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kimba18 Thu, Jul-31-03 07:26

Who has never CHEATED????
I have been doing this now for 5 1/2 weeks and I cannot say I have never cheated. It has not been alot but I have had a few slip ups. My weight loss has pretty much stayed the same for the last 2 weeks and I am very frustrated going on 3 weeks and the scales have not moved. I am thinking that maybe those very small cheats have really hurt me. Even though my cheats did not amount to a whole anything. It was just a couple of bites. Mostly things like my sons ice cream was melting all over the place at the zoo yesterday and of course being a mom I cleaned it up for him and in the process probably hurt my weight loss.

Shrinky Thu, Jul-31-03 07:40

Unfortunately those little bites here and there do add up. The "one little bite will not hurt me" theory is what got me to my unhappy weight. I would say I do not cheat, but everyone has a different definition of what "cheating" is. My bad habits are overindulging on low carb choc and drinking rum and diet cokes. I will not consider taking even one bite of ice cream, bread would just make me want more.

sophotia Thu, Jul-31-03 07:44

Remarkably enough there are lots of people here that do not sway from the plan. Its actually quite impressive and inspiring. But I'm more like you with a 2 year old I have to feed and tend to take a nibble or 2 of her food while feeding her. I have gotten on track for the past few days and don't even lick the spoon at night after I give her her ice cream. Good luck to you!

gawdess Thu, Jul-31-03 08:52

I am on day eleven and have not swayed from the atkins plan....I am down 8 pounds total as of this morning

asalvato Thu, Jul-31-03 08:57

First I think the idea of cheat and the word cheat are not helpful. To not only lose weight but to maintain the loss, we need to have a WOE, a WOL, not a diet. How can you cheat on a WOL? You make choices and you live with the results of those choices.

I have not "cheated" in that I have not deliberately eaten a high carb food because I craved it. However, I have eaten a few high or higher carb foods because of circumstances. When I am eating at someone's home, I do not pick out all the high carb items from a salad so I have eaten orange segments and chinese noodles in a salad (the amount was very small). I also at a small service of a casserole that I knew had bread as an ingredient. My highest carb choice was to eat a serving of squash casserole at Boston Market. I had 1/2 at the restaurant and the other 1/2 the next day. I ordered it before I realized it had bread and some sweetener in it and decided after I had it on my plate that I wasn't going to throw it away. The good news is that it did not start any cravings for other high carb foods.

I eat quite a few nuts and I frequently do not count my carbs daily. I also eat a lot of cheese, vegetables, and low carb sweets. I made the choices to keep myself satisfied and I am content with my results.

I have lost 15 pounds in two months and it has been painless. Everyone is different and each of us must learn how we can live with this WOE in comfort. I have found substitutes for the foods which were my downfall pre-Atkins and I enjoy them. I do not eat many foods (including ice cream) completely as I am not certain I could stop if I started eating them again (addiction problem).

Don't bother comparing youself to others. Learn what works for you. Commit yourself to a WOE that you can be comfortable with. Stop thinking in terms of "cheating" and if you do choose a high carb food, really enjoy it and then get back to eating according to your WOE. Life is too short to obsess about food and weight.

randisue Thu, Jul-31-03 09:04

I don't "cheat" at anything....except my Atkins ;-)

Don't cheat a lot, and regret when I do cheat, but I'm fooling myself if I think I won't continue to cheat as my WOL

Jeanne Sch Thu, Jul-31-03 09:06

I have not cheated. I have a lot of reasons for not cheating - my health is the largest issue. I am also in a rush to get pregnant and have only 1 month more to lose weight before the pregnancy (IVF).

My mother in law admits to cheating and she is surprised that she is no longer losing weight. I am not surprised.

I have slowly found *wonder* foods that have saved my arse. One place is in Las Vegas. Their bread and bagels are OUT OF THIS WORLD. The bread is one carb each and the bagels are 2.5 carbs each - these are so good that I will never buy regular bread again.

kimba18 Thu, Jul-31-03 09:10

I love your responses. Especially yours asalvato. I think your response is appropriate in the way it is not a cheat. I do need to look at this as way of life and eating. Not a temporary thing. I have not done any binge eating since I have started Atkins and have not really had the urge too. Although I do like nibbles and such of some higher carb foods. But the important thing I think is too stay in control and not regret it.

Leenie Thu, Jul-31-03 09:15

4 weeks - no cheat, I'm to scared !! Seriously.

KristyC Thu, Jul-31-03 09:27

I haven't "cheated" yet, either. I have been on it for one month now. Valid points have been made that slip-ups may occur because this is a WOL, not a diet.

okiebo Thu, Jul-31-03 09:35

This is my 11th day of induction, and haven't "cheated" yet. My goal was to have a really clean 14-day induction, and then see whether I wanted to stay with that level or maybe give myself a few more carbs to play with on OWL.

I should note, though, that this is my 3rd time on Atkins and the first two I cheated my way right off of the WOE altogether! Maybe the 3rd time is a charm for me?

Alina Thu, Jul-31-03 09:39

Well, six months gone and I haven't 'cheated', I'm no :angel: , far from it. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones who managed to kill every carb craving during induction.
Besides, for me this is for life - I can't 'cheat' on myself....

I save my "cheats" for other type of ocassions.............:lol:


LadyBelle Thu, Jul-31-03 10:03

I've been on Atkins since May and have never had a high carb cheat of any type. The closest thing is I would have occasional OWL foods on induction, mostly before I relized some of them weren't allowed. Almost all my cravings are gone, and sweet htings smell nausiating now. I may have a small treat in the way of a sweet drink on my birthday, but by then I'll be at goal (I hope) and it will be ok by the plan. I don't think eating ameal of high carbs can really jump start things, to me that's people trying to come up with an excuse to not stick to the plan. I do think higher carb things can be eaten on occasion and in moderation, you just have to plan for it and adjust the rest of your day accordingly. In any eating plan or life style moderation is the key if you want results.

LCalamari Thu, Jul-31-03 10:08

I slipped up on my 2nd week of induction and just hoped right back on the wagon. I am almost cheat free for a month. I have no intentions of cheating and I have no cravings.

trw1966 Thu, Jul-31-03 10:27

I have been on Atkins for 37 days and have not cheated. I also am one of the ones that haven't lost much either in this amount of time, but I REFUSE to give up!

I don't have any cravings for the pasta, breads, sweets so I just keep thinking that one day this weight will fall off. I guess with all of the problems I have (PCOS, hyperinsulinemia, diabetes II) my body is very resistant and wants to hold onto this fat. But NO NO NO :nono: I won't let it happen. I don't care if this takes me a year to lose 30 pounds, I will do it!!

Ahhhh, thanks for letting me vent.

"T" :)

atiaran Thu, Jul-31-03 10:58

I once did 2 1/2 years without cheating. Most of the time I can avoid it since I know what I can substitute, but every once in a while, a baked potato with all the fixings is a good thing.

red1cutie Thu, Jul-31-03 11:07

Never cheated since starting on Feb 19th, 2003. Can't afford to I lose too slowly.


Davididf Thu, Jul-31-03 11:47

2 months, no cheat... Not even on my birthday.

Marieshops Thu, Jul-31-03 11:52

Kimba, way to go so far - over 14 lbs in just over 5 weeks. Be proud of yourself. In answer to your question though, no, I have not "cheated". I began Atkins the end of April and with lots of support from my little boy and husband have been able to stay on plan. I agree with many of the above responses too. This is a way of life, not a diet. I am doing this for me and I refuse to cheat myself. Good luck and just know that you can do it!! :)

TangieK Thu, Jul-31-03 12:12

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the link to that online health food store. I will have to try the bagels and bread... not to overdo it, but just to broaden my "acceptable" food list... repetition of the same food over and over again is what makes me want to cheat.

Also, I also have not binge eaten since starting Atkins... I was leary about starting a new "diet," because I have suffered for years with eating disorders, particularly binge eating. However, the way Atkins has helped curb my cravings has made a world of difference. In addition, my improved mental clarity and emotional/energy stability throughout the day has totally changed me. I no longer seek food for comfort and stuff myself throughout the day. If I don't lose my weight from low-carbing, I'll certainly lose it from the changed lifestyle and the absence of bingeing.

Have a good one!

BobW Thu, Jul-31-03 12:23

I'm into my third month and I haven't cheated. Haven't even been tempted.

Parasite Thu, Jul-31-03 12:39

I started April 1st 2003 and haven't strayed from the induction food list. I may be a bit of a weirdo, but my daily diet for the entire time has been almost unchanged. God I'm boring.

Lately, I have been thinking of cheating, but I think its because I'm in a massive depression. As I get more depressed, I tend to think of cheating.. and this week has sucked.

In fact, last night I had my fourth cheating dream since I started doing Atkins. In it, I ate a single Hot tommale (SP) candy - then freaked out and tried to spit all of it out of my mouth. Stranger still is the fact that I don't like those candies... there are so many others that I do like, why that one?

kevidona Thu, Jul-31-03 12:43

It is not so much of a cheat thing as it is a chosen way of life. So, since I started, I haven't "cheated" at all but then again, I chose this WOL

Angel66668 Thu, Jul-31-03 14:58

I haven't but I think I might soon. I have a taste for certain things and am going to make it worth it.

Lori H Thu, Jul-31-03 15:08

I haven't cheated but have only been on for 8 weeks. It hasn't been hard really since I lost my cravings after induction. Also I'm really afraid of readdicting myself. I had a serious problem with sugar. I figure as long as I don't want it, why take the chance? Good luck to everybody!

Sailor Thu, Jul-31-03 15:18

I am in my fifth week, and have cheated four times. Three times in four days... in the past 6 days. Make it through today though, and I will be "cheat free" for 3 days in a row again though.

It's every day, one day at a time. It really gets more tempting when your weight loss has slowed to a crawl, compared to what it was... My goal though is not to cheat, but I'm not going to smack myself around when I do...just get back on the "bicycle"!

JeannieM Thu, Jul-31-03 16:12

I started LC June 15, 2003 and I haven't cheated at all. The closest I came is yesterday, when I bought a bag of Russell Stover SF Peanut Butter Cups. I had told myself to stay AWAY from the sugar alcohols, because I see so many people here stalling after eating them. But I had ferocious cramps...ate 2 of them and was satisfied. No problem. And no cramps today. I'm going to keep the bag in my desk drawer here at work -- I'll have 2 more next month. :)


manucpa Thu, Jul-31-03 18:40

I started July 11, 2002 and haven't cheated yet.

mammoth Thu, Jul-31-03 19:18

Nah...Why cheat? Get hungry, eat a LOBSTER! Want a a LOBSTER!
Hmm....I can see a very expensive pattern developing here...maybe It is time to change the LOBSTER to say, a BURGER! LOL! :)

No CHeats here! Too many GREAT foods allowed!
Might be guilty of an extra helping of spinach on occassion...but PLEASE...thats no cheat!

Best to all;
The HAPPIEST of Jakes! :) :yay:

JenofWi Thu, Jul-31-03 19:42

I have cheated. Just the little bits and bites that you've mentioned. But there's no doubt it has stalled me. Now if I could only talk my husband into this lobster theory.....

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