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Mary H. Sun, Jun-01-03 06:41

To RickinTn
Well, Rick, TODAY IS THE DAY!!

I read your profile and I am so impressed with your dedication.

I know you will succeed and I wish you the VERY BEST in your pursuit of good health!

Your wife is a very lucky lady to have you.

Please keep us posted on your progress. You are an inspiration to me (and to many others, I am sure) and I really want to know how you are doing.

Thinking of you and sending you lots of good wishes for a GREAT START!!!!!!

mammoth Sun, Jun-01-03 08:08


HAPPY FIRST DAY to you Rick!

You CAN and WILL have a great success!

Best Wishes:

RickinTN Sun, Jun-01-03 08:51

Thanks guys! I haven't actually got started yet today because I am having some discomfort in my chest. I was hoping it would go away. My BP is 132/94 and my pulse is 76 which is within norm (blood pressure is a little high I guess). Anyway, I think it is just gas build up in my chest. Waiting for it to go away.

On top of this. My wife is sick today. So, we aren't getting a very good start.

Anyway, I am going to get into the kitchen and fix some breakfast.

Thanks for the well wishes!

Mary H. Sun, Jun-01-03 09:07

Rick --

Let us know how you are! Pay attention to chest pain/discomfort! I had a heart attack and I didn't even know it was happening -- just blew it off. I'm not telling you what to do, Rick, but BE VIGILANT!!

Too many people care about you and are hoping you make good progress.

I'll be checking into the Forum frequently today to see how you are!!!!!!

mom2girls Sun, Jun-01-03 09:27


I've been reading your posts and am very impressed with your inspiration and dedication. Wish I had researched as much as you have before I started.

Welcome to this WOE/WOL!!

I'm sorry to hear you and your wife aren't feeling great today. I hope it passes. I agree with Mary H, keep an eye on those chest pains. I hope it's gas and it passes quickly, and you guys can get started.

Wishing you all the best and GREAT success :wave:

GramnGramp Sun, Jun-01-03 09:27

Hi Rick, I hope you and your wife are feeling better by now.

I just wanted to tell you that my DH's weight was very close to yours when he started lcing. In 90 days he had lost 45 pounds.
Tomorrow is his next weigh in day. He feels much better and gets around easier. He's no longer on bp medicine.

He is an inspiration when I get frustrated at my slow loss. He is keeping his carbs at 20 or 25 still, and has added a few berries and nuts.

I have found a lot of good recipes here. They keep us from getting bored with the food choices.
Our best to you and your wife.

mammoth Sun, Jun-01-03 09:38


I hope you and the wife FEEL BETTER REAL SOON...

Very best wishes;

red1cutie Sun, Jun-01-03 09:59

Hi Rick! Wishing you and your wife good Luck on this WOL. Please go see your Doctor. Hope you feel better soon.


RickinTN Sun, Jun-01-03 10:22

I am going to go to the doctor right now. I am sure it is nothing. But, I am going to go just to be safe

Mary H. Sun, Jun-01-03 11:10


Good for you for being smart!

Let us know how you are when you get back from the doctor.

Hope your wife is feeling better. What's her name? (If you care to share -- I hate referring to someone without knowing his/her name.)

HeidiN Sun, Jun-01-03 11:12

Good luck... you'll not only lose weight on this diet... you'll feel 1 million times better :D

violet30 Sun, Jun-01-03 11:14

Good luck to you, Rick!! Welcome to a new WOL!!!!! :D

cetacean Sun, Jun-01-03 11:38

hey, rick - i wish you and your wife the best of success. take care of yourself and let us know how you are feeling. sending a big basket of healing white light your way! ;)

RickinTN Sun, Jun-01-03 16:21

I went to the doctor and everything is fine I guess. It hurt for over three hours. When I got the Dr's office, it quit hurting (go figure LOL). Anyway, they still ran a EKG and it came back fine. So, right now my chest is sore. But, I am fine.

Our meals have been getting sort of late today. I think I am enjoying my food better now than I did before I started :spin:

Anway, thanks for everyones concerns and everyones support. I have never been around such a group of people who have been so supportive. I feel I will have many friends from here.

Kathy54 Sun, Jun-01-03 16:34

Good that you went and had a check up with the Doctor :thup:
Glad it was fine, so your all set!
Good Luck, Kathy

Mary H. Sun, Jun-01-03 16:54


So glad that you got checked out. Now you can feel confident that nothing's wrong and you can concentrate on your new way of life.

Are you starting tomorrow (after you catch your breath from that scare) or are you already "on" ??

Best wishes, and keep us informed. As you've seen, everyone is rooting for you and for ??

WHAT'S HER NAME, RICK? We've seen her picture, and we know she must have a name, probably a very nice name (unless you'd rather not say, which is OK) -- I'm just teasing you!

RickinTN Sun, Jun-01-03 17:01

We actually started today.

I meant to tell you her name a few minutes ago and forgot :blush: Her name is Jennifer

Mary H. Sun, Jun-01-03 17:08

Hi, Jennifer,

I notice that Rick said, "We actually started today."

I wanted to say "Good luck to you also, Jennifer," now that everyone's been making such a fuss over Rick.

I'm happy that he's OK, and I hope that you're feeling better, too.

Remember, getting through the first few days is so important. You will feel terrific, I think, by the third day -- at least I did. My energy zoomed and I wasn't hungry at all (a true miracle).

Also remember, there is great support on this forum. I look forward to seeing your posts, too, Jennifer!

RickinTN Sun, Jun-01-03 17:11

I am hoping to get her into it. She has basically been eating what I fixed today, which is fine. I am sure after she starts feeling better, she will be on here.

Mary H. Sun, Jun-01-03 17:34

Well, that's great! Tell Jennifer we look forward to hearing from her, too.

jers52 Sun, Jun-01-03 18:14

welcome, Rick AND Jennifer!
Looking forward to getting to know you BOTH better here.
So glad you got checked out at the doctor--- and won't he be surprised to see LESS of you next visit!

Jan :hyper:

motis Sun, Jun-01-03 20:31

Hi Rick.

I've haven't had much of an opportunity to "talk" to you, but I've been lurking your posts for the past week.

I'm so impressed with the level of commitment that you bring to this board. I believe that you will succeed at this. I'm not gonna brag here (ok, I'm am. lol) but I'm a pretty good judge of character and I have a feeling that you're going to go all the way. You are going to be one of the success stories on this board in a years time. I just know it!!

You've read the books, you've done your research and now you're doing it. I admire you for that. Rough days are ahead, but also great ones. The two are not far apart. Remember that the great day could always be tomorrow. :)


cetacean Sun, Jun-01-03 20:57

glad to hear everything is fine, rick. and i'm very excited for you and jennifer! you two are lucky to have each other to lean on when times get tough... i feel you will do great. good luck and have fun - remember, you are giving your bodies the best gift you can - a longer, healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. :)

RickinTN Sun, Jun-01-03 21:41

I made it through my first day fine. And, I don't feel deprived at all! I did make a few mistakes. I didn't get the water I neded into me today. Due to my problems this morning and really getting a late start on the day, it just didn't happen. I also ended up eating most of my carbs at supper, which isn't good either. But, tommorrow is another day and I will get it done!

Thanks again to everyones concerns and kind words. I feel as if I know most of you personally just from reading the post the past couple of weeks.

gracecame Sun, Jun-01-03 21:47

Hello to both of you!

Mistakes are common, takes time to get in the "groove". Even then mistakes happen.

I'm glad you are feeling better Rick and just want to wish you both all the best! :wave:

Annie-Pie Sun, Jun-01-03 23:07

Rick 'n Honey's Fan Club
Ok Rick and wife,
We are all rootin' and a tootin' for you both! You truly are inspirations for us. All of us, no matter our size, our age, we all have weight and health issues. To post yours is being so honest.

Glad to hear you did the wise thing in seeing the dr. It is like having a questionable mole checked and feeling stupid for it, and then the dr. says "you did the right thing!"

Well hats off to you and your honey. I too would like to know her name, if that's not too nosey. You have each other for support which is so cool.

As for your dear mom, I went through that with my dad recently. The road is difficult and there are times when it's easy to throw in the towel, eat what people serve you, get too tired to eat right, exercise, etc. Don't give in! Look at your great effort and keep up the success.

My prayers are with you all.
Hugs, ~Annie-Pie~ :p

RickinTN Mon, Jun-02-03 21:05

My wife's name is Jennifer.

Thanks for all of your concerns

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