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Norag Sat, May-24-03 19:24

Are you 5'4"? What's your goal weight?
I understand that different builds will look different at the same weight...but I'm curious. I came up with my goal based on what I think I used to weigh 20 years ago, when I thought I looked OK. Now that I'm actually getting closer, I think that I've set my goal too high. There's no way that all the fat I have hanging around is going to be gone in another 5 lbs. I need to readjust it, I think.

So what are others of my height setting as a goal?

quihigirl Sat, May-24-03 19:52

Re: Are you 5'4"? What's your goal weight?
I'm 5'4" and I weighed 128 twenty years ago. Now, after a 9 lb. loss, I'm at 179 and a friend of mine says I don't look that bad so you're right, different builds look different at the same weight. There is no doubt I'm overweight but I've decided that, at my age, 140 is a reasonable goal. I would love to be where you are now. :)

luddybell Sat, May-24-03 19:54

im 5'4"... my first goal is 160 but i ultimately wanna get down to 135

Talon Sat, May-24-03 20:59

140 is my goal, I'm at 170 now, just 30 pounds away. Once I get closer to 140, I will be able to see if my "guess" of 140 was good or not. I have small bones in general - big hips. I just don't want the end up looking like a telly-tubby.

Mandyjane2 Sun, May-25-03 02:31

I'm 5'4" and I hope 150 looks good on me. I'll see when I get there :).

suntanlove Sun, May-25-03 04:51

I am also same height and wish to wigh150.I have lost 10 pounds so far and have almost finished 4th week.I use to weigh 128 but at my age I think it is too little now

Smudgie Sun, May-25-03 04:56

I'm 5'4, and my goal is 133, but to comfortably fit in a US size 10 clothing is what I am really after. So I'm curious to know, Norag, if you see this post, what size clothes you are wearing at your current weight? I've been fat for so long I can't envision past the weight I'm at now. :D

Norag Sun, May-25-03 06:37

Smudgie, I am wearing a size 8 for most things. Some of my former size 10s still fit me well though, and I have actually bought a pair of size 6 GAP jeans that fit well too. (I can't help but think they are sized wrong, however LOL) So generally and on average, I'd say size 8.

Smudgie Sun, May-25-03 07:23

Thanks for that info, Norag.
Now I know maybe there is hope for me afterall lol!

2berners Sun, May-25-03 11:03

Fifteen years ago I was a comfortable size eight anywhere between 123 and 130 pounds, but I had very little muscle tone. I'm comfortable in a size ten at my present weight, although my tummy still has most of the fat on my body, and I'm working out quite a bit. I'm pretty sure that if I keep toning, I will be a size six at 130, which would make me very happy.

Wannabeski Sun, May-25-03 11:22

I'm 5'4 and my goal weight is 140. I don't have much of an idea what I'd look like at this weight but that goal is about 35 pounds away and from the last 35 pounds I've lost, there's such a HUGE difference in the way I look. Even at my weight now, 175 I don't think I look like I weigh that much and people have also told me that so yes, I do think that different weights will look different on different people. Your frame size has a lot to do with it. I know that my "healthy weight range" goes anywhere from 117 up to about 140 but I feel that if I actually got down that low, it wouldn't look very good on me. So, I'd just say that when you get to your present goal, if you don't feel it's low enough, just re-adjust it. Good Luck!

downscale Sun, May-25-03 12:12

At 5'3" I picked 115 and then revised it down to 112. I have been maintaining for a month at 110-111 but I'm thinking of making a run at 108 to see what it looks like. My waist is way out of proportion to the rest of me -- at 137, size 12 was getting tight at the waist; and at 110 my waist is still 27".

Karen Sun, May-25-03 12:27

I'm 5'4" and have a goal "look", not a weight. As my body recomposes itself with muscle and fat distribution, it's quite possible that I could weigh 150 pounds and be lookin' right.

For an example of this, look here: What a one pound loss on the scale can look like!


DoubleD Sun, May-25-03 12:32

I am 5' 4" tall and I am targeting 135 as my goal weight. However, I am reserving the right to "assess" once I get there and determine if that is the right weight. I initially set this weight goal by going through the Protein Power computation of my ideal weight... based on my lean body mass and then adding in my percentage of fat considered healthy for a woman of my age etc. It gave me a good starting point and as I said... I will assess how I look and feel when I get there. (which is only 7 lbs away I might add!) :p :D

Lisa N Sun, May-25-03 13:25

Well....I'm 5' 3" and 25 years ago I weighed 112 lbs BUT...that was 25 years ago and this is now. I was a teenager then who was not yet fully grown and developed nor had I been through 3 pregnancies. My goal now is 140 pounds with which I think my doctor would be thrilled when I get there. Will I ever look like that teenage girl again? Not likely, but hey...I'm not a teenage girl anymore. I'm a forty-something woman approaching perimenopause.
My point is that very few people can turn back the clock and look like they did 20 or 30 years ago no matter how much weight they lose; bodies change as we age and it may be a very unrealistic goal to try and get to where you were then, that's why those infamous height/weight charts also take into consideration age as well as height. ;)

surrender Sun, May-25-03 19:08

I'm with Karen read her post...... :thup:

Karen I wanted to say that you are amazing.... The difference 1 pound can make. You are right it could be 155 and look great.....Thank you for putting the scale into perspective for me. I needed that. I have been on Atkins for 4 weeks down 10 pounds but today I got on the scale and I was 2 pounds heavier than yesterday... I got on the treadmill and tried to sweat off the 2 pounds but it did not work and that made me more upset... If I did not have this site to go to for a reality check who knows where my head would be.. :roll:

Thanks for everyones participation, you never know when you are going to be someones Angel for the day! :angel: God Bless you all have a FAB Memorial Weekend. LCing....

Norag Mon, May-26-03 09:51

Wow, Karen. That picture was a real eye opener! Hey, maybe I'll look as I wish to at my goal weight after all. We shall see.

HoneySnow Mon, May-26-03 13:41

My Goal Weight
I'm between 5'4" and 5'5" and my goal weight is around 120. I'd be happy under 130, though.

I have a small waist and I carry most of my weight in my legs, arms, and back. I'm also naturally muscular (when I really work out, that is) and I'm 24, if those things make any difference :)

Cindy007 Mon, May-26-03 20:02

I'm 5'4" and my goal is 115. I'd be happy at 120. I was most comfortable when I weighed b/w 115 and 120. I think I am fairly small boned. Curvy too. I shouldn't complain about that though! Guess I should also add that I am 24 and have yet to have babies or anything like that so I think a lower goal weight is helathy for me. When my mom, who is about the same height, says she wants to get below 120 I tell her I think she'd look sick. It all depends. I think you just have to see where you feel comfortable and that shouldn't be judged by a number on the scale!

violette99 Tue, May-27-03 00:36

ok, I'm five fourish--a little under-- and my goal weight is 106. This sounds so low compared to everyone else, but it's the one listed in Dr. Kemper's rice diet and I like it. Extreme. Ultimate, no doubts. Just tiny, little, buck five. I'm also 24, no kids, and very small framed, even compared to my small friends. Any thoughts? I don't sound, like, crazy do I? :confused:

BeccaResRN Tue, May-27-03 01:39

Hey there
I am also 5'4" And i set my goal on my profile as 140. I am 3 pounds away. I am pretty happy with the way I look now. I can wear size 8's and some 6's.
I still have a fubby tummy, lower abdominal area but I think that is due to 2 pregnancies and 2 c-sections and I may decide to try and save for an abdominoplasty in the future.
I am really shooting for 136 and would secretly like to be 120 but I don't think that is realistic for me at 30 and 2 kids because I was 120 at age 17 and swimming on a team 2 hours a day. I was 130 when I graduated from high school.
So when I get to goal I will keep doing what I am doing now and see where my weight settles. i won't do anything to stop it unless I get below 120...don't think I have anything to worry about there :)

Boom Tue, May-27-03 08:25

135 is my goal. I am at 152 now, and I felt great at 140 too, so we'll see how I look when I get there.

Boom Tue, May-27-03 08:26

Originally posted by violette99
ok, I'm five fourish--a little under-- and my goal weight is 106. This sounds so low compared to everyone else, but it's the one listed in Dr. Kemper's rice diet and I like it. Extreme. Ultimate, no doubts. Just tiny, little, buck five. I'm also 24, no kids, and very small framed, even compared to my small friends. Any thoughts? I don't sound, like, crazy do I? :confused:

This sounds super low to me. I have a friend who is 5'4 and 112 lbs and she is really thin. I can't imagine her 106. She is 26. Just my opinion tho.

tgill32177 Tue, May-27-03 08:42

130-140 for right now.
I originally set my goal at 140, but reduced it 10 lbs. The reason, I am sure I can make this goal. Before, when I first started this WOE I didn't have faith in myself or in this WOE. Now I am proud to say that I do.

However, if I weigh 140 and look as good as the pic Karen showed us I will stick at 140.

I just recently got my hiney in a 12, I can't imagine how good a size 8 or 6 will feel. But I will soon! 5 months ago I was almost in a size 24! Whew! I do not want to go back. EVER EVER EVER!

I can't imagine being 5'4" and weighing 106. I weighed that in 8th grade and it was because I contracted mononucleosis and was VERY sick. I want to look healthy, not starved.

Have a wonderful day!

Be blessed,

Kahena Tue, May-27-03 10:08

Hi there,

I am 36 and around 5' 4" (maybe a bit shorter not sure!!).

I live in the UK and my goal weight is between 126-130. I am currently in some size 12's but mainly size 14's - many of which are starting to be a little loose....


So I guess I will be REALLY happy when I can pick a size 12 up off the peg and it fits....

LCBarbara Tue, May-27-03 14:05

ok, I'm five fourish--a little under-- and my goal weight is 106. This sounds so low compared to everyone else, but it's the one listed in Dr. Kemper's rice diet and I like it. Extreme. Ultimate, no doubts. Just tiny, little, buck five. I'm also 24, no kids, and very small framed, even compared to my small friends. Any thoughts? I don't sound, like, crazy do I?

Ummm, yes, I think that's leaning toward the too small size.

The standard height/weight charts recommend the following for women:

Small Frame Med.Frame Lrg. Frame
5'3" 111-124 121-135 131-147
5'4" 114-127 124-138 134-151

But, ultimately, it's up to you. Maybe being so young you can pull it off.

klawrence Tue, May-27-03 14:06

But I'm pretty muscular. I'm 5'4" and a size 12. I'd like to be an 8. This is a great thread.

DDMariana Wed, May-28-03 10:07

I'm also 5'4" and currently weigh about 180. I was down to 165 for quite a while and was wearing a loose 10. Never did get down to the 8's, but it was SO close...

Now I'm aiming for tightness and shrinkage over scale numbers, but I have an idea of what I looked like at 165, and I'd be happy there again!

violette99 Wed, May-28-03 10:19

thanks for all the responses, I'll see how it goes when I get closer. :)

klawrence Wed, May-28-03 11:55

20/20 hindsight
I have an idea of what I looked like at 165, and I'd be happy there again!

Isn't it wierd how you look back to a past weight and remember it fondly, but at the time (for me anyways) I was just focused on how much more I wanted to lose. :roll:

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