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J.K. Sun, Jun-20-04 17:54

J.K.'s Daily - Bodyrock

Seems I'm all over today.

Might as well start one of these too. ;)

Former runner and and occasional gung-ho weight lifter. Played rugby in college (U.S.M. - about 4 years), which was great for keeping in shape. Lots of running and weight lifting there. However, that was about 20 years ago..

When I graduated I was 6 feet, 173 lbs, and lean as a gazelle.

Continued to exercise regularly after school for years - mainly running on pavement. When left knee pain started to set in I switched to running on the beach. I found that with a brace and the soft sand running was okay. However, with quite a few years progression even that became too difficult.

I don't have any knee pain at all normally. It's only when I run that it hurts, and as a result I have not run for quite some time. Unfortunatly though the result of that combined with a poor diet and sedentary job is these measurements that I'll now post.

At the time I had to quit running - (twas about 5 years ago - I was six feet and I believe about 188). Still not perfect but okay.

This is where I am today.

Starting Stats

Six feet 245
50 / 50 / 47 / 17 / 25 / 17 / 12 / 17
chest, stomach, hips, biceps, right thigh, right calf, right forearm, neck


Kind freaks me out. lol I figure that's about 13 pounds a year over the last 5 years. Thing is that's really an understatement. During the last 5 years I've also had a few rounds of significant weight loss - only to have it come back. But prior to about age 35 it wasn't a big problem - not the way it is now.

Anyway - I think I've found the equalizer. :D

I bought a Stairmaster for my home about a year ago. Also bought these 30lb dumbells and this sit up bench which I double for presses.

Stairmaster causes no knee pain at all, nor do the weights. Riding a bicycle causes no knee pain either and I ordered a new one of those just the other day.

When I was on Atkins previously I had great results using just the Stairmaster, dumbell routine, and sit ups. Again, dang problem is that I got off the plan.

My plan then is to just return to what I was doing but adding bicycling too. I think if I add a little more variety I'll be less prone to getting bored and quiting, plus riding a bike is kinda a nice way to get out of the house.

Last week workouts were limited to 20 minute sessions on the Stairmaster - Level 4 - Fatburner Mode. Starting tomorrow I'll begin adding to that a dumbell and situp routine. My schedule is pretty basic.

Monday - Stairmaster / Pushing / abs
Tuesday - Stairmaster / Pulling / abs
Wednesday - Stairmaster / Pushing / abs
Thursday - off
Friday - Stairmaster / Pulling / abs
Saturday - Bicycle Trip and/or Gardening
Suinday off

Anyway - that posted then I guess I know have a gym log. Prolly won't use it every day but rather post back here with progress in terms of measurments.

Thanks! :cool:

Built Sun, Jun-20-04 18:33

Hello there! Just poking my nose into your log to say hi and see what all you're posting.

'Zat you in your 'tar?

J.K. Sun, Jun-20-04 18:42

Hey Built,

Nice to meet ya. Also - whoa! Nice pose. :) lol

Yea, that's me in the avatar. Tis from about 8 months ago I guess. At the time I was donig Atkins and as I recall there I'm about 235. Right now I'm 245 and hopefully on my way back down - this time to stick to it.

Also re the posting - lol - it's prolly a lot pretty quick. I'm trying to get amaclamated <sp> rather quickly so that the forums seem a little more ingrained in my program. I can see how the community here can help a lot.

Cheers! :cool:

Built Sun, Jun-20-04 18:43

Which pose you mean? It's Marilyn Monroe in my 'tar. Do you mean my gallery?

J.K. Sun, Jun-20-04 19:00

"Built's Current Photo"

I can tell you've been at it a while.

kudos.. :cool:

Built Sun, Jun-20-04 19:03

THANK you. I can assure you, I didn't do it by running - my body doesn't like it, either. It's the only time I run into joint pain and chronic injuries. Heavy lifting just works better for me.

You look like a lad who would build up really well and lean out fabulously if you got into a serious lifting plan. Have you considered it?

J.K. Sun, Jun-20-04 19:21

Hey again, Built. :)

And yep - I'm considering it. Actually, I've done that before but don't think I'll really need a gym for a while. For now what I have will work, but hopefully in a month or two I'll start going to the gym again.

A bit more history...

When I was about .hmmm.. 22 I had the fortune to work out for an entire summer with my best friend at the time, Steve Smith, who was also Mr. Mississippi and a couple of other things. Twas a great learning experience.

During that time as you might expect I also bulked up quite a bit, and I think I'm still benefiting from that experience physically even today. It's just kinda burried under there somewhere. lol

Except for the remaining couple of years in college where I lifted for rugby, I've never really done anything to 'advance' on the gains that I made back then. In fact, I'm suprized I maintained the gains I did get having done all that running.

It would be a great thing to get back into, however. There is a fantastic gym not one mile from my house. But again, for now I think I have what I need.


Built Sun, Jun-20-04 19:33

Yeah, running's really catabolic, especially to quads. So is bike riding, I'm discovering - I've had to lay off that quite a bit because of it, and I'm doing a mini-bulk for the next month to try to gain back a little bit of muscle there before I continue with my cut.

Might I make a small suggestion then? Consider doing your cardio after your other stuff, not before it. You'll burn more fat that way. It's in an article from November Men's Health:

J.K. Sun, Jun-20-04 19:37

Are ya psychic.. lol :D

That very question has crossed my repeatedly for the last few days.

We'll make a change.

Monday - Pushing / Stairmaster . abs
Tuesday - Pulling / Stairmaster / abs
Wednesday - Pushing / Stairmaster / abs
Thursday - off
Friday - Pulling / Stairmaster / abs
Saturday - Bicycle Trip and/or Gardening
Suinday off


Built Sun, Jun-20-04 21:44

Yer welcome!

You might even decide to go whole-hawg and do the abs before ANYTHING - it's such a small muscle-group, you don't waste much steam on them, and you can really work them HARD if you work 'em FIRST. That's what I do. Look in my gallery to see what it's done for me.

Looking forward to your progress pix....


- Built.

"Vain, shallow and lazy since 2001 (and now, psychic!)"

J.K. Mon, Jun-21-04 21:10


I did it. :cool:

Today I added to my Stairmaster workout a dumbell and ab routine. Not a whole lot to hoot about on Day 1. I lifted to failure on several times but I didn't want to push it too hard right off the bat.

Also did in this order: - Abs, Pushing, Stairmaster

Will also add that I did 20 minutes on the Stairmaster but around minute 7 I thought I'd only make it 10. Just flat ran out of gas. However, between minutes 8 and 9 somewhere I got my second wind and completed the 20 minutes.

Re 'vanity' (cool tagline, Built - lol) I also bought a door mirror today. I'll be hanging that up next to my weights. Also, while I was at the store picking up the mirror I also snagged a copy of Muscle and Fitness Magaznine and Men's Health Magazine. Tis purely for inspiration, but who knows? I might find a supplement in there that sounds good.

Pulling tomorrow. :agree:

And cheers!

Built Mon, Jun-21-04 21:12

Good job buddy!
And the mirror for your weights isn't PURELY for vanity - you DO need to watch your balance and form.

That's what I keep telling myself, anyway...


J.K. Mon, Jun-21-04 22:21

Thanks, Built..

I'll keep that in mind....

Also meant to post this. Tis just a clip but this is a great workout song.

All Things (Just Keep Getting Better)

And Cheers! :cool:

Built Mon, Jun-21-04 23:05

Very nice! Upbeat, positive message - what's not to like>


Good night!

- Built

J.K. Tue, Jun-22-04 06:02

<script language="JavaScript">
("Hello World");

Good morning... :cool:

On a scale of 1 to 10

Chest Soreness - 5
Tricep Soreness - 4
Delt Sorness - 3
Ab Soreness - not really sore at all..

Right where I'd want to be on day two actually with the exception of the abs, but again I'll be hitting those again today when I do biceps and back (pulling).

I'm also going to have to start thinking a bit about my back exercises too. If anywhere - I'm going to reach the limitations of my home set up there. I plan to focus on bent over rows on the bench with dumbells right now but I don't have nearly enough weight. I don't have any way to do pull downs and I'm too dang fat to do pull ups.. lol

Will have to think about that.

All for now then - and cheers! :cool:

bellybuton Tue, Jun-22-04 19:31

Hopefully I will start feeling the benefits after my butt stops hurtin'!! :D

Thanks for the pep talk! It is greatly appreciated! And by the your scale on "soreness".

J.K. Tue, Jun-22-04 20:08

Hey ya, Dawn..

Glad ya like that but I need to change one of my soreness levels.. The one for abs.

Turns out when I posted this morning I just couldn't feel it. I got on the incline sit-up board this afternoon to work out and whoa..

I'm sore as hell - :D

At least when I try to do sit ups.. lol..

I did completed my workout, however. Twas pretty much the same as yesterday but today I did Abs(ouch)/Pulling/Stairmaster. I've also thought that I need to set a specific time during the day for my workouts.

As is I'm just doing them whenever I feel like it and/or get the chance. I think it might be a little wise though for me to set a specific time each day aside for the workout.

Until later then - cheers!

bellybuton Wed, Jun-23-04 07:05

Originally Posted by J.K.

I'm sore as hell - :D

At least when I try to do sit ups.. lol..

Me too!!!
At least when I try to sit down.. lol ..

J.K. Wed, Jun-23-04 09:43

lol.. :D

Oh - and I almost forgot..

Soreness levels today on a scale of 1 thru 10

chest - 7
abs - 6
triceps - 5
delts - 5
back - 2
biceps - 3
legs - 3

Built Wed, Jun-23-04 10:40

I'm really liking JK's "soreness report".


J.K. Wed, Jun-23-04 12:09

don't you be laugin.. :p

I bet ya know what I'm talking about though.. lol

It's okay to be sore right now, however. It should pass after a couple of workouts. Right now it's just that initial sorrness after being off the bench for a long time.

Also bought a bottle of Hot Rox today. I've never used that before, but even though I now have it I may wait a while to try it.

Right now I'm still testing moderate on the ketone strip, and I'm still in that initial phase where the weight loss should be pretty easy. Given the fact that it was a little pricy I may wait on taking it until I reach a point where I feel like I'm stalling.

Also going to try to get up a "Before Pic" pic today. I just need to take it.

Here, however, are two 8 month old pics of me after my first try at low carbing.



and again, don't you laugh.. :D lol

bellybuton Wed, Jun-23-04 21:57

Originally Posted by Built
I'm really liking JK's "soreness report".


Me too. Makes me appreciate that the only thing sore is my hinnie!!!!!

J.K. Thu, Jun-24-04 09:50

LOL... now yer' gonna make me laugh, Dawn.. :lol:

How the heck did you get a sore hinnie?

I've got sore spots in multiple areas but my butt isn't one of em, and come to think of it I can't really remember ever havin a sore butt.. lol

I do, however, remember playing sports when I was younger - doin' 'two-a-days' - lifting weights after a long time off and experiencing what that was like. And given that experience I gotta say - this aint nothin.. lol. I know what 10 feels like.. ;-)

Anyway - update.

I did my Stairmaster routine yesterday as planned but held off the weights. I know that lifting a bit would actually take away some of the soreness but as of yesterday I didn't want to tear down the muscle anymore and today is my 'off day.'

Will also add that I went ahead and started the Hot Rox yesterday afternoon. I'll be taking one pill with a glass of water in the morning before breakfast and then one pill six hours later in the day.

I don't think I'm at a stall, but I've actually seen my weight go up a few pounds. For instance, this morning rather than being at my listed weight of 245 I weighted in at 248.

I'm pretty sure, however, that's just fluid retention coming from my muscles being a little bit in shock right now. Every day for the past three days I've tested moderate using the keytone strips so I know I'm losing fat. The weight is just fluctuating a bit right now.

Anyway - time for me to get with it then.

Hope you are all having a good day...

And keep on rockin! :cool:


bellybuton Thu, Jun-24-04 09:56

Squat machine...or as I like to call her "Big Bertha"!!!!

J.K. Thu, Jun-24-04 10:18

Oh - good for you then, Dawn..

Big Bertha is great for boosting metabolism..

BTW - do you remember the song Trogaldyte?


Built Thu, Jun-24-04 12:13

Originally Posted by J.K.
Every day for the past three days I've tested moderate using the keytone strips so I know I'm losing fat.

Oh, if only this were true...

As I understand it, ketones indicate that you are burning fat incompletely, in much the same way as soot indicates incomplete combution. It DOES mean you are burning fat, but it DOESN'T mean you are LOSING fat. Dietary fat can show up as ketones, too.

I believe it DOES, however, indicate you are a fat-burner rather than a sugar-burner, which explains to me why I always feel better in ketosis.

PS In happier news, deep, heavy squats stimulate testosterone, too.

J.K. Thu, Jun-24-04 14:12

I believe it DOES, however, indicate you are a fat-burner rather than a sugar-burner

Things that make ya go hmmmmm...

I'm not really sure then I guess. I have the Atkins video. Picked it up a long time ago, and I'm pretty sure in there they said ketones in your urine were an "indication" that you're burning fat.

"Indication" isn't really the same thing as "means" - but I'll take it whatever it is. I know it's what I'm shooting for.. ;-)

Even if not though I do know this. I'm eating less - eating well - moving more - staying hungry - and rather sore. That said, even if it be a metabolic battle this fat is gonna lose..

I'm more stubborn that it is for sure.. ;) lol

Built Thu, Jun-24-04 14:21

Ketosis means you're burning fat. It just doesn't mean you're burning BODY fat.

J.K. Thu, Jun-24-04 14:28

Oh.... well that makes sense now..

I'd never thought of it quite like that. But at least I am burning fat for fuel.

I'll take that.. :)

J.K. Thu, Jun-24-04 17:06

Follow up: Gotta add a post.

I was supposed to be "off" today but by 3 o'clock energy was booming. I just wanted to get up and 'felt' like working out.

Got on the Stairmaster - did 20 minutes - and just felt great. Energy level is waaaay up and it showed significantly during my workout. In this session I did 216 calories in 20 minutes.

Not sure if that's due to the Hot Rox or the diet.

But daum.. :D

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