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Talon Mon, Oct-07-02 13:29

Halfway there!
I'm not at goal yet, still have a little less than 50 pounds to go, but last week I found a "before" picture. I am not sure exactly what weight I was when it was taken, but it was most likely close to my highest... maybe a little less. I wore the same shirt today, and had a co-worker take another photo, same desk and pose. Here is me about 54 pounds lighter.

I am so proud of myself! 54 pounds in 10 months, might not be lightening fast- but it just goes to show that those little losses add up! On to the next 50!

asugar Mon, Oct-07-02 13:38

WOW!!!!!! What a difference 54 pounds and 10 months makes! You look mahvelous, dahlin and it couldn't happen to a nicer lowcarber! :yay:

What a great idea to use the same pose, shirt, and hairstyle. The only difference is the eyeglasses and the 54 pounds, and the 54 pounds is a big difference.
asugar :wave:

suze_c Mon, Oct-07-02 14:51

Weigh to GO!!
That's awesome gal! :yay: :Party: :dazzle: :Party: :yay: WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!!! I bet it inspires you to see it in comparison! You are inspiration for us all~ Keep up the fabulous work~ :thup:

TriciaW Mon, Oct-07-02 17:25

Thank you so much for posting your pictures! Isn't it great seeing such a difference---you look wonderful! I like to wander in this section for motivation and I am always rewarded. Congratulations on doing so well!!

Kristine Wed, Oct-09-02 17:52

<b>Oh my!!</b> That looks like two different people!!! Your face looks totally different!

You look great! Lots of luck and continued success!!!

tamarian Wed, Oct-09-02 18:49

Wow!! Talon!!

You look half the woman you used to be!! :thup:


Talon Thu, Oct-10-02 04:22

Thanks everyone! Yep, my face does look different, it was taking on a puffy, heavy look. The jowls were sagging a bit. They still are a bit, but not near as much as they were. A few people have even said I look younger - which of course I don't mind. :)

In another 10 months or when I reach goal, I'll add that picture too!

DarkLotus Thu, Oct-10-02 08:10

WOW!!!! You look fabulous!!!! Wearing that shirt was such an effective way to show just how much you have lost. You look like a different person! Keep up the fabulous work! :cheer:

Yank_in_NC Thu, Oct-10-02 08:18

Halfway there! look fantastic!!! How nice it was of you to post those pics. You're an inspiration to us all!!! Great job and keep up the good work. I hope I can be as successful as you. Great job girl!

By the way....that shirt is waaaayyyyyy toooooo big for you now! :D

wantolose Thu, Oct-10-02 11:48

totally awestruck!
I am SOOOO happy for you - and we don't even know each other!!!!

I felt like I was looking in a your 'before' picture... I too have long dark hair, that I wear pulled back, glasses, and weigh about the same.....

I only hope I can look as good as you do when I get that weight!

Thanks so much for sharing! You deserve all the kudos and yahoos!! Keep up the good work!

Vikinggirl Thu, Oct-10-02 12:25

Impressed and inspired!
I can just repeat what the others have been saying! You are really an inspiration to me, and surely many others! I will keep your great job in mind, when (if??) I start feeling cranky about the long road yet to walk....

lkonzelman Thu, Oct-10-02 12:32

You look great!
What a difference you should be so proud of your accomplishment, not that weight is what we are all about but.... WOW! :cheer: :cheer:

ginkirk Thu, Oct-10-02 12:33




Wonderful Job!
:thup: :) :thup: :) :thup: :) :thup: :) :thup: :)

krazzybird Thu, Oct-10-02 14:38

Talon -


You look great!! Congrats on your success ! I like how you tried to "duplicate" the pic - (with the only thing different being the amount of you!) You are an inspiration - thanks for posting it!

Talon Thu, Oct-10-02 15:01

Thanks everyone! If I can do this, every one of us can do it. I've never been able to stay on a "diet". Part of it was I was always hungry, part of it was using food as a comfort, or a reward for doing good. I had to examine why I turned to food when I was stressed or upset, gave myself "time limits" where I would go eat something high in fat (cheese and such) and then later I wouldn't even be hungy. Sometimes I would mistake thirst for hunger, and taking a good swig or two of water would help.

Yep, the types and amounts of food was a problem, but the mental part I think was/is the most of it.

Stick with it!

niksauntie Fri, Oct-11-02 00:14

Way to go!!!!! And I agree-that shirt is way way to big for you now!!!!!!!!! Look at the seam on your shoulder before (at shoulder) & after- That's alot of inches girl!!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!

Danyele Fri, Oct-11-02 09:36


Wow you look amazing. What a difference. I'm very happy and envious!!! Keep it up


Yesican Fri, Oct-11-02 11:25

In a word...Wow!

You are an inspiration & what an terrific visual to have of your progress!

Way to Go!

Titania28 Sun, Dec-01-02 15:07

You look great!

Thank you so much for posting your pictures, it's always an inspriration to see how far others have come.


Bridget75 Tue, Dec-03-02 01:59

Girl you look FANTASTIC!

I came in here for some inspiration, having only just started Low Carb and it is amazing to see the success stories.
I could not believe those two pictures - if I didn't know better I would say they were two different women.

Keep it up!!!! :D:D:D

firsttimer Tue, Dec-03-02 02:05

Talon..... You make be belive I can do it...

Thanks for those pictures you look so brillient...... I do not even know you but am soooo proud of you... I shall show your pics to my office workers who are laughing at me for doing the atkins diet.... They will HAVE to shut up now after seeing your pics...

Good on you

Best wishes


chinatown Sat, Dec-07-02 21:37

Well done Talon!!
<P>Hey when is the next picture due? January?
<P><small>Um, are you gonna wear the same top?</small>

kypraia Sun, Dec-08-02 22:20

Congratulations Talon!!!!

My computer is super-slow and it took like five minutes to open the pictures. I thought, should I just give up? Nah, I'll play solitaire. And then, WOW!! I'm so glad I saw those pictures, because they are MAJOR motivation for me. The holidays are a hard time of year to be mindful of what I eat, and that was a shot in the arm. I feel much more motivated to be faithful to the WOE. More importantly, YOU LOOK FANTASTIC!! You started that thread in October, I can only imagine how great you look now!

Thank you for sharing your pictures. You never know how many other people you motivate by that!! I CAN'T WAIT to be able to post pictures of my own. CONGRATULATIONS!! you're awesome!

best, kypraia

HerbNurse Mon, Dec-09-02 09:38


What an awesome difference!!! If you look this good at your half-way mark then I can't wait to see you when you hit goal!!
Truly an inspiration to us all.

Whenever I come across someone who needs motivation to start the WOE I will surely send them in your direction.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Talon Mon, Dec-09-02 11:02

Thanks everyone! I had somehow lost my subscription from this thread and didn't even know anyone had posted to it of late! :(

Since the initial post on Oct 7th and today is Dec 9th, and in those two months I've lost 8 pounds - not a record, but it is in the right direction - plus I feel mah-velous! I think my next picutre will be when I am 3/4 of the way there at 75 pounds gone - just 13 more pounds to go ( I am at 62.5 gone right now) I hope that to be in February - hopefully March at the latest.

I'll take the next picture with the same shirt, but I'll take another one that fits a tad better too!

kalondra Sun, Dec-15-02 16:17

Talon! That is incredible! :thup: I am proud of you. You have really moved past "200 pounds anyone." ;) That is excellent! Keep up the good work! :yay:
kalondra :rheart:

Carol CA Sun, Dec-15-02 16:25

Talon! I just love your before-and-during picture! You look fabulous! You must ALWAYS keep that sweater! I have a before picture that I took of myself when I first started. BUT I took it wearing my bra and panties! I've been so camera shy for a number of years. I hope that somewhere there's a before picture of me DRESSED! :D


nikkil Mon, Dec-30-02 06:16

:thup: :thup: :thup: :thup: You are such an inspiration to me! I work at a desk almost identical to yours, have dark hair and glasses. Right now I look closer to your before picture and look forward to looking more like your after. I really like how you've done the pictures, too. Makes the difference even more striking. You look so YOUNG in the second picture!!! Congratulations on your success! Best wishes for 2003! :cheer: :thup:

LindaC6724 Fri, Feb-28-03 12:04

You look Fabulous!
No pun intended, but you look like you are at least 30 years younger, you look fabulous.

You truly inspired me to stick with it.

Keep up the good work. Way to go! :wave:

LindaC6724 Fri, Feb-28-03 12:09

Just hang in there and remember that Rome was not built in a day.

You too are doing great! :wave:

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