the Atkins plan *3* more weeks, then I'm switching.

I am having trouble getting into deep ketosis - there are multiple factors involved [I take Premarin and Synthroid]...I can't seem to get past trace-to-small amounts on the KetoStix.

I also started having significant fluid retention the past couple of days - despite drinking a MINIMUM of 160 oz. of water a day!

I'm only on Day 9 of Induction, but I'm getting discouraged...

Small frame
44 years young ;)
Atkins since 6-9-03

angelswed Thu, Jul-03-03 19:11

I also am moving more toward the pp plan i think i would just feel healthier being about to bite into some fruit more often.
im a little nervous (afraid of wieght gain) but im going to give it a go.

sasquatch Thu, Jul-03-03 22:05

I switched to Protein Power, after 11 months on Atkins(8 sucessfully- 3 screwing up), lost 16 of the re-gained 17 lbs, in just over a month, and had my first whoosh!1(4lbs in 48 hours!!)
I find that I have less desire to snack(lc, of course)now, than i did on Atkins. All in all, I was a good move for me

angelswed Fri, Jul-04-03 08:02

sasquatch could you post what a regular daily menu would be on the PP?

sasquatch Fri, Jul-04-03 13:42

It mainly depends on your protein requirements-they're in either the Protein Power, or PP LifePlan books(can't speak for the other book, don't own it), but here goes:

Breakfast: 1 cup cottage cheese, 2 scoops chocolate protein powder, and 1-2 oz kefir- mixed with an immersion blender 'til smooth

Lunch: 1 cup lettuce. 1/2 cup cucumber slices, with about 3 oz chicken breast (in a dill/ sour cream based sauce from the salad bar), along with approx. 2oz each of turkey, and roast beef, along with 2oz cheese-I get a sandwich made for me in the caffeteria at work, then I lose the bread!

Dinner: 1 1/2 -2 cups salad with ranch dressing(Ken's- very low carb), meat, and some veggies, SF jello for dessert (extra protein powder shake,to get the protein ammount up for the meal.

Liquids: AT LEAST 7 quarts of water, 2- 20oz bottles of diet soda, about 12 oz of iced coffee after dinner(Still can't survive without my caffeine!!)
Again, your protein reqs. will be different & you'll have to factor then in

RoseTattoo Sat, Jul-05-03 11:55

My own personal opinion is that I'm doing much better on PP than on Atkins. I'm losing weight steadily, whereas on Atkins what came off, came off in a whoosh the first couple of days and then nada. So I imagine it was all water weight. I don't have the energy surge that I had on Atkins, but on the other hand I feel more stable. Cravings are gone, as are headaches, wooziness, and the extreme thirst I sometimes experienced. I like what I'm eating more, too, since I can add moderate amount of fruit, which I really missed. The idea of spreading carbs out equally throughout the day seems to work well, too.

And this might be heresy, but I'm going to say it anyway: I think calories DO matter. Fat simply has more calories than protein. PP does advise watching fat calories, to some extent, as it suggests low fat cheeses and lean meats as main protein sources. I think I wasn't just psychologically uncomfortable with the fats on Atkins; it made a physical difference, too. At least for me. PP does mean monitoring one's intake carefully, and perhaps it feels more like a "diet"; but I do feel it's healthier and more effective in the long term.

skeeweeaka Mon, Jul-07-03 11:37

Hi all,

I switched from Atkins induction to Protein Power on the 4th of July because since induction I had gained back 3 pounds. I was bloated and felt sick to the stomach from so many high fat foods and lack of fruits in my diet.

I feel much much better on the PP. This is much more relistic for me. I think each person has to assess their own needs. I enjoy fruit and don't particularly like eating high fatty meals. Initially I added fruit to both meals but felt a hugh sugar spike during the second snack after dinner so I have decided to just have fruit in the morning for now, at least that satisfies any cravings I might have...doesn't make me feel like I'm giving up something.

Although I haven't noticed a change in the scales yet...My legs look smaller, not rubbing together as much.

Hope this helps...
Atkins June 13, 2003
Protein Power July, 4, 2003

dreamer Fri, Jul-18-03 21:42

Looking forward to my thighs not rubbing anymore. I am looking forward to walking up stairs without becoming over winded. Jogging - running a marathon. My kids will now enjoy my company :lol:

I need to keep those things in my head everyday, it becomes easier. I feel off the wagon but I'm back with a vengance.


skeeweeaka Sat, Jul-19-03 16:43

Changing from Atkins to Protein Power has also been a very very good move for me... Like sasquatch I don't have the desire to snack as much as I did on Atkins and don't feel deprived. I have fruit, wine, and other things that are low carb I just count the carbs... I do notice, however, that if I keep it to one serving of fruit per day...mostly in my shakes that I lose weight faster and don't experience sugar spikes....

It's been good....


sierra_jen Tue, Aug-12-03 17:56

Success stories
I was happy to see this Bulletin Board over at the PP website. I love this one. If you want inspiration check it out.;f=2

skeeweeaka Wed, Aug-13-03 15:24

Thanks for the info...I checked it out and got some good ideas for chicken and a nice pizza that everyone is raving about...

Super_Tate Wed, Aug-13-03 17:59

I am doing Protein power and my biggest problem is that I LIKE a lot of fat--it tastes great and keeps me feeling full. When I eat chicken I like thighs----I know they are loaded with fat--I just can't stand chicken breasts--they are so dry and chewy compared to thighs. Maybe the fat is why I am not losing very much---but at the same time, if I went lower fat, this would just feel like another diet and there is no way I am up for that.


sierra_jen Wed, Aug-13-03 19:26

I think there is lots of fat in the PP plan
Not as much as Atkins but plenty of butter, cheese, olive oils and even cream.

I agree though the fat help stave off the hunger for longer. If you still feel this wy after awhile you might just want to add some EFA's (essential fatty acids) to your diet. It's all good fat you need.

once you've been doing it for some time those cravings will lessen.

Best of luck

RoseTattoo Thu, Aug-14-03 05:53

I don't think the Eades are anti-fat at all! They're just judicious about the kinds of fat consumed--especially if you're sensitive to AA (found in red meats and egg yolks). Super_Tate, have you tried panfrying your chicken in olive oil? If you make chicken breasts THAT way, I bet you won't find them stringy and dry. And the idea of marinating red meats in olive oil and wine to leach out some of the saturated fat and replacing it with monounsaturated fat makes the meat taste great! IMHO, the taste of a good olive oil beats any other fat! But as sierra just said, a lot of the other fats are permitted on this WOE anyway. :)

kaeleen Tue, Aug-26-03 09:31

I decided to switch to Protein Power. I want to eat more vegetables than I could on Atkins. im going to try it for a month and see how I do.

LC4me2 Wed, Aug-27-03 13:18

I changed to Protein Power (just this week) because I like that it's more relaxed and there are no bans on foods. I can eat potato and bread and not suffer from cravings, but I still need to low carb to regulate sugars and lose weight. I also had zero energy on Atkins induction. I've had some energy on PP Phase I and figure to have more when my water retention and PMS is over.


RobinBeBe Sun, Oct-26-03 11:57

I am glad I found this thread!!

I am new to PP, and LC in general. It seems like a lot of people I know are doing Atkins and are trying to get me to also. I was honestly considering it, but having read this thread and others I think I will stick with PP.

My worry has been how many calories I have been consuming. I weigh 255 lbs, and have been eating about 2500 calories a day, mostly protein and fat. On another board they said that was fine, and that as I lose weight, I will naturally want to cut down, plus soon enough my appetite will curb a bit. I did try to do 1800 yesterday and I was starving!! Do you find after a few weeks of LCing you eat less and lose cravings? I guess I am worried I will gain instead of lose with all this meat and fat!!

PP definitely seems easier to follow, although rather scientific. I may pick up the 30 day program to see if that simplifies it a bit.


I just want to do this right :)

sierra_jen Mon, Oct-27-03 09:31

Originally Posted by LC4me2
I changed to Protein Power (just this week) because I like that it's more relaxed and there are no bans on foods. I can eat potato and bread and not suffer from cravings, but I still need to low carb to regulate sugars and lose weight. I also had zero energy on Atkins induction. I've had some energy on PP Phase I and figure to have more when my water retention and PMS is over.


It's all about choices and eating in the "REAL" world. Sure you can have "1/4" of a baked potato (not a whole one because it blows your whole carb allowance for the day if your on Phase II) but wouldn't you rather have a huge helping of broccoli and a wonderful salad with all the trimmings? my personal choice is getting full on something that doesn't turn to sugar a half an hour after I eat it. Don't forget to take vitamins if your feeling lethargic.

Good luck

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